
Chapter 764

A twilight terrace. The pale darkness of the sky was poured into the open entrance and swept down into the room. While the light stones on the terrace railing light up the horses, only the rumbling sound quietly flows out from the round table around the center.

Kim Soo-hyun’s office is very wide. The size is slightly over 100 pyeong. When I first designed it, I reconstructed it with various purposes such as housing, bathroom, outdoor sex (? So the terraces boast more space than any other room. Think about it. Dinner is served on the wide terrace with a nice breeze. It was accompanied by delicious food, cool cold drink, and scenic scenery. Is not it a fantastic atmosphere?

“…….”“…….”…I do not think so. Because the users who are currently with Kim Soo-hyun are making awkward faces. The five invited guests from today are Seunyuun, Shin Jae Ryong, Ansol, Im Hanna, and Jeegal Haesol from the left. The two in-house were originally reticent, but the three women were not really upset. Ansol is busy stealing Kim Soo-hyun while rabbit eyes are open, and Limhanna is not restless with a lot of blushing, and Jegal Hasols has something very different eyes. I had no idea whether Bob would go into his nose or enter his mouth.

widely. Did he sense the uncomfortable air flowing at the table? When Kim Soo-hyun lowered the spoon, the five people trembled.

“Do not you hear meals do not fit your mouth?”

However, the five people looked at each other, and Kim Soo-hyun was haunted.

“Huh, I asked you to take a little care today … ”

“Oh, no. It is very delicious. Haha

In the end, Shin Jae-ryong, the oldest person, came out. Then, he cuts off the ripe meat with his snob. Then four people forced to go to the spoon, Kim Soo-hyun smiled a satisfactory and resumed eating. At the same time, gurgling air flowed again.

There are currently two reasons why 5 people feel uncomfortable. First of all, Kim Soo-hyun’s call is very unfortunate. This is not a public affair, it is a rare private meal offer. And even if you understand it a hundred times in concession, it is certainly strange that the atmosphere surrounding Kim Soo-hyun has changed.

The change has changed too. Originally I knew it was a cold face, but today I saw the impression that I could not understand. Something cool and rotten. Should we call it dignity or solemnity? Five people did not exactly point out to anyone, but I felt that I could not resist daring. Just so. I just asked him if he did not fit in his mouth.

The reason for this phenomenon is that Kim Soo-hyun’s new ability, “Lord, be good.” . When we think about the case of Han So – Young during the last three talks, we can find out. The charisma of the A Plus rank has the power to quietly silence hundreds of people once they have determined and exhaled. A Plus is that much, but S Zero need to say. Also, since the effect is always active, it was not unreasonable to have difficulty with Kim Soo-hyun.

That is to say, there is no way at present. I just have to wait to get used to it. Five of them could barely finish the meal, feeling that they were lying on their backs. And when he went into the room with a cheer, he cried out on the desk and on the table, watching a cup of tea. I can not tell who did this. Perhaps the guitar performance would have been kept secret at the end of the meal. Kim Soo-hyun praised him for his senses, but five caught the cup with his shaking hands. This was a series of hardships.

Kim Soo-hyun finally entered the mainstream after he had cleaned his teacup and burned the tobacco to the end.

“The reason I called you today … ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who has a slight luck, says, “Well, let’s see first.”

Soon I started putting something up on my desk. One giant purple bow, one mace with long, blunt glow, one small stone token. As the curiosity glanced up, Kim took out three additional Goods Appraisal (Goods Appraisal).

“You can take a bow, a bow, a bow, a bow, and a bow.”

The two men who were called and one woman had a reflex, but they looked at each other.

“Take it and read it. Come on. ”

But when Kim Soo – hyun urged me, I stood up and picked up things and records. Sunyoung stared at the longbow with his sinking eyes. And I saw a long length of 1 meter and 80 centimeters, and I felt a little elasticity. It is impressive with a curving line that curves in a twisty curve, and beautiful decoration is embedded in the center. When I swiped it with the thumb as if it was stolen, I felt a sense of oscillating something. It is a long worshiper with a godly spirit. There was a small flame in the unconscious eyes.

