
Chapter 826

“Uh … ! ”

Kim Han – hee awakened from his sleep. The breath is panting, and the back is like a wet nightmare with sweat. He puts his hand on his chest and constantly sweeps down to calm his empty heart.

Kim Han-bum, who had been doing this for a while, suddenly got caught in the eye. I’m looking for someone. I looked around and under the bed several times and started quietly. Kim Soo-hyun sneaked over to open the door and closed the door carefully. At that moment, the step of Kim Han –


There was a passenger outside the door. Lee was standing in one corner. One particular thing is that it looks very sick somewhere. It seemed that the bending of the waist with one hand on the wall would soon collapse.

Are you okay?”

Soo-jung turned his head gently.

Finished It came out well. ”

He speaks in a boiling voice and barely looks back at Kim Han-bum. And I began to take off my pants as soon as I could with my weak hands. Kim Han – seup was stunned. Suddenly I took off my clothes, but “sister … ”

Because the transparent liquid is stretched along the pants downward. As you can see, the horny part of the thighs, as well as the vagina, are wet. Moreover, the middle part of the underwear was stained with yellow light. There was a slight mixture of yilin in the heat that came out quietly. Kim Han-sang draws a frown.

“…Did you relax? ”

No. Urinary incontinence

“That’s it.”

“I’m not in bed.”


“Shut up and give me some water. I think I should suck it. I’m dying. ”

Soo-jung growled and grunted. Kim Han-soo took a punch in the pants and underwear and squats him. The light of the conflict struck me for a moment. But soon he raised his hand with his shoulders.

“I need some water … . Yes. it is.

Sirleuk, Sirrek. The robe and pants flowed in turn. The eyes of Yoo Jung-jung were fluttering. As shy as it may be, the white underwear did not seem to be soaking wet between the crotch. I pulled down my underwear and the transparent liquid fell from the closed part of the horn, and the bottom gradually became wet. Within seconds, Kim Han-hee squatting on the opposite side, and Yu-jeong staring with strange eyes.

“…You too? ”

“…….””What fantasy was it?”

“I’ll tell you first, sister.”

Kim Han – soo, who said so, immediately began to memorize the order. Soo-jung muttered to say that he was a fugitive, but when the water began to come out from his fingertips, he soon brought his pants and underwear. Not only his own but Kim’s personalities.

How much silence has passed. With two hands, he squeezed his clothes and twisted, and he bowed his head suddenly. Then a voice of mosquitoes came out.

“…It was a rite of passage. ”

“Passage ritual?”

“Yes, the rite of passage. Do you remember the puppy called Pak Donggol? ”

“Of course I remember. How could you … . …Sister, no way. ”

A voice that seems to have realized something. While still looking down, he was nodded without power.

Sy! I really hated it. What a week. ”

Kim Han-hee covered his mouth with the remaining hands.

“Fuck, what rest room is the assistant room? It was ridiculous to think. right?”

Soo-jung twisted his clothes as if he were torn. I pretended to be brighter, but the trembling voice was slightly wet. Her shoulders are shaking finely. ‘right?’ “Kim Han – seum ‘s head has sprung up. The reason I took the word out was that maybe I felt the feeling of sympathy or comfort. . I just thought that.

He shrugged his eyes off his back with his hand on his nose. Kim Han – seup looked at me as if I was sick.

“It looked okay before … ”

“That’s pretending. Pretty pretend. ”


“lets think. Your brother is suffering so much … . It was not a whining atmosphere anymore. ”

In the eyes of Kim Han-bum, a new light shone. I thought it was just a thought. I did not know what I knew.

Suddenly, he heard his eyes. I gaze at Kim Han-bum with my feet open.

“So, what about you?”

Four Ah. Well, I’m … ”

“Do not even think about it. I heard all the noise while sleeping. ”

“…It’s a gift. ”

Kim Han – seum closed his eyes tightly. Hee – jeong had a headache.

“What? Are you talking about sex? ”

“You know well.”

