
Chapter 610

Suddenly the air sat down.

The passing wind was also cold.

As a result of throwing the fastball from the start, all the clan members’ gaze was directed at me.

I can see it in my eyes.

I do not want to go.
I do not want to go.

Why should I go.
I have to go.

Even if you do not listen to it, the clan members’ reactions are well guessed.

But nobody opens their mouths openly.

Because the user who took the horse was me.


I made a decision at the end of a long Django, but I’m still not sure.

‘Is it really only this way?’ I have not found the answer even when I repeat myself dozens of times.

But the water was already spilled.

If we can not turn the minds of the clan members here now, the situation is obvious. Not only can morale be reduced, but trust between each other can be shaken, and there can be a fatal situation in which images that I have kept up to now can be cracked.

However, I took all the uneasiness and talked. Putting one strand of expectation in the way of genuine.


“Very old … . You will remember when the dragon sleeping mountains were first discovered. ”

I began to break the long silence.

“At that time, I professed that the dragon would not attack the sleeping mountains, and you were initially dissatisfied. …Then, I said, ”

“…….””The dragon can not attack the mountains that are sleeping. …No, I have no intention of attacking the area. ”

“…….””I remember that the complaint was completely gone after about six months. Perhaps you’ve seen the situation around here since then, and as a result it took a little time, but in the end I think I have accepted and understood my point. ”

“…….”The clan members are still silent. And I was concentrating that much.

Everyone gazes at me with a flat expressionless face. I felt the need to tighten my mind.

“When I think about it, I’ve always been, and I want you to do that.
In the status of free mercenary, we moved our motives to action and ultimately to achievement.
I’m not saying that this behavior is wrong. Rather, I am personally proud. …But

After speaking so far, I stopped talking for a while.

From now on I do not get a sense of how to say it.

Should I appeal to a poor face with a poor face?
No, I hate that.

So should we just talk coolly like before?
No, I hate that.

If I can, I just want to say it.

If the clan members really thought of me in the meantime, at least I wanted to keep my pride.

“This time, things are very different.
As you may have noticed, the Steel Ranges are an unrivaled area for the dragon sleeping mountains. In fact, it is impossible to reach the third area with our power alone … ”

And also,

“Also, as I mentioned before, this time we have to take care of insurance.
Even if you get lucky, you can not promise any achievements that can motivate you like you did before. ”


“But, nevertheless.”

I swallowed for a while.

“I want to work with you on this mission.”

He opened his mouth like a vomit.

At the same time, the eyes of the clan members became more intense.

“As I just told you, I can not do it myself, I can not promise any compensation. …However. I can only say one thing for sure. ”

The dice were thrown.

“If you are on this mission … .
I will lead you in the lead.
If only one clan member would be in danger … .
In any circumstance, I will save my life without giving up. ”

I stand at the forefront and lead the clan members, and I will not give up any single person.
Same thing as always. “…Yes. All I can say is … . Only this is it. ”

Suddenly, I felt like I was breathing.

No. It was not just a feeling, it was really breathing. I’m just talking, but I feel like it’s hard to know why.

However, I thought this was insufficient.

“Your mind is … . I know, don’t bug me.
I have to go that way. ”

I constantly opened my mouth to close.

“As you know, my brother plays a very important role in the Northern Expedition. However, the northern expedition is very unstable now, and I do not think it will reach the third level personally. ”

I can not say everything. But I will tell you the truth as much as possible.

“So, I want to go.”

If you can not help but watch like a car.

“Only one in … . The Northern Expedition, and if your brother is wrong … ”

In the second car, if you have to face the situation of your brother ‘s death once again.

“Mine says . . .”

No more..

“I can not bear it.”

Maybe you will go crazy.

So, a little time has passed.

After a while. I feel like my body is untied. If I take one step, I think my body will twist. Now it feels like squeezing out your voice.

“It is neither a coercion nor a coercion. It is my personal request to help me. ”

I barely survived, and I was speechless.

