
Chapter 659

When it arrived, everything was already over. I felt myself playing when I approached the neighborhood. The loud noises heard when we left the battlefield were no longer heard.

However, despite watching the harevel, I was able to sense that something was wrong by looking at a place where it became a tearful sea.

Ahn, who is breaking the window with both hands and crying and crying.
I do not constantly mumble something while standing idly.
Lee Ji-jeong has been wailing in a prone position.
Jeon, Yeon-yeon, who sat on the floor with a mischievous face.

No way…

So I can not see Kim Soo-hyun. Of course, there are many invisible clan members, but the fact that there is no poisonous Kim Soo-hyun came to the performance. In the meantime, even though I had prepared my heart in advance, I went slowly toward the clan members.

“I could not stop … . I could not stop … ”

Ansol was repeating the same thing as a man who looked like an insane person. I was surprised to see that Ansol woke up and I was about to ask what was going on.

“Let go, let go! Suhyun is going, Suhyun is going! ”

Suddenly the right cry came from the right. Soon, he could see two scenes.

“Clan Road, please … ! It’s already late, you’re late! ”

I saw a lot of people stop trying to push someone with a voice.

“The hole, the hole is getting smaller! Leave it! ”

Kim Yu-hyun, who was trying to run somewhere with his arms wrapped around the users, was also seen. The cool and calm state of the old days was not that bad, but it was like a madman.

Ansol was still trying to recite his own words. I could not find a way to do this, so I turned my head and found that the performance was suddenly standing alone on one side. Then the eyes of the performance tapered.

‘Why is that kid?’

Zegal Hasols has returned to his original form from the appearance of the character. As Helena sacrificed herself and disappeared from the world, the Polymorph effect disappeared as well. But just because the battle is over and the shock is so great, there is no one to notice. I do not know why Jeegar Hasol is here. However, judging by the fact that it was not good for anyone to know, the performance approached with a quick pace and caused a shadow.


Shadow did not wrap himself up, and Zegal Hasol broke the feeble stiffness.

“What happened now?”

“Is this this?”

When asked about his performance, Zegal Haesol blurted out his face. Then, he asked me to explain about the battlefield, and then the true Jeegar Hasols opened his mouth carefully.


Kim Soo-hyun’s flickering reaction, which had almost flashed to the state of the superpowers. And that the sacrifice of Helena, Kim Soo-hyun, and Kim Han-hee were dragged into the space.


When I heard the explanation of Jeegal Hasols, I felt the first greedy feeling. Even though I was preparing for my mind in advance, I felt like my stomach was stuck. I can not believe it.

Kim was a user who showed tremendous ability from the first meeting. Sometimes they overwhelmed their opponents with force, and at times they neutralized the enemy in ways that no one else had thought of. The crisis that everyone thought was hard to solve was also good.

Of course, there was a lot of help from the clan members in the process, but the center was always Kim Soo-hyun.

okay . . . It was … .

It was then.

All The battlefield … . Organize … ”

A tranquil voice that suddenly sounds. In the eyes of the performer who turned his body, Han Soo-young gave instructions to rearrange the battlefield. The face that has always been expressionless is now more and more driven by the boreom. It was a terrible cold command, but no one thought to object.

Because it was a matter of course. It was natural that the person who rescued the injured person and gave priority to the living, rather than the missing or dead person.

Nevertheless, the momennary clan members do not move … . What I can not do is because I do not want to admit it. The fact that Kim Soo-hyun is not here right now.

In such a situation, the performance of Gogae could barely face reality.

This was not the only problem at present. Mercenary is a centrally-ruled clan that has played a central role in Kim Soo-hyun. However, as Kim Soo-hyun disappeared, it seemed obvious that it would have a bad influence in any way on the way forward. It is now a matter of worrying about the future of Mercenary.

‘You can not do this.’

I thought that, and the performance was to stay here in the place of Jegal Hasols, and after shouting, I shouted it in a bad voice.

“That’s right! Stop knocking and wake up! ”

Yoo Jung – jung cried like a baby and was amazed to hear his head.

“How long are you going to stay? Do not you get up soon? ”

In rare occasions, he raised his voice. The clan members, who were blinded by it, began to set their minds one by one.

Koh played a short sigh and bite his lower lip. The users who had slipped away from a distance from now on were approaching slowly.

* Rubbing … ! Rubbing … !

– We will inform passengers. We will inform passengers.

When I woke up to the announcement that sounded faintly, I saw a blurred vision. I closed my eyes three or four times in a reflexive manner and the world that I was using was starting to get caught slowly. I remember going to the Lulu Rural train and making a global report.

“Hahahah! Did you drink too many celebrations all over yesterday … ”

When I left the unit, I did not know the joy that it was all over, but suddenly I felt a hangover that I did not know when I woke up with a sigh. I do not like hangovers which seem to break the goal originally, but this hangover is not as bad as it is today. No, I feel like I can laugh at him any day. Because today is the whole day I am!

– This station is Seoul Station, Seoul Station. Soon … .

As soon as I tried to lift it up, the announcement that followed came to my ear. I almost got up at Seoul Station when I got up and fell asleep. Today, I had to quit the KTX suite because of the luxury that I had not been able to do all over the place.

‘This is why money is good.’

After looking at the window with a thoughtful thought, I raised my body proudly. When I got off the train, I was going to wait for people to come to the entrance of the train.

