
Chapter 892

Thanks to Kim Soo-hyun, the Northern Continent Salvation Army could go over without any hindrance. It has come to nearly three thousand people, starting with Mercenary and Rivers. As soon as we crossed, I could see the battlefield, so I was told to keep it prepared, so the users of the North Continent could go straight to the battlefield without panicking. It is time for counterattack.

“We go east! A team of fifty people! Go into the city area and get fucked! ”


The reverse clan members responded to Kim Deok-Pil’s cry. As soon as confirmation was completed, they were scattered all over the place. It moves indeed! And I rushed to the southern continent users who could not grasp the situation yet, without hesitation.

Naturally, users of the South Continent, who already thought they had won, did not respond immediately. When I felt something strange and turned around, my throat fluttered and my stomach blew up. So thirty-four people could not use their hands and collapsed without interruption, so that they barely got up.

“Who are you?”

“What, what?”

The southern continent users spread throughout the region began to catch up and swarm. Though it was only a first-aid team, there were so many people in the room that there were ten or so people gathered. A number that can never be seen when considering the mystery situation.

However, the users of the North Continent did not stop at all, rather than hesitate. Just looking around for a while, the mages, who belong to the crowd, stretch their staff at once.

“─ ─ ─ ─! ─ ─ ─ ─! ”

Flashing! Several fire magic spikes are striking the surrounding buildings precisely.

Warr, Warr!

The next moment, a large hole is pierced around the point of impact, and massive stones start rolling down the slope. Needless to say, the users of the southern continent were gathered there. It has fallen into a good prey of the falling fragments of the building.




“Aw, awake!”

When a massive stone hit the top of the crown, the blood spewed out. Those who were hit with the right hand by the drop point died instantaneously. Some of them reflexively flew or defended their shields, but it was a struggle. Because the close-up series that had been waiting for the drop to come to an end.

They kick their enemies in confusion and take a neck. At least the people of the North Continent who appeared in the city had no hesitation in murdering the enemy. The moment I saw some mercy, I knew so well that I would die.

It was then.


Once again, as soon as I was handling dozens of people at once, a sudden sharp tearing of the air rang. At the same time, the wizard, who had a new order, blew on his chest and nodded, and the reverse clan members turned their eyes. Proximity groups hurry to stop the attacking point, and the priest seizes the recovery order and attaches to the fallen user.

As soon as I built up the damping so quickly, myriad shadows began to emerge over foggy smoke. Kim ‘s eyes were frowned and a rough swear came out.

“Sibal. What is it? ”

There was an enemy who was overcoming the ignorance of the enemy. It used to be a nice link with some of the features, but it was a striking attack.

“This is going to be wiped out wrong. Would you like to ask for support from another group? ”

When the load behind the back was the brain, Kim slowly shook his head.

No. Has the magic tower passed over? ”

“Maybe it will. It’s our next turn. ”


Yes, sir, I

The man immediately nodded and pulled the crystal out of his arms. The other wizards and priests immediately laid out layers of shields, and the load quickly explained the situation as soon as the communication was connected. In the meantime, a few magic spells and dozens of arrows flew randomly, but there was no additional casualties in the tent.

“Yes, yes … . Concentration shooting requests … . No. There is also a risk of observers, so not a flame magic … . The enemy point is … . Then I would like to ask. ”

After a while. Uh-uh Uh-uh Uh-uh!

Where there is a loud sound and a lump of heavier water glides through the sky. Then I want to draw a gentle curve, and it goes down exactly to the point where the company spoke.


“Well, what is that?”

The southern continent users opened their mouths in the sight of flying over the sky. I did not know that the magic would come out of where I could not see it, and I could not even cope with it. Some of them hit the ground, but most of them were strongly knocked out of balance. That was the moment.

The enemy, who wakes up in the water while soaking in the water, is blushing. Because the mages of the opposing group were pointing at the staff.

“────. ────. Lightning (disambiguation)

At that moment, a yellow lightning bolt stretched out to the front with a zigzag. At the moment when the lightning that left the long tail touches the user at the forefront, it draws a single bustle.

Wave support, wave support!

The moment the lightning bursts, it immediately led to a series of explosions.

“Shut up!”

“Kie eek, kie eek!”

The user who screams in a moment and rubs it is followed by the user. The current occupies the blinking bird body, burns the flesh, no. I was so dying that I could not ride my flesh. Not long after that, anyone who got in the water turned into a pile of charcoal without exception.

Those who survived barely crawled out of the way, but even he was fumbled with the arrow attack that led to this car.

“쯧쯧 … . what is this? I’d rather be a bum. ”

When Kim Duk-pil put his head on his tongue, he was quietly grasping his side.

“Yes. Actually, I was nervous, but … . Uh, Clan Road? You see one of them with a black hair? ”

“Oh, Yes? ”


“Oh, I see one person by my side, too? ”

The load immediately sucked his mouth. Kim Dae – pil, growling, glanced at the crowd and looked for new food.

Suddenly the battlefield was slowly reversing. No. It was almost thirty minutes after the arrival of the North Continent, but it was hunting the southern continent at almost the slaughter level.

Of course, the users of the South Continent are neither idiots nor weak. However, the current situation is due to the combination of the current situation and the characteristics of the North Continent.

