
Chapter 557

Hundreds of monsters, as well as hundreds of monsters. Combination of over a thousand things when all put together.

Among them, the first stop of the slaughter is the 4th Army head running from the forefront. It was Pierre of crazy fireworks.

– Fuhehehehe!

Just before confronting the monster that ran across, Pierre jumped in and jumped in. And as he opened his mouth and turned to the monster looking at himself, he laughed like a madman and waved his arms. In front of the monster’s eyes, an eerie glow crosses as it explodes.

The throat of the monster flew empty. Then he fell down the road with a rounded curve, and he was seated exactly in Pierre’s mouth wide open.


I just crushed my head in one mouth.

But as far as this is concerned, Pierre was chuckling as he wiped his mouth with blood. It is clear that the two pupils are looking for the next prey by the light of the light.

It was nothing but an open signal. Every monster that rushes along the commander’s line and begins to cling to the monster.

Though he was preoccupied, the monsters were not quiet either. According to the instructions of the company immediately began to counterattack. Some still stood prone, slit their sharp teeth with their mouths wide open, and some of them gleamed and waved the tentacles flamboyantly.

– To the key to the to the eek!

A monster popped up in anger as he touched down his palm and touched his palm, tearing his tentacle. Then I stretched out the tentacles immediately, and bending over the windsurfing loudly, and putting it on the ground as hard as I could.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Once, I heard that it was not in the castle, and the sound of the banging sound was heard four consecutive times.

The monster, staring at the dusty dripping pebble, screamed a momentary short scream. Even when the head was strangely twisted by the impact of a tightly wound marsh, the bundle of bundled long sickle-like fingernails pierced with tentacles. And until it bursts and heeps laughing.

Then the angry monster, picking up the tentacles quickly, picked up the vagina. After all, the trumpet of his sharp teeth was torn, and the sound of his laughter faded.

– Kihi, Kihihihi!

– Kie eek! Ka-ah!

The battle between the two things on their way was intense. The earth is soaked and the dust is bursting. When the grotesque cries out, the blood is empty.

Everywhere is mysterious. No. In fact, it was a painful thing to call it a war.

Just a dog fight. okay . . . It is a dog fight. The trivial sight of battling flesh and tearing his limbs, excluding any tactics and strategies, seemed to literally see a mudfight.

Hmm …

As he watched the scene, Vivian sneaked into his heart. This is because we felt something strange in the continuing battle.

Pierre’s baseline pressure was good. At the first clash, I had a definite advantage. Over time, however, monsters have become more responsive and now almost boily.

– Fuhehehehehehehehehehe!

Perhaps… If Pierre does not play the central role now and then, the battlefield may have been disadvantageous.

Vivian thought so, he grabbed the ordo of order, rooting the bright glow. The 4th Corps now recalled is the 6th strongest corps in the 66th Corps. You can now summon a Legion by using the magic charge built into Ordo of the Order.

But it was a question of which corps to summon.

Vivien has signed a contract with all sixty-six marathon corps. As far as the theory is concerned, it is possible to summon all 66 corps.

But strictly speaking, now Vivian was not in a position to summon all 66 corps. Because the upper army summons the horsepower needed to be inadequate.

Not only the 2nd Corps called the Hell Guard, but also the 3rd Corps, called the Hell Regular Tobollade, are struggling. The situation is not yet revealed to the world yet, but only legendary 1 Corps is ungrateful.

Except for the 6th Corps and 66th Corps, which must meet special circumstances and conditions, the 4th Corps was the strongest Corps Corps currently available to be recalled by Vivien.

So I was worried. The movement of visible monsters is quite ambiguous to merely summon one corps and gain numerical advantage. In the first place, the four corpses fight so fiercely that it is not clear how much the sub-corps will empower. Rather, the 4th Corps, which is the strongest personality, collided with the battlefield, which might have made the situation even more dizzy.

It was then.

