
Chapter 950

…You coming?

At the end of the month. And the moment I looked up, I suddenly felt like my heart was stopping. Because, under the distant light, there were indeed thousands of people coming. There was a difference between heaven and earth when we heard only the words of coming, and by our own eyes.

It does not run or run. Finally, the 4,000 North Continent users who had emerged were just walking slowly at the usual marching speed. Nonetheless, the bustle of the intestines was getting worse. Even the leading fighters seemed to retire.

By the time we approached four hundred meters ahead of the podium, the march stopped. The enemies who carefully withdrew were surrounded by the North Continent in the same form as Hokkijin. And after a while, somebody from the North Continent walked away. It was brother.

My brother slowly looked around and suddenly turned his chin up and looked up exactly where I was. The fact that his brother arrived has accelerated the heartbeat.

At that time Erwin moved slowly to the end of the podium.

(Thanks for coming.)

She greets her arms gently and greets politely as a lady with a good heart.

We welcome the North Continent.

(…Welcome?) Type also greets with amplified voice. But if I felt that I was holding it somewhere, would it be my mistake?

My brother stared at me for a while and put his hand in his arms and pulled something out. Although I can not see it in detail, I could see that it was a zero code. Because the big demons broke the small but elastic.


Erwin has a smile that he has never seen before.

I thought I’d make a wise choice. The brain.

(…….)(I trust that you have taken this self-guided walk, once again sincerely ….)

(Just to be honest.)

Erwin seemed to struggle to relax and create a conversation. However, he broke his legs and gripped his right hand slowly.

(Send Suhyon this.)

I do not have to say old days, and there was no fixed measure of this. Erwin paused for a moment, but shrugged his shoulders.

He is alive. And I’m ready to go back. As you can see…

(Then send it.)

(Of course I will …But, is not there anything we can get before that?

(I do not get it before, but after that. It is first to send.)

His tone was laid out in a tone that he would not give up. Erwin did not say anything for a while. When the dialogue between the two delegates was discontinued, I felt that the atmosphere that I was in a hurry was getting higher.

But after a long time, Erwin shrugged.

“Right. You will. I am more interested in occupying the line first than later. So I think it is not unreasonable to be nervous.

In a slightly sarcastic tone, I bend my arms around my brain.

(There is no intention to rent, but …. Did you review our terms?) Your brother was nodding.

The conditions were the greatest concession we could make. Especially the fifth item.
(The final condition meant concession, but on the other hand, it was a preparation for this situation.)
So tell me. How can you be satisfied in this situation?)
(If you want to listen to it, we’ll follow the words of the brain.)

After the long words of Erwin, his brother was silent this time.

But the second time, the static, did not last long either.

(exactly…. It was a good condition.)

My brother, who acknowledged Erwin, stepped forward one step further.

It was unbelievable when I first heard it. Ending the war is pointless. Sol did not lie in the collar.)

(Fuhu. Yes. I think that some sort of courtesy.)

The Chairman of the dialogue had been created anyway by Erwin on look into the light and happy week billion.

So that ‘s it. That last condition … .)


(What? I have not really thought about it.)

Suddenly, the guy who said that, (Actually, no matter how I think, I can not believe you.)

(…You can speak Korean

(So, first of all, I thought it was pointless.

(……!) Each time I put up my mouth and put the zero code in my hand into the pants.

Erwin’s face was really a spectacle. He was shocked by his brother ‘s words, and his face was extremely frozen and frozen like ice.

I did the same. If I was not mistaken, it was a declaration of propaganda that I could not ignore.

So if you want to take it, take it. We’ll do the same.)

The atmosphere of the area that was going up and down in one word suddenly soared like a poke in the sky. It is no wonder that it is instantaneously noisy by the sound of pulling weapons and the sound of pulling protests.

“Ha. I knew it was me. ”

At that moment, Astor, who burst into sighs, has come closer to me.

Ashtaroth Stay still. ”

Erwin muttered with a pale face, but Astorot grabbed me and walked to the edge. Then he kneeled down, and said, “큭!”

Suddenly I felt a feeling of grabbing my hair.

(Hey, brain.)

The furious voice of Astorot rang the king everywhere.

What the hell …. Why are you so stretching? What do you believe?) The power of grabbing the hair was getting stronger every moment. Now I can not hear the head of my head, it seems to be thrown out.

(Just silently flipping the zero code. I just get the prisoners to hand it over quietly. And do not you wanna shut up quietly.)

(Did he mean that he did not understand the other conditions at first?) He replied with a loud voice as if he knew it. Astarte broke his mouth openly.

Whew. That’s why we can not have worms. Just a little better, just like that, huh? I know they are very gods.

That said, Astarte was chuckled and suddenly colored.

(Okay, last chance. We will not say more. Are you going to trade? There is also a willingness to accept if the exchange is simultaneous.)

And when a bloody voice flows through my ears, “!”

