
Chapter 766


A light sigh came out of the mouth of Lee Hyo-ri, the head of the Central Government Agency. The half-caught eye gazes at the record in hand. A piece of record like a notebook that can be seen everywhere. The content actually written is simple. ‘Mercenary Clan, confirming the construction of an academy in the South City.’

“Huh, fuck.”

It was not meant to come from a woman with an impressive impression. However, Lee Hyo – eul was poking into the desk with his writing. And once again, sighs.

“What the hell … ”

A boiling puddle flows out. As if the forehead is aching, it falls down as if it falls down. I was expressing my feelings all over my body, but on the other hand, the time of the surrounding clan was not understandable either.

Currently, the situation of domestic development is on a considerable track. In addition to the completion of the construction of a special building such as a star inn, a user academy, a clan foundation hall, a temple, and so on. I also noticed that a new preliminary user was coming in from the angel recently. The number of new arrivals is 2,897, which is the highest number of the past ten years.

So I do not like it. It is the first user academy after Atlanta discovery. That is, it is the best opportunity to supplement the lost power with the steel mountains. However, there is no reason not to feel bad because it seems to see the Academy dedicated to Mercenary which has individual authority. No matter how limited the admission is, it is useless. If Kim Soo-hyun is not an idiot and wants to be selected through competition, the limitation of the personnel is not meaningful. No, even if it is not, the name of Mercenary is already full of garage.

“So they officially protested … . Or at least we can identify the identity … . It’s an anonymous call to send a girl … . There are no balls … ”

But understanding and practicing is a completely different matter. First of all, there is no reason to restrict the construction of the academy. The angel himself has come down to revelation, what can he say? In addition, Mercenary Academy was officially established a long time ago. Even though the situation is like this, it is funny to come tackle now.

And most of all, Lee Hyo-il’s position was very vague. If you tell me your personal intentions, Lee Hyo-eul did not want to touch Kim Soo-hyun when he was really upset. Heartily. Do you fear that the powerful Koran alliance is a dismissed user and central government body?

No, this is not the only thing. Many of them are owed due to the repatriation of the users of the continental continent and the bumper, and the city’s development fund is also the largest in the Merchant Clan. However, I do not think that Lee Hyo-yong is going to work here. “But still, as it is … . Oh, I’d like to ask Mr. So Young … ? I do not think he’s interested … . Kim Yu-hyun is glad if you do not take your sister’s side … ”

Now it is Lee Hyo, who even tries to pound his head.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh … ”

Today, Lee Hyo-eul’s deepness went deep.

* Atlanta.
Mercenary Castle.

“You should never act spoiled.”

A warm young man climbing the stairs, Ahn Hyun gave a careful look to the woman climbing the stairs together.

“Especially your brother hates lying very much. If you ask a question, you have to tell it truthfully. got it?”

“Yes Yes… ”

And Cha Hee – young continued to nod his head whenever he talked. I do not know whether I really understood the fact that the two letters “tension” were on the face.

“And as I said before, I can go with you like this or stay with you. But I can not do more than that. It ‘s not a personality that someone should ask for. Do you understand this? ”

“No, of course. He’s just afraid to go alone … ”

“Oh, do not be too trembling. He is also a brother. It’s not a monster. ”

“He, though … . Ho, maybe … ”

Yes. it is.

“How dare you take the awakening secret class? Get out now! …This, is not it? ”

Parr hovering Cha Hee Young. As he watched the eyes shaking as he was so afraid of the rain, he smiled. And “I will not. I’ll bet that. ” As I moved my steps, I suddenly arrived at the destination. On the fourth floor, the door of the office is in front of you.


But what did you see at the door of the castle, Cha Hee-young seemed to play a game immediately. Ahn Hyun was so grateful that he knocked over once, and calmly opened the door to come in. And I dragged him into the room while dragging him away.

“Brother, we are here.”

“Umm . . . So, user Cha Hee Young said, “I want to inherit the dancers of the midnight?”

I was just asking for confirmation.

Four That’s right!”

But the answer came back to a very, very big upbringing. The tympanum was about to wiggle. Cha Hee-young, who is standing on the couch and is standing upright, turns around his eyes … . Well, when did you get up again?

“You do not have to wake up. Just sit down. ”

Four Okay!”

Then, Cha Hee Young sits down with a sigh. It is a feeling of seeing the instructions to enter the new recruits education camp now.

