
Chapter 436

Reminiscence Once a cool breeze blew. And as a result, a lot of users’ hair was fluttering like a curl. A woman ‘s black hair was scattered in the air, and she moved back to her original position, shivering with rustle.

Queen Of Blood And Iron. As you can see from the title, she was a woman who did not blink in her eye, but now she was full of tension in her eyes.

The place where the woman reached her eyes was a plain surrounded by mountains of high altitude. But it does not look well. The basin, covered in foggy fog, only had a dull and subdued aura flowing down, holding down the steps of the users looking down.

Again, the wind blew.

The wind was cool, but the feeling is different. It was a wind that felt like a kind of warning when something unpleasant and sticky was buried. It is like, “I die when I come closer.”Like saying.

A moment later, a man approached the woman’s side. The man holding the chain e-mail lighted a little light and grabbed a big ax with both hands firmly. However, the hand shook tremendously and one or two drops of sweat came out, and the man also seemed to be very nervous.

Then the man opened his mouth with a careful face.

“Clan Road. The queen’s army does not come back. ”

“…Learn I confirmed the disappearance five minutes ago. ”

The woman lightly agreed. However, I did not know that the word “extinction” would come out.

The woman was soft but gave a short breath and turned her head. He stared at the clan members who stood still behind him.

Clance Tantelrou.

They were as powerful as their reputation in the North Continent, but the face they see now is not much different from a woman or a man. No. Rather, it seemed that even a momentary panic was crushed by the energy flowing out of the basin.

“…Should I just go back? ”

It was a voice filled with the regret of the ending. The woman turned his head again and stared at the basin with a sad eyes. I went to this place after suffering a lot of hardship, but it was a regret that I was just trying to turn around.

But the other person’s thoughts were not so, the man calmly shook his head and asked for a woman.

“Clan Road. Remember the end of user Changmin. He stopped breathing until he was inside. Although I have come to this point, I may have to sacrifice even more to capture the ruins. ”

User Chang Min. Until the day before, he was a clan member of Yantan Rowe and a user famous for his ability to deal with the illusion. It was also a user of the empty room which was devoted to the ‘dragon sleeping mountain’ by one mistake.

‘Scream, scream, despair, flesh, hatred … . Anyway, the more you walk in, the more unpleasant aura you feel. Clan Road. Actually, I really did not want to go there. Our apologies.

The woman has been silent for a while. I closed my eyes just like a habit. Then, for a long time, he licked his lips and soon he broke his silence and opened his mouth.

“Let’s go back.”

Eventually, the woman’s declaration of abandonment fell. And when I turned my body completely, the clan members who watched me made a relieved expression.

At the same time, a long sigh came out of the lips of a young man standing in the farthest back.

* “I do not like it.”

It was a very late hour. The clan members went into the sleeping bag as soon as I was exhausted by the hard-liners today, and only me and Huh Jun-young were standing there.

Tak, tack!

As I tried to throw in the split firewood, I stared at Huh Joon-young with my eyes. The reaction was delayed for a moment. Within a few minutes, I put firewood on a bonfire that burns eagle.

I did not open my mouth until I was able to see the resurgence of the fire.

What? What are you going to ask for Ahn Hyun?

“Just do it all. I’m going to save Hyun, and I have to participate in this. ”

I have to participate in this. I slowly gazed at Huh Jun-young. There was a dark purple light on the long hair that grew to the waist on the theme of the man. The dress that I was wearing was a black coat type mail, but an unknown pattern was engraved everywhere and emits a gentle light.

Huh, Jun-young, with his eyes closed, put his sword on his leg. I can not tell you what you are thinking, but the atmosphere that senses him was totally dark. The sword on the sheath was rather warmer than the person.

Soon I felt my gaze, and Huh Joon-young opened his eyes and looked at me. It was dark purple eyes like the hair color.

“1 year ago. So when I just joined the mansion, there was something similar. ”

1 year ago

I was puzzled, and I recalled a year ago.

The first connection with Huh Jun-young was when he acted as a bum-keeper. At the end of the day, when the visitor reached the place, they could see the user who was one step ahead.

That user was Huh Jun-young. He was fighting alone with nearly a hundred bumpers, including the head of state.

Huh Jun-young is then … . Well I have been promoting it myself, but I remember that I was in a pretty dangerous situation with the organized response of the bums. And he immediately supported him and at the same time swallows the boomers.

