
Chapter 827

“I can not admit it, love!”

Jin Soo-hyun screamed.

No, I guess it’s a roar.

I can not … !
I can not … !
I can not go wrong … !
I can not go wrong … !

The shout hit everywhere and echoed everywhere.

Then, Fuck Aang!

A loud explosion sounded everywhere. A violent sweep swept the area, and the air flowed shivering.

The battle, which was fierce with this ghastly spirit, entered a lull in a moment. The user, of course, even stopped a buggy action. The eyes and the nostrils all go back to one place.

There was Jin Soo-hyun there. With both hands on the floor, both legs kneeling, the head is hitting the ground.

Gradually, the sword blossomed on the part where the forehead and the ground abutted each other.

“Recognition… ”

At that moment, Jin Soo-hyun stood up slowly.

“I can not … . You babies … ”

Half a hoarse voice flowed out. It was a voice filled with fierce anger, embracing a deep life.

The whole body was bloody. The torn clothing had already lost its function and was close to rags, and there was a mild liquid in some places. In the broken forehead, the blood drips away, and the face is filled with pure blood.

However, two pupils sprinkled with mold.

Really? I admire your brother. ”

I wobble, and my body shook slowly. But he immediately balances and bends his knees gently. Just like a carnivore ready to bite your opponent’s neck.


Grab the hilt to crush.

“Me neither.”

Jin shook his head. As the tears began to tremble, the trembling shivered through the tightly closed mouths. After a while, he breathed in all his might and hurt his chin as much as possible.

And, “I, I am a real hunter! These son of a bitch! ”

All the volcanoes that I have put up with have exploded. The last cry of the wounded animal rang the passage, the room, the space, not the whole underground. At the same time, an enormous aura bursting with explosive spurs.

Conjunctive reflex.

The last candle burns and finally woke up.

One time during spring and autumn. The real “Wizard Hunter” Kim Soo-hyun, who swept the battlefield with his single-handedness, is now resurrected.

I was watching the situation quietly, and I turned my body around. In my experience, there was never a good time to “run away” during a battle.


“……!”The next moment, I stopped walking reflexively. Jin Soo-hyun, who seems to be riding like a beast right now, lifts his sword in his right hand like a piercing ceiling.

“A sword that sings the victory of the sword.”

The blade blasted the glittering light. And it was cold and cold. The trembling voice is so cold that it reminds me of a wolf in a snowy field.

“A knife that shades the devil’s lead.”


The remaining hands moved like rubbing. A strange thing has happened. The sword was divided into two. There was another sword in his left hand, which sparkled a brilliant light. One thing is clear, now that Jin Su Hyun heard the sword in both hands. Soon there was no notice, no precursors, and Jin-hyun ran. The sword of both hands turns like a windmill and rushes like a wind. The wind quickly turned into a huge storm, hitting the bugs.

Seaning! The first wind ran like a bruised blade. Later in the night, the soul shone brightly, but one of his hair fell sickly. The wind that blows in succession was a blinking bird, and at the same time seven or six eggs were shredded eggs.

And at the moment of the third wind, dozens of squirrels are spread out all over the place, and the flock of bees is dazzled. The sight of dozens of worms spewing body fluids apart was a spectacular sight.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The bug was divided into left and right without any interruption. Jin-soo seemed to have forgotten his breathing, too. It looks like Kim Soo-hyun, who has been playing the battlefield with his “Glory of Victoria”

I watched the appearance of the ‘shadow queen’ eyes and I was struck. As a result of analyzing the situation calmly, the objective situation is still favorable to insects. Jin-Soo Hyun’s power is clearly explosive, but it does not change that it is temporary. Experienced high performance was certainly recognizing that point.

But if it is not ‘runaway’ but ‘arousal’, and if you think about the fact that the addition of insects has been cut off for a while, it is not without roads.

I mean, it was not just the silk music, but the whole audience.

‘No matter what the disadvantage, if you do not give up until the end, it definitely comes.’
‘There is only one opportunity to reverse … . ‘

The flow of the battle that ran to the extreme beyond the disadvantage stopped short before the breakdown. The fighting spirit that revived the burning candle of the last, and eventually began to draw little by little.

Jin Soo-hyun can do that. It is up to them, not anyone else, to see if this flow will come back again or not.


“Rise up, Abyss Crowd.”

Each of the power take out the remaining capacity, and began to pour out.

Heat, twenty, thirty, forty … . The shadows of dozens of strands extending from the stem to the bottom of the piano play one by one.

“The queen is … ”

There is a bright light in the whole body of Namdae Eun. It is so intense that the rising hair drips off the cold.

“The gold gained (今 已 得 地 於) … ”

Im Hanna rallied toward the sky. The radiant arrows disappear as they penetrate into the ceiling, turning into a giant circle and drawing a circle.

“─ ─ ─ ─! ────! come! Pierre

Vivian also scraped the remaining horsepower. You’ve already used horsepower to the limit, but you can summon once more by using the Ordot of Order, which you have left as a last resort.

It is not over yet.

– Battlefield analysis … . Complete
– As a result of analysis, we set the cover of user Jin-hyun as the top priority, and set the support shot in all directions in the secondary direction.

Woong Woong!

The source was floating slowly in the air. In the air, a silvery light spins and a strange resonance spreads out. And after a long time, familiar things around me began to appear. The three-dimensional magic jean turns slowly to the shape of the finger. It is not one, but dozens.

– Summon an ancient magic city … . Complete
– Attempt to connect with Magia.

The voice of the origin flows smoothly into the space.

As a result, the last battle of mutual happiness was immediately announced.

If there was one thing that changed before, most of them were laughing in the battle.

