
Chapter 558

The next morning.

The encampment of the southern expedition was noisier than ever.

I can not help it. Since the advent of monsters, the Southern Expedition has always been a victim. It was also not able to grasp the identity of the monster. Rumor has it that the monster is not a real ghost.

But today after the dawn raid, things have changed.

Vivian confronted the monsters at the point I pointed out, and summoned the Legion of Kings to battle. As a result, it succeeded in securing a large number of monsters called ghosts.

Not only that. I was also waiting in the woods for anticipation of their escape route, so I was able to catch an individual who was transformed into a human figure, though only one. It was only the first victory in the southern expedition that had ever been promoted.

In this situation, victory does not simply mean a reversal of the keynote. Of course it is important, but the most important thing is to get two kinds of monster samples. It was the voice of the fact that there was room for analyzing the body from revealing the identity of the monster.

So this morning it is really crazy.

The monster has already been analyzed. After all the battles of the dawn ended, I collected a whole body of evolved corpses and all good bodies and transferred them to Yantan Lowrow.

Han gathered all the available users and analyzed them at night, and as soon as morning, he spread the findings to the commanding officer and the Clan Roads.

Of course, I was able to receive the content. I scratched it gently, it was a little bit different, something wrong, but it was about 70%match. I am a little sad about the evolution, but it is something I can not be sure about unless I am.

The rest was almost right. For example, other parts of the body are very sensitive except for the sight, and the use of the protuberance on the whole body. And the expected response to it.

Han Soo – young gave a clear message that he should thoroughly understand all the parts revealed.

It also made me happy, adding that if there are users who do not follow the control of the commanders, that is, those who act in unexpected ways, I will keep the disposition in mind. That’s because I felt that the term was referring to the users who executed the artillery some time ago.

It was a little late due to the turmoil of the morning and the confirmation about the monster, but when the sun came up in the middle, the southern expedition was able to organize the camp and start a new march.

It was felt that the keynote changed definitely while marching from the front. Until yesterday, I felt like I was forcing something, but today is different. It is quite a resilient feeling to climb uphill as well. If you do not like the march, “Do not these guys come out today?”It was enough to be heard.

We were not disturbed by it, and as we passed through the last mountain peaks in memory, we could only see a new landscape.

If the road to climbing the mountain is rugged and the forest is heavy enough to be burdensome, the landscape after descending is quite different.

Kenichi Momoyama It seems to have gathered together closely. ”

The performer, who had just come down, said quietly looking around.

Certainly it was as it was. It seemed to see a gathering of several hills, not the thick trees or bushes that were visible, but the ground swaying in a twist. There was a difference between big and small ones, but it was not enough to see anything else.

“Wow. That’s good. The view is also panoramic, and there are no mountain peaks. It’s been a while since. ”

“You’re right. Mazayo Proximity members may be okay, but priests and mages like us are hard to climb the mountain. ”

When he spoke with a refreshing voice spreading his arms wide, Ansol soon agreed. I gazed at the area in front of my eyes and slowly shook my head.

“This is not a safe area, either. Obviously, the view is twisted, but there are many terrains that can hide between the hills. So you have to be more careful. ”

The clan members liked the newly emerging zone, and I banged on my warning.

I looked around the hill for a while and then turned to look for the sunny fortune.

“Sun Yoo Luck. Wait here, and when the central unit comes down, please pass on what you just said. And from today, please let me speed up the march a little. ”

Yes, sir, I

Sunyuun nodded his head slowly. I resumed the march and fell quietly into thought.

After exiting the Eastern Fortress, he crossed a total of four mountain ranges. And the area that we just entered is the area called the picture of the hill in the first car, and it can be said that it is the front yard of those who are raiding us now. In other words, the only place to safely overtake this area was the sound of their base.

In fact, although monsters are now appearing and fighting three or four times, it is still difficult to see them as skirmishes.

To put it plainly, it was just a taste of the taste. The real battle begins only when the fighters, beyond their base, go to the sleeping place. And if you attack the Padders there, then half of the Steel Ranges will be done.


It was then.

In the midst of struggling with the attack in the middle of the night, I felt that I was very weak to detect the sudden power.

We were going down the road to the top of a hill. I did not stop walking. I just glanced down at the place where the speed was reduced to a minimum.

60 meters ahead. There is nothing that comes into your eyes. Only the towering hills and the shadows of sunshine are still visible. But I was confident in the detection of horsepower. Their tentacles are so soft and slippery that they leave little trace on the ground, but anyway, the movement itself is not without vibration at all.