When I stared at the strange mood, I suddenly felt dizzy, and suddenly my eyes were numb. I look at me with my wet eyes like a puppy looking up at the owner, but I can not help being surprised by it. No, why are you crying all of a sudden? I did something wrong with this guy.

On the side, Ahn Hyun sighs with his hand on his forehead with one hand. I shake my shoulders in the sense that I made a mistake and stir up my head. I do not think it’s going to be a normal conversation. Can we see a little bit of the annual ring here?

“Let’s just ask one.”

Four Please ask! ”

“When did you two first kiss?”

Four Oh, the first kiss is still. The indirect kiss that the prefecture secretly seeks … . Hie ee on ee? ”

Cha Hee Young jumping out. With both hands grabbing the moment to grab a very big mouth. He’s pretty exciting, too? It pops.

“Tongue, brother.”

“Oh, Ahn.”


“I like to get along well, but did not you like Mr. Shaolin?”

Yes For example? Suddenly that’s what you mean! ”

Or if you think that “all I need is ‘ .’ Do not you? ”

Then, Cha Hee-young’s eyes became thin in an instant. Ahn looked at me with a deeply grim appeal, and I smiled lightly and struck my fingers. If this is enough, Cha Hee Young’s tension will be released.

Sorry. It was a joke and a joke. Haha Have you relaxed now? ”

Four That’s right!” …Let’s just keep it.

I swallowed my sigh and I activated my third eye.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Cha-Hee young (1 year) 2. A class (Class): General Wizard (Normal, Mage, Runner) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): free mercenary (Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): a Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero) 5. Jin-myung • nationality: love Witch (Jean) • Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (22) 7. The kidneys • weight: 51.3 g k m 167.4 c • 8. Inclination: • genuine (Shyness • Pure Love) [muscular 34] [duration 41] [agile 49] [health 57] [HP 90] [good luck 6] (remaining ability points to 6 points).

Achievements (0) special ability (1/1) 1. Unquenchable light of wisdom (Rank: C Plus) potential (1/4) 1. Authentic magic (Rank: B Plus) 2. -3. -4. -Compare the latest stats (before the change) [muscular 14] [duration 24] [agile 34] [health 44] [HP 84] [good luck 4] (after the change) [muscular 34] [duration 41] [agile 49] [health 57] [HP 90] [good luck 6] Hmm, speaking of tea-Hee-young is a two-year car soon?

User information is not worse than I thought. In fact, I have forgotten about the hell after the appearance of the Air Force, but I saw a lot of things changed today. First, Jinmy changed from a hateful witch to a beloved witch, and the propensity also changed from helplessness and hatred to shyness and genuine. It is not a bad change.

Magical abilities are enormous. I have been looking at monsters for a long time. It is quite a 90 degree point in the first year, and I am very encouraged that there are 6 points left. In addition, it was a terrible witch in a car. The atmosphere is different from that at the moment.

Special ability is good, and potential is also good. An empty slot is not a problem. It is only when we bloom in class inheritance. And it seems that Magna Carta is talented enough to be evaluated as a good man. In any case, I am qualified in many ways … .

“Certainly, it would not be too bad that the user Cha Hee Young succeeded.”


When I spoke positively, Cha Hee – young shook her head. It is an expression of expectation that is expected in some way.

“But it is not without problems.”

“No, the problem?”

“indeed. Do you know what the problem is? ”

“…….”He looked at me blankly and shook his head. I quickly picked up the decision of the water.

“Let me give you an example. In the case of Jeon, Yeon-yeon, I wanted to inherit this water’s decision. ”

Four But she is a sister … ”

“Yes, it is. It’s already a secret class. However, Jung Hae-yeon explained very convincedly that he could become stronger by inheriting this decision with regard to ancient magic, his ability. ”

“…….”Next, I picked up a decision of fire.

“And this fire decision was made by Sarah Jane user.”

“If you are Sarah Jane … ”

“I am a newcomer recently. But it does not matter. Sarah Jane proved her ability on this expedition and has been working steadily ever since. Actually, there was no clan member who acted, even if he listened. ”

“Do not, right. You are such a great person. ”

“Right. And most of all, it is a wizard who is very well versed in epic magic. …Now, do you know what I want to say? ”

“…….”Cha Hee-young who does not even talk again. It looks like it is a type that someone knows to feed rather than to understand themselves. That’s why I miss the old witch … . No, no, it is not.

