
Chapter 891

At first, nobody opened their mouths. Suddenly, aside from the sudden onslaught, Kim Soo-hyun’s attitude was very strange.

A little while ago, the battlefield where the storm drove was sinking for a moment. At least the users in the square stopped power without any exception. It was only the appearance, but it pulled all the attention around.

Of course, Kim was not the only one who came to Warpgate. A woman wearing a black gemstone necklace, an explosive body woman, and an ice-cold chilling armor are following a little distance. ‘Shadow Queen’ and ‘Gamja’ Namdae Eun.

After that, a long-haired man who is slowly brushing his long-sleeved shoulder with his own key, and a woman who wields a sphere shining with innocent face are emerging. ‘Silent Executor’ Huh, Joon Young and ‘Chimera Summoner’ Vivian.

Where is it? ‘Arkus Valkyrie’ car Shaolin, with a silvery-spearing window and a gentle face, ‘Taeunggung’, which shines in the mouth, but shines through its sharp eyes … .


Akio, who was staring without a mind, reached out his arm reflexively as Kim Suhyeon approached. But the hand trying to touch the shoulder paused for a moment, and eventually did not get it. It is because the opponent passes by without saying anything. With Aquino behind him, Kim continued walking and walked.

The earliest user was Carpe Diem Road. Hot He spit out his sigh and pointed his finger at Kim Soo-hyun, who was walking to the fullest.

“Well, what are you doing? Reinforcements! [anxious wail] Enemy! Do not you know? ”

Male breeding.

Then, there was a nauseous disturbance among the surrounding networks surrounding the plaza. It seemed as if the step of Kim Soo-hyun, who had never been able to relax, seemed to stop. People in the southern continent looked at each other once and swallowed dry saliva. And he started climbing indiscriminately holding his weapon.

“Hey ah ah ah!”

“Ahh ah ah!”

Suddenly dozens of people from everywhere popped out. Each one is aiming at a sword or a window and aiming at Kim Soo-hyun.


Akio screamed at the flags, but the party was cool. No. I sneaked a little and just shook my hand lightly. It was then.

At the same time as the whistle, the sound of the wind blowing, Kim Sue-hyeon’s three swords standing on his waist came up. He uncovers his own slant and starts to obliquely stand up and swim in a circle as if he were a hawk.

It was the moment when the nearest people felt some kind of strangeness, almost in close proximity and at once.

“Oh, huh?”



In the meantime, a flaming fire was splashed with a rough iron.

The dozens of people who ran into it seemed unbelievable. I was surely rushed all the way back and forth until a little bit before. At one point, however, I felt like I was being sucked in for a long time, and the end of the sword was blocked by all three swords. As if someone did it.

But it is too early to be surprised.

“Cough! Great! ”

“Why, why?”

I can see that it was suddenly blocked. No matter how much power you give and how you use the dragon, the weapons that each of you stretches do not get laid. I can not see the slightest movement as if I had just attached to the blade.

It was a truly bizarre phenomenon. It is a sight that the user who is over thirty can not even do this with a crest or a window. .

In the meantime, Kim Suhyeon had already been prepared. To put it more precisely, I just pulled my earrings off and held them in my hand, but that’s enough. Because the earrings soon turned into a beautiful sword that boasted the white blade.

Kim Soo-hyun lifted the sword up to the sky without delay and said quietly, keeping it in place.

“Sword light.”

Charlerine, charlerle!

At that moment, with glorious resonance, the glory of Victoria sprang a pure white light.

On the surface, the light just burst. However, in fact, less than a day later, a crowd of scattered light swept through the net.

After a while. Phi Phi Phi Phi!

Rising water in every direction cracks like a spider web and embellishes the air.

Neck, abdomen, armpits, thighs and other parts of the limbs blood was spewed. Some even split the neck more than half. As the vision tilted unexpectedly, the man stumbled across his neck. And I felt the bloody rumble, and then my eyes grew bigger.

“Huh, huh ah!”


Fluff, Fluff, Fluff, Fluff!

The scream broke up late. It was an incredible scene. What a thirty-something guy, at the same time, it suffers, like Sukkang.

“No, what?”


At this moment, Carpe Diem Road, I thought like Aki no. But when the scattered blood was getting more and more from the ground, Kim was already preparing for the second attack.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

The sound of a king ringing in the sky. I was amazed, and the glory of Victoria was burning white.

