
Chapter 562

At the top of a large hill, the hills that rose so high that they filled the front of my eyes disappeared at once. Around 500 meters away, another hill appeared on the other side.

No. Actually that is also hard to see as a hill. It was heard here and there that I thought it might not even be a mountain when I climb this hill, but the hills across from it were showing the same size.

But the hill was not one. Based on the hills on the front, similar sized hills spread endlessly in the left and right direction. Looking at the horizontally aligned landscape, it seems to be looking at a barrier of hills.

okay . . . It’s here. It passes through the shadow zone of the hill, and is different from their main activity area. As soon as the barriers of the hill are over, their base comes out.

But that was not the problem.

Now we stand on the hill. And a huge terrain that is pitted between the hills on the other side. There are … . I can not count on it.

Hundreds in the valley? Maybe more than a thousand monsters were gathering in the crowd. Also, they were looking at the hill precisely without exception. As if we were waiting for you.

Brother That’s … ”

Jin Soo-hyun said in a voice that seemed lost. I started to untie my hands by spinning the sword. I was worried about picking up the glory of Victoria, but first of all I think it would be better to try it with one hand. I can not handle two-handed swords, but one-handed swords are more familiar.

“Are you going to fight?”

An angry voice asked. I said, “Well?”After responding, I slowly turned around and looked around.

A face that everyone is desperate. It seems that the person seemed to be looking at the number of people who seemed to be three or four times bigger than the time of the last attack.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“From now on, our vanguard troops will break through the valley in front. Everyone is well prepared. ”

“Tongue, brother! Really? ”

“Why. Scared? ”

No. It’s not scary … . Are you really trying to get to the front? ”

“I’m surprised. Was not this what you wanted? ”

“…….”Jin Soo-hyun just finished his mouth. And by the time I looked at me blankly, I suddenly saw a few users rushing. It was the clan roads included in the vanguard unit.

I did not call them apart, but from what I saw, they told me how monsters appeared. The clan rods, which looked down suddenly, sank as well and looked around and looked awkward.

Soon the clan members followed my directions and packed the Bongsinjin.

“Mercenary Road. Do not you think you’ll break through the valley now? ”

The earliest user was a smart man. Was it Light Road?

“Yes. I think so. ”

“Merchant, loader. I do not think it is a good way. Now we stand on the hill, and they are gathered in the valley. Would not it be better to use the geographical advantage and pour arrows or magic here? ”

“They will not be able to sit down and take it.”

“He, but!”

Lightroyd, who was about to say something when he stood still, sat down to his mouth. But I can not erase the wonder of the wonder, the front is still not understand the breakthrough.

As a matter of fact, Lightrod’s opinion, of course, is rhetorical. By utilizing geographical advantage, it spreads a ranged attack. I did not know what that meant.

But I did not want to do that. To be more precise, me and Mercenary and Southern Expedition. So only once, I wanted to test the strength of the northern continent that spanned it all.

The reason is that not only the Silk Steel Mountains but also many other monsters will emerge in the future, because the monsters in front of them can not be considered to be so strong compared to such monsters.

I wanted to see if they had the power to break through it in front of me, even if they had done some tricks.

Of course, it is not just that it has been done in such a terrible way.

Above all, it is the same as the first car. Even in the first car, I stood at the same spot and saw the same sight. There is no guarantee that it will be the same, but the likelihood is high. There are almost 1,000 folks, but only monsters are visible.

I have taken quite a while now, but I can not see a single person who has evolved. if so… .

“Then I will briefly explain the breakthrough plan.”

In the meantime, everyone’s attention was focused. I continued to open my mouth.

“First of all, only the Mercenary Clan will be rushed. Our role is to distract the confusion of the monsters below. ”

“What, what? Even if it’s really crazy … ! ”

“And the remaining troops should be commanded by Musadord.”

“Oh, Uh, huh? ”

Then, Goo-hwan, who was about to make a buzz, circled his eyes for a moment. okay . . . Sounds good. That’s the command you want.

“Musadord will continue to see the gap here, if you want to be somewhat confused, you can hit and drop right away. That’s the plan. how was it? Quite simple.

“Mercenary Load! Please reconsider. No matter how powerful a troops are, it is very disadvantageous. ”

“I will not accept any further disagreement.”

“Then at least like the central unit … ! ”

That should never happen. If my expectations are met, it will be the worst. Rather, it is better to use the hills as the castle and the water.

All preparations are over already.

Just before I ordered the charge, I called four clan members separately at first glance. Still, I thought I needed a minimum insurance. Soon Kim, Battamsom, Vivian, and Seoyuun called up quickly, and I quickly explained what I thought.

Within all the plans, they heard the heaviness nodding head within.

“I know what you are talking about. Sure!

“Yes. Tell it to Estan Tilourod, the rest … ”

Seunyuun wanted to look at me for a while, quickly turned around and hides his body among the users.

The next time I looked at the three women standing with an anxious face, Vivian lifted his hand high into the sky. In the hand of such Vivian, there was an ordo of order to shed light.