So I’m about to leave the hallway.

Yes. it is.

I stopped for a while. Because there was a woman in a spot next to her. I do not remember who sat next to me until I started to ride. . And then this train, was it not a stop? Was not it? I am very confused.

I was going to stick to the future as soon as possible, but soon I was ignorant of the woman. The woman next door had a beauty that she could not see anywhere.

Light brown hair with fine hair, long and slender eyelashes, peachy cheeks, lumpy lips … . And the impression that seemed to be very good was enough to make the urge to embrace it. You look like a neat bouquet of flowers. And most of all, the prominent missile-type breasts are so blooming!

“Free Shipping … ”

At that moment I heard something strange on the other side of the seat. When I looked up, I saw a grandmother trying to take off her baggage with difficulty. I was careful to avoid touching the woman, and then took her grandmother ‘s burden instead.

Grandmother Is this a load? ”

Then her grandmother nodded and seemed to give a kindly laugh.

“Draw it. That’s right. I really appreciate it … ”

no It was not too hard. ”

“I am a strong, sturdy young man with a good heart. My granddaughter is sleeping over there … ”


She scratches her head and laughs. She grabs her tongue and picks up her luggage. In the mood of wonder, she said, “At the end of the year, that year.” He glanced toward the other side. It was the place I was sitting before. …awhile. What do you mean?

“Hyun-ah, it’s all over! Wake up! …Yoohyun. don’t.

in On, on? ”

The woman called Yoo Hyun – ah shook her grandmother ‘s eyes and woke up. I looked around with a half-filled, drowsy eye, and suddenly I fixed my gaze when I saw my eyes. Agreed. Snowball fighting … . Not.

‘…What was that?

As soon as the infinitely good looking pupil looked at me, I felt the excitement of the whole effect suddenly sinking. Then, unpleasant and uneasy emotions came up. I wanted to have a guilty conscience because I saw the heart before, but I think it is not because of it. I feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and I constantly feel my whole body.

After all, I could not bear the feeling and turned my eyes first. I ran through the corridor and escaped the entrance. I heard her grandmother calling me back for a while, but she quickly closed the door and walked to the next room. I do not know why, but I just feel like I should be.


I was able to breathe once I finally reached the entrance across the hall. As the train entered the stop area, we could get off at the entrance without waiting long.

‘It was a strange woman.’

No, it may not be strange actually. The woman was sitting quietly, and I only responded to her wishes. Anyway, I think it would be better to forget that this happened sooner, and I breathed my head and lifted my mind as much as I could to vent my feelings.

But unfortunately the moment I looked up into the sky, I had to feel three or four raindrops hitting my mouth. Then I saw that the sky was full of cloudy clouds. It was sunny when we left the unit, but the day was blurred. Oh, but the winter wind is cold, so it goes down to the rain. It is the worst.

Huddle, Huddle!

After a while, the raindrops began to come down from the sky. The station changed quickly. I wanted to go to a convenience store like some people and buy an umbrella, but I gave up after seeing a crowded crowd. I do not like the rain, but … . No, but why are raindrops falling all over their mouth from now on?

I was grumbling and wiping out my mouth, but I decided to think that heaven was kissing to celebrate my whole world. Agreed. It seems to me that I am definitely out of the feeling that I am.

I giggled and closed my eyes. Then suddenly a scene of the movie rubbed over his head, and his arms were wide open and his eyes closed with the same amount of effort. Others may blame it for shit, but it does not matter today. Now I feel like I can overcome any embarrassing situation.

Just … ! Just … !

The rain continued to fall regularly. Maybe it’s my idea that I’m falling into my mouth. Right now, the raindrops licked my mouth and licked … .

What is it? Raindrops lick me? ‘

Lick … . Lick … . …Authentic The rain is licking me. But this does not make sense. How do raindrops lick me? Is not it flowing? I feel like it’s hot, not the cold. . Then hot raindrops?

Suddenly I felt like a sparkling mind. I feel like I wake up from a train I felt before on a train. And the memories that I had forgotten to wake up slowly and wake up slowly.

‘He, yes. I remember now. The woman before … . ‘

In the meantime, the rain continued to taste (?), And at the same time, the nape felt quite comfortable. It was a very sweet and warm texture. I feel like sleeping while I keep my eyes closed, but the feeling that I feel from my mouth makes me nervous. Finally I opened my eyes.

“…….”The first thing that came to my eyes was not the sky I saw from the station. Rather, it was someone’s hair that was so full of lava that it was gurgling. And then I get dizzy dizziness.


Reflexively twisted, the texture felt in his mouth disappeared for a moment. But I could not afford to worry about it. For a moment, there was a tremendous pang in my head and I had to struggle with pain.

So when the time goes by and the dizziness slows down slowly.

“Have you woken up now?”

The voice heard somewhere quietly sounded in my ears. The moment I opened my frown, I could not but feel a sense of hollowness. I did not see the rich hair that I had seen before, but suddenly I saw red tongue. The red tongue was gradually getting closer and growing in size.

And after a while. “Jufa.”

The tongue that comes out of the mouth is a little bit.


I literally licked my mouth softly.

‘……?’============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hell of the hell was licking Kim Soo-hyun vividly.

Long time no see! The readers, as soon as I got here, I was throwing the ending! Hahaha

Anyway, and then start the season 3 abduction.

As a battlefield!

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