“Fuck you!”

Suddenly there was a short sound somewhere.

Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Ping!

A sharp paul-echo sounded at the same time as a few individuals.

What Vivian felt was that he was struck by something sharp.

After a while, the monster that banged roughly at the press of Masashi and screamed at Kie eek fell out.

Vivian, blinking blindly, was able to see ten arrows that had been properly inserted into the head of the monster. The monster, who was about to make his body twisted, collapsed into a single flash of gleam.

Then Vivian ‘s face was covered with flowers. I did not feel the need to worry more. Users who had the ability to shoot ten arrows at a time, or change their arrows into flashes, were familiar with Vivien.

“You are!”

Vivian shouted. Then, as if to say so, a slimy man lifted his right arm, a woman flapping his bustling arms, a long hair, landed lightly on the ground.

“It was you that Clan Rod was talking about.”

You worked hard. Vivien. Now the clan members and users are coming to help. ”

They were no different from Sunyuun and Limhanah.

Vivian sighs relievedly. The two archers stare forward and open their mouths at the same time, watching Vivien.

“But where is Clan Road?”

“Where’s Clan Rod?”

Vivien looked at them with a bewilderment.

What is it? Kim Soo-hyun I did not see it? ”

“Did not you see?”

“En. I just told him to take some time, I did not come here. ”

“……?”In the face of Yun Yu-na’s face, there was an anxiously shaded face on her face. But soon I realized there was no chance.

Suddenly, the bizarre echo that is difficult to express is rattling around the neighborhood.


The sound was so irritating that Imhanna blocked my ears without knowing. Sunyoungdo also reflexively turned his face and turned his gaze toward the future.

And the moment I checked the front, I frowned at the gentle gently.

“…What was that?

I thought it was going to be a dog fight, but it was not.

The battlefield was just changing suddenly from the echo. All of a sudden, monsters lay flat on their bodies, running like water flows like the first time … . I could not hit it. Pierre and other athletes were blindfolded.

One thing, however, is that the monsters kept the retreat in mind. Within a very short period of time, dozens of runs from the inside of the fence and numerous shouts began to be heard. The monsters turned and turned around as if there was nothing more to see. It was a young light that was meaningful to the two eyes of Seinyoung to see it.

* The bright moonlight shines in the forest. Most of the bushes are laid flat, but the shadow of the moonlight is wiggling silently in the scattered empty space. At first glance, an enormous number of shadows were passing through the empty space at a very high speed.

At the head of such shadows, a man was running hard.

No. It may not be right to run. It’s a bit strange, but the body of the guy was flowing smoothly like a slipper.

But it was a while too. As soon as he was about to enter the lush bush, the man was standing still.

It was. It was the monsters who attacked the southern expedition, not the other ones. Recognizing that the reinforcements had come, the man chose to escape quickly, using his fellow soldiers who had fought in the lead as scapegoats.

The man looked at the dark forest. Inside the forest, something terrible aura bursts out and pierces the whole body without a reason.

Familiar sense. That was so. The reason that the monsters could not overtake the fence was because they perceived a strange aura in the dark fog that circled around.

But I had no idea for a long time. Right after, left, right. Everyone was blocked. Masters and users are gathering around in three directions. After all, there was only one road. The body of the man who pauses for a moment is moving again.

And after a while. “Hmm. You are now. ”

A young man standing quietly in front of him with a low voice was touched by the eyes of the man.

The man was relieved. I do not see large numbers of people like before, because I was standing alone as a youth. It is also a kind of ambiance that you can smell the tobacco in a smile.

After deciding to retreat forward, the man and the monsters no longer stopped the flow. A monster has already been on the right side of the man from the right. It was a monster that promised to give the first food to the man who spread the lad on his shoulders.

It was then. As soon as the snot of the monster was about to reach, the young man calmly lifted his left arm. Then, according to the direction in which the monster came, he punched his fist as hard as he could.


