
Chapter 787


When Ha Seung – woo ‘s words were over, someone burst into surprise. Ansol was staring at Ha Seung-woo with a surprised face.

“Well, I know. A career path. ”

“arc. Do you know? ”

Ha Seung-woo asked in a tone of unexpectedness. Ansol nodded and looked at me.In the middle, Jegal Hasol said, “Why is he so upset? I’m talking to me. ” I heard a disgruntled saying.

“Yes, before … . Where was it? ”

As if to say something great, Ansol suddenly forgot his face.

Ah… The forest of the darkness! ”

At that time, I accidentally screamed that I remembered the reason, and Ansol’s complexion brightened.

“Right. It was a black forest! ”

“that’s right! I’ve seen it once! ”

I looked at the two women I liked very much by raising their hands.

“Great. I can not easily see it. So, what was it like? ”

Yes, I can, He did it. One footstep can make a bad day.

“Ohh. Well?

“So when I concentrate and walk, the whole world … ”

Ansol was compelled to forcibly draw out memory. However, this seemed to be sufficient enough that Seung-woo laughed.

“Right. Of course, there will be differences depending on the degree, but the career path I know is similar. The world changes by a single step. A well-known user said that. ”

A familiar user. It is hard to find users who deal with violence. So, is not it Jung Changmin of Istanelow? But I know there is no point of contact between them.

“It’s a terrible villain that simply twists the space from the terrain to the optical illusion. This is true. Haha

Ha Seung-woo burst into laughter. Then I stopped laughing and turned around.

“But that ‘s the problem. As far as I know, the career circle is very difficult to break. But Clan Road is … ”

Hae Seung-woo gleaned Ansol. Though it was clouding, I understood enough. Ha Seung-woo seems to be confident that he already has a career path. And the fact that I can solve it.

“exactly… . I did not think there would be a badge. ”

First, I laid it on the bottom.

Then activate the third eye and slowly look around. I’ve already seen the place. The lady song is not far away. As we have already wasted a lot of time, we can not stay up.

I moved to the frozen ice bridge and stopped at halfway point. Then I raised my mouth slightly. I laughed purposely.

“User Ha Seung Woo was right. I’ll go right now. From now on, I will go to the date format. ”

Three people moved first. First, Hae Seung-woo grabbed my back, followed by Ansol and Yu-jeong. Then the remaining eleven people staring at us blankly.

“As I said before, the career path is important. When I step on the clan road, the user’s ancestor must step exactly where I left off. It is best to form the date form because you have to walk in this way. It is best to stand in front of a person with a big foot, and leave footprints as deep as possible when walking. ”

Before I even talked, Ha Seung-woo explained in detail. Seemingly, Ha Seung-woo seems to be capable. Annual value should be said. Sense sometimes seen in battle is very skillful. This should be so long that you have led that crazy group for a long time. Disappointing If he was not from a bum, he would have trusted Shin Jae Ryong.

My colleagues began to understand that to some extent, and we soon followed a line of train play. I thought I might do a chug, but I decided to quit. It is important to take one step from here. That’s the point.

“From now on, something strange can happen. From now on, I will fix my gaze to the ground. Do not be surprised, just concentrate on walking unconditionally. ”

A low voice warns me that the atmosphere suddenly sinks. Nobody opened their mouths, but you can see them just by looking at them. The tension is slowly clutching his head.

After taking one by one, I took my right foot slowly. Then I waited a little and carefully moved my left foot. Suddenly I felt a heterogeneous air. Apart from the senses, it is not a bad phenomenon. It is a proof that I entered it properly.


“Oh, huh? The sea … ! ”


Someone was surprised but it just went away. Perhaps if I see a third eyeless person, I will look like I’m going to sleep.

Before I went, I looked up at the sky for a while. But it was pointless because it was late. The sky already had a mixture of light and darkness in the sky.

Hoo …

After spilling my breath, I started to move at a slow pace, but steadily.

The career circle was the beginning.

* Just as the white and snowy roads gradually grew over time, they were blue.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps … .

The number of footsteps did not count more than one hundred. I focused on stepping on the road unconditionally while fixing my gaze unconditionally. This is because the main subject of the course is seawater, and it is often the case that if you take your eyes off for a while and see the surroundings, the road will change rapidly.

Moreover, as I walked in, the first sense of heterogeneity that I had experienced was getting worse. If you do not, your breathing will be hindered. At least a few of them were high-armed vestiges than they had worn in the woods of darkness.

Of course I can go faster if I am alone. Though it is not uncomfortable, I should keep it at a moderate speed when I think about 13 colleagues.

By the way, how much time did it flow? Looks like 1, 20 minutes have passed. It ‘s not hard for me to walk on the floor. Maybe it will be pretty funny if you do not know who you are. Because there are 14 people, we play relaxed train while bowing to head of power.

