
Chapter 561

its sillent.

The tent in the center of the camp, which is emitting a solitary light, was very quiet.

It is not a wide tent. The tent is a tent, but it can not be said that anyone can see it because it is a tent made in the first place with quick installation and demolition in mind.

Still, as the space is small, it can be a positive thing to think that it is enough to drive away the darkness of the dawn even with the light stone of the time.

Quiet stillness lasted for a long time.

In the tent there was a man and two women sitting around the table. Among them, the girl looks poisonous and embarrassed by a woman sitting next to her with a frightened face. The woman looked at the girl ‘s head softly and listened.

On the other side, the man was looking into something hard.

Soo-hyun Do you have any idea? ”

The performer carefully asked if I could interfere with it. Kim Seo-hyun, who was looking at the record, looked up at the gig.

After Anzol screamed in the middle of the night, he told Kim Soo-hyun straight away by instructions of the performance.

It took a long time to understand the situation. Kim immediately took Ansol’s mouth and brought it to his tent. I do not want to disturb other users’ sleep, but I do not want to get ridiculous.

In fact, people who do not know the situation will say that it is treacherous. I just dream about a dream in the middle of the night.

However, Kim Soo – hyun and Goo are different. It was a position that I could not miss even a small thing because I saw the power which was close to the power of Ansol several times and showed virtue.

Kim Soo-hyun, who made his way to the road within a short time, looked at the record and opened his mouth quietly.

Well… So the picture is … ”

“I do not … ”

“Hmm. It’s a little hard to find. But it does not mean that there is not much straw. ”


I heard a very crying cry, and Kim immediately corrected the words. Then the eyes of the performance shone. I was wondering if there was any straw.

However, Kim Soo – hyun slipped his head slowly.

“It’s just a personal idea. I’m not sure. ”

I do not want to talk. Koh played a pondering thought and opened his mouth once more.

“Is not that what it is?”

That’s ridiculous…

“During the march today. Suhyun said that. I feel like I’m missing something important. ”


Kim Soo-hyun was sleepy for a while but soon smiled. It was a smile that seemed to remember everything. Suddenly, I felt the sudden silence of Anso Sole, who had begun to cry.

Kim Su-hyun continued.

“It is not. I’ve already remembered what I’m missing. ”


“Yes. I do not think it’s part of this. ”

“…”Sure you are.” It is subtle anyway. I am glad of unhappiness. Or maybe it’s misfortune. ”

Fortunately for remembering, I did not say that I solved it. In that situation, another problem, which is likely to be a problem, has popped up. It is not even clear, but at a level that suggests. That’s what I meant by that performance.

However, Kim shrugged his shoulders.

Double Trouble That’s the original attack. Anyway, you do not have to worry too much. I’ll keep this in mind. ”

Then I took the record of the jusum island and put it in my arms. It is a very unimportant face. When I saw Kim Soo-hyun, I felt that my anxiety about my performance was gradually diminishing.

okay . . . When was the easiest one ever. There are always problems, but it’s not the guy who came to break the problem.

A dark smile was drawn at the mouth of the performance.

Soon, he still whispered to Ansol, staring at Kim Soo-hyun, whispering at the concert.

“Our brush ~.”

Yes. it is.

“Would you like to sleep with your brother and sister tonight?”

“With orbney and sister?”

Ansol quickly blinked as if it were a word, and soon he looked at Kim Soo-hyun like a puck. Then I struggled to appeal to something with a strange sound that could not be distinguished from sick and slovenly.

Koh played a kick, Kim Soo-hyun showed no sign. But soon he sighed and lifted his shoulders. It was meant to be done at will.

Ansol jumped down and jumped into the bed. Shortly after, the lights of the light stone were turned off and the cozy darkness fell on the tent.

Although the three were too cramped for a long time to lie down, they were still good. It was not only because of the snickers. In the front, Kim Su-hyun’s wide, solid chest, and behind him, the busty and soft breasts of the high performance were tightly adhered tightly, and the whole body felt warm.

“Good night, we are. In the front yard and back mountain ~. ”

And to the lullaby.

In fact, the voice of the performance is too sexy, so it is not suitable for the lullaby. However, when Kim Soo-hyun scored three or four times, Ansol soon closed his eyes slowly feeling languid.

And after a while, an even breathing sound began to flow.

* Ansol had a dream.

It was the same space again.

Only a dark space of darkness where nothing is visible. I feel like I have fallen asleep with a bad feeling, but I am standing in the same room when I open my eyes.

Ansol stopped his gaze as he turned his head. I could feel the evil energy that I could not tell.

Ansol instinctively felt intuition. That energy was something I did not know until I was just before catching myself. This time comes from the beginning. Like you knew you’d come back.

Before long, something began slowly. Ansol’s face was wrinkled. My eyes are falling as if I will shed tears. It was then.

Suddenly, Ansol felt someone putting his hand on his head. Before a surprise, a man swooped through Ansol and approached a wicked one as much as he could.

A little time passed, and an eerie light stem was drawn in a dark space.

The wicked shrieks and shrinks. The man was treated at once.