Of course, Huh Joon-young did not join right there. Since then he has shown a simple thanks and “I will repay the grace one day.”I left my comments and left, and I remembered my user information.

Coincidentally, the reunion of me and Huh Jun-young was accomplished by Lee Hyo-eul, the guardian of the North Continent. Huh Junyoung ‘s identity has become the hands and feet of Lee Hyo – ri and helped in the shade. I went to the bureaucrat to handle it, and I was asked to do this.

At that time, Lee Hyo-eul had found successor to silver. As soon as the handover was over, he would stop the guard, and he was ready to end his contract with Huh Joon-young.

He suggested that he should take Hur Junyoung out of Mercenary to quit both of them.

Since then, I have talked a bit with him and joined the formal process.

It was a good job for me to get a user that is comparable to Namdaemun, and Huh Jun-young also joined in with the intention to pay back because he would pay back his favor.

The thought was followed by tail tails. I did not think I remembered, Huh Jun-young said in a bit of a frustrating tone.

“It is Ahn. A similar thing happened a year ago. And I had a hard time getting to work. ”

“Oh, that. But… I can not compare that time with now. ”

He smiled and laughed, and Huh junyoung slipped his head slowly.

“In the end is not a similar context? I wanted to be quiet a little after that, and that thundering bastard caused another problem. Then you have not followed your control. ”

“That’s right.”

“…So, what about leaving it alone? To be honest, I have lost all arrogance to him in this case. If you’re lucky, you’ll come back alive. If you’re lucky, you can not help it. We dare … ”

“That’s not allowed.”

I answered just cut off. And it was a decisive voice.

“I decided to save the two, and the rescue team has already come this far. I know what you mean, but I do not want to change my mind nor turn away. To go back, you go back alone. ”

Tack! Tack!

Suddenly the flames of the fierce bombardment flashed in all directions. Whether he was hit by a spark or not, Huh Joon – young shook his head a little.

And after a while, I opened my mouth slowly.

“…I hate that. ”

“The dragon sleeping mountain is a dangerous area. If we join forces, we will be troubled if it comes out uncoordinatedly already on the mantle plate. ”

“It was just a thought. I have to think about it, so I have to go inevitably. ”

“It’s inevitable.”

I laughed. It was a habit rather than the real intention of Huh Jun-young. He was going to lend his power in the end, but until that time he had a habit of grumbling. Sometimes it feels like seeing a cats cat? Well, the guy is a cat.

It was then.

Yes. it is.


When I tried to pick up the fire in the fire that slowly faded again, me and Huh Jun-yeong turned their heads to one side at the same time. Suddenly, I felt the slight vibrations coming from the earth. The vibrations of digging the tunnel seemed to be steadily still.

‘With the jackal rod … . The number is about thirty.

The jackal rod. Simply put, it is a subterranean monster. The body itself is a monster optimized for digging the ground or living in the basement.

Suh, Surrue!

“So it was time to replace the stolen … . Come on. First sleep. ”

He raised his body and pulled his sword with his skill. The width of the blade is very thin, but the length is very long and almost similar to his height. I slowly opened my mouth to see Huh Jun-young, who slowly sworded his shoulder.

“I can go with you.”

Very I do not think these guys are coming along … . I do not care if dozens of tanks are crowded. ”

‘They are followers.’

Hur Junyoung answered like shedding. I listened to his words carefully.

The followers who have just spoken to us will be talking to the users or bumbers who follow us from the moment we leave Monica. The distance control is so delicate that I was just feeling the fact that someone was coming along, but the feeling was good.

“Anyway, I’ll come to deal with it, do not worry, let’s go to bed first.”

In the assurance of Huh Jun-young, I nodded my head and raised my body. So if you have that level of skill, you might say “Landlords” or 100 birds.

“Will I wake you up?”

“No thanks. I’ll wake you up after you go, if you have me at the beginning of the year. ”

When he asked me to borrow it earlier in the year, he threw it with his thin fingers. At the same time, the moment he jumped the site lightly, Huh Joon-young’s body disappeared suddenly, just as he used the shrine spirit. He was a secret class with high agility.

I checked my flames and buried myself in my sleeping bag.

Soon the darkness rose so much from one side, the sound of breaking the earth, and the scream that was supposed to be from the Yakal Road.

Accompanied by such sounds, I slowly fell asleep.

