
Chapter 788

As soon as I opened the door, the silence fell down suddenly.

What the hell is going on here?

It was not an evil seal or a sealing device that welcomed us from the inside. A large, round ice cavity came into my eyes. There is a small altar looking in the front direction. I do not see anything except that. I went inside through the chill in the four directions, and I felt like I was in a hurry. Is this place really a lady song?

“It would be better to search first. There is likely to be a secret device somewhere … ”

Cha Shaolin broke the heavy silence, but he could not speak to the end.

I stood around blankly and moved forward. I have already done the detection three or four times, but I did not feel suspicious. I can not see the door. That is to say, this place is the center of the song. I thought there might be something, but the forecast was totally missed. All that remains is that altar. If you do not get a clue over there, you have to search for a secret device as you say.

I came closer and I noticed that it was not an altar, but something that looked like a tube, and it was on the altar.

“Tongue, brother. Would not it be nice to be careful? I open it up and suddenly it pops out … ”

There was a little conflict with Jin Soo-hyun’s voice, but it’s okay.

I caught one end of the hand without hesitation in the assurance of the lantern. I felt a hard feeling as I passed through the ages, but when I tried to force it, I started to hear a little bit of ice crackling. But this time the situation was the same. Even though the door was opened at most, there was nothing in the pipe. The cold air that was trapped in the meantime was just empty, and it was empty.

“…….”The silent silence is enveloped. My colleagues were looking at something, but they seemed to see me. I gradually felt a sudden mood. I do not remember rumors that I found a secret passage here. I thought there might be some clues. What do we really have to do now?


Could I have made a mistake?

“In the hope of salvation and goodwill of the world.”

At that time I heard my cold voice unheard of. The source was looking inside the ice cap I lifted. Then he looked at me and stroked the white face slowly.

“There is a long document written on the inside.”

“You have written a long story?”

OK. There are some parts that are damaged, but it is not at a level that makes reading difficult. ”


I felt a certain sense of reaching out with a reflexive hand. I felt like I was tugging with my fingertips. Something seemed to be sharp on ice.

“Do you keep reading?”

“He, yes.”

I nodded my head in the head and turned my eyes again, quietly began to connect the horse.

“The flower that bloomed from the ladies’ song has fallen by itself.
Those who brought flowers.
How is the present world?
Good morning.
That’s fortunate.
Then do you remember?
If not, what brings you to this remote place?
Go back.
In fact, I did not want to leave the original.
But if the sky is dark again after a long period of time in the Gulf, climb to the highest point and look at the sea.
If it is day, if the light has not gone yet.
If it is night, I can exclude the dark shadow.
The place where the good disappears and the bad is eaten and sleeping will appear in front of your eyes.
I will be waiting there, so do not try to do anything at all.
Just enough to wake me up.
Well, hopefully not too late. ”

The end of the long, closed mouth as if it was over. Intermediate connections are a bit awkward, but they are probably a damaged part.

I did not understand 100%of what I mean. However, it was not over yet, and there was a sense of intuition that some kind of possibility had occurred. I stood still and suddenly closed the coffin.

“Clan Road?”

I heard someone catching me, but I turned and walked the path to our passage. No, I jumped.


I walked through the ice passage and spread my wings straight away. I glanced around and looked around, but I do not see any suspicious. The only outside of the ridge surrounding the mountain was a calm waters.

But I shook my head. I thought I was a little weak for a while but it was not anymore. Though still nothing, I was convinced by the record engraved on the coffin. okay . . . I barely know. The memory of the first car was wrong. No, it was not wrong, but the premise itself was wrong. The snow mountain that entered a little before was not the ladies’ song. We have not found a song yet.

I thought that the woman who was a dancer in the midnight was great. I do not know what kind of ability I have, but I have anticipated the future and reserved the preparation. Although it is the only record, it is enough for me for the present. At least it proved that it was not the wrong thing.

“…….”So now it’s about how to interpret. Let’s start with one at a time. You do not need to rewrite the whole thing, only the important part … .

‘If the sky is dark again, go up to the highest place and look at the sea.’

The highest place. I think only one place is the highest place in the vicinity. I immediately moved the wings to the top of the mountain. It means to see the sea here, right?

‘The place where the good is gone and the evil is eaten … . ‘

The place will be a real lady song. I dropped my gaze down. The shimmering sea of ​​red dusk was merely creepy and calm. Besides, the waters are very transparent and clean, and it is impressive to reflect the snow in the water upside down. However, that was it. I do not see anything that can be caught in the eye even if I increase my luck and look around.

