
Chapter 843

His words precisely pointed out the desire of a ‘user’. We should know what we want to do.

Here again, my brother showed me by direct action, not words. Hamil is the representative of Mercenary, and if he is ready, he can come to the clan house now. The official announcement of Hamil Clan was accomplished with great cheers.

So after bouncing through the excited crowd and barely returning to the castle. “so.”

I sat in the office chair and decided to ask what I was curious about.

“Now is not it a good time to tell the plan? It was like this. ”

His brother, who had been stretching all the time, buried himself on the sofa and smiled. I smile once in a while and stir my head slowly.

“This is not a plan. just… Should I call it a kind of show? Anyway, it’s just part of it. ”

My brother said that he started putting his hands in his arms. It was said that it was only a part of the show itself. I gazed at my brother.

I felt it once in the steel mountains, but the advantage of my brother is that it is slow. If Han So – young is in a style of rapid judging and bold action, his brother will make a plate with a detailed arrangement and pick it up one by one and go slowly. I mean, it just means that you just started.

“First of all from this.”

After a while, he put two thick envelopes on his desk. I opened it one by one and I saw a pile of old records filled in.

“At that time, there were three libraries in the secret library, right?”

Yes, I can,

“It was from a central library that you said to leave. I swear, I did not read the records, I pulled out all the mixed, then the third. It was exactly right. ”

“It does not matter what you want to have.”

He laughed and kept two envelopes. Hamil will have his share already, and one of the remaining ones we have is Istan Tello.

And… The following is this. ”

He looked at me for a while and put up a bigger envelope than before. When I saw the sound of the thundering, it seemed twice as thick as the envelope.

“What is this?”

“I brought a whole library.”

“I think so. Why do you give this to me? ”

“Because you have to share this.”

He said in a quiet voice. It would be hard to give it to you alone. As he continued to speak, he jerked his chin with his podied hands.

“Do you like Twenty?”

“I hate it very much.”

“Haha, just say that. From tomorrow, our Hamil will be very busy. Perhaps the user who came to get the record will be made of phosphorus? ”

Of course I do.

“Once you’ve gathered them together, you see them as a set of users. So what if we divide this group into units? ”

Unit? Unit Clan Large Clan, Medium Clan, Small Clan, Caravan, Personal … . That much? ”

Agreed. So here is a question. Do you think that a small clan or something less than a medium-sized clan would have enough capacity to record? ”

“…….”At that moment I was pondering. I just had a bone in my brother’s question. In fact, it was the only part that was not understood when I heard the official announcement.

“I will share it fairly without discrimination.” I received great acclaim with the slogan ” Apparently it looks good, but if you think about it well, it will take considerable damage. For example, is it possible for an expedition below a small clan to be able to afford the expedition like “The tomb of the king of the savage”, which barely even touched our satisfaction?

“Hmm. I’m sure it’s going to be difficult, but … ”

“right. Of course I know the value of each record. So, we still have our clan members working diligently, and they are composed of things that look easy as the distance is close. Anyway, I’m going to do as much as I can. ”

“Phil Sara. It’s so tough … . What did you say? Did you touch it? ”

“The things to hand out.”

I was amazed to ask, and my brother was positive. Suddenly my head got complicated. If you were targeting more than a midsize clan, at least you would understand why. But the fact that you put records that are close in distance and as easy as possible … .


Sy! I’m going to give it mainly to a small group of clan less than middle clan. ”

Goddamn it. I was determined, but my brother seemed to have planned things more complicated than I imagined. Let’s sort it out.

“Why did you do that?”

“lets think. The record is not unlimited. And if you share these and other things, you have no choice but to take all the power you can afford. I do not know if that sounds good. It’s just like giving it away. ”

“So you did not announce it in the first place. And even if you say it yourself, what about the opposition of a middle-class clan? ”

“It’s your job to soothe it.”

At the moment, he said, pretending to be waiting, putting his hands on a thick envelope.

“Of course, I will not refuse. It’s a mysterious thing to say to me.

“So you gave it to me? When will you come and see me? ”

“It is still, or there is a way you can go.”

“brother. I’m sorry, but I do not understand. Why are you making things so tricky? Just give it away and it’s over. ”

He did not say anything for a moment. Silently kept his silence, he nodded his head.

Really? If you do not think about things like this, just do not feel like it. However. I do not mean to complicate things like this. ”

“He did not mean to say that … ”

“Suh Hyun-ah. I am going to accept you as much as possible while doing this. ”

“……?”What does this mean? I was haunted.