「天 궁」 (Description: A long time ago, when the dragons ruled the world. On the side of the dragon, some of the redeemers have embraced the power of the devil and organized an organization. The members of the group called themselves ‘Der Freischütz’, the archer of Matten.

When the damage caused by the archers of Matan reached a serious level in the day, humans wanted the power to fight against it, and they shot a single arrow into the sky. The arrow is called ‘Taeunggung’. As a result, the new Apollo, who regarded human beings as human beings, responds to prayer by asking the goddess of rainbow Flavius.

Since that day, people who have seen bow talents in various places in the human community have appeared and are beginning to be born. The talent was indeed the level of the sky, and even the use of the force of the dragon, Matan, could not be opposed at all.

Thus, the archers born by the gods, whom heaven permitted, are referred to as “the celestial gates.”)


Sooner or later, when I read the Guze a Frasil, Sunyoung unwittingly broke into me. It was the same with Shin Jae-ryong and Im Han-na.

“Sacred Champion” (Description: Historically, the holy war has happened without a number, but the most meaningful, and the most gigantic war, is the temple of the Gratia denomination against the Bomma is. This temple was not a war based on religious ideology, but a holy war. At that time, the Gracie Church, in order to save the Anglo-Christian denomination, which had almost been destroyed by the unilateral declaration of propaganda … .)

“But the power of the Bomma War was powerful … . In the past, we have come up with measures to counteract … . Among the selected paladins … . Unblocking a banned spell, it takes you to raise a warrior to fight against an adult … . them… . Divine projection … ”

Shin Jae-ryong is mumbling quietly with a blank voice, holding the elongated Mace with both hands.

“Is not the user’s new ability quite good? So I thought it would go well with you. Haha

Shin Jae – ryong unexpectedly listened to the voice heard. However, Kim Seo-hyun was already watching other places.

“And Hannah you … . Do not you know? ”

Lim Han-na also stood like a moonstone. However, Kim was able to hear the words of Kim Suhyeon with both hands and gently nodded. How long have you been waiting? One piece in the Twilight Saga, One piece in the dragon sleeping mountain, and one piece now. These three sculptures were the result of the completion of the true ancient maidens.

the filtering element. If you have verified, you can leave me alone. ”

Finally, when the passenger command was issued, the three people gazed at the same time. Kim showed a slight smile. ‘I do not think it’s because of you … . ‘. As Kim Jong Sung once said, Kim Soo-hyun is well-known except for dating.Of course, I think that it is good about love, but I am mistaken.) Five of them said, ‘King, be good.’ The fact that it is awkward in the effect of the fact has already been noticeable. But the three, in particular, had no intention of retiring.

“Wait a moment. Clan Road. ”

Yes. it is.

“Where in the world … ”

Ah… I just got it on a fair deal. Anyway, you do not need to know the details. ”

There is no need to know. It was a simple word, but the meaning contained in it was clear. I was told not to ask anymore. Then, Seunyuun, Shin Jae-ryong, and Imhanna suddenly felt like I should really do that. Seunyuun stuttered.

“Ha, but … . How do we do this? ”

“Do you accept it? Yes Do not you want to get it? ”

In a voice that felt a little playful, Yin Yu Lun instinctively caught his bow. Strangely, the band was hot. Do not you want to? No, that’s good. There is no good. Thank you for being good, thank you again. Is not class inheritance anyone dreaming that it is disgusting to come? Of course, on the other hand, “Can I really take it?” I thought that I wanted to have more than that. The three emotions were so fierce.

“However, there is one condition.”

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun’s voice rang out of the room.

“I am highly regarded for your accomplishments. Of course, I acknowledge my skills. ”

“…….””But I do not want to sleep here, I want to be higher and higher.”

