
Chapter 842

At first, there was a slight smile such as giggling. Kim Yu-hyun is a very cool and easy-looking impression that will never tolerate mistakes on the surface. The situation in which such a man put out a so-called pipsari is funny. However, the party was staring at the distant light with a little bit of snow.

Male breeding.

When the smile slowly faded, suddenly there was a buzzing sound everywhere. At first, the back of the room was disturbing, gradually spreading to the front, and the back seat or Han So – young moved in the front row.

Soon the crowd gathered, and the figure of a man was revealed. The smile of Kim Yoo-hyun, who identified Kim Soo-hyun, who has walked in the distance, has become clear.

“Suh Hyun-ah!”

As I yelled at my welcome, countless gazes stood firm. Recognizing the mistake, Kim Yoo Hyun corrects the words.

“Oh, it’s a little late.”

Our apologies. I’m going to the summoning room. ”

Kim Soo-hyun, a cousin, came up to the stand and sat next to Kim Yoo-hyun. And the two brothers looked at each other once. I did not share long words. The fact that I participated is enough. After a while, the official announcement was resumed from the fact that Kim Yu-hyun had a big head.

“I will answer even then. Who just asked? ”

I picked up a record of Kim Yoo Hyun and looked down.

“Yes, yes.”

The question asked the man. However, it was the voice which was disturbed somewhere. I answered Kim Yu-hyun’s words exactly, but I was watching Kim Soo-hyun to look around. The crowd gathered in this plaza was well over a million, but I felt a sense of overwhelming overwhelm even though I was not burdened.

“The reason I publish this … ”

Kim Yu-hyun continued.

“In fact, this record’s ownership is due to Mercenary Road, not me.”
“I mean, I’m just an agent, and it’s Mercenary Road, one of the initiatives to find and disclose it.”

At that moment, all the eyes that looked at Kim Yoo-hyun moved to the left. Kim Soo-hyun, who had been listening quietly, laughed beside him. Eventually I opened my mouth with a short sigh.

“I just came and I do not know the situation. Why are you wondering if you can reveal the secret library’s records? ”

It was just a simple question. However, the man who asked the question asked ‘I did not care.’ I regret. Actually, ‘Lord, be gentle.’ It was influence of, but was able to be positive in anyway.

“So, it does not mean bad. If Hamilton’s words are true, then the value of the records will be enormous. ”


“So far as this is the case, an individual has to discover that the outcome belongs to the user who finds it. The boat would be a bit hurt to talk about it, but this is an unspoken phrase that nobody can say. …However, I am curious to divulge this right and share it with you as you give up the right. In fact, I do not have anxious mind. ”

“Oh, it’s simple. I could not do that. ”

Contrary to the long description, the answer was literally very simple. I was embarrassed by the inside light of the company.


“In a little more detail, there was a force that did not want me to be a monk.”

“Influence… . Is it? ”

“It is an angel.”

When the word angel came out, the mind of the crowd was wondering. It was a natural response in some ways. I heard that the angels who kept the position of the assistant thoroughly intervened directly. While it was getting so sulky, someone quietly lifted his hand. It was Han So Young.

“Do you mean the angel was forcibly restricted?”

No. There was no compulsion. ”

Sure do.

“Umm . . . Just an angel made an offer and I accepted it, and I will tell you this. ”

As opponent is an opponent, Kim Soo-hyun is euphoric so that he does not get caught in a ‘super-sensation’. Then, starting with Han Soo-young, the questions began to burst out like a bomb on everywhere.

“Suggestions? Can you tell me what the proposal is? ”

No. It can not be revealed in detail. ”

jamsimanyo Is it true that the angels said that they are really worthy of achievement? ”

“Maybe it is?”

Why did you make such a place, Kim does not know the exact intention yet. I know it only as much as the process of fulfilling the pledge with Gabriel.

I mean, how much weight did a word say in the place where such a huge crowd gathered. And they do not know how ordinary users accept a word of their own words.

jamsimanyo Anyway, Mercenary Road is not the first discovery. ”

Right exactly.

“…I do not know. Are you going to open the results for free without any conditions? Really? ”

“Let me answer that.”

Kim Yu-hyun, who watched quietly then, squeezed out. As soon as I got the question that I wanted to look at the opportunity, it came out.

“Well, if it is for you, joy breaks up when you share … . I will not shout like this. That’s not the real intention of me and Masonry Road. ”
“We are the users.”

We are people who are not people. It was the first educated horse in the user academy, and it was a word that could not be accepted at face value.

“As a matter of fact, I have told you that I will make it free for free. I do not mean to change this. ”
“But this is also an act to gain, not an act of good will.”
“Of course I was greedy at first. I do not feel greedy. If this is the record … ”
“But with Masoning Road’s persuasion, we decided to step back for greater success.”

Kim Hyun-hyun spoke up to this moment and took a brief breath. It was not over yet.

“because… ”

I slowly turned around for a few seconds, then opened my mouth.

