
Chapter 336

Wu He saves me. Afterwards. ”

Ahn Hyun nodded his head with ease as he told me to drink in advance. I said, “Ha ha ha! He chose me! Is there a reason? “After clapping his flank, he stepped as far as possible to get away from the festival place.

Before long, I moved to the best place and I calmed my mind slowly. I do not know what happened, but Ahn and Ansol are very reluctant to mention it. Then how can I make Ahn open his mouth, that was the key.

I wondered about two minutes. The night is deep, and the back of the back is still heard by Ahn Hyun. I looked around and stopped walking around the garden pond. The moon was shining brightly, the light was pouring out the cloudy darkness and sparkling in silvery white from the surface of a small pond.

“Five. Are you here? But why here … ”

Ahn smiled at him with a single single smile and looked around with his red face. Then she stumbled for a moment and shook her arms around her.

“brother. surely… ?! ”

“?””Tongue, brother. This is difficult. Ah… is not If you are … . Maybe it’s okay … ”

“Just a word. I’ll make you drink forcibly. ”

I roared and threw the bottle that was holding in my right hand. Ahn Hyun smiled giggly and poked his hand. Even though it was close enough, he grabbed the bottle that was flying. After a little admiration, I opened the bottle cap on my left hand.

“Once a toast.”

Four But are you drinking with a bottle? ”

I nodded silently.

Then I heard a bottle and a bottle crash, and I got a sip first. As the cold liquid gently ran over my neck, I felt a little more relaxed and calmed down. I enjoyed the refreshing taste that was left in my mouth for a while. At the front, Ahn Hyun turned his head slightly and was drinking the bottle properly.

“Car. It is not poisonous, but is this okay in its own way? I feel like I’m turning my neck and my mind is getting sick. ”

“Would you like another drink?”

Ahn nodded with his face as to whether there was any. I was going to wait for the drug efficacy to some extent. He was already drunk as he was drunk. So I had to wake up at least enough to be able to do a normal accident.

I did not say anything afterwards. Just as quietly as I can see, Ahnhyeon hurts, but he pounded me with fluids.

And when I was half empty, I felt that the gun was coming back to the blind pupil, and the accent was slowly becoming clear. At this point, I thought that it was time to take out the story. Whether I felt awkward as I kept silent or not, and the voice of Ahn Hyun, who had just been talking to me before the end of the week, was gradually getting quiet.

It was about the time when the fossil was lighted at the beginning of the year.

“brother. Do you have anything to say to me … ? You have not said anything before. ”

The tone of Ahn Hyun sat far more than before. I nodded slowly to the thought that drug efficacy had spread to some extent. Then, I put the lit tobacco between the index finger and the stop, and opened my mouth with a loud voice.

Really? I have something to ask you. So I made this place purposefully. I have a question about Ansol. ”

A-ha like that. Oh, ask me anything. If you are my brother, I will do everything about Soli … ”

“Ahn Hyun. I do not mean to be kidding right now. I’m asking about Ansol’s past and spirit. ”

Then, Ahn Hyun asked her mouth like a lie. I took a glance and looked at his face. Where did the pleasure that was seen in the unity meeting go, and Ahn showed the embarrassed expression to the utmost. I would not ask him if he was in the past. But I thought that I could never back this time, so I gave my voice more power.

“You are the only one to ask. So I want you to tell me something inside. Do you know what I’m talking about? ”

“…….”Suddenly a cold wind passes by.

For a while, Hyun did not say anything. I was just staring at the ground that was closed with a lid and a hollow eye. However, his eyelids were slightly shaky and his multiple lips were slightly chewed.

How long has it been? Ahn suddenly smiled. But it was a laugh with a lot of tea made by force.

Ha… Haha It’s true. Oh, I told you. I’m sorry. It is a little difficult for me, even my brother. It’s personal privacy. Please respect me. Hahaha.”

“Ahn Hyun.”

“…brother. Can I talk to you later? Why now … . please. Please give me some time to think. I want to organize my mind and I want to enjoy this good atmosphere. ”

The tone of Ahn Hyun was now in a vocal tone. I really did not want to talk too much, but I decided to go ahead as I initially thought. If so, then you have to convince the guy in front of you.