First of all. It is not a strategy or a tactical movement under the big picture that is now angry, but the friendly and the enemy are struggling and are fighting dizzy. It was no surprise that it was unfamiliar to the southern continent, which had been stranded and destroyed and invaded and occupied, based on overwhelming power.

On the contrary, the users of the North Continent are masters of mystery. It is a bit irony, but it should be thanks to the boomer.

Until a few years ago, the bums, like cancer cells, were constantly tormenting the northern continent, even if they were drying it now. He picked out only the harshest of the mountains and walked away, and the northern continent followed thousands and tens of thousands of battles. So, at some point, it became proficient in disturbance and destructive activities of small scale as well as surprise.

Think about it. Is it easy to deal with a group of hooligans who are hiding and guerrilla hiding? Or ‘I’ll catch you a show!’ Is it easy to deal with the crowd of the South continent that is wandering around?

This was the reason why the northern continent exerted the power of ultra-strength.

if so.

If we are pulled from this organizational force, there is only one way the South continent can take. Powerful user comes in and pushes forcefully. However, it was a problem that it was pushed bigger by individual power.

Meanwhile, the same time.

There were a few people who did not understand the situation even though the northern continent had passed.

To be more precise, those who are deliberately devoted to gang action and are still in the corner are still unable to cope. Of course, the pain of the woman continued, but now it seems to be giving up. Just looking at the sky with hazy eyes. It was then. The dark shadow suddenly rose above the grayish white building. Looking at it without thinking, a man looks down with a grimace. Snappy blue suit and red belt. The eyes of each other were tangled together, and the eyes of the woman were pounded.


Suddenly the man jumped down the building, screaming swiftly.

Stop waking!
Took, Degurlu … .

At that time, my body shaking back and forth suddenly stopped jerking. A moment later, a momentary embarrassment struck the eyes of the woman gazing at her. Instead of the head of the man who laughed like a beast a little while ago, only the face that showed the red blood was seen.

“Thomas? Thomas!”

“What, what?”

The gangsters who are giggling and watching are nonsense. I can not help it. I was shaking my waist so hard, but suddenly my throat ran away. However, before the embarrassment, I was once again a glittering scandal.

Took, Took!

At the moment of the cool breeze, two more thorns fell. I can not hear my voice and my body collapses. The woman who bitterly flushed the blood screamed, and the others looked back and looked at the opponent.

A young man with a knife in one hand is walking with a terrified glance. The user who came up with an angry face was Jin-Soo Hyun, ‘Order Sniper’.

“These dogs are like dogs … ”

Jin-soo spit out his trembling voice and fixed the hilt. As if you want to kill it right away, the life sprinkled from the whole body floods like a dripping river.

The men, who were crushed by the fierce aura, did not even think of resisting and resigned. It is a user who has received a grade A judgment in Maternary, but it was impossible for a garbage dumpster to cover it.

“Mr. Fuck. Why are you so angry? No matter how small it is … ! ”

“Ho, maybe you are a lover of two years?”

The guys who thought it like that quickly abandoned their arms and lifted their hands.

Stop Stop

“Surren, oh, hey? GG GG Good Game! ”

He speaks all kinds of body language and declines. If you are wise, you are a smart choice.

However, the step of Jin-hyun did not stop. If there is one misunderstanding of the people of the southern continent, Jin Suhyun is nothing between woman and nothing. No. I was not angry at the first glance at the scene.

“Because of you … ”

Suddenly, the head bow, Jin Su-hyun, shed a boiling voice. It is a terribly painful face to bite my lips so much that blood can come out.

“Because of you … ”

That memory of Jinhoo Hyun just a few hours ago rubbed past each other.

Sibling Why are you laughing before? ”

Ansol asked me, “Huh? Ah. Because of the bean jam and the dark dog. ‘

Jeegal Haesol who laughed and explained slowly.

Just a few days ago, Jin Soo-hyun was thinking of himself as a “wizard-hunter.” I do not know how anyone looks at me, but I thought so myself. By the way, by the way … .

‘The two words were originally au, and the Japanese called this is misinterpreted.’
You can speak Korean
‘But it’s mainly a mistake that appears mainly in a frivolous game.’
‘How do you like it?’
‘Pretty girl simulation. Shorten unfinished. Now You know how you did your self-study? ‘
‘Heik. Oh fuck! ‘

Since then, when I turned my back, I could hear the sound of the army from all directions, and I felt strange eyes.

“If only you were … ”


The sound of going from the mouth of Jin Soo Hyun flows out.

There is this saying. I’m cheeky in Jongno and go to Han River.

“If you were not here to come in … ! ”

Anyway, in front of the indirect cause provider, a crazy frenzy burst out.

“Give me my image! You son of a bitch! ”

Jin Soo-hyun, who was so excited, flew like a beguil with a knife. With all the shame and melancholy I’ve ever built.

In the end, even when the knife was pinched in the neck, the men did not know the truth that Jin Su-hye was angry.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== As many of you know, GG is a chat that was once used in StarCraft, and is often played just before the game is over. So I think it means to surrender to some extent.

So, in the case of the South continent who cried out GG, it was a promising boy who dreamed of starcraft pro gamers in modern times. That’s why I often access the Asian server, a star powerhouse, so I know the word GG … .

Anyway, thank you very much for thinking this way! 🙂

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