“Because we have found the path to the new continent.”

That was the moment.

“……!”“……!”As soon as the word “new continent” emerged, the square became cluttered at once. A sudden turmoil broke out among the crowd, creating one big bang. There were so many users’ words that they could not understand properly. Kim Yoo-hyun lifted his right hand as he looked at the users opening his mouth.

“Be quiet … ! I do not know much at present, but it’s just a guess. And even if I give you the information, are you going to do it? ”

When I cried out loudly, the intestines gradually became quiet. It is because Kim Yu-hyun’s words are correct. You can see it only in the steel mountains right now. Did not you exceed 5,000 people at the highest level? It was not an area where a large number of large clan could unite because it was united.

Though it barely calmed down, the plaza had already flourished. I heard a rough breath everywhere. It is like a balloon filled with wind, it bubbles up to the ground, and the atmosphere of the ball is just like an explosion when you hit the needle. This was also the atmosphere that Kim Yu-hyun intended.

“Back to the point, we are going to invest in you.”
“As an investor, I will share these records for free. So, based on this record, you can explore and get results. And when the information on the new continent is fully revealed at a later date, please feel free to show off your strengths on the regular expedition. This is what I and Mercenary Road want. ”

Kim looked at his deadly silent bowel and opened his mouth.

“Of course, there may still be doubts among you.”
“Do not do it if you do not want to believe it, I will not say this kind of childishly.”
“But, you’ll know that you recently attacked the ruins of the Mercenary Clan from the extinction abyss.”
“If the record about him came from within this record … . Would you believe it? ”

Somewhere, “Really?” . Kim Yoo-hyun turned around as if to ask her directly, and Kim Soo-hyun closed her eyes and nodded her head.

This was not the only thing. After a while, Kim started naming some users. Finally, starting with Lee Hyo-soon, there were ten famous users such as Cho Chan-ho, Kim Duk-Pil, Sunyul, Seong Hyun-min and others. And they also testified that they had achieved results based on the records of the secret library. Today, Kim Yu-hyun arranged for this moment in advance.

Over ten such records have all been successful. Now there was no doubt.

Then did they think the time was ripe? Once again there was a tinge of turmoil and Kim Hyeon – hyun lifted his hand. Two Hamil clan members who received the signal carried one of the old library about four meters high and put it down in front of the single – phase. Though it was not densely packed with water gaps, the study was divided into a total of twenty rooms, and there were records that were beyond measure.

Kim Yoo-hyun, who rose from his seat, walked ahead of the monument and took the den.

“What record can you get from what records? I do not know that. ”

When I shook the study, the records of those who had fallen to the top fell on the floor. The piercing eyes go down on the bar.

“But gold, as well as treasure, equipment, plaster, class … . How many are there so many? Much of the damage to the Mercenary Road recently won the magic power of the expedition. ”

In the moment the eyes of the users turned on.

No conditions, no need to pay.
There was also a guarantee from several clan.
Just go and take it if you want.
So he gets stronger and gets stronger, and later he plays in the New Continent expedition.

Is there a better condition?

“The user, the caravan, the clan, the coalition are also good. I promise I will not discriminate anyone. ”

As soon as such a thought had been made, I was starting to stand up in a voice from the standpoint. It is not who gave it, but as it is attracted to you, take your neck straight and gaze at the den. The crowd was already mostly out of mind.

“If you have a passion that you want to be strong.”

Kim Yoo Hyun said that he laughed a little. And I raised my horsepower and shouted in a strong voice.

“All the records and achievements here will be yours.”

The moment when the voice filled with magic flowed into the intestines, Wow!

A huge shout broke out, and the bowels rang. Users lifted their fists and screamed out of the square. The sound was so loud that the clear sky seemed to shake.

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

In the meantime, Kim Yoo Hyun called his name with a small voice. Kim Soo-hyun glanced ahead and raised his body slowly.

Then, rather than shrinking, the shout jumped up and lifted up the sky. Then applause began to blend in cheers. I applauded here and there like a resident of a welcoming hero. Even Han Sang-young, and the airplane that was surrounded by the atmosphere, was clutching in an uncomfortable posture.

In the pouring applause like a shower, Kim shook his hand with a gentle face.

Come on.

Kim Soo – hyun has been a user for fourteen years and one day. Finally, the first step toward the final choice was stopped.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== (Read the comments.)

Rah Shelty / Question from the author If Suhyeon is the second time play, if he is dead and Yoo Hyun turns back with a zero code and starts again, will Suhyeon’s memory return to the memories of playing once?

Roya ‘Jean’: Well, this is … .

La Shelty / Why do not you hang up again …ㅠ But what does the meaning of the latter mean?Slides to Show Human beings have both feminine and masculine ideals anyway. It is Yumiga as Eugene, and Eugene as Roh Yumi. Eugene + to Yumi-ro: Yuzinami-rouu “Jin”: …And?

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