
Chapter 765

Yes. it is.

“I do not see it. I do not hear that and ask you to take over the class. I do not like it. ”

Jeegar Hasols did not look at me and refused. Is something bad? The ball is tinged with a twist, and the eyes are thin enough to remind of a thread. Rather than being cheeky as usual, it feels rather like avoiding gaze. However, the voice of dislike was very firm. I kept both hands pinched and quietly opened my mouth.

“You do not want to give?”

“Suddenly … . No. What, what? ”

Haha This is unexpected, too. The face is very funny. But when I saw him giggling, he chewed his lower lip and frowned. Oh, really angry.

“It’s a joke.”

“You, really … ”

Unexpectedly, however, Zechal was not angry. Just as I was about to swallow, I closed my eyes and turned my head. There was a sound like this. I moan once. It’s like a puppy.

“Anyway, let’s hear it. Why? ”


“Anyone who wants to dream class succession. By the way, why is user Zegal HaSol? ”

Wait! I’ll say, I’m talking. ”

Then Zegal Hasol, who broke the horse, hit his hand. And pointing to the left, he looks like begging.

“Can not you give me a little eye over there?”

“Want to get my eyes back?”

“Yeah. So please do not look me in the eye. ”

“What the … ”

What the hell is this?

“Clan Road, please. It counts one person alive. I keep going like this … . I am… ”

“…I am?”

“Maybe sooner or later, even tonight, you’ll fall under your body.”


“And I will tear the hymen that I have kept in my life and tear it in. I will bend my arms and legs with a bloody dignity. In that bed. ”

“…….”I understood what you mean. I lost my words at the same time. I knew I had a good imagination, but I did not even dream about this. This is a level of imagination, or a doghema in delusion.

“I do not like being dead like that. What I want to do yet, how many I want to achieve. I really do not like being your slave in this way. ”


“Do not look! Does not it sound like a person? ”


“Well then, let’s go on a strange aura in the first place!”


Why I like the way I like it and I want to do it! ”

“…Oh ha. ”

In the end, I closed my eyes at all. I feel like I’m suddenly caught in a sudden suddenly.

“Are you done now?”

“Yeah. In fact, it seems to be the same, but I am getting better. ”

Zegal Hasol, who returned with a mysterious voice in a moment, scarred.

“Well, before we say it, can we look at those two?”

“Of course.”

I felt a sense of walking to the fullest as I was beckoning to take it. Soon the static begins to slowly settle down as you begin to read the Guze a Frasil.

“Dance of the White Night” (Description: Dancer is a woman who originally dances, and was recognized as an offering to prosperity and well-being in the ancient Hall Plane. However, the perception of the dancers of the midnight sun changes completely. The origin of this extraordinary dancer begins with a woman who walked herself in the goddess of the sun when the sun was eating in the darkness.

The woman walked all over the continent to prevent the evil and the evil, and to protect the way and the blessings. The classical dancing scene solves the dead land, and once the sun broke through the sky by shaking the fan, it received the urge of all human beings.

At the end, a strong evil spirits were defeated and vulgar, but in the end, a woman of emptiness who chose to fall into hell by herself. Though it is not as beautiful as the last, there is no doubt about the beautiful miracle of saving the world.

The dancers of the midnight are based on supernatural beings, or mystical powers, and have an absolute positive relationship, especially against evil.

It’s a big deal. There were two reasons for choosing a dancer in the early evening. The explanation for the absolute relationship with the devil caught my eye, and on the one hand, I remember reading a record of the ‘ladies’ in the secret library. And even if you do not like Zeegal Hasol, it is enough to raise a new user. I do not think there is any limitation.

“Crystals Of Light And Darkness” (Explanation: It is a decision of “Chaos” in which light and darkness are mixed in half. It is a crystal linked to a very powerful element, which has never been revealed to the world except once. If you do not have a very talented user, I recommend not using it at all.)

But the decisions of light and darkness are different. Apart from a relatively simple explanation, it is absolutely inconceivable when such caution is attached. I want to be a genuinely talented user, not literally on the go. So I thought of Jegal Hasol … .

“Clan Road. I wonder, is there any difference between secret class and awakening secret class? ”

At that time, I heard a curious voice from Jegal Hasols. I barely managed to get a reflexive eye.

“There is no difference. The expression process … . That’s about it. ”

Y..yes. “Sure you are.” Anyway, I did a good job. But I think it does not change. ”

Refuse clean. Jeegar Hasol is probably not going to change his mind. In fact, I did not understand the audience, but it is my position. First, I decided to listen.

“Umm . . . Of course, thank you for taking care of this … ”

I waited for a while and a voice seemed to be a bit annoying.

“I do not want impurities in the way I want to go.”


“Yeah. I do not want to put anything in, except for those given to me when I enter this world. ”

“Do not you want to interrupt? So these things are going crazy? ”

“That’s not it. I know how the hole plane works. Of course it will help. But the way I want to go is a sure hindrance. ”

“…….”Damn, I’d like to see your face. I close my eyes and it ‘s so hard.