“This is the Mercenary Clan that gives you. So thank you. …It does not mean that simple and stupid. Somehow, for whatever reason. I will associate everything that happens in the future with Mercenary. ”

That said, he gently turned his body. I looked at the direction of the terrace and walked slowly and connected the horse.

“I think I should have at least three conditions to be king. The first is force, the second is the cause, and the third is the people. ”


The king. It is very uncommon. But he was more serious than ever.

“I just want to be honest. Of course, some of you might like it, but anyway, it’s not like you have to see the Mercenary Clan, do you?

That is true. Although it was alleviated by the activity of the steel mountain range, deep rooted prejudice scattered from the North Korean continent was still continuing. It just does not appear on the outside.

“But if I give you full support for a small clan sub-group under your name? Would not it be a great help to change the perception of Mercenary Clan? ”

Really? Agreed. Let’s say you can. So what else? ”

“Listen!” Western continent war, steel mountain range capture etc … . So far, what happened in the Hall Plane was the participation of more than a few middle-class clans and led by a large clan, right? ”

By the way…

By the way… Not that. The power of the group is indispensable when fighting demons in the future. If you do not fight alone, you’d better take advantage of this opportunity. ”

“…Now Do you see me now, and meet with the group and build friendships? ”

“right. If you are a user, you will profit from it. At present, it is impossible to take control of the hall plane, but at least you can support it when you need it. ”


There was a snob at me. I have just realized what your brother is going to do. In short, I was going to get a public opinion, and I wanted to make a justification.

It does not deny that the user is following the profit. But this was my brother’s fault.

Well I think it’s too easy. ”

Yes. it is.

It can be seen only in official announcement before. Even if I just give it for free, I still have no doubt.

The big clan is especially so. They are very sensitive to the calculation of profit and loss, and on the other hand, they are not so sad. I just want to throw a few records at the very end ‘Oh, I do not know what to do with my body. Thank you. I will continue to be loyal to Mercenary. ” Does this respond?

No. I will not do that unless I am a fool. Never! This can be asserted.

My brother laughed when I told him what he thought. I thought I poked my blind spot, but it was an unexpected reaction. As if I knew you would say so.

“If there is a way?”


“What would you do if there was a way I could get some solid support in the way I said? Mercenary Road. ”

“What, suddenly … ”

Why does the word “mansiononly road” sound so strange? He was not looking at me anymore. Standing over the entrance, I gaze over the terrace with calm eyes. It was a feeling that I would not face my eyes why.

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

I stared out for a while and suddenly called me with a lowered voice.

now. Do you know there is no guardian in the North Continent? ”

“That’s … ”

Of course, you know. Since the last time Mangia was murdered by a bum, the North Continent … ?

Wait, wait. Why are you talking about this?

No way…


His brother was slow and his head was great.

“You become the guardian of the North Continent.”

I spoke so shocking words, so cool.

The field of vision suddenly pinged. I did not know my forehead. I tried to understand your words somehow, but I feel constantly hesitant.

No. If you think coolly, it does not make much sense. It can be seen only by the head of the central management organization.

For those of you who know it, ‘Protector’ is basically a treatable being. The main flow of the Hall Plane has mostly passed through the hands of the Protector, and “leads the North Continent in the right direction.” There is also a purpose that is consistent with the cause. In fact, there are few clan who have benefited from this.

okay . . . I do not even think of a better alternative.


“…….”I have never thought of it before.

“I see … . To be the guardian of the North Continent … ? ”


“Do you mean it?”

“Everything is true.”

Suddenly the wind blew. The wind that penetrated into the room swept all over the corner coolly. In the flying hair, a pair of eyes with a calm light finally turned to me.


It was a reflection of the moment that I thought I was stupid.

“Why? ”

Suddenly, he took a sigh of relief.

I’m really sorry, but if you do not do this … ”

I opened my mouth with a look that I could not help but feel like this way.

“Spring and autumn, the meaning of crossing the era is going to disappear.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Oh, finally this episode is almost over. Actually, there are lots of things to deal with in depth, so I had a lot of troubles.Anyway, maybe next time or next time is the last episode ‘Eight’ is over, and at the same time the story of the North Continent is going to be closed for a while. And from the episode “Seven” to the episode “Five”, the Devil + South continent story will be mainly going on.

In fact, from episode 7 to 5, there is a lot of concern that the main character is extremely low in appearance frequency.

I’ll finish Episode 8 first, and I’ll tell you more when I get into Episode 7.

Have a good day all of you readers. 🙂

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