
Chapter 949

Reminiscence Suddenly, a wind blew. The dust rising from the ground knocks the face and winds its eyes.

The wind soon stopped but did not open its eyes. Nothing is visible, but all senses except vision are more sensitive. A heart pounding in fear of death, a shivering paradise, an ugly hand touching the crown, and a myriad of darkness on the ground.


At that time, a strong vibration of earth was transmitted on the knees. Extremely rough steps.

“Belpegor. It is the communication of the reconnaissance unit. ”

Then an uncomfortable voice, like a scrape of iron, pierced my ear.

“We have confirmed the emergence of the Brain (雷帝).”


At that moment, Belpegor grabbed my hair firmly, and suddenly the pain seemed to come out of his head. But the pain quickly disappeared. The unbelievable news I have just heard has come as a surprise rather than a pain.

Heo I did not say it, did you really come? No, wait. I do not think you came alone. ”

“I was disconnected as soon as I got my first report. Only one thousand seemed to be over … ”

“One thousand people. Well, maybe the Hamil guys are all coming … . Well, I see. Just to spread the situation. We have a lot more numbers, but never mind. They have been fighting on equal terms with us several times, one by one they can not see. ”

“Yes. I will keep in mind. ”

The footsteps got away again. And I spent a lot of trouble trying to express my surprise.

Brother comes.
My brother and Hamil Clan’s colleagues are coming to rescue me.

At that moment, the heart that had been dreaded by the fear had an unexpressable feeling.

* The first leader puts down his armor and puts the remaining five men on the floor at the same time. Then, three people on both sides swiftly stepped away from each other and watched each other. As if someone would soon come in.

“You still have enough strength to wear your own, right?”

As soon as I thought so, my guess was right. Someone walks across the line of lined squads. It was unfamiliar voice.

“If you want, you can wear it.”

Soon, the figure slowly walks one step forward slowly. It was Erwin, the woman who smiled.

“What the hell is this?”

No matter how I think, my voice became sharp because I could not understand it. I keep it locked, but suddenly it returns the equipment? It is a situation that I do not understand.

“What is it? Is that a trick? ”

However, Erwin’s eyebrows seemed to be strange.

“There is no coincidence. Your brother will arrive here soon. That is all.



At one point, Erwin nodded his fingers hard enough to make a sound. At the same time, the chain that wriggled his wrists and ankles quickly disappeared. Not only me, but also Han So – young.

At one point the liberated body was unable to adjust to the suddenly regained freedom and lost its balance, but I could barely do it.

“I do not have the time to talk anymore, I’m a smart guy. Then get dressed quickly. ”

“awhile… ! ”

“Oh, do you understand that you can not release the restraint yet?”

“…….”Erwin, who said so, turns around and disappears into the entrance. Me and Han So – young looked at each other for a long time and woke up to the sound of the Ashi touching the equipment. I do not know what the situation was like, but I felt like I should wear it out soon. In the end, I could not overcome the pressure of the unspoken, I stretched my arms slowly.

The equipment was unexpectedly kept clean. In addition, I handed all the weapons, such as armor, as well as the glory of Victoria, without any consideration. Except for Excalibur.

Anyway, apart from the restraint device, there was not a sense of awkwardness because the equipment was worn with magic tied. However, thanks to the shirt of hope, it is possible to move without a lot of difficulty. Erwin glanced at me and started walking without saying anything.

Quickly reaching out and reaching for a reflexive hand. It was a mountain to ask, but at first it seemed better to watch quietly. I do not think there is a way to do it myself.

And how much time has passed.

The space where we were was the top floor, the temple of promise.

The only way to get down the stairs and get out of the labyrinth was to hear Erwin, who was ahead of me, and Han So-young, and the footsteps of the Asmodians who came after me.

Then suddenly.

“…….”The elaborate sense of deed has come to an end.

strange. This situation is definitely going to be your first experience, why does it feel like you’ve already experienced it?

“It’s a good day to die … ”

At that time, the sound of silent conversation flowed silently. The moment I stared at him, someone pushed his back lightly.


At the same time, I was weak and resilient. It was not because I was pushed back, but because I suddenly poured bright light into my sight.