“If you can help me now without ignoring me, I will not forget you either. I will trust you everywhere and everywhere, and I will take responsibility until I see the end of this world. ”

It was. This was the only condition I could take, but I could not tell in detail.

‘You need someone now. Those who can help with their lives … . ‘

If they are really able to take my life and help me, as your brother says.

I would also think of them as a ‘person’ rather than a ‘user’.

I think that I finally opened my mouth.

That is all

And I took a look at the clan members who are still silent.

“Then those who can help me, I would be grateful if you would stand up.”

He closed his eyes, slowly and slowly. …Until I completely closed my eyes, I could not hear what was happening.

* Finally, Kim Suhyeon’s words are over.

Almost at the same time, a heavy silence fell between the clan members. If I had just been silent before now, would not I just breathe now?

No one was thinking about moving.

Because everyone was feeling. How did Kim Soo-hyun make this position in what kind of attitude and came to this place?

Rejection of the fact is that you do not have to catch a book.


Strangely, the clan members were not able to make a decision.

Kim Soo-hyun at Mercenary Clan is a kind of nuclear weapon anyway.

By the way, Kim Soo – hyun pulled out the first sorry words. It is not a word that I just thought without any idea. It is not a request to follow along because it is natural.

Is that so?

When I saw Kim Soo-hyun standing in front of me with his eyes closed, I felt the clan members felt strange feeling.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds … .

Time is running.

Kim Han-soo swept around with a tense face.

Clan members are responding in a variety of ways.

4 seconds, 5 seconds, 6 seconds … .

The clan that is headed for, the clan who sees the eye, the clan who still looks good, and the clan that looks like a deep thought. .

However, the clan is still invisible.

7 seconds, 8 seconds, 9 seconds … .

Seiying … . Seiying … .

Suddenly the wind blew.

Whether it was because the wind blew or not, somebody shook his head.

Kim hunched his lips. And I thought I was going to wake up myself.

And that was the moment.


“I’ll follow. No, I will follow you unconditionally. ”

“I will participate.”

Just after 10 seconds, two people got up at the same time.

As soon as Kim Han-seop turned his head, he could see two men standing on one side of the window and a cane.

It was Ahn Hyun and Shin Jae Ryong.

The gaze directed at Kim Soo-hyun goes to two people in an instant.

“Umm . . . Now

Ahn Hyun scratched his head and opened his mouth.

“I can not speak very much like your brother.
But I know only one of these. If my brother had been in there, I would have made the same choice. As such, I will help my brother here, not as a user, as my sister, and as a person. ”

Ahn Hyun turned his gaze to Shin Jae-ryong.

“Klan Rod saved my life. It also happens twice. ”

Shin smiled and smiled.

“There is no other reason. As a favored position … . I think that even though the benefactor was in trouble, and even though he wanted to help, it was an act that could not be abandoned. ”

When Kim Soo-hyun was trapped in a mule, the same thing as the story he took when he was in the rescue team. “I can not refuse to say that.”

The word of the Shin Jae-ryong was received by the Cha Shimin who caused the body somewhat. Cha Shaolin was also a user who was saved by Kim Su – Hyun when his body was dying by Rich.

As Cha Shimin got up, the colors of the various clan members changed.

And after a while. “Ela, shit! Everybody does not have to say anything! I’m going too! Go! ”

The other man grumbled, but he raised his body with a smile. One arm is cut off, the wind blows, and the sleeves hang loose.

Kim Dong Suk.

He had lost one arm to a bum who had attacked Mule, but was able to escape safely under Kim’s protection.

Of course, such a user was not the only one Kim Dong Suk.

Whoops. Then I have to get up. ”

At the same time, several savvy users, including Park Saddam, who were saved the same day, became addicted.

Of those about 30 people, about one-sixth of the people got up.


“Grace is like the sea, revenge is like the blade.”

The clan members who were still sitting, finally started to respond to one person.