As if to convince victory.

* Meanwhile, the same time.

Death in the deep end.

There was a strange silence among the two women sitting on the table by the disappearance of the bottom. To be precise, Kim Han – seop stares at someone with his mouth open with blunt eyes, and he is staring at him with a slight reddening feeling.

Kim Han-hee, who was staring for a while, opened his mouth carefully.

“I… . Do not you have to sleep in another room for the day? ”

Soo-jung nodded his head gently.

“That’s why … . My brother and he are going to do that? ”

Another nodded nod.

Now You are B grade when you finish this expedition, and when you go up to B grade, you said you will eat your sister? Oh brother? ”

No. Actually, it’s me who got the word out. I want to be eaten first. ”

The expression of Kim Han-bum was strangely distorted. At the same time, the dragon scratched. But I do not know if I know it. Soo-jung avoids his gaze and ties the horse with only the tough hair.

“In fact, rating does not mean much … . Should I just say I wanted to qualify? Oh, I do not know. Suddenly I do not understand. ”

“…….””Well, I’m sorry about my colleagues who are going through hard times … . But you know that this opportunity does not come often. And it’s a little bit like waiting for it. ”


“I hate having to suffer from a nightmare more than anything. I know it’s a fantasy, but I feel really dirty. That’s why I want to hold on to your brother. Hi. ”

That, that’s … !

“Anyhow, do you understand me? Will you listen? Yes. it is.

“Well, wait a minute.”

So he said that he put his hand on the sudden body and pulled out a small pocket. It was a booty obtained from raids, and it was a feeble warrior. Kim Soo-hyun, a dangerous garter, kept it. Kim Han-bum giggled at the wonder of his eyes.

“This is Afro … . What was it? Anyway, I will take a look at my brother and if I do not eat it I will use it. Good plan? ”


“Of course, I know. You like your brother too. I do not have such a longevity year? If you listen to my favor, I’ll write it down and give it to you. Why not?


Soo-jung waved his pocket and smiled confidently. At that moment, I felt something strange. Suddenly, Kim Han – seum closes his mouth and just looks at him. No, Moora, I can hear the sound of mumbling. As if to memorize an order … .


At the moment of realization, it was already late.

Kim Han – seom, who stood across the table and sharpened his pocket, turned and turned to the bedroom. At the same time the door closes, “Lock Up.”

click! There was a sound of locking.

It happened at a moment. “… … ”

Hei Jung, who was idle with one hand, understood the situation after about three seconds.

“Hey you!”

“Uh huh.”

Kim Soo-hyun broke the upper body in the sound of the room leaving.

Stomping! Stomping!

“Open the door!”

Gettin it up!

“Open the door!”

Crazy knocking, kicking, and snappy screaming. Kim Seo-hyun, who was staring at the door as she woke up with less winking eyes, fixed her gaze on a woman approaching hurriedly before her eyes.

“Oh, brother.”

“Hey, Kim Han Rye!”

“I’m sorry, please tell me now. Yes. No? ”

“Do not bark! Open the door quickly, you son of a bitch! ”

Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping Stomping!

Kim did not forget to look at her wimpy eyes with a loud noise. However, Kim Han-bum suddenly grasped the shoulders of Kim Soo-hyun with a hasty face.

“Come on. You told me to answer. ”

“Oh, no. Goodbye ah. ”

“Just like it, you do not. Is this difficult? ”

“Not that … ”


Eventually the door broke. Kim Han-bum, who chewed his mouth, fled to Kim Soo-hyun momentarily. Yi Jung, who came to Kung – wooongkungkang, glanced up and glanced. The situation in the near future. Kim Soo-hyun, who had a deep sigh, awakened quietly. Keep your right hand in your fist.

After a while, the room became silent as if it was the time. The two women kneel before Kim Soo-hyun rubbing Hyeon-jin Kim’s piercing crown.

However, the situation became quite strange because both men were not wearing bottoms. Kim Han – seet tried to cover her breasts, but she dragged the blankets and covered her lower body.

Anyway, the situation is over. Kim Soo-hyun, who was locked in his arms with his arms around, finished his long sigh and lifted his head.

Really? I decided to order and fought. ”

“…….””Let me ask you one. I do not care what you talk about … . Why do I ignore my will? ”

“What is it? You promised me to do it? ”

It is frustrating if the impudence goes beyond. Kim opened her mouth. I have heard a horse, but I have no memory of promise.

“At least I just wanted to hear the answer.”

Kim Han-hee said with a quiet voice, emphasizing the least. Kim Soo-hyun passed away. There was nothing to say about this matter a hundred times. It is certainly wrong to think of it as a downpour.

‘…What should I do? ‘

How much time has passed.

Kim, who summarized his thoughts, nodded his head a few times after spitting his mouth like a habit. And it looks like you are seeing your sister, “Yeah. My brother understands everything. ‘ I opened my mouth with a look like saying.

Hum… First of all, I really appreciate that you think about your brother. This is true. But boys? You are still young. In this world … ”

It’s not I have been here for four years, and I do not care about other men as much as nails. I told you to hope. ”

Haha like that. However. You do not know … ”

“I know. Yastan Tello Road, playing sister, Hannah sister, Ha Yeon sister, sister Lee. Five people? ”

Callok! Kim Soo-hyun coughed greatly. I instantly looked at the two with unbelievable eyes, but I soon felt like I was resigned.

“…You knew. okay . . . But no matter what the hole plane … ”

“Hey, no. Six people. Why are you crazy about Gehenna? I got pregnant and gave birth to a child. ”

Oh right. And then there was Gehenna. ”

“…….”Kim was silent.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Wizard Hunter Awareness Completed.

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