
Chapter 844

That was the moment.

‘…I’m sorry.’

Suddenly, a memory caught my attention.

‘I lacked my ability.’
‘Everything went back to what I thought … . I thought I’d do this again … . ‘
‘I think I know now. I wonder how well it felt like a frog … . ‘
I am… I do not deserve the commander-in-chief. ”

I was trying to get into the steel mountains. After the battle with Kushantor, my brother rebuffed himself in front of me. I’m sitting on the tree, and I see my self in my face. Why does it suddenly seem to overlap with the memories of that time.

Suddenly the static fell down. In silence I feel a little awkward, I calmly summarized my mind. First of all, I know that you spent a lot of time thinking around while I was out. So I’d rather be rational than think emotionally.

Protector of the North Continent.

Definitely a good idea. Of course, those who do not know that there is a guardian are more than 80%, but only ordinary users. Many of the large clans that are now on the North Continent have benefited from the defenders and know their existence.

In other words, what I pointed out is a neat solution. Users are basically profitable, but they have been living in South and South each other for some time. But if I reveal my identity here, everything is OK. Because, historically, there are many precedents where the guardians helped the clan unconditionally.

In the end, everything was as he said. I have already had a Mercenary Clan, and I have a ‘force’ of Yantan Rowe, Hamil and Alliance, whereas the past guardians have held ‘justification’ in front of many clans. And what if you get to “public” by your brother’s actions? It is not impossible to have stronger authority than any guardian in the past. However, there is no problem. There were two major obstacles to thinking about the rosy future.

First of all, I am not very good with angels.Of course, I am unilaterally hostile, but I am. And the other is that I can not afford to be a guardian. I have always felt sorry for seeing Lee Hyo, but it is hard to be a member of the Mercenary Clan and the central management body.

As a result of weighing around for a while, eventually we leaned over to one side. I opened my mouth carefully.

Well I know your brother, but the role of the guardian itself is so intense that angels are tired … ”

“So you’re asking. Angels also seem to be unreasonable to you, and if Suhyun is yours, can not you just claim the right to be right, not just a bachelor? More than anyone. ”

Hum… But the guardian is a little … ”

“Hmm… . Why

“Once I or an angel hate each other … ”

“That’s not a reason.”

He shook his head calmly, but firmly.

“So it does not work.”

Yes. it is.

He showed a struggle for a moment, but soon he spoke calmly.

“Do not add it to me as I say. As long as we have a common enemy, the devil, I want you to have a good relationship with the angel. ”

“…I do not mean to be an angel’s boar anyway. ”

“That’s not it. You do not understand my words at all. ”

“…….”His brother was crying, and he said it like healing.

“I understand why you are hostile to angels. And I did not say not to hate. But do you have any words like that? The enemy is a small comrade. The situation is strange, we need to use it as much as possible in cooperation with the angel. Of course, you should never believe it, but at least pretend to be “pretend”. Maybe if I were you, I would have. ”

The moment I heard a long explanation, I suddenly felt clumsy. Goddamn it. This is why I hate to fight with my brother. It seems to have arrived today with firm determination, and I am logically blocking the hole to escape. I have to say that I have nothing to say because I am so out of date.

“That’s true. I am now a guardian as well … ”

“Oh, you do not have to worry about that either.”

Yes. it is.

“I already told you. Even if you become a guardian, the basic task is to deal with Lee Hyo, and he will keep the head of the central management organization. Of course, you will have to work on deciding your ambassador, but you will not have to worry about anything. ”

I’ve already done it there. There was a snob at me. At this point, you have to follow your opinion.

“…I think I’m really sorry for you. ”

I laughed to see if I saw my expression.

“It’s not complicated, but it seems to put a lot of pressure on you.”

“No, it is not.”

I do not think so. There is no one who knows that he has a plan to return, but it is a reality that he does not know where to lean. While he was in a hurry to get ahead, my brother was moving. In fact, I was feeling the feeling that the plan which was vague actually embodied it little by little, and it was bigger thought that it was thankful.