“…….””I hope not to be confronted at the same time. Even if you inherit the class, you have more powerful users than you. …For example, Goh Kong, Namdaeun, Huh Jun-young, and so on. ”

“…….”Three of them just listened quietly. Because there was a bone in the horse. Queen Of Silhouette, Performer, Sword, Namdaeun, Executor Of Silence. As a matter of fact, except for Kim Soo-hyun, users who are in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Mercenary Clan.

“If you are confident of going beyond the three people you just said. It is good to leave the room with it. ”

And Kim said that he was over. The three users stood for a while. Without concealing the struggle of the mind. In the end, however, he began to stare like a drunken man, starting with a spiritual first line. Soon after checking out those who went out of the door suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun turned to look at the remaining two people.


The first thing I did was call.

“Yes Yes! Sibling

Ansol stood up in a dressed position. There is a lot of anticipation in the natural world. I do not know what’s going on, but at least I knew that Kim Soo-hyun gave me something great. Anyway, there is no reason to be pleased with the present, or the gift that Orabei gave. Ansol stretched out both hands with his eyes looking at Santa Claus.

“You can go out.”

Kim, however, betrayed Ansol ‘s expectation.


“I can go out. I can not see you anymore. ”

“Yes Yes? Well, then why … ”

“It was delicious, Bob?”

Ansol’s eyes suddenly disappeared. ‘Really?’ I looked at him with a glance, but Kim shook his shoulders. Rather, I point to the door with my index finger.

“…To Neue. ”

I could not get the feeling that I was heavily teased, but Ansol had a nice body. I felt like crying, but I could not do it. So the only half-remnants left with only minimal rebellion are the rugged cups. It was then.

Yes. it is.

Ansol, who wiggled his eyes and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. It is because the small thing and the dongle dongle are fit in the mouth with the tea thing. As it poured out completely, I ran into a throat and got into the throat as it was, “I take an infusion of luck.”
“2 ability points will be newly created.”

Then two messages were printed in front of me.


Ansol has still sprayed the remaining tea in his mouth.


Zegal Haesol, who was wearing the thirst of the sprayed tea (?), Closed his eyes silently.

“Oh, no! 캑캑! Sin, sorry! Waka CAKA CAKA CAKE! ”

Did he get a sara? Ansol was a monkey, and he ran around in every room of the Bing. As if to do something about himself, he bangs on the back of Jeegal Hasol and pounds his forehead on the table. Zegal Haesol, who shed a sigh of relief, gently shook his hand, and Ansol ‘s body disappeared in blue light. This leaves a woman in the room. Jegal Hasols opened his mouth with an interesting gaze from the front.

“I sent it to the first floor. Someone who is passing by will help. ”

“Well done.”

Kim Soo – hyun speaks coldly and puts things on the desk once more. This time, the beads were mixed with light and darkness, and the fan was blue. Jejal Hazel tried not to look at Kim Soo-hyun as much as he could and stared at the two things. There was a golden light in the eyes that looked up.

After a while. “The user Zeegal has … ”

It was the moment Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth.


============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Haha. I did not know, it is the second anniversary of the series.
Readers told me that I found out … . It is not true.
Our apologies. This is the only place I really have a complaint.
So what if something happened.

Father: Eugene, are you two years old now?
Eugene: Yes? Oh, is not it?
Father: You will?
Eugene: Just a moment to check … . Uh, yes. It’s the second anniversary.
Father: Congratulations. It’s the beginning, so make it to the end.
Eugene: Hee hee, thank you … . Not father? Got a second?
Father: F. I came to work.
Eugene: Father! Dad ah! …Yes. I found out.
Oh, I do not understand.
If you do not read it, then how exactly do you know it is the second anniversary?
In the meantime, he said, “Well. So let’s read the sloppy part. ” That’s it.

Oh, really.
I was so ejaculated. Please do not make fun of me.
Oh, just.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!

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