“……?”It was then. The breathing that caused the symptoms of difficulty throughout the coming was unbuttoned and the body relaxed. I felt a fresh air when I breathed a great deal. And the fact that all sides are silent. The road that was seen by the third eye suddenly showed no change.

As I glanced reflexively, something huge came into my eyes.

“Clan Road? Is it over? ”

Then Ha Seung-woo pulled the cape and asked. His voice had a slight tremor as if he were suffering from hardship. I thought I was hurt. I felt a sense of heterogeneity, and my colleagues’ status was almost flaming.

“Yes. I think it’s over. ”

I hurriedly walked inward, led my colleagues, turned around and checked the number of people. Whenever I see one person, I breathe a lot of breath as if I spit out the breath that I had endured. Finally, Ha Seung-yoon finally, my colleagues did not fall behind one luckly pass the career path.

Incredible! Was this the easy way to go through the career circle? ”

He breathed a whim, as Ha Seung-woo shed. I wanted to say that the third eye is such a fraudulent ability, but there is no right to tell. I do not even want to say anything. He laughed a little, and he shrugged, breathing.

After a while, the colleagues who chose to breathe turned around and were resilient like one. Then I look at the center with a face that is all embarrassed.

“here is… ”

It was. When we were exploring in the middle of the sea, we were standing in a glacier snowy field. I did not participate in the first car but only listened to it.

“…….”It was a rather strange place to say Moora. A glacier that is too big to be called a fence once surrounded the rim like a ridge, and when you come down the gentle slope down there, there is a place where we stand now. In other words, the current sodding was similar to the basin.

This is nothing more than a landscape. Most importantly, there is a giant snow mountain with a cave in the center of the basin about 50 meters above the ground. Of course it is done with the eyes, but the mysterious feeling is caused by the flowing of the soft blue light rather than the pure white light.

“Huh, that’s great.”

“I can not believe it. Was not it in the sea until a little while ago? ”

“It’s like a different world … . Oh, maybe it’s a strange dimension like the last expedition. ”

“It is not.”

Ha Seung-woo laughed and shook his head in the elasticity that he heard sequentially.

“This place is just a twisted space that creates a new space, that is, it is a space in space.”

Ansol revealed 100%of the light that he did not understand at all. Hae Seung-woo laughed.

“Dimension has not changed. The space where we stand now means that there is clearly a place somewhere. Although it is not visible, it is hard to come in. ”




While Ha Seung-woo was concentrating on what was impossible, I was able to relieve myself from completing the observation.

I can not be sure, but the conclusions came out provisionally. First of all, it is obvious that the ladies’ song is in front of you. And the fact that I am maintaining this clean form is not the sound of the seal being broken yet? If the ancient evil spirit woke up, it would surely have been smashed. Or at least it should be left as it is, no trace of it.

– Hmm. ‘Hwajeong?’ – …No, it is not! First, go inside. And do not forget to turn on the third eye.

Of course I do.But you know. I feel like I should go somehow soon.

‘……?’I had a sigh of relief, but I quickly pulled a sword. And I opened my mouth with a voice of magic.

“Prepare for battle. With dust. ”

I felt amazed here and there, but I quickly walked toward the cave without saying anything. I can not help but look at it hastily. It was intended to hide the secrets and avoid doubts, but as a result, I wasted my time too much.

Of course, even if it seems safe at first glance, the exact situation has not yet been revealed. You can set your mind by checking with your own eyes. I wanted to make sure I did not have to worry about the situation when the seal was released and the evil wakes up in 1 second difference.

The passage in the cave was so small that it could not even reach 2 meters in diameter. However, there was no problem in walking, and I took a walk without hesitation. Then the length gradually widened, and within 5 minutes, a relatively spacious space appeared in front of my eyes. I stopped for a while.

It was a square room with a diameter of about 20 meters, reminiscent of a small room. Considering the huge size of the snowy mountain seen from the outside, I thought it was too small. The side walls are covered with snow walls, and there is a massive ice door in the front direction except for the walkway that has been walked.

After stopping in front of the door, I looked up to see if I could fully see it, but I could not see it in detail. Just everything was cloudy. When I turned my eyes and looked back, everyone was staring at me. I seemed to be puzzled at times, but I do not think I have abandoned the tension yet. From the time you actually entered the cave, you could say it was already a battle situation.

I put my index finger on my mouth and quietly pointed to the ice door. Then his colleagues stepped back a couple of steps and set up their own weapons.

This will be enough for the signal.

After a while. “…I will enter. ”

At the same time as I was speaking with a lowered voice, I pushed the ice door as hard as I could.

Jiggy, Jiggy Geek!

The door began to slowly open, making an ice-clattering noise as if it were broken.

And also,


============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I was so tired that I fell asleep and woke up, it was four o’clock in the morning. I’m sorry. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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