
Chapter 658

That was the moment.

At the same time as the field of vision is filled with pure white light.

‘…….’I felt that all the senses touching my body flowed slowly one by one.

I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, the memory in the old pit came to my mind.

‘Ansol. miracle… . Is it? ”

To my question.

‘Poetry, I hate it! No. Here, here … ! ‘

Ansol replied that.

Sure! Ansol had been predicting this since then? ”

I do not think it would have happened in the circumstances. I can not use miracles in this timely manner.

I was surprised, but now I feel more relieved. Now, as the life of my body is heading towards the end, if there was no miracle, the hell of the air would have broken out of the red circle. I do not want to even imagine what happens after that.

This will enable

After a while, the light seemed to fade.

I slowly open my eyes and I see the situation again.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The space that is gradually diminished is getting big again.
Reddish shine regained its original light.
The hell the air screams, twisting all over the body, grabbing a cracked space.
Helena regained her first complete form, but it is repeatedly fading again.

I now know why Ansol was thankful to Helena and said she was sorry.

Ansol had obviously used the miracle to fill up the missing sacrifices. In other words, Helena was restored and used again as a sacrifice.

But Helena did not care much, just like me, with a sigh of relief, she just restored her expression. …All of these phenomena came slowly, very slowly.

It feels as if the pupil is a camera that shoots at low speed.
It feels like I’m in a world where I am alone in this world.

I could not stop feeling awkward as the panorama continued to flow.

I do not know why. If there’s just one straw bar, I’m also slowly getting closer to death. ‘So you’ll soon see the light?’

Though it was a good idea, I know my condition best. Strictly speaking, the ability to move once or twice still has remained weak. As much as the treatment, there is no big problem in the body itself.

But apart from that, the once burned life does not come back. My life was exhausted from the time when the ability of chlorine diminished. It was a miracle of Ansol, but even he used it to send back the hell.

No, I do not think it’s wrong. Even if Ansol miraculously restored my vitality, there is no guarantee that I will be able to cope with the hell hole through the circle. So Ansol made the most rational choice in this situation. …okay . . . So the only thing left is to accept death itself.

“No, no, no, no! How many, how many times have I been looking for! I just found it now! ”

The hell was still screaming. I do not know what you’re talking about, but now the scream that makes you feel sad is ringing in your ears.

Let’s look at the slippery. Now it is touched to the bottom of my chest. Perhaps the hell of the hell is a miracle.

‘now… . It’s really over … . ‘

I stood naked and breathed lightly. If time permits, I finally thought I would like to see the faces of my acquaintances. So I was about to turn slowly.

“I can not go back this way! More than this … ! ”

A sudden cry came out of the sudden hell of the hell. At the same time, it was the moment when I turned around the hell of the air.

All of a sudden, I could see the hell of a huge hell with my right arm in a strange face. As if to squeeze out the last force.

“I will never give up!”

Following that cry, a bifurcated fire whip crosses the street. I get stuck in a straight line to pick me up at once.

That moment.

‘……!’I had no idea. I just moved my body instinctively.

Firly Lick!

The reason I was able to twist my body reflexively, and the twisted whip skipping past me with breathlessness, was all because of the seemingly slow flow of things from before.




I was able to get rid of it in such a way, but suddenly I was appalled by the whole body. My eyes grew bigger. I was not tired of the last vestige of the hell of the air.

The moment I barely avoided it, it was because of the small scream I heard right behind my back. It is also the elasticity of two people, not one.

‘What the hell happened?’ Before I even thought of it, things were already happening.

Finally, the head of the hell air was swallowed in the space. However, his right arm stretched all the way forward, still holding a tightly pulled fire scoop. And as the arms are gradually sucked in, someone on the left and right sweeps me forward.

“Oh, brother!”

With his left arm wrapped around a whip of fire, he calls me with his angry voice and extends his right hand.

“Oh, ah … ?! ”

Han So – young, staring at me blankly, with his right arm wrapped around a flame of fire.

So, Kim Han – seung and Han So – young were being dragged into the circle.

The moment I checked the scene, I suddenly stopped breathing and felt a dizziness.

As I abstained, the two of them got caught instead.

The two women seemed to rebel in all sorts of ways, such as pulling their feet as if to somehow endure, but it was a vain rebellion in the first place. The stem of fire made of hell scarcely can not be cut off so simply.

No no no There is no time. The two women had already passed through the red border. Dissolution is not a problem. If two people are dragged in this way, it is a good idea to be sucked into that space.

At the moment, I have lifted all the energy I have left. And he jumped himself into the red border without hesitation.

“Suh Hyun-ah!”

I could hear my brother ‘s crying momentarily but could not afford to return. Cause now I can only get one. I will not be able to ask for one person at a moment.

Then, in a flash, my eyes turn red, and two women look at me in astonishment.

But once again trying to spit the ground, I had to feel the mood of crossing.

Kim Han – nam, who calls me angrily while stretching out his hand.

Han So – young, staring at me with pale light.

I am… who… . ‘

The anxiety soon disappeared. I did not make a decision on who I had decided.

But when the two women approached the open space, the body moved automatically.

In the end, I ignored Kim Han-bum and put the land as hard as he could. Then, as soon as he approached Han Sang Young, he held his hand toward his right arm. The whip of the fire that was tightly wound is scattered in response to the power of the lantern.

After completing the series of courses, I pushed her back to the back without delay.

“Merchant, loader!”

I heard the call of Han So – young calling me, but it was unavoidable. If you keep doing this, both will melt away, and yet … .