“How do I explain … . So should I say I want to keep purity? ”


“indeed. Only by magic, magic, and magic for user Zechal. I mean, I’m a wizard, and I want to be a wizard. I felt certain on this expedition. ”

“The origin … ”

A pretty long conversation followed. Throughout the ensuing years, the high voice of Jegal Hasols had a very slight flame. At least I am sincere to leave the bullshit and no. I was still thinking.

Then, suddenly, ‘from childhood through the effort to build up a little bit of power to build up, the head burst, read the magic book, the finger to break the order to practice and to say. So I do not want to doubt the accomplishment of our accomplishments on the subject of exercising and using abilities that are not like a star or a water lily. ‘

Mabolo’s ridiculous, ‘It’s impossible to have a human being a successor … . Anyway, it is a human named Jegal Hasols. Have you seen a few, maybe six, men of that talent for thousands of years? If you were born on Hall Plane in ancient times, you would surely have crept into one era. ”

The admiration of Helena, No Magna Karatta, sprouted.

I feel like I know something. I can not point out exactly, but somehow I know what I want to say. At the same time, a slight apology. Thinking about it, I knew that Jegal Hasols was a regular class in the first car. I mean, no matter how good the intent was, maybe … . I guess I almost ruined the brilliant future of Jejal Hasols.

“Will not you regret it?”

In the end, I decided to give up persuasion. I can not even force my own will to succeed. It would be easy to think that it was not just a relationship.

“Regret? Afterwards. Not at all. I think at least I will not let anyone else about magic. ”

“I feel good about it, but sometimes I think it would be nice to be humble.”

“What do I do? I have to be confident about what to do ~. ”

“Ha, who can not stop?”

After making a laugh, I put a lot of horsepower in the horsepower that I have been working on for a while. Soon, Jeegal asked me if I could go to the hospital because he was in the midst of my research, and I nodded his head. Soon, I heard a familiar magic popping sound, and I could not see Zecharius sol from my seat.

“It’s hard.”

When I ask my body in the chair, a long sigh leaks out. It ‘s harder to give away than to get. Anyway, all that remains is the three spirit decree and the dancers of the midnight sun. And muscular strength, durability, power of magic.

“So I saw your brother’s magic power was how much?”

* As a result, after that day, two awakening secret classes and one secret class were born in the Merchant Clan. And rumors spread at an alarming rate. It’s not just rumors, it’s about class succession, but it’s not about the distance.

I was publicly announced at the conference hall, thanks to the rumor. There are still four classes to inherit, and anyone is welcome (at least as far as class restrictions are concerned). If you have confidence in yourself, you have come to notice. Just say ‘if you do not.’ With the warning that if you come to the idea that you will break tightly.

On the other hand, there were ways to scout new users or to foster future users to come in. But I wanted to give my clan members a chance. It was right to do it, and it would not come out later.

In the meantime, many days passed, and I was informed that the development of the inner city was considerably advanced and that the transfer of special buildings was completed. Of course, we are also in the construction of the Mercenary Academy. It seemed to last days without such big incidents, but in fact there was no worry.

(I’m sorry. young master? We can contact you if you … .)

No. Sure. You are still in the steel mountains? ”


“Then I’d better wait. Could you get in touch with me when I get back? ”

Yes, I will.

Thank you. Sure!

After receiving the confirmation, the communication was interrupted. I asked one of the tobaccos for a telecommunication bead that had lost its light.

Is not strange. My brother said that I was in the steel mountains when I started my expedition. However, it is still in the steel mountains without returning. So it’s been almost two months, and now it’s almost three months.

“What the hell are you doing here? ”

After spitting out the smoke, I gaze at the desk, and I see three shiny crystals and a blue fan. The more you look at it, the stronger the feeling of wanting to deal with it.

One reason why I feel so uncomfortable. Strictly speaking, it does not matter if you give it later. Ability points can rise in a few seconds, so you can finish. However, the case of a class is quite different. As you need to make constant efforts after succession, the longer you wait, the less you will feel the loss. And since I’ve been postponing it, I’ve been wanting to handle it this way somehow.

Come on.

It was then.

“Oh ~ FA ~!”

I suddenly want to see the door open, someone comes to me with a small call. I hurriedly cut off the tobacco and turned around, and Marques, who had thirteen pairs of wings, struck me. Oh, it got heavy. I grew up again.

“Are you married?”

Yes. it is.

I wonder if there is something I am doing. When he asked his back, he nodded his face with a dry face. As he looked around, he looked at the desk with his sparkling eyes.

“Dad. What is that? ”

Yes. it is.

“That, that. A pretty box. ”

“Pretty box?”

Not decisions or debts?

After swallowing the inside, he turned his gaze.

In the direction that Marc points, “Oh, that?”

Six boxes were stacked flat.

It was ‘Monster Summoner 4’, which was purchased with a million GP.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== * * * ┏ ┓ * * * The end of my hand is shining, * * * ┃ ┃ * * * The keyboard gives judgment.
* ┏━┛┗━┓ * I am willing to respond to the reader, * ┗━┓┏━┛ *
* * * ┃┃ * * * Oh, God.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * ┃┃ * * * Anyone who sells the gender of another person will be a solo for this Christmas.
* * * ┗┛ * * * It is the will of God.

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