Anol’s face grew widespread in the back of the man who used to come in familiar.


It was. The man who appeared in Ansol’s dream was Kim Soo-hyun.

Anthur shouted with pleasure. But Kim did not respond. I just looked around and took a quick walk somewhere. Ansol had a headache, but likewise began to chase Kim Soo-hyun.

It was a strange thing. It seemed to have been chasing for a long time, but Ansol could not narrow the distance to Kim Soo – hyun. I called her name several times in the middle, but Kim Soo-hyun was only walking in front of me silently.

I did not ignore it. I can not chase anymore. By the time I get tired, Kim Soo-hyun stops and pauses.

Even though he could not overcome the doubt, Ansol sang Kim Soo-hyun.

At one point, Ansol’s eyes suddenly grew bigger. I do not know when. Kim was not fighting for anything from a certain moment.

It is not evil. Rather, it is infinitely destructive, but at the same time devotional and holy … . I feel like I’m dealing with God. It was an enormous aura that was incomparable to that of wicked aura.

This time, I felt intense feelings as if they were resisting the lawfully. But the winner was Kim Soo-hyun. Soon, a mighty screeching sound filled his ears, and a multitude of lights spread out all over the place so that the darkness would leave.

When the light finally disappeared, Ansol who barely opened his eyes immediately found Kim Soo-hyun. Kim was still walking somewhere.

Unlike before, I do not wait. The streets were quite open at that time, Ansol was busy making fun of the pace.


It was then. The future of Kim Soo-hyun, who was on his way to the future, suddenly disappeared. As soon as the land was full of light, I suddenly hid my face.

I do not know why, but I had a hurry and Ansol ran faster. And at the moment when Kim Soo-hyun disappeared, Ansol could see.

A gigantic pile of swirling tongues on the ground.

It was like looking at a black hole.

* An additional two days passed.

I’ve been expecting to be attacked once in a while, but I missed the forecast very well.

As they crossed the shadows of the hills, they never attacked. No. The attack did not reveal what was happening. The shadows of the hills were really empty and slowly ending. If you only go at this rate now, you will probably get 100%off by lunch today. This will enable

“Good good. Excellent.

“What kind of bullshit are you again?”

“The bullshit is. Hey. But today is the sixth day? Or is it the 7th day? ”

“Has it been a week? Why? ”

“Ah. I want to stop marching quickly. ”

“Fu. Why. Scared? ”

The voice of Ahn Hyun and Yoon Jung. It was a gossip to be banned in the march, but I did not stop it. I just walked on without saying anything. At least from now on, the keynote is better than stagnating again. We did not plan to sharply tackle the keynote, so we needed to preserve as much as possible up until the base was reached.

How much time has passed.

As I continued to walk around with the tired talk, I felt the shadows of the hills were different in the end.

Because in front of me, I saw a big hill that I remember as a single point.

“Eh. Is this a hill? Not a mountain? ”

It was as it was said. To put it in a little exaggeration, the hills seemed to be different from other hills to the point that they could be said to have almost nothing. A point that marks the end of the shadow zone of the hill. Maybe if you go down this hill, you can see that this zone has passed through.

I thought of it, I slowly climbed up the hill and fell asleep.

There are three questions that do not leave my head while exploring the current steel range.

The first one I was missing was a question I felt as I passed through one area.

The southern expedition is now breaking through two areas. So where did the monsters in Area 1 go? I have only seen traces of fleeing from one area, and have not even seen traces since.

And second one. 2 Why do monsters in the area no longer appear after three days of raids?

Finally the third. Ansol’s dream. I took out the records drawn by Anso in his arms.

The painting on the record is really a mess. Fortunately, the picture itself is very simple. First of all, the bottom is a rugged, windless tire-like circle. And on top of it is a relatively straight circle. Size is significantly smaller than below. (You can see it as 8 characters or snowman. And on the top of the placed circle, there were countless straight lines.

This figure was in one form, and there were almost dozens of pictures drawn on the record.

When I first saw the record, the interpretation was that much. Even though my dream is a blurred memory, at first I did not even recognize me.

However, after each break, I looked into the picture and found that I could find one extra point. That is, these strange shapes are so strangely crowded on one side. Also, some shapes are very large, but some shapes are quite small. I got a hint here.


The moment I remembered it, I could understand the meaning of Anso’s painting.

I do not understand why. I was glad. The way to look at it from the beginning was not right. If you turn it upside down, you get the answer. As soon as I saw it, I was able to recall the sight of the first two cars I buried in my mind.

It was a memory that was not so pleasant, and when I was bitter about it, I suddenly felt that my feet were very comfortable. As I walked while thinking, I would have reached the top of the hill.

When I climbed a big hill, I could see the surrounding scenery at a glance. I gazed ahead. And I stopped walking without delay.

Brother Why did you stop suddenly? ”

Jin-suhyun asked, but I did not reply. Instead, I quietly pulled a sword.

Then the conversation, which was not continuous, was stopped.

By the time I thought I had come up to some extent, I lifted my hand calmly and pointed forward.


Someone burst into resentment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I think it’s too embarrassing to delete it.

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