
Chapter 767

‘Monster Summoner 4’ can summon monsters that cross the east, west, north, and on the continent and travel to unexplored places that users can not reach. And if you can handle it, you can learn the equipment that the monster has. I had to explain this simple and brief content for a long time. At the end of the description, ‘Clan Road! Can you just come over and explain one more time? ” It is because of the request that it is heard. So the assistant said, ‘The last slogan is omitted.’ I told you that it takes one person each time? In the end, the clan members seemed to know barely because they were saying four times.

“But where did you get that?”

Suddenly, he approached the box with his curious eyes.

“I got it from my store.”

“Ah, the user shop. I have to stop by once in a while. How much is that box? ”

“One million GPs.”

Four Do you have 1 million GP? ”

“I have four kinds of boxes. 1, 2, 3, 4 like this. The more powerful the monsters are going to the fourth, the higher the possibility of having better equipment. So the price is expensive. ”


Suddenly there was a small depth of water on the face of Namdae, who nodded Yang’s head. It seems to me that I think of ‘if you want’. Of course, in the worst case, a ghastly monster that no one can match can be summoned. If you open the door, the possibility of it becomes very high. However, with the characteristics of the box, the third eye, and the mood, it is actually only a concern.

Sure. We have the choice. ”


“Yes. If it is a random summon, but it is hard to see the opponent, you can close the box before the summon is completely over. Then the summons is canceled. ”

“Oh yeah? You should. So what about the box? ”

“Unfortunately, I can not reuse it. I have to throw it away. ”

“Oh, that’s not good. It’s just that it’s airborne, right? 1 million GP is not his name … ”

Together, again … .
Together, again … .

It was then. There was a footstep somewhere in the midst of my appetite again. As she glanced down, she saw a woman of pure impression weighing as much as possible and walking on the garden waterway. The identity of the woman who sprinkled the half-opened eyes and the glazed eyes was the Ansol. Wait a minute, this guy … .

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Sol (4 years) 2. A class (Class): the brilliance of the priests (Priest Of Brilliance, a Master Secret, Arousal) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): free mercenary (Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): a Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero) 5. Jin-myung • nationality: Olfactophilia • Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (24) 7. The kidneys • weight: 8 g c k m • 48.3 160.2. Inclination: pure • sadomasochistic (Pure • Pervert) [muscular 31] [duration 37] [agile 35] [pt 41] [HP 99 (+1)] [good luck 105] (remaining ability points are 0 points.)

* Luck abilities 103 points of influence, unique, special, potential ability ‘Blue Dahlia’ effect is added.
* The power of 105 points of luck stood on the user’s ankle ‘as you wish’.

(3) Unique Ability (1/1) 1. Miracle (B Plus) Special Ability (1/1) 1. Saints Prophecy (Rank: D Zero) Potentiality (3/3) 1. Angelus vs. Holiness Order (Rank: EX) 2. Blessing of Light (Rank: EX) 3. Attribute Transform (Rank: B Plus) (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Comparison of recent stats 1. Before changing: [Strength 31] [Durability 37] [Agility 35] [Stamina 41] [Power 99 (+1)] [Fortune 103] (Total: 346 Point) ] [Durability 37] [Dexterity 35] [Stamina 41] [Power 99 (+1)] [Fortune 105] (Total: 348 Point) Power 1. Punishment 2. Blue Dahlia 3. As you wish. Sibling

Suddenly I heard a voice pretending to be subtracted from power. When I barely got up, Ansol had already arrived in front of me. Half-eyed eyes remain, and I look up at me with my head slightly bent, but the eyes are ashamed of me. Within minutes of glancing at the box, Ansol shrugged off his cheeky smile as he covered his mouth with his hand.

“A box that summons monsters … . It’s funny, it’s very funny … . Afterwards. ”

“…….””It does not matter if I open it, right?”

“What, what? Why are you so upset all of a sudden? On the ansole topic. ”

Someone criticized Ansol for that attitude. However, Ansol turned his eyes to the place where the sound was heard, 쯧쯧 tongued his eyes, and shone brightly. And I opened my mouth quietly.

“What are you?”

“What, what?”

I do not want to hear anything. Jang Jiji was standing, and Ansol turned his head and stared at someone else.

“What are you?”

What is it? Huh, it’s a vampire … ”

Sasaja, who was sitting on the jerky, sat down and replied. Ansol pulled up his spiky tail. And with his fist-clapped left hand, he shouted at his heart.

Of course! What am I! ”

At that time, “the garbage.”

I shouted as if someone had waited and said, “Yes! I am a cl … . no

Answering in the middle, Ansol cried. Truly exquisite interruptions. After a moment of silence, everywhere a burst of laughter burst into flames. Lee Jung-jung grabbed the boat and crashed the ground, and even the South Daeun was about to knock down my shoulder by breaking my back.

“He smiles, stop!”

Come on!

“Who, who is it? Who dared! ”

“It’s me.”

Hahn, who was sitting next to Sasha, raised her body as if she were going to do what she wanted to do. Ansol shrugged, and eventually he burst into crying.

“I do not … . Sibling People are just making fun of … . I only tease you … . Uh-huh … ”

“Yes. It’s okay, so let’s open the box. ”

I was so sick of my back that Ansol stopped crying at once. Then, with a grinning eye, Vivin Ansol picked up one of six stacked boxes. The laughter of everywhere, which I thought I would start, slowly faded. After a while, Ansol carefully opened the box with a slight nervousness.