‘I will be waiting there, so do not try to do anything at all. It’s enough to just wake me up. ”

Kenichi Momoyama Does that mean the woman is still alive? No, let’s put it first. If you go, you know. It is urgent to find a new song.

‘Well, hopefully it was not too late.’ …Was this over?

I swallow the feeling of feeling of coming off smoothly and chew slowly in my head. Go up to the highest point and look at the sea … . Go to the highest place … . The highest place … .

‘If it is day, if the light has not gone yet.’

A sea of ​​red energy.

‘If it is night, I can exclude the dark shadow.’

It is clear sleep that we seem to copy this huge snow mountain as it is and paste.

‘…It will appear in front of you. ”

That moment.

“……!”When I saw the snow mountain in the sea, I burst into a boiling mood. An intense shock suddenly shook my head.

I turned around once more and looked down at the sea again. And I could be sure. The place we are in is a snowy mountain. However, the lower part of the mountain is clearly surrounded by ridges. If that sea shines a snow mountain, why do not you see the ridge?

Now, I just realized.

– Yeah. If you can exclude shadows … . This was the biggest point.

okay . . . It was not a difficult word as it was said. It was a record that you could just interpret as it is.

– Let’s go. I think I’ll be sure to go.

The fireworks prompted. There is no reason to be more aesthetic anyway.

I thought that I jumped in the air. Could it be that the crazy throbbing heart is full of tension? Or is it because of the desire to unlock the secret of the new song that was not solved in the first car? As the ocean gets closer, the pure white mountains that appear in the surface of the water gradually become clearer.

I fell into the sea.

* – Plop!

It seemed that something was falling into the deep water, the heavy sound rang in the dark space.

The sound was not clear. It was close to the noisy noise as if it were forcibly connected to the communication. However, as if it had nothing to do with it, the young man who buried himself in the darkness was excited and gazed at the airy image with interesting eyes.

As soon as the ripples that had begun to circumnavigate slowly.

“Oh, my god.”

The young man grasped the sickness and grabbed the two horns on his head.

“I did not say it, but you really did.”

The face of a young man, or Lucifer, who was exposed to light, was very strange. There was a deep nauseous feeling in the face, but “I am. This is a crappy thing, is not it? I did not blame Bell Jebuna or Asmodose. ”

Only two eyes are smiling and laughing. As if this situation is fun, I mumbled to my own words in the reminded tone.

“Oh. This is not the time. ”

After a while, Lucifer got up straight and hurriedly passed the video and walked somewhere. There was a demonic woman hanging in myriad chains of etiquette and space. Lucifer stared at the face of the sad light opponent.

Sorry. Prosepina. ”

Proserpina. He is a high-ranking demon who occupies the seat of the monarch, and has the tongue called “the queen of the underworld.” It was also the wife of Pluto, who was murdered by Kim Suhyun. The fact that she is not a ‘Asmodian’ but a ‘devil’ can be used to predict the position of the woman.

I mean, there was a woman who was tied up in a tangled chain and was a 14th-order demon.

“Well, I wanted to hear your wind. The situation is so … . I can not help it? Yes. it is.

Lucifer ‘s body was stiff. But soon he regained his new color and slowly lifted his right hand. I smiled lightly as I watched the spectacles not responding to anything.

“I promise, though. I will sacrifice you in this way, but your wind will be made unconditionally. …must.”

Lucifer said with a thumb and a pause at the end of the stop and paused for a moment. No matter how Lucifer used to be a devil 14 monarch as a sacrifice, I wonder? However, while I turned my eyes for a while, I saw the ripples on the sleeping surface of the video, and I chewed my mouth full of fluids.

“Self, Kim Soo-hyun … ”

The voices of the beast, such as a beating and a grunting beast, flow out of it.

“Where once a crazy evil, I made the stage! I want to have a good time … ! ”


At the end of Lucifer ‘s words, a vigorous hand – knocking noise rang the room.

That was the moment.

Charlerine, charlerle!
Charlerine, charlerle!

Suddenly, the chains that hung up on me completely turned up at a scary pace.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Tile, tile!

And the moment that Lucifer ‘s laughter and the irony of the chain ring at the same time, it’ s all over the place. .

A mournful cry that seemed to flow out of the abyss echoed long into the sea of ​​twilight.

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