
Chapter 707

The squeak … .

The door of the entrance shook with a loose noise as it was blowing a little harder.

widely. Carefully closing the door, he looked deeply and took a deep breath. The room was about 60 square meters in size, and 20 people could see a table that could sit comfortably. And those who sit round the table.

When I looked closely at the total of 13 users, I felt the feeling that I was hungry for some reason. I shrugged off my neck and stuck my ass on an empty chair.

There was a cold chill in the inn. If there are a lot of people like this, there will be a little hot steam. Everyone was silent while closing their mouths, and it felt colder. I do not think I should be able to open my mouth.

Slowly looking around, a hundred people fixed their eyes on three people. Whereas the majority of users have drawn sword and shield designs that symbolize the mansion on the chest, only three of them have shown a different pattern.

First, the user who sat on the right side of Kim Soo-hyun with his eyes closed and wearing his arms. It was a sophisticated impression with a large black magician coat that was wide enough to cover the entire body with a slight collar up. On the shoulder is a golden bird sitting on the back, reminiscent of a plum.

One hundred people know the identity of the company. In the meantime, I’ve seen dozens or even hundreds of times, because I was almost the first user to be ranked among the North continental wizards. Especially, it is a wizard who can not be followed in the case of the ephemeral series.

‘Brain (雷帝)’ Kim Yoo Hyun.

And to the left of Kim Soo-hyun, a dweller with a bigger body than anyone else in the inn sits under weight. The leather armor, which swelled as quickly as it could burst, evoked the illusion that it might have been made of muscle.

The eyes do not seem to be covered in the hair that has fallen off, but the wounded mouth, which sometimes grows as if growling, reveals the nature of rough wildness. It looks like a wild animal, not a human.

One hundred knows the identity of this resident. Above all, it is sure to see a black window that is rooted in ominous aura that is inevitably in your arms.

The owner of ‘Sura Machang’

Finally, on the opposite side of the right was a woman sitting there. Unusually, she was not as heavy as the two previous men. I looked at someone and laughed, or was kissing like a killer look at the time was changing the expression.

At first, I wondered who I was looking at, but when I saw that the opposite performance of the opposite performance was silent, a hundred people could think of the identity of the woman.

‘Princess Of Executions’ Yoon Hye-rim.

At first I did not know who was embarrassed, but when I thought about it, I could think of it. Users who have already been in the 10th round for a long time, and also have memories of encountering once or twice in user academy. Especially, it is almost certain that you are fighting with high performance and eyes. It is because I remember that I sometimes hear the words that the hymn of the hymn is called the princess of the mop.

Soon afterwards, he played with a smile and grabbed his nose and shook his head. It means smell and it is the act expressing the direction of the hyeolim to the mop. It was a moment when the hot and soft rice flashed on the table.


Suddenly, the flow of weak power that happened somewhere broke the stillness of dawn.

At that moment, Gohyeon and Yeonhim stopped acting at the same time, and concentrated as if they did. I was amazed by the rapid change in attitude, but the hundreds quickly stared at the table. At the center of the cracked wood table is a blue bead with a soft light.

Kim Soo-hyun who opened his eyes quietly put his hand on the bead.


The light burst and the bead illuminated someone. After a long time, the face of the pretty woman, who seemed a little tired, was completely revealed. Hundreds of people cheered inward. I do not know who she is, but I knew she was the highest user in the central government.

After a while, Lee Hyo-hoo sweeps all over the place and whistles.

Wow… It’s not really a joke. I’ll eat one or two large clan lightly.

“huh. I was eager to help you. Actually, this is not the kind of person who works well. I do not mind, but this body came out. ”

When Lee Hyo-hoo was impressed, she smiled as she spoke in her voice.

Kim Soo-hyun laughed steadily. I contacted Yasutantelow, but in fact, I tried to bring Han Sangyoung, who is not Yonhim. I put my courage, and I have recently proposed that my head should not be hurt by a lot of things.

However, Han So – young is very sorry, and after complaining that he is too busy these days, he asked me if he would take me with him. ‘He is not as helpful as a nail in the development of the city. So, please. ‘Adding. Of course, Yeon-heim does not think so at all.

Agreed. Excellent. I would rather mourn those outlaws if this power is enough.)

“I’ve only done my best in preparation. Anyway the information? ”

Kim Soo-hyun summarized the words lightly. Then, the light of Lee Hyung – eul, who nodded his head, seemed to be sorry.

“Umm . . . I once went to the shrine to inquire … . First of all, there are about 1,500 users in the West Continent who are currently identified in the ‘Black Forest’. There are about 400 users, 500 people being chased, and the number of outlaws chasing is about twice that.)

“I have 100 people … . I wondered if I was going to run the day, and this is a little disappointing. Hmm … ”

At that moment, I had to listen to him quietly, and laughed and laughed. Kim was breathing long.

I suppose I must. Because the majority of them have flocked to the South. Anyway, are you in the woods of black? ”

(Yes, this is my expectation, but I think maybe it’s the way the bums got in the last war.)

“Well, I guess it’s from the unexplored area.”