“come! Manu Bamboo! You are the self-destructive horsemen who rule the Fifth Corps! ”

Then, for a moment, I wanted to see a dark fog spread around, and soon I was walking all over the place and a new legion of soldiers appeared.

– Kick, Kick!

– Kelkel, Kelkel Kelkel!

At first glance, it looked like a skeleton troop of a blue mountain range, but it is unusual for a loose robe covering almost the whole body and a large horn sprouting on its back. In addition, the two round lights glowing red into the robe were pouring out an awesome aura unique to Masuo.

Sorry. I originally wanted to give you four corpses, but if you said it, you’d better save it. If the purpose is to confuse the 5th Corps will not be too bad. ”

It was an unhappy voice.

I shrugged both shoulders and said that I did not mind. And I opened my mouth to the silent clan members quietly.

Let’s get it on.

Do I need to tell you what to do?

I do not think it’s going to get hurt. They gave up the biggest advantage they could utilize and revealed themselves. Of course, as they are not cunning, they may have set aside some kind of masterpieces, but I am also willing to accept them. No. I will.

“And, let me show you.”

Finally, I turned and turned around. Then he started to run at full speed as he watched the hill extending straight down.

Starting with that, I felt a crawl and crawler rushing down the back of the clan.

The monsters were quiet. I did not see it. It was a bit of a twist, we stopped moving at the same time as we started coming down. It looks as though it is waiting to be caught in the trap quietly.

The hill was able to go down as soon as it ran at maximum speed.

The distance from the monsters is also getting closer. They are all staring at me.

By the time the distance was reduced accordingly.


I sprang up the ground as hard as I could, and jumped into the air.

Shining, the wind rushes against his head.

– To the key to the to the eek!

At the same time, a bizarre gigantic ringing sound. They are beginning to move, dozens of hundreds of tentacles floated in the air in hopes of me coming up in the air comes in.

okay . . . I was aiming for this.

I immediately used Lee Hyeong – Whan. To the central point where they are concentrated.

At the moment when the ground was visible, the magic power was lifted to the maximum, and the sword was pushed deeply into the ground without delay. And as a mediator of the sword, he pushed up the power of the dragon. It was a magic explosion targeting the ground.

1 sec

For one second, there was no change. But one second later, it began to react.

Kwah! Quad break! QuadDidDeDaDe!

Like a field in a drought, the earth splits out as it sweeps through dusty dirt. In the past, the floor of about 30 meters around was shaken once.

– To the key?

Not enough. I felt that the new type of airplane had dimmed and that they were gathering one by one. I squeezed the power to nip it in, and I poured more power into it. The magic that filled the circuit filled with the ebb tide, and the amount flowing to the ground was also enormous.


Then, suddenly the floor hit the wave. At the same time, I began to spit out the brilliant blue horsepower in the cracks. I breathed in as hard as I could, and I poured out my last horsepower with my exhale.


Greater Wave.

Kukkukuku Kukuku!

And finally, a more intense crowd of light burst into explosion as it filled the desolate earth.

* Kim Soo-hyun came up in the air, and numerous tentacles flooded into the air. Users standing on the hill screamed.


However, the worries were only tilted. Kim Soo-hyun, who was using Lee Hyeong-hwan, did not hurt his hair but landed on the ground by passing the tentacles. Of course, there will not be any users who know that.


After a while, the neighborhood of the valley shook tremendously with the massive bouncing sound from inside the ground. What the hell is this? The eyes of the users changed.

That was the moment.


Suddenly the cracked ground was brightly lit, and a large crowd of brightly colored lights rose. Kim Soo-hyun spreads round from the place where he stood and covered monsters around him.

It was like a wave.

One, two, three, five, eight, ten … .

The magical powers of blue rising from the ground, like a raging wave, devour everything and widen the scope of the stones. The monsters were falling down like a crocodile spewing body fluids that reached the waves of light. As a result, the crowded monsters were naturally disturbed and began to clamor.

The dislocation collapsed before it blinked several times.

The users opened their mouths together. I’ve seen magic with similar powers a few times, but I can not see or hear the magic that explodes the ground with such huge powers.

No. Previously. That user, is not it a test?

It was the moment I thought so.

“Go, go! Going in! Archer, Wizard! All ready to support fire! ”

Someone shouted. What does it sound like?

Kim Soo-hyun drove alone from the lead, so that the following clan members could easily break through. Of course, it was also for the legendary legion to make room for more excitement.

The results could be seen soon.

The second wave that has been steadily clutching for the monsters who are desperate.

– Kick! Kicky kick!

No, the 5th Corps responded to Kim Soo-hyun’s expectation 100%.

First of all, Manu Bam was laughed with smiles when he broke through the monsters. It does not matter whether the tentacles are twisted or sharp teeth. I just wanted to get my hands on both arms, and after a long time, Rob Ahn turned on the fire.

Then, the soldiers of the army, each of whom went in every direction, raised their arms tremendously along with Manu Bambe.

– Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly!

Like the announcement of the end, Masu’s fiend (mad laugh).

And after a while. Flashing!

The splendid bustle that popped from all over flooded the valley with red light.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I think it’s too embarrassing to delete it.

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