At that moment, the box was wide open and the magic jeans of about 2 meters in diameter were vomited in the air. It seems to know how the box summons monsters when I see the gleaming white glowing light. Probably, it is a sort of subterfuge that will bring an external monster through a magic event stored in a box.

“Hey, I’m looking forward to it. What kind of guy comes out? ”

Nam Dae-eul adored the ‘Sorry’ with a slight admiration. Clan members who have taken control of each side are gazing at the magic spear while pointing at each other. I have already guessed. As soon as the monster is summoned, carpet bombardment will begin here. In the meantime, in the magic jean, Hye – Yeon Smoke was flowing smoothly. It was then.

– HY profit!

When I thought it took quite a while, I suddenly screamed.

“Hey! Close it! Close it! Come on!

Then the shout that can not be heard at all makes the head king ring.

What do you mean? Why is that closed? ” – Close it! It’s almost over!

‘Hey, that box is one million GPs.’ – Hey you crazy chick! Is your life worthy? One million GP is precious!

It was the first profanity I heard, but the voice of the loudspeakers was more of a snare than ever. The time of distress was short. Though the head was tilted, I rushed and closed the box with my throw.Ansol ran away as soon as he opened the box.) Then, suddenly in the air … ” The poor voice rang in the ear, and the magic of the air disappeared. I immediately looked up and saw a small white foot for a while, but I could not hide my footsteps. Everyone was staring at me with a blank eye.

– Wow, wow … . Lord, I thought you were dead … .

‘Hwangjeong? What happened?’ – Poetry, God … . It was God.


It was ridiculous. Seraf could summon only a mid-level entity, and it was impossible to summon a higher or lower level entity. If I could, I would have invested in the box to earn the GP.

– No, it’s a sealed god. As a matter of seedlings.

However, I read my thoughts and correct the words.

‘God sealed in the middle dimension? But is it so sensitive? No matter how god … . ‘ – I’m crazy crazy too. Is he with me?

‘What?’ – It’s a god with me. The flower of Thanatos which controls death and destruction. Assuming that Nana or Gehenna can exert full strength, I can barely achieve a win rate of 5, 6. But you will overcome such a god? I’m dreaming.

The moment I heard it, I was suddenly appalled. Like a cool aura sweeps through my back. According to the words of the Hwajeong, it was a god who was sealed in the middle level due to the circumstances of seedlings. No, I do not understand. Even if you borrowed the power of a box, is it possible to recall that much God?

– I know yeah! How is she supposed to be a human? How does one man summon God? I sealed it in a very deep place, and you were really surprised!

“Oh, you brother?”

Ansol came to me quietly to see if I felt something strange. Then, the clan members were banging all over the place. It should be said that it is a personal item. At any rate, I decided to go over first.

“Nothing. Let’s start the second box right away. ”


“And when you open the box, you run right away. got it?”

“Yes Yes… ”

Though it was blurred, Ansol nodded his head. Soon after the opening of the second box, Ansol gently rises, and the magic gushes out. If there is one difference, it is not a pure white light, but a sour light. Not long after, this time a humanoid dwarf appeared about 1 meter and 50 centimeters slowly. He has a rough face, a rugged muscular body, and his right hand is holding a giant hammer with a golden glow.

– Oh, it’s Midget Smith.

“Missett Smith?” – Huh. You see that hammer in your right hand there? That’s incredibly good. They were the ones who were not seen when they were still in mythical times. . Miraculous. Anyway, did you catch it?

‘You can catch it.’

Already, the South and the Ansol are distant from each other. As soon as he knocked his hand toward Missett Smith, who had fallen into the ground, he jumped into the rear as hard as he could. It was a signal to attack quickly. Then dozens of magic and arrows fired from all sides were poured into the monster that had just been summoned. Kwang, a pretty big explosion sweeps mercilessly over the place that stood a while ago. I turned my eyes reflexively and stared at the road, and I could see the flesh scattered around, the red blood flowing in the earth, and the golden hammer that burned alone in the digged pit.

Very well.

I was furious. The subject is simple. When the summoning is completed, the monster is treated by the intensive shooting. Our clan is not a weak clan, and it will not be able to withstand a concentrated fire with this firepower unless it is a monster. In the end, it was the money to pay for money. The golden hammer, which hurried up, flashed and settled by hand, raising the stumbling block in the air.

Before long, Ansol picked up the third box. And then, with a more confident hand gesture than before, I opened the box, this time a magic circle of blue light was created and a dark shadow began to spread the ground.

And after a while. – Fuck you … .

Something ice-colored sprung out of the magazine.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== The cold continent of ice.
Today, the dad monster goes to an area where nothing is visible.
Just for the family.
‘Honey, cheer up!’
‘Dad, grab a lot of delicious food today!’
Though it gets a lot of power, though, I think it’s hard to think of a fox-like wife and rabbit child.
‘Yes, I can not go back empty-handed like this. If you are not here, look for other places and let me put meat in your mouth for a while! you can do it!’
The promised daddy monster scans the surrounding area lively today.
Without knowing that there is a magic circle on his head … .

Readers, everyone is Merry Christmas. 🙂

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