At that moment, suddenly a small vibration sounded, and the brother took out a small crystal ball out of his arms.

– Clan Road … . now.

“Well, well. Yes? “- Yes … . Already

All right. I’ll go right now. ”

My brother, whom I briefly contacted, sighed with a sad face.

“Suh Hyun-ah. I’m sorry … ”

“No, come on. It’s okay. ”

There is no reason to be sorry at all. I made such an announcement today, so it is unusual not to be busy. As long as the older clan load, there is a place that is absolutely necessary. This is my fault, too. Because I asked my brother.

“Yes, thank you. Then think about it. ”

He touched a thick envelope and turned away.


But just before opening the door, I stood up and looked at me.

“Come to think of it… . I have attended, so can I answer that? ”



Ah… No, not yet. ”

His eyes smoothed as he laughed and laid a head on his head.

“You still can not make a decision?”

Well Do you really need to choose now? ”


“It is. There is not yet a situation that can be decided yet, and the thing to do is the heaven and earth. They do not turn on the gimchi countries. ”

Seraph said. Do not be afraid of changes due to differences in experience. It is a word that meets my situation. Yes. Unlike the one time stained with pain and sorrow, this turn I am now is definitely different.

“Anyway, I do not know. A little more, my thoughts may be different. Until then, I’m going to be constantly worried. Why can not you do this? ”

He lifted his chin slightly and nodded his head slowly, thinking of something.

After a while. “There’s nothing to be done.”

The sound of the door, the sound of the door and the calm voice overlap.

“No, I just wanted to say that.”

Before I opened that door, my brother saw me and gave me a charming smile.

After my brother left, I was ready to go out. Thoughts are long, I do not think I will act more slowly than I make a decision. I did not want to miss this opportunity because I did not want to miss it.

In fact, as I went to the shrine, the thoughts of arrogance skipped. No matter what the right thing to say, however, it is a matter of desire that the prejudice that has lasted for more than a decade is gone for a while. I still do not think that the ‘Guardian’ itself is fine, but … .

I still understood his will. My brother did not want me to be a true king. In short, I was hoping to play a central role. From the beginning to the end, all the focus was ‘me’.

Anyway, I put a stonewall like this, but there is nothing I can do.

By the way, what does the guardian do? I can not get in touch with Lee Hyo. It’s a vacancy anyway.

When I finally came into the room of summoning, I stopped poking myself. Because the angel who sat on the central altar, not lying down, was not Seraph.

Seraph has stood a little behind the altar. With three other great angels.

‘I’ll see you again soon.’

Suddenly, the words I had heard before rubbed my mind.

“Are you sure?”

Then a lively voice rang the space. The angel lying at an angle on the altar was Gabriel. She does not look at me, but she is scratching her nails with a smile.

“I came to this … . Are you thinking of being a guardian? ”

Oh, are you trying to get into this right now?

Or if you think that “all I need is ‘ .’ Serra Franco also wanted to go to Uleri Collier? ”

When I thought about it, Gabriel, looking up at me glance, asked in a playful voice.

“Go, Gabriel.”

While Seraph was embarrassed, I moved forward a step forward. She sat down on the gray floor and gazed slowly at the front. Mikael was closing his eyes and Rafael, who was squatting, was laughing smugly, and Uliel was staring at me with his arms folded.

Seraph was unconcerned and turned his face shyly as he came face to face with me. Gabriel laughed one time and was nervous about refining his nails.

“So, what are you going to do? If the latter, I’m willing to avoid it. ”

I do not care. However, the two pupils are sitting down.

“first… . Have you met my brother? ”

“Ah, is it an electron?”

Gabriel laughed and nodded his head naturally. It is strange that both bridges are stretched.