“What happened to Mercenary? luke

“…It’s not a mansion, it’s not. ”

Lee Jung – jung, he broke his resilience. It reminds me of Kim Han-bum’s entire clan. Kim Han-hee, who had glanced eyes, said with a gloomy face.

But… Better than your sister. I was four days in apprehension. ”

“I do not get any better than this. Anyway, when I get out of here, I’ll find out the beating heart and kill it. All right. ”

“That’s my sister’s heart … . But then why did you set the angle from the beginning? ”

“I told you that I came to the police station in Hyundai? I can not believe that the younger sulking of the sword is the only thing that comes to my mind. I do not know, but he must have been a criminal. ”

Soo-jung said with a confident voice shaking his underwear.

After the laundry with such a tale, the two women who spread their clothes on one side sat on the table together. There was no extra clothes, and the underwear was inadvertently missing. Kim Han – bum wrapped her lower body in a shameful embarrassment, but Yu – jeong waved her calf with her crotch open without hesitation.

“By the way, other people will be fine … . I’m worried. ”

“You’ll be fine. There is a source of the road, and there is a legion of Mr. Vivian if you do not want to … ”

But… You know, I’d like to call my brother in secret? ”

“Not at all.”

Kim Han-bum just cut off and refused. I shook my head firmly. Yi Jung ‘s legs were shaking back and forth like a watch.


“I do not think it’s a lot of trouble for you, but … . Do not make it complicated. I do not know what’s scary when I grow up? ”

“Hmm. I think it’s okay this time. ”

“That’s Okay. It’s best not to just talk. ”

Soo-jung pulled his head down the road. I stared at her for a while and suddenly opened her mouth.



No. I really hope it is the best. ”

“What do you mean suddenly?”

Suddenly, Lee Ji – jung burst into laughter.

“It is. I have something I want to forget, and so do my brother. Oh, is that strange? ”

“It’s incredibly weird.”

“So. My nana or my brother is trying to get on top of each other. ”

“……?””And this is the most important thing … . I’m going to go up to grade B if I’m done with this expedition. ”

“He, so?”

Did something feel uneasy. Kim Han-gum stuttered and spoke. Then, while the eyes of Yi Jung-jeong draw a gorgeous line, he sideways sideways.

Yoo Jung-jung opened his mouth with the slightly recalled face.

“Hey, let me ask you a favor.”

* Meanwhile, the same time.

“What, what … ”

At the moment of barely mindfulness, the four sides and the eight sides were closely surrounded by insects. Ten, twenty, forty, eighty … . It was completely surrounded by a quantity that could not count. The exit was completely blocked. Even more surprising is that the group of insects is still emerging. They seem to be a double, rather than a few, but they constantly crawl out of their bodies.

What should I do?

At the moment when Jin-hyun hesitated, the group of insects began to rush at the same time, drawing S-shaped.

Quirrele, aquirre! Not at the level of eighteen. The scene where at least three or four times of people are driven at once is similar to the scene where a black tsunami is overwhelmed. New, more waves come on every moment. The angry waves that open up the vagina seem to be swallowed up like a whip.

Kenichi Momoyama I can not … . ‘

After all, Jin Soo-hyun, overwhelmed by the momentum, began to take a back footsteps. But before retreating, the worms swiftly surrounded him. The blind evil sparks the back of the head. The left and right, of course, occupied the rear. I thought it was almost over. I do not know how many people I have ever met. But I would not have expected anyone to have this much still. Everywhere was full of shouting and screaming. There are many places. Neither one is affordable. It has been a long time since the center has already been invaded, and Vivien and Limhanah were arresting it. But the jersey is almost ending. It is not a situation to ask for support anywhere.

“…….”I felt the end. Jung Soo-hyun, staring blankly in front of him, waved at the moment and shook his sword. The worms raised their upper body as if they had waited and pushed their mouths like flares. And I began to eat the remaining shields with the flashed teeth.

If there were a few. No, if not exhausted. No, if I had enough horsepower. If I could get away with it, I would have been. At least, it would have been possible to stick. However, Jin-Soo Hyun, who embraced all of these bad conditions, was literally pushed to Groggy. In the midst of this, he was able to defeat half a dozen others, but the shield, which was the last bastion, I shattered pieces with sound.

