
Chapter 435

It was when the crystal reminded me of the gleaming light of a glass chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

The amendment that was absurd was usually called ‘Ahn.’I looked down at him. Then, “Client? So you do not mind participating in the meeting. Come in. “I think I heard the word, but I was in a corner of the meeting room.

The conference room was very spacious. About roughly one hundred people were able to sit down. Although it was only half filled, it did not matter. There were hundreds of prayers of the users sitting in their seats, and the chest of the crystal was blocked.

Suddenly, I remembered the conversation I had with my colleagues a long time ago.

‘Mercenary? Do not even dream. So the weakest user is instantly feeling power in the other clan, will not you accept a user like us? Listening is not a joke about the test. . ‘

At that time, he laughed, saying that he would not be that much. But when I actually encountered Mercenary clan members, Crystal was experiencing the fact that it was true.

The inside of the conference room was calm enough to hear the user’s breathing sitting next to him. Crystal, who had touched the gold ceremony on the edge of the table for a while, sneaked up his eyes and looked at the users who sat on the other side.

Some users were quietly silent, others were silent with a nasty face, and others were silent. Everyone was different, but their gaze was headed towards someone.

The crystal slowly followed their gaze. I was able to see a man sitting at the top of the table and closing his eyes.

‘Mercenary Clan Road.’

The revision recalled the title of the man inside. Ten rivers, swordsmanship experts, sword specialists, and so on. However, the most commonly used title was ‘Mercenary Clan Road’ or ‘Mercenary Road’.

In some ways, it was not a distinctive title, but in fact it did not need a particular title. I can explain everything with the fact that I am at the top of the Mercenary Clan, rather than any good title.

Modification stared at the man for a while and suddenly blinded his eyes and frowned. There was no white wall behind the man. There was only a wide glass, and there was a lot of sunshine rising in the middle.

Then the eyes of the man who had been wounded infinitely began to slowly float. The fix instinctively turned to the edge of the table. It was because I was afraid that my horror would rise again, just like when I encountered the gaze on the first floor lobby.

And that was the moment.

“So I’ll start the meeting.”

The low and cool voice of the example flowed slowly to the ear of the crystal.

* Announced the beginning of the meeting.

In fact, when I first heard the story, I thought whether I would go straight to the ‘dragon sleeping mountain range’, but I changed my mind and chose the way to Mercenary House. There was a saying that I would go back as soon as I rushed. It was an inevitable choice in the end as much as anything else.

“I do not know what to say, but … ”

Soon, sitting on the left side of the conference room, slowly raised his body. She took something out of her hand, held it with both hands and pushed it out to me. It was like a contract because of the fact that it was narrowed in half.

“Once you see the contract, you’ll be better off.”

I knew it. I took the contract myself and unfolded the fold. And I checked the lower part, and I could see the pattern where the sword and the shield which were clearly put on the bottom were staggered. It was also a symbol representing the authority of the Clan Lord as a pattern representing the Mercenary Clan. Then it was the end of the house.

I gazed at the bottom while I was breathing.

“You’re right. The contract is stamped with a mermenery pattern. ”


That was the end. Hae-yeon answered herself quietly and closed his eyes.

I opened my mouth one more time.

“I heard that it was not allowed by communication.”

“Yeah. I opposed accepting the referral. But in the end, I went to the end and made a payment, and I added an additional hundred users. Of course, user Ahn Hyun asked to accompany him, but … . This case is my fault. ”

It was a sad tone. Obviously, there will not be any unfair parts, but she admitted herself wrong. I was going to accept any punishment.

I bite my lips. Hae Yeon, who woke up, watched me with her transparent eyes. The attitude that I will not excuse the old days is good. But even though I knew there was no way, I hoped that there would be some unavoidable circumstances for her to allow. Because I believed that much.

There is a stretch of chest in my heart. I looked down at the contract again. For the first time, I was going to find out exactly from the agreement.

Yes. it is.