“…I have made this statement a belief in my life. ”

The long – haired man who had been sitting so silently awakened his silence and raised his body. It was a friendship.

“And now I think it’s time to pay off the grace.”

Woo Jung Min, Seonyu Yun, Won Hye Su.

All three were members of the battlefield after battle with the continent, but were succeeded by Kim Soo-hyun.

These were not the only ones.

“I’ll go too.”

Let’s stand up to Kim Han-seok.

“Me, me too!”

I have caused my body to have a good reason. The same was true for Ansol and White.

“If so, I will participate.”

After the fall of the golden lion, Park Hyun-woo was able to survive under the protection of the marship.

“huh. I said I would not go anyway.

Vivian takes off his ass and wakes up.

So close to half the clan members raised their bodies. Several of the clan members who were still sitting swayed with a sullen face.

Soon their gaze was collected in one place.

There are Jung Hae Yeon, Gokseong, Namdaeun, and Im Han. Four women were sitting together. Maybe, it was the women who could speak the most loudly against Kim Soo-hyun.

Did he feel the gaze gathered?

Suddenly I remember what a professor said in the past. ”

Of the four women, Jung Hoon Yeon opened his mouth as a representative.

“A business that has lost public interest will never succeed. Even if you take a certain position, you will receive countless checks.
Of course, I can not say that the meaning of the present clan road is pursuing public interest, but … ”

That said Jeon.

“From a macroscopic point of view, I think this mission is an opportunity to fill in the most missing part of Mercenary. Therefore, I would agree. ”

I was able to calm down my body with a nice gesture.

“What?” Because you are … ”

After that, he plays a loud voice, and Namdaen and Limhana, who have glanced at each other once, wake up and smile naked.

Now, half of the people who have certainly surpassed. It is also caused by the mainstream users.

The trend was sure to lean.

Users who have been sitting still have started to move their minds.

When so time passes and Kim Soo – hyun gently opens his eyes. “… … ! ”

Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes were intense.

Of course, I knew how much I was listening to my ear. However, the inspiration of looking at it can not help but be different.

Almost all clan members are standing up.

There will be some clan members who have been forced to do so for personal reasons or because of the atmosphere.

But it is clear that they are up and have not turned away from Kim’s request for help. Except for only one person.

“Hmm… ”

Almost all of them are still there, but the remaining users are Huh Jun-young. He keeps his thin, long knife, which is his key, in a straight line like a samurai, closing his eyes.

It was then.

Soon, Huh Jung-young’s eyes glared. Glancing eyes look at Kim Soo-hyun.


Slowly climbing arms caught the horn facing the sky.

“I’ll follow you. …I’m bored if I’m left alone. ”

Huh Joon-young gives a little strength to his hands and makes him slowly.

All 31 of the Merchant clan were up.

Header Tagline Font Color It would have happened anyway, so what do you think? ”

“Shut up. I just want to pay off my debts. ”

“Well, you are not being honest. That’s how the guy … ”

“I would have told you to shut up. Thunder naked. ”

As soon as Ahn Hyun came to the floor, he said to him, “Huh, Jun-young, his face was blushing. Ahn smiled giggly and avoided the body.

Whether he was funny or not, the clan members around him started laughing.



And also,


When Kim Su – hyun ‘s words came, laughter soon turned into a shout.

Wow ah ah ah ah!

Though it was only thirty staff members, the horse with full of magic spread far and wide to the corner of the fort. I wonder what happened in the tent, enough to walk out.

It was not an exception.

Flutter, flutter … .

Suddenly, at the shout, Han So – young, who was passing the record in the central tent, looked up at the entrance with his head.

“…….”He stared out for such a long time, and he soon dropped his eyes on the road record.

There was a smiling smile on her mouth.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== We promise that we will show a different composition from the preceding two regions in order to pursue the next three regions. Of course, as long as there is a monster, the battle is indispensable, but it will not progress like the two areas. It’s like the original configuration.

I will try to be a little more fun and I will try harder.

I am sorry and thank you all the time. _(__)_

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