* It was slightly misty but the sky was clear blue morning.

We simply left early in the morning after the meal. It sounded like he was sleeping well with Ansol and Yu, but he did not seem to know that he was almost attacked by Jackal Lord.

Reflectively, I looked at Huh Jun-young and he answered quietly with his head down. It is not original character, but it seems to want to go quietly.

The mountain where the dragon sleeps is a region that comes out from the west small city Doroshi three weeks in the northwest direction.

At three weeks, it was still a matter of time before the users reached their feet, but the mountain ranges were often categorized as untapped areas. Because the road is so rough, there are many monsters that are difficult to deal with.

Right now, we have already passed through the wild desert and magnificent wilderness, and through muddy swamps. And when you pass the plains of the fog that you are walking on, you will see a steep mountain area where the meandering mountains form the mountain range. From there it was the beginning of the unexplored area.

I was deliberately submissive.

During the first episode, the northern continent stabilized and captured all areas before reaching the steel range. But with one exception, the dragon was a sleeping mountain range.

The last challenging clan was the Ithanterelou clan, where I was holding my body. Although there was one death, how could it succeed in reaching the ruins. However, Han Soo – young eventually left his ruins in front of his eyes.

At that time, the death of Isantelou was a user with the ability to deal with the badge under the name Jung Chang-min. He lost his life with a momentary mistake, but he made a will before he died.

‘Suh Hyun Ah … . Clan Road, even if you … . If the clan members say they will go even if they do not … . You must dry … . ‘
‘You’re pretty prettier. Haha… Maybe you will not be stubborn if you let them dry … . Please do. Something, I’m nervous. And…

In the end, Han So – young defeated the cynicism of the clan. Then, according to Jeong Chang – min ‘s testament, he made a large – scale seal around the ruins and finished cleaning with only cleaning inside the mountain range.

After returning, I announced that it was external stabilization, but strictly speaking, it was difficult to see it as a complete strategy. I did not explore the inside of the ruins, but sealed it so that the things inside could not come out.

And also,

Another question, if any, was the existence of missing users in the mountains.

Once or twice, the disappearance of users in the mountains suddenly disappeared. It is normal to have a body, but even the body can not be seen. Many users predicted that it might be in the ruins, but eventually the anticipation of sealing the ruins itself was over.

I thought maybe I might have to explore the ruins, and I turned to the history of the mountains.

The Great War in Myths, which records the records of the ancient times in the ancient Hall Plane. The battle of humans who tried to escape the dominion of the continent and their dominance.

In the record, the last winner was obviously human. Mythical inhabitants won the last battle. And the end dragon Magna Carta cursed the last place with his soul as collateral just before his death.

However, there is nothing written after that. It should be noted that there is a short line of results afterwards, and it was the end of the record that it won the battle and cursed the dragon.

Anyway, the place where we have taken decades to end the battle was where we headed.

“Wow. Then what? What happened next? ”

While he was marching slowly, Ansol sparkled his eyes. I briefly talked about ancient mythology, but it seems to be quite interesting.

Toward Ansol pulling my arms out of my face with a wonderless face, I slowly shook his head.

“I do not know after that. It does not appear in the record. If you are curious, go back and find it yourself. ”

Y..yes. The end of the Magna … . I wonder… ”

Ansol grabbed my arm and stood at the elongation head. I looked quietly and I opened my mouth quietly.

“Do not you worry a little?”

“Wow? Are you worried? ”

“Ahn Hyun. Your brother. ”

Ah… Yes. I’m not really worried. My brother, life force is roach class. And you’re on your way to rescue yourself. Hehe.

Ansol smiled brightly. Now that I’m really okay, I swing my arms around.

‘Are you still alive?’

This reaction should not be comforted, but it was when I was worried. Suddenly Suddenly came to this sadness and laughed and talked to Ansol.

“We are soo. I really like Clan Rod. ”

Four I am. My brother or I would like to work in the world … . Uh, huh? Uh, sister. Why are you suddenly pulling me out of my arms? ”

“Ah. We are so cute. ”

“Uh, uh … ? ”

Ansol, who opened his arms wide, was caught by the South and began to be dragged. Within a minute of seeing the Ansol churning his hand in the air, it was a turn of the arm that was much easier.

“Uh … ! Uh … ! ”

In the back of the moment, a slight moan flowed. It was a constant voice. I immediately stopped the march and ran to Shin Jae-ryong. Currently, Shin Jae – ryong is on his way up.