“Then I’ll ask. Could the user Cha Hui-yong convince the clan members why he should inherit this class? ”

He immediately stared at me. Then I blinked a couple of times, and then it swung, and soon I looked down at him.

“I can not even … ”

“That’s not it.”

joesonghabnida I’m really sorry that I did not … ”

“…….”Huh, indeed, a wicked witch.

I looked up at Cha Hee-young, who apologized to me for a long time. Ahn Hyun, smiling bitterly, came closer and came close to his face.


“Why is that?”

“Well, that’s it. So you know your brother, too? I do not know what he was doing at user academy … ”

By the way…

“That’s … . It’s been a while since … . Actually, I do not know. I’ve been getting a lot better in the meantime, but the kid is still a lot shy. So even if you’re hungry, please understand me. ”


Is the thing of the time left as a trauma. Then you can not grow in the direction.

Anyway, I know what you mean, I nodded my head quietly.

“I know. Then I’ll keep on talking, you go out now and ask me for one favor. ”

Yes Please? ”

“Huh. It’s not difficult, see the clan members tonight and gather them in the garden. ”

“The garden? Why

“There is such a thing. I’ll explain it all at once. Anyway, it is not a forced call, so you do not have to come if you do not want to come. And when it comes, it is fully armed. …Oh, I do not care about other clan members, but Ansol must come. ”

“Until fully armed … . Clear right.

Ahn Hyun had a head but soon got a sign that he understood. Then he turns around and knocked on the shoulder of Cha Hee Young.

Since he left, the attitude of Cha Hee Young became more uneasy. Like a forgotten puppy, I look down at the door where Ahn is out.

So, you see that the inn at the start is activated soon? Lee Hyo-reul said that it is the highest scale of the past ten years.

“User Cha Hee Young.”

When I called quietly, Cha Hee – young was surprised and shrugged, but decided not to worry anymore. I did not care at all, I spread my index finger and thumb finger at the same time. It means 2.

the filtering element. Then I will take two conditions here. ”

“Two conditions?”

“I correct the words. The test, not the condition. In other words, if I pass the two exams I pass, I will positively consider user Cha Hee Young’s succession of dance in the midnight. ”

“…You can speak Korean

On the door I heard, I leaned slightly and put a jaw on the back of my hand. And I laughed.

how was it? Would you like to try it once? ”

* After finishing interview with Cha Hee Young. Time passed, and night came soon.

After dinner I went to the garden and there were countless clan members. I have said that it is not necessary to come to the force, but it is almost as many as it can be.

Of course, the power was not collected. When I look around, I can not see the origin, Vivian, and Zegal Hazel. Anyway, where is Ansol?

“Clan Road! What are you doing today today? ”

“What is the box in your heart?”

Receiving questions and gazing from all directions, I jumped into the open center.

One reason why I gathered in the room this evening.

It was just Marr.

After discovering the ‘Monster Summoner 4’, which was placed on the desk in front of the dry one, he showed a keen interest in the box. I wonder if I want to open the box, or I have not been in the meantime. Dad ah. I want to see this too much. You can speak Korean It is enough to charm you.

The next fairy queen was tearing her body apart, and the charm was so strong that she really pushed her heart down, and eventually she could not bear it, promising to release it in the near future. I did not want to come to Atlanta and die of heart disease.


Suddenly, I hear a voice from far away. When was she with you? Dry is shaking her hands in the arms of her, calling me. It is good to see the box.

I responded with a light hand, and I looked around with a total of six ‘monster summoning boxes 4’.

“Ansol is … ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Eugene: Who sells my gender! I will be cursed to send Christmas solo! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My xxxx:: You know this writer is such a famous girl?I am married because I am a married woman. I can call you Yumi Yang. ㅋ I have two women next to me. ㅠ Jeong xxxxx: Lori Yu Nye I do not care about married men .. Do not provoke !?
Dan xxx: I do not have anything to do with Late Wife Married Woman I want to be a solo ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ 0 ㅁ 0 … .

I can not believe this. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ.
I’m sorry. I’m really dying of envy. Oh, really.
As I told you before, I actually have a great romance in my marriage.
So you know something like that. When my husband comes back from work, the wife smiles like a warm spring breeze on the front door, and rabbit-like children rush out and greet me. I’m glad.
Ah, I think you’ll be happy. I really envy you. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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