Suddenly, the memory of the past was lightning. At the same time, the sense of dying that I felt when I came down suddenly became intense.

(Note that the game has ended since you came here with the Zero code. Why? If I kill you and take you away.

(Why do not you shut up and leave your hand?) In the meantime, the conversations between the two continued.

(I warn you, you better answer the question. Unless you want to see your brother ‘s head popping out of you.

But at this moment, neither the pain of the hair nor the voice of his brother is heard.

(Oh, then I warn you. Ashtaroth You’d better get your hands off right now. If you do not want to die.

Because, because … .

What? warning?) …okay . . . I was sure.

(If you do not want to die?) It just surfaced completely. There has been a similar situation in the past.

So it is not this turn, but one turn.

Why have I ever forgotten.

It changes, but it does not change.

(This is real …!) Then the power of the hands was strengthened as if trying to squeeze his head.


The moment of the moment, a scary short silence was heard, and something came crashing into the podium. At the same time, a tiny liquid hits the cheek, and the red stems spread out like the paint on the water. As soon as I realized that the liquid was bloody, my eyes became stronger.

“What, what?”

At the same time, the power of his hand was released. I turned my eyes around, but I could not find any abnormalities.

However, there is only one Wenmao corpse in the neighborhood where those who stood nearby gaze. “this… . Is not he one of those guys who scouted before? ”

Lilith muttered with a mischievous voice.

Wait a minute

One of those guys who sent me a reconnaissance?

No way…

It was then.

Hui Woong, Hui Woong … .

Suddenly, the cool wind blowing from above warmed up and chilled the neck.

Cirrus, Cirr … !

As if to know what is about to happen soon, the ominous cry of the crow asks for the body seemed to sound as if it were sounding.

At that moment, the son – in – law suddenly became dim. To be more precise, it seems to be cloudy.

I stared at the front with a blinking eye. The blood was disturbed in front of me, but I was able to secure visibility by brushing my head hard.

His brother looked calmly up at the sky with his calm face. I can not even feel the horsepower flow, not just the thunder. In the end, I slowly turned my head in a hollow feeling and looked up at the sky with my brother.

Flap, Flap!

And the wings of something big followed.

Flap, flap, flap, flap!
Flap, flap, flap, flap!

There is a sound of wings that can not be counted, and a fine wind begins to swipe back and forth.


Then, not only did Astroot feel a strange sense, but all the great demons had a headache.

The moment I look at the sky like that, I open my mouth with a hollow expression.

What is this?
How is it going now?

In the midst of all sorts of complications in my head, I looked up at the sky with unbelievable mood.

Soon after less than a day, “Heaven! In the sky … ! ”

A giant shape was revealed through the clouds, and the look of Chirurururururu!

The monstrous cries of the monsters, which can not be seen as human voices, rang the king in the sky.

“Get away from it! A flock of beasts appeared! ”

Someone took a nervous break at screaming whales.

right? I remember seeing it in olden days. It ‘s right.

Tens, no hundreds? I do not know

The only certainty is that the ghostly beasts near Gyeongcheon seemed to be close enough to cover the sky. And the enormous shadows are covering the stage at a dreadful rate. Creurrrrrr … !

Then no premonition, no premonition, and a boiling cry sounded in the sky. At the same time, there was an awe-inspiring monster with a gentle blueness and a very large body. That was the moment.

It’s great!

The deadly roar of the deadline fell into a ghastly dismay at the same momentum as tearing the whole world.

Soon, the leading weirdo slides smoothly into the ground with a gentle curvature and unfolds its wings as hard as we can in the back of the weirdos, and starts to follow the bluish whimpering at the same time. It is not until acceleration, but it does not slow down any speed, and it goes down to the ground without leaving one.

Should I say the sight, Moore?

The spectacle of a bunch of weirdos near Gyeongcheon landing at the same time slipping down into the air was a spectacular sight.

Next time, Kwak Kwak!

Suddenly landed on the ground, a huge shock wave shook the intestines without a moment to respond.


“Uh, oh, ah!”

It was scandalous everywhere that I could not prepare for the shock because it happened in the wild. The earth rises, and storm – like winds swept all over the place. Even shock waves were strong and even the strong single phase was shaking like a quake.

I wanted to close my eyes right now, but I stared at it as if I fired my eyes and fired at the front.

And I could see clearly.

Enemies falling down to the storm with debris.

It is like a mushroom cloud, like a hundred mines of large tank mines.

And also,

“……!”One big flag that reflects the dazzling golden color of a lion-shaped figure standing alone in the dark dust.

“Do not say … ”

If my eyes were not wrong, “No … ”

It was undoubtedly a flag symbolizing a golden lion.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Actually, some readers commented on the news a few days ago, and I always said that I will rest every Monday.
It is true that I counted the date of the cancellation.
And tomorrow is Monday, August 3.
Yes. It’s Monday. Haha
Therefore, I will take a day off on Monday, August 3, tomorrow.
Thank you for your understanding. _(__)_

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