Yes. That’s all I got. I’m sorry.

Lee Hyo – ha was sorry to say that he was sorry. It was bitter that I received the information as I begged for the position I was commissioned.

But Kim did not care much. From the moment I heard the story, I felt strongly that I was not obliged to seek continental users. Did not Seraf do that? This referral is just one condition for passing some kind of agenda. The fact that the angel is thinking about the user in the first place itself is an awkward one.

“This is enough. This guy can do the distance and position grasp. ”

Kim Yu-hyun smiled and laughed and touched the golden bird sitting on his shoulder. The bird leaned sharply with his eyes shining with sharpness.

(Yes, thank you for helping me and I’m sorry. Everybody will pray for you.

Lastly, the light of the beads was turned off last time when it greeted Lee Hyo – soon and cheered.

“Umm . . .

Kim Soo – hyun put the beads in his arms and then swept them around.

“What?” Everybody will take care of it. ”

When I tried to say something, I raised my body by raising my head. It is because I did not feel the necessity to point out separately from the level of each one.

There is a saying in the hall plane.

One well-grown user is not envious of the user.

The majority of users here are not so big, but one person is different from the other. Even if you look at Kim Soo-hyun right now, about 100 users can drink lightly after drinking alcohol.

Of course, it is difficult to see everyone as such, and Kim Soo – hyun ‘s gaze stayed with Ahn Hyun and two hundred people for a short time. But once I thought to believe, soon I started to wear a big gray robe under the table. Other users also stood up and stood up in the same color of robes. Hwang joon-yong gave a single robe without any hesitation, and he was wearing a shade.

After a while, users headed by Kim Soo-hyun came out of one of the inn.

“Let’s get going.”

The fourteen users who pressed the gray lobe, like the wind, suddenly disappeared into the dark woods off the gate.

* Booths, Booths!

A twilight dawn.

The dark forests with hazy fog showed a bustle that did not match the serenity of dawn.

“Whoo … . Hoook … ”

Then, through a shaking bush, a woman suddenly appeared.

No. The woman was not alone. The woman was at the forefront, and soon the shrubbery was shaking again, and countless users began to appear. The number was really large, and it was supposed to be 4, 500 people.

The appearance of the users including the woman was not normal. The hair that has become sporadic is a level of charm. Just like a man who could not wash for a few months, there was dust accumulating in his body, and the armor or the robes he wore were discolored and tattered. In severe cases, it seemed to be a mop rather than a rob.

Almost… I’m almost there now … ”

The woman, however, constantly walked, mumbling with a voice. However, the two eyes that endlessly gazed at the front were holding the spontaneity which does not understand.

It was then.

ye sara사라 Sara ah! ”

Suddenly, a desperate cry from the rear hurt her back. The woman, called Sarah, turned her glance without stopping to walk. A man was rushing to death with his brown hair waving. Sarah’s face looked strange.


“Sarah, Sarah! It’s a big deal! It’s a big deal … . wickedness

At that moment, the man with the brown hair called Arnold ran aground to the ground. I ran in a hurry and my feet seemed to be twisted. Sarah walked back to Arnold while she could not hide her cramped face.

Arnold all right What happen?”

“He, it … . 큭! ”

Arnold was biting to see if there was any pain in trying to say something. The ankle area was reddish and swollen. Surprised, Sarah tried to shout out Moora, but Arnold shook his head hard.

“Come on, Sarah! It’s been a bad day! I have a loser, a loser! ”


Sarah circled her eyes and bit her lower lip. Then I quickly turned my head and looked around. He was very alert to see who was not following him.

Arnold held up his pain and opened his mouth.

“It’s not an attack. I’m tired of the hard-liners I’ve been waiting for. I must have lost my way. ”

Arnold Unfortunately, I can not help it. Our situation is not so good right now. ”

ye sara사라

No. I did not know you would follow us here, but we almost caught up with it two days ago. ”

“Ha, but … ”

“I was fortunate enough to escape, but I can not expect such good luck again. I will not be able to guarantee the situation after a little delay. So get up. Come

Sarah spoke very clearly and with a clear voice. The beautiful golden eyes shining in form showed the will to never return.

Then Arnold raised his body and made a sad face.

ye sara사라

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Today was a little sad.

Sometimes I really sing sometimes while writing a fact. Like today.

“I can not believe it. Is there. My dear ~. In the. You are a magical princess ~! ”

So I was singing like this, and suddenly my mother called me.

“Eugene … ”
“Always ~. I love you really To gesture toward. Numerous difficulties ~~~~. You can speak Korean
“I’m sorry… ”
Four What?”
“My mom is sorry … ”
“????””My mom is sorry … … ”
“…….”And then suddenly my brother walked in.

Really? Hey. I’m sorry too. ”
No. All of a sudden. Do not you sing? I called it small. ”
No. I’m sorry. Really sorry. I’m sorry. ”
“…….”…This is the second time I’ve heard you say sorry to your brother. I was stunned.

Anyway, I learned something good today.

Next time I have a chance, I will be kissing him at the door before he comes to work. Hahaha

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