“That’s right. Actually, I was a little surprised. Suddenly, I wondered what kind of wind blew us to see us. ”

“…….””But now is even more amazing. I was dubious, but I did not know that I was really going to come. What have you become? ”


I barely got to the end. The horse does not come out. The only way to face this is the nausea. Awful years. …But,

little bit

You must endure. At least now I have to repress. Recognizing that unconditional emotional exhaustion is not good, remember your brother’s words.

“I think the idea has changed.”

At that moment, Gabriel ‘s calf, who was moving cluttered, stopped pausing. Mikael opened his eyes and Raphael shone his eyes.

I could barely notice that moment. I mean, this is the seat of the exam. I have not been a guardian yet. Perhaps I will be watching closely to grasp the truth now.


Gabriel responded. He slowly raised his upper body and sat down on the altar.

“Do you want to hear more?”

Your opponent is an archangel. No foolish acting or lies. But there is no way. I can mix very little falsity with almost perfect facts.

“What do you want to hear? I still hate you guys. This is an undeniable fact. ”


I knew it. As soon as I speak, Uliel sucks. I’d better quit this.

“But I admit that you misunderstood a little.”

Wuhai Ha, misunderstanding? ”

Really? Wuhai

“Uriel, shut up. No, keep quiet for a while. ”

When Uriel got angry like an angry beast, Gabriel sharply cut it.

“jackanapes! Gabriel! What did I say! ”


“When he woke up, Seraph hit the tent! I put a protective spell on the conversation to prevent it from leaking! Even now! There is something … ! ”

“Woo ~ Lee ~ El ~?”

Nevertheless, the moment I roared without stopping, “…I said shut up, did not I? ”

Gabriel, who turned his head slightly, said in a cold voice. Then, within a second, our body was ice-hard. I do not feel anything, it seems that I have concentrated on living only for one object.

Gabriel, who overpowered Uliel with his eyes, soon smiled softly as he looked at me on the road. As if to say one more time. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I do not have any hobbies, but I feel like I’ve been obsessed with blind feelings. It was a simple thing to think about. I hate the devil more than I hate you. ”

“Umm . . . How much do you hate it? ”

“I just want to tear it apart in front of my eyes. It would be right to say that you actually hate it. ”

“Well, well.”

Following Gabriel’s question, I heard a voice admiring Michael. I always seem to like what I am as an angel who always leads the battle at the sunrise.

“By the way, is not this also you?”


At the moment, Mikael cried out for granted.

At that time, I felt a sudden glance. Why was he looking back at me with tense eyes as he stepped back a little more than the angels. And the moment the gaze faced, I nodded very gently. It was then.

“……?”Uliel instantly looked back at Seraph, “Okay. Then the talk is over. ”

He glanced up and put his hand into his arms.

“The demon disappear. As long as this purpose meets … ”

I laughed and smiled the tobacco in my mouth. It was a snob. The dice have already been thrown, and the water is completely spilled. I can not go back to this far.

Yes, I am … .

“You can cooperate with you as a guardian.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Kim Yoo-hyun’s position has actually come out once already.
If you look at the first half of 810, I think you are probably a lot of people.
So I will copy and paste the part directly in the latter part.
The latter is not included in the serial capacity, thank you for your understanding in this part.

* What is the present level of the North Continent?

Considering ‘the continent’, it can be seen that most of the achievements that can be obtained from the northern continent are obtained. In addition to the big city Barbara, the general cities of Princetika, Halo, Monica and Pamela achieved very high levels of stabilization. The northern small city mule is inevitable, but it is inevitable that it is in an area that is in contact with the unexplored area in the first place.

The situation in Atlanta is also similar. After attacking the Steel Ranges and piercing the Warp Gate, the majority of combat users who have been active in the North and of the Continental Continent have crossed. Taking advantage of the experience of exploring the northern continent and the steel mountains, it has been actively exploring more than ever. It is too early to say stabilization, but it is undeniable that the pace of stabilization has accelerated.