I stopped reading in section 2 while reading the record slowly. The main purpose of the request was described in No. 2, but there was a clause stating that the information about the ”

‘If you are in the beginning … . ‘

I was still thinking. For a moment I just felt a bit of a dazed question in my heart.

As I experienced the first episode, I know about the ‘dragon-sleeping mountain range’ to some extent. And I have also been involved in exploring the interior of the mountain range.

Although the ‘dragon-sleeping mountain range’ itself is difficult, it has a structure in which the difficulty increases as you go inside. In light of my experience here, the fact that Ahn and Hyun were suffered was a little tilted.

Ahn Hyun has been the biggest growth user in M ​​& A for the last two years, and has never been able to follow anyone in defense.

Hae-yeon went to the end and gave permission. It would have been a choice to raise Ahn’s birth rate in preparation for a situation he probably would not have known.

If so, the ‘Sengaku Shuji’ and the ‘Shield of God’ were only attacked from the beginning.

is not I was assured that the user information and experience of both of them was not enough for me to get in the first place.

Of course, the condition is confined to ‘early’. I can not rule out the possibility that the two went deep inside, so I moved on to the next question.

Another question is the cost of commissioning.

When I saw Kim’s user information in the lobby on the first floor, I felt a bit strange. Although it is the second year, it was not enough user information to challenge the ‘dragon-sleeping mountain range’. Once I had read some of the questions, I still had a question.

The commission of Mercenary Clan is very expensive. The usual caravans that can be seen everywhere were never able to afford it. By the way, Kim Su – jung ‘s shabby equipment and costumes do not seem to have much money right now.

I would rather understand if they were blinded by the amount of money they had gone to? But they paid for this expensive commission as they explored the intruder only, not the full attack.

‘What is it for?’

I do not know I was feeling something, but it was a faint look, not a solid picture.

I wanted to think a bit more, but I just woke up from my thoughts. For now, I have not had time to examine this. The more time lags, the lower the possibility of survival. Once the situation has been grasped, it was time to turn off the fire in front of me. The internal arrangement was the next thing.

Total summon of Mercenary Clan. The countless eyeballs of the clan members who only pour into me.

Receiving those gazes, I quietly opened my mouth.

“The situation is urgent, so I will not be long.”

And he stared down at the bottom.

“You’re right. I believe that we have finished the preparations for departure. Please go out now and bring me some. I am going to announce that I will join the rescue team. If you are waiting at the front gate, I will leave soon. ”

He leaned his head slowly. Then he left the conference room with a quick footsteps.

Perhaps if my brain was clever, I would have just gotten my word. The fact that we excluded from this election and the fact that we left meeting room. And that I was kind of caring. Nevertheless, the fact that I do not make any excuses means that I have already made up my mind.

Next, I started the announcement. Since I had already thought about the number of people to attend, there was nothing to worry about.

“I will speak on the basis of vibration. The lead is me and user Shaolin, Namdaedun, and Huh Junyoung. The archers are the users Yoo Yu-lun, Lim Han-na. The wizard is user Han Han Bye, Bye Bye Han. The priest is user Ansol, Shin Jae Ryong. And as a support battle, the user is playing and is a friend. The eleven people who are now called out of the conference room and finish personal maintenance. You can finish it as soon as possible and gather it in front of the main gate. ”

As soon as they were finished, eleven clan members stood up at the same time and stepped outside the door.

It was then.

jamsimanyo Klan Rod! ”

When I was about to break the meeting, my pointy voice blocked my mouth. I turned my head to the place where the sound was heard, and he was looking at me with a restless face.

“me too… . I want to participate. ”

“…you too?”

“Ahn and I have been together since the rite of passage. I’ve been together for a long time. I do not want to wait like this. ”

Well To do so, you have to classify yourself as a supportive battle, and you’re already out. It can not be put in the lead. I just hope it will help to wait. ”

“please. I’ll do as I say. I will not be burdened. I want to add strength to my res … . And I hate to think … . I’d like to see at least one last chance, at least two. ”

“…Last. ”

I quietly recited the words of Yu. Her face was in a very desperate light. I think he may have died, and that he has been in such a terrible situation.