The fist struck the head of the monster. Then, as the hit point sinks deeply, the other side swells up and bursts coolly. The monster, which ran aggressively, sprayed blood in the direction of the toe, and fell down without falling.

At that time, the body of the man who had no intention to stop stopped without knowing me.

“238 … . No, 237 horses. I thought I’d cut it down to double digits. Did not Vivian push? ”

But it was only the man alone that stopped this time. The instinct when I was a monster. And an evolved sense of human sense combined with the five senses finally alerted the young man in response to his life.

But the monsters that have not evolved yet are different. Even though my colleague who had entered first came to my head, he was still rushing like a tentacled wrestler. The young man did not care about him and knocked his hand out of the toe. Then he went to his appetite.

“This is why you have to write a sword.”

The first taro, the four monsters surrounded the young man and attacked. The young man, however, did not shake a little and picked up a sword. It was an elongated sword that reflected the mood of the moon. The young man’s eyes also shone with a cool light like its reflection.

And at that moment, the young man’s momentum changed.

The body of the young man flourished in the air. When we jumped over almost two meters, the monsters who ran from all directions reached out at once. However, he flipped his body in the air, avoiding the attack lightly, and falling down toward the monster in front.


As the young man’s foot hits the shoulder of the monster, the sword digs the crown. At the same time, the monster ‘s head was flooded with blobs, and it exploded once again with a popping sound. While the blood and brain water were splashing, the other monsters again tentacled the tentacles, and this time they pierced the body of the man exactly. The eye of the man who watched watched greatly.

And after a while, the young man’s body suddenly crumbled causing a slight noise.


What kind of gap does it move? The new type of young man descended and landed safely in the place where he was standing.

The man could not read the youth movement. The only thing you see is the blood stream that runs from the end of the sword like a thread. And it’s late, but it’s a dazzlingly flashy bunch of lights that illuminate the neighborhoods of my colleagues.

Chain Chain Chain Chain Chain!

Before long, the unintelligible black sound disappeared, and the monsters burst into the body and burst into the body.


The battle ceased. Not only the man but all the monsters stopped working and stared at the young man.

The monsters for retreats rushed to power, but they fell so easily. It is not enough, even if it is as if the body has been loosened until it turns round and round.

Suddenly, the head sinks to the ground.

Soon the young man glanced around his gaze. The man felt that his whole body was tense. The two pupils who slowly turned around were fixed to the inside of the house with the red light of the first order.

“I can not see Pader … . The other ones are taps. Is not he the only one who evolved here? ”

That said, the man could hear clearly.

At that moment, the man exclaimed without any hesitation.


And I began to run away as hard as I could.

Starting with that, the monsters are also scattered everywhere. The young man laughed sharply when he saw the man moving away in a moment.

“Still, the situation is fast guys.”

The young man squinted a lot. Then, immediately after opening wide, the new type of young man was largely overwhelmed in the direction that the man escaped.

In a moment, the stillness fell down in the space where everyone disappeared. Only five bodies that are scattered on the ground remain lonely.

midnight. And in the dark forest.

Called the massacre, a somewhat subtle, hunting hunting season began.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Thank you for your comment yesterday. I read the comments well. In fact, to be honest … . There is a personal wind in writing. When I write a very naughty content, your reaction will come out as I want. So for example … .

“Well. I did not know that Eugene would write such a high level of content. Anyway, I do not seem to have any more. ”
“Oh mother. Thank you. This is too much. Watch out. Anyway, this is not a very thin person. ”
“Five. I did not know you would be so obscene. No matter how noblesse it is, is it too bad? It’s not a slogan. ”
“Wow. I’m just excited to read it. My face is hot. Certainly this is not a thinner one. ”

Yes. I do not do this because I have been fooled by people who know me. Anyway, of course I know it is not a very healthy wind, but I want to write down this reaction before the completion. …It’s just that. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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