
Chapter 611

Dark night. “Huh… ”

Han Soo-young, who had a slight stiffness, touched the tail of the kot, and reached out to the light-stones on the desk.

Tapping a couple of times lightly lighted the tent slightly. The darkness flourished as much as it was, but there was a little cozy energy in the tent.

It is a deep night, but it is still early to say it is a dawn.

It’s gone … .

Han So – young, who reduced the light, passed the record that he had read again. The eyes that have been softened for a moment concentrate on the letters of the road.

In fact, General Commander Han So – young does not have to be up to this late hour. Initially, the South had already been attacked, and everything was going smoothly.

So why is Han So – young awake at the time everyone should sleep?

Of course, you may not know yourself, but perhaps it is related to the pessimism that you hear from outside.

So, for example, waiting for someone.


It was then.

Someone hugs the entrance of the tent with Hanseo Young alone and comes in. Han Soo-young stopped reading the record to find out he was up and slowly raised his head. A man walk in front of the entrance.

“You are here now. Mercenary Road. ”

It was. Ambitious night, it was Kim Soo-hyun who found the commander’s tent.

“…Did you know? ”

“I’m not sure. But I thought it was likely. ”

A strange conversation that sounds strange. Han Sang-young was speaking as if he had known, just as if he had waited.

Soon Kim nodded his head. Then, in the presence of Han Sook-young, she stopped and quietly opened her mouth.

“I came to ask for permission.”

“By the way, do not you think that you have done the work ahead?”

“I apologize if you feel bad. But I thought the permission of the clan members was a priority. ”


Han Soo-young, who had a slight nipple, stared at the man who had come out of the room with his hand on his chin.

This guy certainly has something to attract people to. No matter what you say, you are not arrogant, not sneaking. Good self-confidence is conveyed. Who could that be? In front of the steel mountains that make you so uncomfortable.

Han So – young, who thought so, slowly took off his lips.

“Then what if I do not?”

Of course, Han So – young had no idea. Do you think it’s just some kind of agriculture?

However, in the present situation, agony was definitely an inappropriate choice. If you are a joking partner, you should smile at the opponent, and if someone like Han So – young accepts your opponent sincerely. As soon as the supernatural sensation conveys the information of ’embarrassment’, Han So – young smiles and writes his head down.

“just joke.”

Then he slowly raised his body and moved to the side of Kim Soo-hyun.

“But apart from the jokes, I have a heart that I do not want to go.”

“Can you tell me why?”

“Is there any reason? Steel mountains are dangerous. ”

“indeed. I know. ”

Han So-young said, ‘I do not want Mercenary Road to be hurt.’ .

However, Kim Soo-hyun was haunted. So it’s like what to do.

Perhaps she would have complained that she was not even aware of such a woman. But Han So – young did not think so. Rather, she regarded herself as a compassionate and caring woman, shrugging as if she were nothing.

“If you promise only two, I will let you.”

“A promise?”

“Yeah. One should be very careful. ”


“And be sure to come back alive.”

Yes, sir, I

A really difficult promise was made very simple.

And after a while. “Really.”Han Sang – young, who muttered, said that his hands are wrapped around his elbows like two hands hold his arms. In that state, when you give your arms a little strength, the big bust that is not suitable for slender body is more prominent.


Then suddenly I opened my mouth. Kim Soo – hyun ‘s strangeness stopped.

“I want to help you, too … ”

“…….””I wanted to do something … ”

“…….””Also, I can not help but watch alone.”

“…….”Han So – young has said this before. Exactly in front of the campfire, when there is only two with Kim Soo-hyun. Kim Soo – hyun ‘s eyes grew a bit.

I gaze at the woman who promises and is sorry that she can not help.

Whatever the mind, Han So – young can not move. Like Kim Soo Hyun, there is no reason to relate to people with whom there is room for sympathy, and even if I go out, it will not be a funny thing.

Despite knowing that, Han So – young no longer talks. But the shining black crystal eyes look down slowly as the straightened lashes shy down.

Late night. Time when people’s emotions are most full.

A little static flows. Han So – young still does not speak. However, if you look down on the pupil and look at the white ball, which is gradually erupting, you will be able to guess what Han So – young is thinking.

It is strange. Late night air is not cold, but the air is warmed up between Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young, and it emits heat.

“Isantelou Road.”

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun’s face came close. Almost at the same time, the lights of the light stone are turned off and the darkness falls.

No. In fact, the light still remained. As soon as Kim Soo-hyun came into the room, Han Soo-young reflexively closed his eyes and mistakenly thought that the fire had gone down. “that… ”

Han So – young ‘s plain forehead, Kim Soo – hyun’ s hand is revealed in the bangs. How close I was now was to feel even my breath.

The pretty lips that have dwarfed light shudder.

Han Soo – young closed his eyes tightly and lifted his heel slowly.

That was the moment.

“If so, where are you sick?”

Kim Soo – hyun ‘s words that he was really worried and took care of.

“Suddenly the face is red … ”

It made a woman of understanding and consideration disappear for a moment.

Han, reflexively, grabbed his right fist and held it.

‘…Will you hit me? ”

It was Han So-young who seriously worried.

* Meanwhile, the same time.

Kim Han-hyun, who finished the first day of the trip today, was locked in deep sorrow when Han So-young was worried about leaving Kim’s sole.

The eastern expedition did not encounter any monsters until the end of the attack. The southern expedition encountered monsters only after a few days after the march.

And the northern expedition encountered monsters as soon as half a day after the march had passed. And the monsters that I saw for the first time.