I closed my eyes. And I calmed my mind slowly, then opened my eyes again.


At that moment, he stopped talking again. Then he opened his eyes wide and looked at me with his mouth gently opened. He had a feeling of surprise in his eyes.

I have never called children, or even even clan members, by name. I almost put it together with the castle. It was to make my own wall and keep the distance. Perhaps the people around me would have felt it dimly. I wonder if Jung Hae Yeon asked him to call his name. But this time, I have broken the wall myself.

Toward Ahn Hyun, who is making a face that I do not know what to do, I was a lonely horse.

“Today I… . No. I do not think I’ll have a chance now. ”

Type please… ”

“What the hell are you afraid of? It does not solve everything that I hide. ”

“But, brother. But … ”

Hyuna Do you remember what I said before? Do not be afraid. Take the fear and face the cause of fear straight. Only then will we be able to survive in this world of Hall Planes and adapt. ”

Is it rarely for me to say earnestly. Whether or not I felt it, Ahn Hyun’s face was lit by the light of conflict. The face of his face was clearly revealing the anxieties and complicated minds of the present. Clearly, my own will have been delivered. However, in the end, Anhyun’s answer was to bow his head. Within “Sorry”.I heard a tiny voice called ”

I could not break the wall of Ahn Hyun. I sighed greatly.

The atmosphere that was pleasant until 5 minutes ago was suddenly changed rapidly. The pleasant and exciting air fades in a moment, and the air of discomfort and silence takes its place. The silent state of silence remained constant.

I opened my mouth again.

“A long time ago, Ansol had a very big day. you know that?”

Ahn nodded his head and shook it right and left. It seems that he probably guessed by the reaction of Ansol, but he does not know the detailed details. It is hard for me to talk about the guardian, so she would not have said anything in detail.

“It’s going to be really, really hard to leave Ansol here. It’s not just about adaptation. The hall plane will change rapidly in the future. Then, in this rapidly changing world, is it possible that Anso could survive such a character? I do not see it. I always said that? I do not know what will happen on the hall plane. This incident was the perfect match. It could have been used if I was wrong, and at worst it could be wrong. Fortunately, this time somehow prevented, but I can not guarantee that it will not happen again in the future. ”

“I do not know … ”

“If it were the same as before. Yeah, right. I’m fine. You do not have to do it if you can not speak. I would have said this. Well, frankly, I’m comfortable with that. I do not care, I just focus on my work. ”

“……!”Ahn Hyun’s head shrinks and her shoulder shrinks. But it was Kim, and I needed to talk more strongly to break down the solid wall. First, I was thinking to recognize the importance of the situation to Ahn Hyun. And next, you have to shake emotion.

Soon… I can not do that now. It used to be. Kim Han-gil asked me at user academy. Why do not you come into the golden lion. Why do you kick this good opportunity. What did I say then? ”

“…….””I am not as good as you guys think. I have a lot of doubts and I do not trust people well. But it is. This world of Hall Plane is not a world that can live alone. In the end, we should be living together and have a colleague to help. So I answered. I’ll make my own clan. No matter what happens, it’s a family clan that consists of people I can trust. ”


As soon as I took out the word “family”, Ahn ‘s eyes shook without any reason. I did not miss such a response. It was the horse that had just prepared the liquid after he had throttled the liquid still in the bottle.

“I gave up the golden lion, but it was the same situation for you. I refused the offer of the elite clan. To put it plainly, did I even have squats? I had two gold coins from the user academy, and I was a zero-year user who had nothing but a blank. Yet ye have come unto me, and ye have followed me; and in the plaza I have cast gold coins and handed them to me. How did you feel at that moment? ”


Hyuna lets think. I and you, Sally, and Yu, have been together all the way from the rite of passage. It is no longer South and South, and no one else. So I will not see anymore. If I go this way now, someday I will know that Ansol will be wrong. I know it will happen, but just because I do not want to talk, should I just keep it as it is? ”

Ahn slowly and slowly shook his head. It was a strong feeling that it shook reflexively rather than voluntarily.

It is the last. I looked straight at Anhyun ‘s eyes. And I opened my mouth quietly.

Hyuna Do not run away anymore, let us try it once. I’ll help you. As it has been so far. Yes. it is.