What about “sex”? Based on the central management body that manages the central city, the city is called the Isantelourou Clan, the West City is the Northern Union, the South City is the Mercenary Clan, and the North City is the Hamil Clan.

It is a thing of the past that the feud of the feeling of each other deepens and the clan conflict is antagonistic. Since the rise of the Mercerinian clan and the launch of the Central Government Agency, the relationship between cities has been restored to an unmatched level. Hamil and Mercenary will not turn their backs on each other unless the heavens have changed. Istantalou has been maintaining friendly relations since the launch of Mercenary, and the former northern alliance does not take any exclusive action.

So what is “internal status”? The development situation is very good. Not to mention the four outer cities, my inner city has also developed. At the time of the first discovery, the old and shabby facade was revived as a neat and neat city. The more basic the base, the easier it is for users to make other activities easier.

Taken together, the North Continent will have enough capacity to stabilize Atlanta now, and it is safe to say that it is getting stronger day by day.


‘If you look good, here it is.’

bang. I heard the sound of hitting the desk lightly. The fingers on the desk tap the desk intermittently like a piano. It seems to be meaningless at first glance, but it can be a kind of habit. It is the habit of Kim Yoo Hyun that comes often when he is deep in thought.

‘If you simply eat well and live well, it will not be bad now. Soon…

Yes. If you live in a millennium hall plane, the present situation is no better. But if the ultimate goal is ‘return to Earth’, the story will change. In order to be confident of the future on the current cruise, it is doubtful that Kim Yu-hyun, who heard the past affairs, will welcome the future.

It does not look brilliant because it is said to be open. If you just have to hit it, why does not Kim Soo-hyun talk about the expedition so far? If you have a zero code, everything is over. In the end, it can not but be interpreted that it is not ready yet.

That’s it. When you think about “the devil”, the future ahead is darker. When Kim mentioned the devil, Kim Soo-hyun said that he was really shaking. I do not know, but maybe it’s not enough. If you think about the various obstacles, the current situation, and the users of the past one car, you will not be worried.

When the rats were in the corner, they said they were going to kill the cat. But the devil is not a rat. So it is more scary. I do not even have the ability to figure out what kind of crazy thing I have, because I have the capacity to do it. Then, when the devils start their activities in earnest and meet each other, can the North Continent show the capability of the first time?

The answer is no. If a demon emerges, it is more likely to become a ‘war’ than an ‘expedition’. The two words have a huge difference in meaning. The North continent has a very small number of actions as ‘organizations’. There is too little experience to capture Barbara, Atlanta, and the war with the Allies three years ago. Especially, did not you solve the problems by targeting the steel mountains?

‘Do not do this.’

So Kim felt the need for change desperately. I am anxious to leave it as it is, and I feel sorry for my brother to leave everything to him. At least I know that I should help myself, Kim Yu-hyun was thinking that way.

Of course, it is not a plan to reproduce the “Spring and Autumn Nation”. It’s really stupid. In any case, as long as you can not intentionally promote war, you should increase your combat experience as much as possible in any other direction. So I was glad when I announced that I would disclose two-thirds of the records in my secret library. I was wondering what to do if I had a monopoly.

But this alone is not enough. At present, what is most needed in the North Continent is that the user or the clan can lead the way. Like Clan Road, the golden lion that led Barbara to a few years ago. In other words, it is necessary to have a ‘center point’.

Of course, the plan had already been established to some extent. Kim asked me to release my records in a secret library without any conditions, but Kim Yu-hyun had no idea at all. It was a chance not to use it again this time. In addition, the north continent’s guardian is vacant, and it is not the best expense now.

I’m a little sorry for Suhyun … . It does not come up. ”

Kim shed a long sigh. Maybe you are putting up a bigger burden on a topic you’re helping. However, no matter how hard you think and think, there is no user to replace it. Kim Soo-hyun, who had gone through the first round of the car and was on the top, was the best fit.

The preparations for the first step of returning are already over.

But before that … .

‘I’ll have to get the luck out once.’

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