The sunshine, which was not visible for a moment, was dazzling and dazzling enough for the eye to be frowned upon itself. At the same time, not the heavy and humid air, but the clear, cool air that pierces the chest pushed into the nose. I was still white, but I realized by my intuition that I came out to the center of a broad stage.

The temple of promise is a huge building combined with a total of three tiers. At the top is a church building with an arched roof. In the middle, there is a temple with an entrance surrounded by pillars. At the bottom is a long, thick staircase that supports both buildings.

Of these, I am between the bottom and the middle. Soon it will barely adapt to the light, and gradually the vision will be restored.

“……!”I was looking at the bottom of my face, and I almost instantly suffered a malaise in the pressure to press my body.

There were innumerable beings on the earth under the single phase, aligned with the heat and heat. As well as the Asmodians, the users of the continent, the continent users, and fairies are also available. Under the sky filled with white clouds, I was looking up at the podium with all the splendor of sunshine.

How can it not be surprised that a mighty army filled the vast earth? I killed that much, but there are still a lot of them.

This was not the only thing.

If you have one thing to look at, there is a strangely tense atmosphere throughout. If my guess is right, this place is a meeting place to exchange zero codes with me. However, more than necessary, there was an armored battle of thorny throat. Unless I’m wrong.

By the way, why does not the tanatos look? Where are you?

“Where is Kim Yu-hyun coming?”

When I tried to find Tanathos, I heard Erwin’s voice. I feel like I have changed the tone of the fairy, I feel like I do not get used to it.

“I heard that the gate passed through. The reconnaissance report is … . Oh, it’s over there. ”

Astor, who was sitting on the edge of the single-phase, pointed to the left staircase casually. Suddenly an Asmu jumped up the stairs, and it was rough enough to make a thud.

“I will report. I’ve confirmed the enemy’s approach. ”

Access confirmation. At this point, I can not help believing. In fact, I was in a dubious class, and my brother was really coming.

“I heard that the gate passed.”

“Yes. It will arrive in about twenty minutes. ”

“What about the person?”

“There are still about four thousand people. It’s the same as the one that came out with the warp gate that Melinus installed. Since then, I have not been able to give more or less. ”


“We did not find anything unusual as a result of scouting and scouring to a radius of ten kilometers. In addition to support army, we did not wash eyes and watch troop which we followed secretly. Warpgate was closed by Mellinus. ”

So while Erwin was watching, Astroot grunted as he looked back.

“That’s true. It’s a good thing you just let the gate through … ”

Erwin, with his hand gestures, defeated the Asmodians and nodded his head.

“I can not help it. You can not come here alone unless the guy is gone. I can not say that it is small, but about 4,000 people can be considered as escort troops. ”

“So you have not released the reconnaissance to continue to squeeze?”

“Yes, but I do not think I will be able to play in the open grass like this. In the end, either. That’s the current power, or brought to the escort. ”

“…To do. If they have wings like we do not know. ”

That said, Astarte laughed alone. It was a joke that was not funny at all, but Erwin’s thoughts were pretty much the same as I thought.

Apparently it was four thousand people. Even though it is not a small force, it is hard to see that it will fight that much. Erwin has offered two possibilities, but he probably will weigh the latter. Me too.

It was said that he eventually chose exchange.

Suddenly, one of my breasts got angry.

Of course, I had a desire to understand his brother’s mind to live and to live with me. However, since I think that I gave up the code in Zero, I could not understand why. I can not say Moore, but I do not think why it should not be … .

But there is no way.


Really, is this over?

“Fou … ”

I could not overcome the moment of embarrassment and gave a long breath. The whole area was silently disappearing except for the intermittent sound. So the sound of sigh was unusually loud. It was then.

Male breed, male breed!

Yes. it is.

Suddenly, with the elasticity of somebody, it suddenly heard a disturbance from a distance, “…”Here he comes…”

Starting with the voice of Astor, the turbulent air currents began to spread like waves all over the place.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Kim Yuhyeon: ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Satan: What are you laughing at? On a topic that only four thousand people have brought.
Satan: Wow, Tanathos, who has regained strength, is … .
Sat, XX: X: ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Satan: …Ah X foot. No way. This is not real.
Kim: Do not laugh. Nothing yet confirmed.
Eugene: lol! Lol lol! Satan: No, you’re a loser. What if I smile at you.

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