Is the key more than three meters long? All-round body, sharp teeth, and coarse tail. And when I saw the horns protruding from the tip of the protruding snout, it seemed to look like a dinosaur.

First of all, the first day of the expedition will be successful. Although the extent of the raids was not great, the northern expedition played very well in the first battle of the Steel Mountains, without a single wagerer.

Instead of the weakness of monsters, Kim Yu-hyun’s actions were very appropriate. After promptly shaking the shaken user, he directed an attack aiming at the weakness of the monsters. Needless to say, the instructions are based on information provided by Kim Soo-hyun.

As a result, the morale of the expedition rises naturally.

Although the number of monsters was small, the fact that I broke off my first start in this infamous area was something to celebrate anyway.

The users praised the brain, and the North-West alliance nodded and ended the day with a nod.

Except only one.

Hmm …

Kim hugged a sigh and knocked on the table.

So, why is Kim Yu-hyun now?

The other users all finished the day with a good feeling, but why does Kim Yu-hyun only have a face that is under stress?

The answer was in the monster that appeared today.

‘If you only calculate by distance, you’ll be able to get to the point of capture from six to eight days. Well. Until they first enter the realm of theirs … . As soon as possible? Two days late?

‘Oh, brother. This is what I think … . I’m afraid of the local guys. …What is it? No no no Not the Eastern guys. ‘

‘There are monsters from one area.’

‘Huh. Actually, I thought it would come from the 2nd area, but it did not come out. I mean, you have to keep in mind that these guys will appear in the third area. So… . ‘

Kim Soo – hyun was predicting various situations so that Kim Yu – hyeon would reveal his tongue. And the prediction was accurate without a margin of error. The remaining monsters that escaped from Area 1 passed through Area 2 and entered Area 3.

So Kim was not happy. No, I did not.

As well as those who control the third area, other monsters that are expected to appear are sick even if they are in trouble.

At this point, Kim Yu-hyun can not have a good feeling in the East. No matter how many times they did it, but once they moved their base to the west, they were now South and South.

“쯧. I can not help it. ”

However, Kim Yu-hyun was not particularly troubled or not. I did not think it was easy anyway. Just think that there is one more trial to overcome.

After a while, her hair was frayed and Kim Yu-hyeon continued to think.

‘This is a strategy … . The longer you drag it, the harder it gets. ”

Best of all, there are no users to use.

I was not talking about combat. It refers to the qualities that lead users.

Kim Yoo-hyun wanted to construct a Northern Expedition like the Southern Expedition.

But I could not. I could not.

The vanguard should be the user who has reached the peak of his ability to read the situation and the momentary judgment.

The auspicious should follow the leading troops and be able to cope with the unexpected situation flexibly.

If so, even if I wash my eyes and look, the user is not noticeable.

In the end, like the East, inevitably, the center had to compose all forms of the situation. And the more these forms appear over time, the more monsters appear, the more the burden increases.


‘The information is sufficient. So, even if you have a little difficulty, you have to get to the point as fast as you can. And with a ransom pleasure … . ‘

Before long, Kim Yoo Hyun calmly put his thoughts together and started to fold the map on the table.


thud… .

Suddenly, the vibe sounding somewhere faintly rang the sound of Kim ‘s ears. I heard it so weakly that I could just go over it.

But this is the steel mountains.

Kim ‘s head instinctively headed outside the entrance. Suddenly, both eyes were shining brightly.

thud… !

The vibration is heard again.

Good food, good food!

– Do not fuck!

Suddenly the sound of a flapping wing, and a beautiful golden bird, sat down slightly on Kim ‘s shoulder.

Kim Yoo-hyun quickly got up and walked out of the tent with a quick pace.

“What is this?”

“How do I know!”

“Tell the general commander!”

“Go to the borders! Quick

Male breeding.

Kim Yu-hyun was not alone, but the camp was already getting cluttered with users who listened to the sound.

After a while, the users who started communicating in the boundary group started to report one by one.

“This is the report of the Eastern Border Zone! It is said that it does not catch the sound, too! ”

“This is the report of the western boundary! I hear the sound clearly, and I feel a very slight vibration on the ground! I do not get caught! ”

Immediate voices followed.

Kim Yu-hyun had already activated magic power as much as possible. But nothing is caught. Users who were in charge of the western boundary reported a similar situation.

After all, the answer is one.

The monster is far away from the camp so it can not be caught.

Nonetheless, the sound of the vibration was that the monster had that strength.

‘Is it already?’

Kim chewed his mouth. I immediately activated the voice amplification spell to give instructions.

And that was the moment.

thud… !

At the same time I heard a little more certain vibration.

– Chirurururururu look!

A torn screech, believed to be of a monster, rattled the steel mountains.

Kim ‘s eyes grew bigger.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Oh, this is the shape of the hands and feet of the readers yesterday, which has caused the content to shrivel.

I am the one who made me fall, and I should be free to do it myself. Then I’ll have to worry about what kind of content you’ll be able to soften your hands and feet in the future. Hahaha

P.S. The golden bird is a bird that I gave to my brother as a result of what Kim Soo-hyun used to capture with Kim Yoo-hyun. The appearance is very beautiful, and the ability of the bird is very close to the brain. The name is Kirono. I cringe and cry.

If it is any other feature, it is obvious that the owner likes Kim Yu-hyun or Kim Soo-hyun better. As a bird related to ‘nature’, I am attracted to the inside of Kim Soo-hyun.

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