No. The shape of a sword is rising like an eagle flame. It was so intense that when I lit up the space around me, I felt instinctively dangerous, and the faces of the users of the South Continent were stiffened.

Of course, it’s already too late.

Kim Soo-hyun calmed the hilt slowly. Then, when you swing your right arm as you gently sneak around the side, the red afterglow leaves in the air with a semicircular trail. Kim Soo-hyun shook his sword a little while, and it burst out like a flare.

Good luck!

Did he realize that the aura contains the chest that emits? Users were scared by fear. Somehow they tried to build a distance, but the red squadron struck the user who was at the forefront of the last few seconds in a storm like a storm. And as soon as she tears the abdomen sharply, she is despairing in the eyes of the bitter woman who presses her hood.


No win

With the scream of the flurry, the torn limbs are scattered everywhere. A horrible explosion burst as if the bomb had been inserted into the body. Then the heat became more intense and the blood spattered in the explosion melted like salt in water.

It is not over yet.

The red squadron blinded the woman, and ruthlessly clung to the group behind him.

Fake, fake, fake, fake!

A huge roaring sound. Users who crumble like dominoes.

Will this happen if a mine explodes continuously? Whenever the heaven and earth vibrate and shake, three or four of the crowd rise up vertically. The body throbbing in the air bursts grotesquely, and he wiped off the ground with a huddle huddle.

So after a series of extractions, there was not a whole place where the red squadron swept away. A little while ago, the shape of a man was made into a rice cake mixed with blood, and the bottom could not break, so it was overturned.

“I will . . . What are you looking at?

The guy who had brought Akino hurried his eyes. And then it rubs twice, three times. Two times, only two times. I did not move violently, I just moved my hand once, once. The enemy who is close to a hundred people is laying down on the ground.


However, Kim Soo-hyun seemed to have done this, and after looking at his chin, he looked back.

Wow… Are you already doing this a lot of fun? ”

There Kim Deok – pil was trudging down the Warp Gate stairs. The Mercenary Clan has already passed away, and the Reverse Clan has just come over. While Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes were on the line, almost half of the people had crossed.

“Hi profits!”

“Also, run away! It’s a monster! ”

Suddenly, as soon as the personnel were blowing, those who surrounded the square began to turn around. No. In fact, it would be right to say that Kim Soo-hyun is not like a human being but flees to the shrine.

Kim Soo-hyun Can I kill them all? ”

Vivian looked at the guys who were running away with all his strength and asked with a soft voice. Kim Soo-hyun nodded as if there was nothing to think twice.


Agreed. Sure!

Vivian laughed smile and listened to Ordu in order.

“come! Pierre A light bunk of crazy fire that dominates the Fourth Corps! “- Fuhehehe, Fuhehehe!

As soon as you have finished all the preparations, a magic circle is drawn and a dark moon begins to flow. In the meantime, watching the officers rising slowly, Vivian shouted with a smile of his own.

Pierre It’s been a long time! “- Hei?

“It’s good to play with all your heart! Eat buds, all sorts of stuff! “- Huh, huh!

Pierre was laughing with a loud voice, as if to say that he liked it once. Then I asked Vivian ‘s head with a laughing smile.

“Bobbi Bebe Bob Bebe!”

Vivian frowned with both arms and glowed like crazy octopus. He barely escapes and shakes his wet hair with a dab of acupuncture.

“This idiot! I want them to eat! “- Fuhe?

As Pierre looked up and looked, the crowd of continents that stood idly by stood up. Vivian shook his hand at the flagship.

But no! No! There are kids running away! you stupid!”

Pierre was just grinning as if he had understood. Then suddenly he stops laughing and starts to flood with a scary face. Vivian quietly grumbled as he watched the legion of Maju who was following him.

“That guy like Kim Soo-hyun. I know I would have done that. ”


No, it is not! I told you to leave me here! ”

“…….”Vivian laughed and shrieked. Kim shook his head with a sigh, then spoke to Kim Duk – pil, who had been laughing and laughing.

“We’ll sort this out here, Rivers.”

“큭! “Oh, okay! Once you start from the castle, can you? ”

Kim Dae – pil said that he pulled out a huge sword from his back.

“You guys!”

A cry.

Come on, Gabe! Kill everyone except the black ones! ”

UO Oh Oh Oh!

The shout that responded shook the city.

Is not it a simple way to identify a peer?

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry I’m late.
I started writing today … . 8 8

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