At that moment I suddenly came into contact with my client. Was the name Kim Su-jung? She turned her head hurriedly as she faced me with a blank face.

‘…Anyway. ‘

One moment, the hair was brushed like a glow. No, I should say ‘sure’.

I thought about it for a while, and I shook it gently. Hannah got my signal quickly and took the client out of the conference room.

And I said, looking straight at the well.

Agreed. Prepare yourself. ”

As soon as I let him go, a flower appeared in the face of the oil well. She bent her waist and ran out of the meeting room.

After a while, I noticed that Yuji was going out last time, so I started up immediately. I was planning to make my own preparations as the destination was ‘Mountain Range where dragons were sleeping’.

Soon I walked through the central passage of the table siroot which was long and tilted to the left and right, and I opened my mouth to one of the clan members who were still sitting.

“User Cho Seung-woo.”

“Yes. Clan Road. ”

“Prepare to take over.”


Looking at the astonishing Cho Seung-woo, I immediately added the words.

“This structure will probably take at least one month, up to two months. So tell me that I have given you permission, and ask your employer to take over the transfer. When I get back, I can go through the formal process and get into work right away. ”

“I… . Do you? ”

I’m not surprised. Rather, it was my head to mean that I was right for Cho Seung-woo, who shines his eyes lightly.

‘Hae Yeon is … . Too much. I can not keep up with it when I need it.

I appreciate Yeon-yeon’s ability. It is inherently intelligent, has a fast head rotation, and has excellent judgment. And even if anyone says anything, Hae-yun has been working hard for the last two years.

But there was one disadvantage that could not be rectified.

It does well to make clear, but when it is important, mistakes are made one at a time. Moreover, even if you know the problem, you can not stop it.

In other words, it was not a place to take charge of the clan road simply to have good hair. There must be charisma to control the inside in response to the outside situation. And if charisma is scarce, you need the ability to coordinate your surroundings and lead you to the situation you want.

And Yeon – yeon did not achieve both. In other words, she is a first class user, but she is only an admirer as a clan road.

I once again stared at Cho Seung-woo.

‘How do you … . It’s like a castle citizen. ”

In that regard, user Seung Woo was the right person for the latter. Since I was a big business person in Hyundai, I have been impressed by the fact that I showed up after signing up. Also, the tendency of ‘opportunity’ in his user information was more rare than thought.

Anyway, it was not an impromptu takeover. I just had to reconsider the right time. Anyway, I have done enough so far, I think you should take a little rest and clean up your thoughts.

Before long, I was paused for a while. He looked at the gleaming door and quietly opened his mouth.

“I have told you so far. Be careful of your actions. Do not act impeccable. I do not know how many more times I have to say, but now my mouth is going to hurt. ”

I put my hands on the door knob. And I gave it strength and pushed it.

“Today we held the summit meeting and held this meeting because the clan members wanted to know the present situation again. Although this situation is urgent now, it goes over like this … ”

The door was wide open and I stepped into the hallway. And he said.

“I will warn you last. If this happens again in the future, it will be difficult to avoid responsibility, no matter who it is. ”

And before the body went completely out. “Also.”

I turn my head to the end and finish my last words.

“Just what I just said, there will be no exceptions in this case.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s a lot late. “I’m so sorry…” Soon there was a younger brother who joined the army, and I came back late at night because I had an appointment today. _(__)_ Ah… . And I think I should give you another sorry word. Today. So I go down to the big house at six o’clock one hour later. I go down to New Year ‘s Day and go down. When I asked why, my cousin had a wedding ceremony. So I’m going to join the wedding ceremony and go to the big house.

He comes down at 6 o’clock on the 11th, and comes back late on the 12th. It seems that serialization on 12th is hard, and serialization on 13th is possible. It will be difficult to update midnight, but I will continue to do it on the 13th.

If we summarize, we will cancel the 12th day and resume the series on the 13th.

Thank you for your understanding. _(__)_

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