
Chapter 708

“Only once, think again. please.”

It was then. As she tried to turn around without hesitation, the sad voice of Arnold sounded in Sarah ‘s ears.

ye sara사라 I’ve been with people ever since. And Sarah, I know people. Joey, Jonathan, Rachel, Teresa! It’s all friends. ”


“Before long before this happened, they were colleagues who helped and relied on each other. Are you really going to throw it away? ”

“…….”The voice of Arnold seemed to appeal.

“Sara, of course, is not wrong. But the best choice is not necessarily the best. ”

Sarah closed her mouth as if her speech was blocked. It was not because I had nothing to say, but because I could not see Arnold. Between the brown hair that was so disturbed, both eyes turned out to be good. Sarah ‘s face grew hot as she faced a clear enthusiastic pupil.

“I heard you were caught two days ago, but you have not seen it since. You may have misguided or you may have gone back. ”


“Look around. Everyone is tired of the yearly hardships. So I have a loser. We need a little rest, so we need a break. ”


Continuing to persuade Arnold to follow. At first glance, Sarah had to sympathize with her surroundings. A young couple holding a baby with an exotic face. A girl who bends her back and gasps her breath, and an infatuated boy who knocks her back with a worried face.

Not really, everyone seems difficult. It was a matter of course. All the time I got away, I had to fall into the raid of monsters and outlaws.

ye sara사라 I understand your feelings, but I think I have become very sensitive recently. We want Sarah to be warm, bright and cheerful as before. So please … ! ”

Arnold repeatedly asked me. At this point, I was forced to think again once I was determined.

While most users flee to the continent and the outlaws chase after him, Sarah leads the rest of the user to the North Continent, poking through the gap. The intention was certainly good, but the problem was that I almost did not know the way to go. Fortunately, Arnold, who had been playing with him for two years, started to find his way.

I mean, Arnold’s ball was the biggest thing that could have come up to here. I know how much sacrifice I have made so far, and Sarah could not ignore it.

ye sara사라 Only 30 minutes ago I confirmed that everything was there. I promise. It will not be far. So, can not you just look at it during your break? ”

In the end, it was a verdict.


Sarah nodded very gently. I felt the necessity of rest and I could not refuse Arnold’s favor.

Arnold’s complexion grew bright.

ye sara사라

“But I can not wait long. 20 minutes Only 20 minutes … ? ”

Sarah, who spoke to her, suddenly felt her trembling and her eyes circled. I was able to see Arnold, who embraced himself as hard as he could.

for your troubles.” Thank you very much. ”

She smelled a bitter smell, but she did not like it strangely. Rather, I felt a warm feeling that comforted my weary mind and body.

“…I’ll wait just 20 minutes. ”

Arnold grinned. Then, with both hands, she gently wrapped Sarah’s face and whispered in her own voice.

“Right. I’ll be back in 20 minutes, Sarah promises. I’m just resting until I get back. ”


“Did you promise each other? You know? ”

“Yes, it is.”

Are they close enough to reach each other’s breath? Sarah blushed her face and nodded her head.

Soon Arnold began to turn and turn. Sarah screamed anxiously as she saw the limp in the middle, but Arnold lifted the pot and shook her hand as if it were okay. After a long time, Arnold disappeared into the forest.

For a time, Sarah looked at the forest where Arnold had disappeared and slowly glanced at both hands. The warm texture that still remains makes me feel at home.

On the other hand, I was worried about what happened, but those who were already standing around were sitting in one place. The young couple smiled as they watched the baby in their arms with a face that they would live a little while, and the younger brother and sister leaned over each other embracing each other.

When I saw her, she thought that it was not that bad, and she sat down in search of a big tree.

Suddenly, Arnold ‘s words sprouted.

‘We want Sarah to be warm and bright and cheerful as before.’

At that moment, a springtime smile has settled down on Sarah’s face, which has just been solid.

“Really, there are so many … ”

Sarah laughed and closed her eyes. Then suddenly, the warm feeling began to rise somewhere smoothly somewhere. Sarah’s face was still tattered. The warm energy absorbed Sarah’s body as if she were trying to sleep.

It was not a disgusting feeling. I felt like I was going to get up very refreshingly for some reason when I woke up.

Suma comes slowly. Blinking, eyelids are closed, and then force is gone. At the moment of the moment, I thought I should not sleep like this, but I could not stop the momentum of the sleep like a wave.

Soon as darkness fell in my head, Sarah closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

* Dong was out. The sun slowly ascended to the middle, and bright sunlight shone in the dark forest. The grass leaf that grew up in the grass was lightened by the sunshine, and trembled. The cool forest where the cold air flowed was a beautiful scenery with dew glistening.

The The
The The

And 14 users who walked into the forest and walked in, wearing a gray lobe up to the head.

Found ~

Then the moment when the voice was heard.

Sabat … !

14 users stopped at the same time.

“It’s been four hours since I came in … . It’s fast. Could you tell me where? ”

The man on the far right stood up and took off his hood. A neatly cut sports head and a casual eye were revealed. It was sunflower.

Soon, the golden flowing eyes looking somewhere tapered slightly. As if to gauge how much is left.