In my words, he was making a forgetful expression. The eyes shivered and the lips glowed like a tear. I did not avoid such a person’s gaze.

Before long, the wind completely stopped, and the surroundings became calm enough to hear even the breathing. Suddenly, there was a strong aura among the right hand fingers. Reflectively, I could see that all the tobacco seeds that had not been sipped were burned and touched. By the time I dropped it, a little voice came in front of me.

Ha… Mazayo

“?”How can I express the face of Ahn Hyun, who has turned around again? The eyes are open and open. It does not seem to have power. At first glance, it seemed odd, but in some ways it seemed like it was hung up on something.

“You’re right. Soli is … . A little bit of action compared to my age, but not much. ”

Hyun finally finally pulled out the first word. I had a slight gap in my heart that was firmly closed. I answered immediately to open the gap even more.

Really? I had roughly guessed that there was a problem. But that’s not something to be ashamed of, is it? Everyone in modern man has at least one … ”

“No. No. brother. That’s not it. That’s not it. ”

And at that moment, the eyes of Ahn Hyun once flashed. Soon he sighs out of his heart. Then he laughed and laughed.

“Not that much … . The seriousness of Soli. It is not enough to wrap it up in such good words. Yes. Right. We are a sore, mentally disabled child. ”

‘It’s like a psycho.’

Suddenly, the horse that had played the guitar in the past passed through the head.

“…Does Soli know that? ”

“You know. I took him to the hospital a few times. But maybe you do not know why. ”

What the hell is this? When I open my head with a strange face, I see a bitter smile of Ahn Hyun. He was slowly taking his lips off.

“I once lost my memory a few years ago. Not all, partly. Maybe if you asked Ansol you would not have answered correctly. I did not do it. ”



I had never thought that it was an intellectual disorder. I did not care about my reaction, and Ahn continued to open his mouth.

“I think I’ve been through the hospital a lot. I do not know much about mind. But I stopped by a lot of hospitals. It is schizophrenia. Dissociative disorder. Mood disorder. It is delusional disorder. It’s a trauma. It is hysterical. Or extreme stress. Haha… But it was originally. The world of human mind is so profound, and Ansol is especially complicated, so modern psychiatric diagnosis is difficult to make a final diagnosis. ”

“…Right. What do you mean by amnesia? ”

Ah… brother. Do you know it’s dissociative amnesia? Ah. Psychogenic forgetfulness. ”

I barely nodded. I do not know much about it, but I knew about the general symptoms. In short, it is a disorder that can not recall important past memories. In severe cases, it may also be accompanied by symptoms such as chaos, depression, anxiety, age deterioration, suicidal impulse, and interpersonal difficulties.

I immediately set my mind. And now that I thought it was important, I managed the look.

“To Ansol … . So what happened to him? ”

“What happened … . indeed… ”

“So what the hell did you do after that Ansol showed such a mental disorder?”

Hyun did not answer immediately. I just look down with a heavy face and look down on the ground. But that was a while too. I wanted to think of something like that, and I slowly looked up and started looking at me. So me and Ahn Hyun encountered gaze in the air.

Before long, Ahn’s mouth was opened.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I read all the articles after the opening. I received many intellectuals with notes, comments, and so on.

Suddenly there is a sense of urgency. Why was the writing so kinky? Or why I do not understand why this part comes out suddenly and so on.

I think about it, but I think there are a lot of areas that I missed trying to speed up my deployment because I am inadequate skills. I have to blame myself. ㅠ. ㅠ Anyway, I will release the twisted thing for the time being, and it will be serialized at the original pace for the restoration. I can not possibly ruin my memories because of my greed. Haha

Of course, the daily series will continue. I would appreciate it if you think that I am doing a little more writing on a late date.

I am very tired today. I am going to come to the League of Legends (?

I will post the ripple in the next meeting. Ah. Except for one minute. letzgo02 / Congratulations on your return! Yes. Secret classes are not redundant. In the case of Kim Soo-hyun, all information is made public thanks to the privilege, but it can not be duplicated in the general situation. There are exceptions, of course. It’s like Kim Soo-hyun, Vivien, Shin Sang-yong. 🙂 And congratulations on your passing the exam. Police test! I am very envious and envious. : D Just a pair!

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