“brother… ”

At that time, I heard a weak voice of Kim Han – The moment I encountered the two eyes that seemed hollow, I felt a sense of stiffness in my whole body.

Despite my disapproval, Kim Han – seung still looked at me. The emotions of resentment are not seen in the eyes of two empty eyes. It was not particularly angry.

By the way… Why is he making such a sad look?

But that’s also for a while.

Before long, starting with the left arm wrapped in a flame of fire, Kim Han-hee enters the hole as it is. And I can barely see the right arm still reaching for me.


Suddenly the time has stopped. Every situation just stopped.

Suddenly, only a few hours later, my memory came to my mind.

Now I think I love you. ‘
‘No, I love you.’

Kim Han Bum who said he loved me.

‘Yeah. I love you. ”
I love you I’ve always been fond of it from the first glance at the rite of passage. ”

And I … .

‘Are you curious? Why did you suddenly say this … . ‘
Therefore sign If it is not this time, I will not have a chance to talk again. ‘

also I

“One by one … ! ”

When I was feeling up, my legs were already running like crazy.

Unlike my thoughts, the space quickly comes to the front, reaching out of my will.

“Kim Han-seong!”

Kim Han-seong’s palm of his hand is now grabbed as hard as he can … !

That was the moment.

Uwo Woong!

Suddenly the area near the belly feels like a hook, and the space swallows me without a reason. Then it feels like a crashed place somewhere.

And after a while. ‘here is… . ‘

For a moment, there was a huge universe in front of you.

Moore: Impressions that can not be used have passed through the body. The vision changes as if it is sinking under the swamp of death, and the barely awareness gradually dims.

In the meantime, the only thing that you can feel is that you feel the right touch.

I am… What happens now … ? ‘

In the end, I did not answer the idea, but I closed my eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Oh, I’ve finished all three parts of the season (highlight!) For this. Hahaha

It seems that this is the most frequently asked question in the series of the last Hell Air Parts.

‘What will happen with the hell air?’

I think the question has been answered to some extent today. Kim Soo-hyun did not turn out Kim Han-bum at the end, and eventually chose to fall down. This was the last part of Season 3. That was the end of the dream that Ansol had made.

Anyway, I think it ‘s cool because I finish all the parts like this. Today I will simply buy a can of KGB beer and finish the day with sweetness. 🙂 Come on! So, after all the parts of Season 3 are over, I have some announcements to tell readers.

1. Subsequent articles?

Season 3 is over, but it does not go into season 4. We are going to serialize abduction that corresponds to season 3. Of course, even abstinence does not have much to do with the content. The abduction series is mainly based on the hell section, and it can be seen that it deals with the stories of Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Han-hee, and Hell Macross.

There are a total of five goals in this Aboard series.

– The story of the human world since Kim Soo – hyun and Kim Han – seop disappeared (very little).
– Resurrected Kim Soo-hyun’s exhausted life.
– Upgrading Kim Soo-hyun and his party (If you look at it, you can see it as a world divided into 8 regions. In hell there will be many strange things.
– Kim Soo Hyun Awakening (Which awakening?) And the second game of the hell air.
– The return of the king.

In fact, I did a lot of worries whether I would put 4th. I was really tired of fighting, but I have to put in the fight again. But now that Kim has been in hell and lost Helena, Kim Soo-hyun is going to take revenge. I am going to write a really hot (?) Plural warfare so you can look forward to it. If you give a spoiler in advance, Kim Soo-hyun wins this time. I’m going to make the hell out of the air, so I will not just stay.Where?) Hmmm. Anyway, I will finish Season 3 abduction, and next season I will start Season 4 which contains ‘Ending’ and ‘Complete’ contents.

2. Subsequent plans?

August 26, 2014 (Wed), 27 (Wed), 28 (Thu), 2014. This will be closed for three days. While I was reading the novel, . No no no Huh! I will just relax. The steel mountain parts were really hard during the series. Sometimes I get the impression that the life of the writing is reduced. If it was not for the readers, I would not have come this far. ㅠ Anyway, after resting for 3 days, I will resume the serialization on August 29, 2014 (Fri)!

Important notices here.


‘What the hell is that?’ I say to those who say.

It is also included in the abduction, the fourth part of the season 4. I am going to give Kim Soo-hyun a break for a long time after the abduction, as much as I have been rolling. During the break, I’ll give you the feast of the … .

Anyway, because I come out too much later, please stop the bed! I do not know if you say. I do not know. I do not know. (-) This is all I have to offer. Now, take the time to release!

“Relief. ” One. JF / Yes. JF’s prediction is correct. However, if the lunar eclipse and hell scare is 10, Blue Dahlia is 8 ~ 9.It’s incredibly high for the power of humans.) This is a level that can be dealt with. As an added bonus, Blue Dahlia is a sort of passive ability.

2. HerbPia / What did you come up to here? The cow is the best in Hanwoo, and the crisp is crunchy, sweet and delicious!

3. sennheiser / medium degree. If season 4 begins and the events in other continents are meticulously solved, I think that the completion will be delayed. I will put the necessary information, but the contents of other continents will not be detailed in the northern continent. In Atlanta, it is only a slight encounter with the devil in the first place, and the battle itself is thought to be done in Tera.

4. In Deimu / Maimaa, Vivian should go and dragon comes to the end. The importance of marriage is much more important. It is an important base. 🙂 5. Super Technique / Wow. I was going to pass that part somehow, but there is someone who has pointed out exactly. In fact, the mouth does not work hard. Why do not you do it. But it is not a matter to tell yet, so I can not give you a simple word. I do not remember 100%of the memories of that time in the future. Just a faint remembrance. 🙂

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