“Northwest direction. The distance is about 0.8 km. I can not see people, but there are a lot of traces left. It’s a bunch. ”

Thank you. Sure! Clan Road. ”

“Go on. I do not know if there is anyone but be careful. ”


At the same time as Kim Soo-hyun, who was in the forefront, nodded his head, Sunyuun jumped lightly to the tree. Then I took a tree and a tree and suddenly disappeared in the direction that Kim Yu-hyun gave.

Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth quietly.

“Sunyoung will go first and scout. In the meantime, we will approach at a moderate pace. ”

Soon 13 users turned to the left and walked a little faster.

One hundred people walked from the rear most and did not feel awkward. This is because it was so different compared to the expeditions and expeditions that have been going on.

I do not give instructions one by one as before. Even if you do not come to each other long, you are only exchanging your eyes and acting on your own. Just as it is natural to do this. …Ah. Exchanging hot eyes from time to time (?

Anyhow, it was still a bit awkward to feel a passive behavior.

After a while. A little time passed and the rescue team was able to get to the place Kim Yu-hyun said. During the trip, nothing really happened. I had just finished a reconnaissance around Sunyoungdo and made the same decision, kneeling down and watching the floor carefully.

“Is there any information I have found?”

Kim Soo-hyun approached and asked. Seunyoung seemed to be a little sad, and he used the soil of the ground as much as he could.

“Maybe I’m a step behind.”

“One foot late?”

“Yes. First of all, it’s clear that the escaped users are here … . As I turned around, there were signs of siege. And above all, there are no traces left here, and there are traces back. ”

“Hmm… . What’s the latest trail? ”

“It will be about 4 hours.”


Kim Suhyeon kicked his tongue. When we put together the words of Sunyoung, there was only one situation that could be expected.

Soon, the guitar player slowly moved around looking around.

“But by the way, you can not see the body? No. I do not see any signs of rebellion beyond the bodies. ”

“The power difference is doubled, and it may have been taken away. Do not you think that? ”

Yeon-hee ran a giggle and laughed. Koh played a fierce impression on him.

“Shut up if you do not know anything. All I know is I have to fight. ”

The giggling performance of the giggling struck his hands on a big tree. Then he breathed a great deal near his face.

“Hmph!” Hmm… ”

Then, slowly, he pointed down, as if he were raising his eyes as if he were enjoying it.

“It smells strange in here.”

“Rata? If you are Rata … . Is it a sleep herb? ”

Shin Jae – ryong said something about straw bars. It seemed that the performance was right.

“Yeah. Exactly, there is a warm energy in the body and a relaxing effect. Especially if you are tired or have not slept for a few days, the effect is 200%straight. ”

“Sure you are.” But, as far as I can tell, Rata can only grow in a warm place in a while. . This is a forest of darkness. ”

“Right. Rata is poisonous only in this place. And under this tree there is a trace of who was sitting on the table. ”

This will enable

Shin Jae-ryong’s face was blurred with a face that seemed crazy.

The eyes of the guitarist play a soft line.

“Even with herbs that have beneficial effects, they can vary a lot depending on their use. In a chased situation, which idiot will use Rata directly? ”

It was a horse with bones. Shin’s face was hard and hard.

“Anyway, we can not deny that we were one step behind.”

Kim Soo-hyun came to a close.

“Did you have a day off … . It’s a little ambiguous in four hours. ”

As he spoke, Kim Suhyeon gleaned Kim Yu-hyun. When the situation is this way, you have to decide whether to give up tracking. First of all, the mind is leaning on the track side, but if there is a difference of 4 hours, the speed is life. From the start, you must follow the direction carefully.

“brother. Maybe it’s possible to have some kind of narcissism and … ”

It was then.

“I do not think it’s ambiguous.”

As soon as Kim Soo-hyun was about to say something, Kim Yu-hyun, standing still, muttered like a private message. With a disturbing voice that is different from what I was calm before.


Kim was surprised. Until a short time ago, Kim Yoo Hyun, who was nervous, was sparingly living. The golden-shining eyes were frowned upon as if they were seeing something dirty.

Take this. They’re totally crazy, are not they? ”

Kim Yoo Hyun grinded this. I nervously nodded off the hood and looked at Kim Soo-hyun.

“Are they outlaws? It is not so far away. ”

Kim Soo-hyun’s strange light struck.

“No way? You can not do it in four hours … ”

No. No.

Kim hurried his head. I opened my mouth with a big sigh.

“They, they seem to have camped.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I know. Yes I can not sing that song. I hit it, and it’s awful. Ah. Is not it?

Anyway, it is right to sing. When I was a high school student, I remember that one of my friends told me that I was one or two fewer than a man’s voice in a serious voice. So when I see someone singing well, I am very envious of them.


My gender is still controversial. I think about it, but I think I have a problem. At first, I thought readers were trying to make fun of me, but I think there is a misunderstanding in my tone and attitude.

So I decided. To change.

This is a lonely word.

Good morning. I am Eugene.
There are times when some high councils see a woman as a woman.
I am not a woman at all, I am a very wildly physically healthy guy.
I hope you will understand this point, especially.

I hope to have a comfortable night. _(__)_

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