There was no stopping until the next day. Jin-soo sprang a sword like crazy, but it bite several places in an instant from the neck to the toe. I even pulled the strength to suck it up, but I took down the stuck-up guy, but the wounds grew exponentially. There was also a limit to staying in a hard ball.

At one moment, “…Ah…

Suddenly the ceiling came into sight. I realized that I was leaning one beat late. It was overflowing, and the feeling of dreadful touch came to the back. The soil that was wet with body fluids was cold and moist, but Jin-suhyun felt fluffy and soft than any other bed. A crowd of believers cover themselves like a quilt. In the meantime everything turned to a comfortable darkness.

“Do not be jealous!”

Vivien screamed. Suddenly, I did not care about the dust cover collapsing. I shouted at the crowd of bugs piled up over someone.

“Get out! Get out! ”

The captain of the army and dozens of soldiers turned in a hurry voice. It pierces the blood with all the effort, such as kicking a worm, turning a huge sickle. Unfortunately, Jin Su Hyun was not aware of the outside situation at all.

just… .

‘hot… . ‘

It was only a struggle in the pain of burning all over the body.

‘here is… . ‘

It is dark before the eyes. It is only darkness that is visible everywhere.

After a while, even the hot sensation of burning the whole body slowly began to disappear from the ankle.

‘Is it dying … . ‘

Jin-soo Hyun instinctively felt intuition. The fact that you die, you die.

‘Die.’ Sensation. It is not so scary or painful as I thought it might be. No. There may be someone who feels that way. However, the feeling of filling the body of Jin Soo Hyun is not fear or pain.

Only one.


Somehow he was alive to survive, but death was a fleeting moment. The faintness felt in this gap was intense enough to drive away other emotions. On the other hand, it was like a heartbreak.

But I just decided to accept it. Maybe it was already wounded, but Jin-hyun quietly closed his eyes. Suddenly, the appearance of someone came out as an adult.


No. It was not a blind man. Cool eyes, sturdy body, dark-colored armor, red cape … . Kim Seo – hyun ‘s appearance is obviously a sudden recollection. Jin-soo smiled faintly self-reliantly.

‘Brother … . If you were the only one … . ‘

The moment of remorse, ‘I would not have died so empty … ? ‘

suddenly, ‘…Why

The last question came to me. And the fire of the emotional “anger” was lighted.

Regarding this situation, it is not anger about the worms laying down themselves. It is an outrageous outburst of self-grasping self-gratification. Also, it was the anger that can be felt because it is Jinhoo Hyun who is not anyone.

Early on, Jin Soo-hyun was raised as a post-Kim Soo-hyun under the plan of an angel. Although it was stopped on the way, Jin Su Hyun was definitely a leader at that time. He led his colleagues in a central position rather than in the pursuit. Even in the case of a crisis, it was always the lead in the crisis. okay . . . It was Jin Soo-hyun.

I hope so.

‘Since when… . ‘

The moment I realized, ‘It’ felt slow.

‘I, since when … ! ‘

Just before the death, the flame that ate a little bit of the wick was lit up for a moment and burned the fire line like crazy.

Jin-soo’s face was distorted like an angry beast.

‘…I can not admit it. ‘

I thought so.

“Yes, I do!”

At the same time as the sad screaming, the darkness which unfortunately coincided with the sight was removed. Something rash is coming out with twin sight. While suddenly frowning at the sight he regained, Jin suddenly reached out his hands and held it firmly.

After a while, the buried body was brought up into the air by force.

And also,

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== No, I’m awake after 10 times … . OTL It is awakening after 2 times based on yesterday’s times. ㅜ. ㅠ Anyway this part is over, and probably the next part is the last of this episode.
Oh, by the way, I am worried.
I want to write a bed god that can feel beautiful even if it is confusing a little, but I like to use it only for a long time.
I think there is a lack of training.
Is it because of the fortune-telling devil … .
Anyway, I have to manage my mind. 🙂

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