In the end, to feel their presence, the key is how high the density of horsepower is. In addition, there is no difference from the flow of the surrounding nature at first glance, so it is necessary to find a minute twist that occurs very briefly.

For example, the shadows that I see right now notice a little wiggling.

Soo-hyun What happen?”

It was the first performance that detected the strangest thing. I clung to my side and said in a tingling voice. I felt that I was wondering if I was going to speed up the march and rather slow it down.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“five… . No six or so. ”

The two eyes of the playing were tilted at once.

“Where is it?”

“Two hills in front of 50 meters. On the left side … . No four. On the right. ”

oK I know where it is. I thought of a good way to finish it, so please leave it to me. ”

“A good way?”

He did not say more. However, the shadows cast within a few days of the concert were scattered and rushed. The moment I checked it, I could guess what it was like, I picked up a sword without a delay and a sickle in January.

Surreal, I felt the clan whispers at the same time as the sharp voice. The fact that I picked up a sword is a kind of opening signal.

By the time we advanced about 10 meters further.


He shook his hands sharply and shook his hands. Then, as if the fish caught in the fishing rod were caught up, six monsters rose from the two hills to the empty space.

In the tentacles of such monsters, the dark shadows were tightly bound. I was hiding in the hills, but I could not avoid the shadow of the performance.

I stayed there for a while.

– Kie e ee eek!

– Kie e ee eek!

They soon fell into disarray, hanging in the air, and madly rattled as if they were trying to escape from bondage. I immediately flew the two swords I had on hand. The archers also began to protest toward the targets in the air.

The swords and arrows that flew into the air pierced the bodies of the left and right monsters, respectively. Then, the shadow of dozens of stalks rising from the second pierced through it quickly, and it burst into the room and tore the monsters’ bodies apart. A strong scream rang around the king.


But I could not kill everyone. There were only four monsters that were mopped by the whole body. The other two fell on the road just before the arrow was stuck, taking off the tentacles caught in the shadow themselves.

The two fell immediately, hiding themselves between the hills, and hid the trail within a short time. I quickly turned on magic detection. I was caught at two very fast speeds.

“Do not miss it! 40, 45, 50 meters ahead! ”



Quirreleur lur!

At the same time as the voice of Helena, the front area began to shake with fear. It was so hard that the hill collapsed.

I felt delighted as I felt the pace of the two that had finally begun to be more clearly detected.

One of the responses that Han Soo-young announced today was to use background magic if he encountered them.

The monsters use little tentacles and protrusions to move around. However, if you shake the ground itself, you will have to hit the ground in the end.

If this is clear enough, other users can detect it.

“───. ───. ───. Dig inside the ground! ”

“───. ───. ───. Dig inside the ground! ”

As if my thoughts were right, the mages who finished the chanting memorized orders without hesitation.

Dig inside the ground. The foundation magic of the foundations of making ground pits forcing the ground.

But no matter how groundbreaking it is, the story changes when dozens of people start up at the same time. It can be seen from the front. Over the crumbling hills, the flat surface of the flat starts to fester without any reason.

At first glance, it seems to be pie with Junggu heating, but if you keep on digging, you will eventually create one huge pit. Maybe by now monsters will taste dead. It is hard to get up, but if you move a little, the pit will fall out without any reason.

Of course it did not end here.

Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Phi Ping!

Thousands of arrows flying back into the pit.

“Let your wrath be!”

Then Ansol’s voice sounded in his ears.


The white lightning bolts of three or four trunks descending from the sky struck down the inside of the pit. good… .

“Give me the wrath! Let your wrath be! Let your wrath be! Let the wrath fall! ”

Flashing! Flashing! Flashing! Flashing! …Ansol played four times in a row.

And after a while, the two feelings that felt a while ago completely disappeared from the wrath.

As I glanced at the glance, I was able to see my breathing and resting.

“Well done.”

I praise you, my eyes are round and my eyes are blurred.

“Did you do well?”

“Huh. It was a good connection. ”

“Wow. I was praised. Then one more time! ”

“……?””Let your wrath be!”

“…….””Wo … ! ”

No. You can stop now. ”

Why is he wasting magic when he is already dead?

Anyway, Ansol stopped the rape. A moment later, when someone quietly spoke, a sharp pillar of earth was sprung out of a large, deep pit, and the bodies of the monsters pushed out of it.

The body of the monster that was revealed at that time, the arrow was not filled with a good number, and the whole body was smoking.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I cut and put it in the middle of what I once wrote. It takes more time than I thought. I would like to go up one more time today. You’ll see it in the morning. I’ll write it down as fast as I can. 🙂

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