“How so?”

As soon as we ran to one step, Shin Jae – ryong lay down and looked down with anxious gaze. He shed a light sigh and tasted his appetite.

“One group suddenly … ”

“What’s the status?”

“It was okay until last night. By the way, it was suddenly painful from the end of the plain of the mist. No. I feel painful, I feel frightened, but now it ‘s painful. I do not even hear your treatment order … . I do not know. ”

“…쯧. ”

I kicked my tongue without knowing it. It was no wonder that healing orders were not heard. Right now our eyes are empty shells, or just half way.

Once I had a chance to touch my heart, my heart was beating. It was much less than when I started, but it would not be strange to stop at once.

“I think I’ll have to do a hard run again. User Shin Young Ryong. Please!

Sure. I am strong in the priesthood. ”

Shin Jae-ryong shook his head and he gently shook his head again.

Soon I looked up at the clan members who were preparing for the hard work again and I asked my lips. I honestly wanted to give myself a little time to improve my physical strength in front of the mountain range, as I have never rushed off. I tried to restrain the strongest group as much as possible, but the situation is not easy.

The preparations for the forcing were completed in an instant. Just before I left again, I stopped for a moment and stared at the rear.

I do not feel any more than this morning. However, when I looked at Huh Jun – young, he looked at the back and shook his head.

I opened my mouth towards the clan members.

“I will rest for three minutes. You will not be able to rest until you find a rest after the break, so you can think of it as the last break. ”

After I spoke fast, I quickly moved to one side and opened the streets with clan members. At the same time, I gave her a glance, and as soon as she heard it, she followed me.

Soo-hyun What happen?”

“We have been following us until yesterday. Do you know? ”

As soon as I asked him, he played with his eyes circled. But as soon as she nodded her head, she seemed to know.

“Yeah. Exactly after breakfast, when I reached the end of the plain, I think I left. Maybe we were wondering if we were going into the mountains or not. . I do not know why. ”

“That’s right.”


I play with my head. I once again looked around, approached her and grabbed her shoulder. Go play jerked a moment and stared at me with strange eyes.

“User and play. You have to listen to me from now on. There is one important request. ”

“An important request? Probably… I do not mean to go back? ”

“I’m sorry, that’s right.”


Ko Kyo has been speechless for a while. But soon I fell down like a crush on my bosom with a whining sound.

“Huh. Too much ~. ”

Sorry. But I can only do it. ”

I was also sorry I had to come back here, but I could not help it. It was not an improvisational thought, but a thought that came to mind when I saw Kim Su-jung in the conference room. And when we felt the crowd following us, we were almost certain. The reason that he brought Yu-jung Lee in the first place was to fill the empty space of high performance.

“…Is it something I can not do? ”

“Yes. From now on, we should go back to the city without anyone knowing. ”

Perhaps the crowd who followed us secretly came up to see if the rescue team entered or did not enter the mountain range, as the saying of the performance.

To put it more precisely, she would have been trying to identify the participation of the ‘Shadow Queen’ and her departure. Because, as far as information and tracking is concerned, there is no opponent who is as burdensome as playing.

‘Of course, all of this is just speculation, but … . ‘

I believed in my sense of activity in the shadows for 10 years during the first episode. This incident was very fussy and smelly.

“The important thing is that nobody should go back without knowing.”

When I told him to give me strength again, the cry of the performance was broken.

Then, I felt that the head that I buried in my arms came up.

Soo-hyun What happened? ”

A languid voice tickled my ear. I looked down and looked down, and I was able to see a high performance playing with a deep smile on my mouth.

After a while, I opened my mouth whisperingly.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Fortunately, it was not too late. Thanks to the big house has been good. Oxygen also stopped by and greeted me. 🙂 Ah. When I saw the wedding, I thought I envied something and I felt strange to finish it too soon.

Hur Junyoung, Ansol, Shin Jae Ryong. We will update your information this morning. From Seoul to Changwon, I went to and fro by car. Haha

* Lee Jun-young’s name changed to Huh Jun-young because of unreasonable circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.
* The clan member who participated in the rescue team was not Baek Seung-hun, but Shin Jae-ryong. Baek Seung-hoon is one of the newly added priest clan members who confused him with Shin Jae-ryong. Sorry for the confusion. _(__)_

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