
Chapter 983

December 27, 2011.
South Korea
11:45 am.

The ash-colored season in which cold-cut winds are sharp. It was around noon to feel the sunlight faintly thanks to the strong ray of the mid-year sun.

The midday city with a slight cloudy sky was bustling.

The four lane roads cross without cars. Elementary school students who have finished early in school are rushing out of the gate, and workers are struggling to find out what to eat for lunch today. And college students riding their bikes laughing and so on.

“It’s a river!”

The young man wearing a thick parka laughed and laughed. I pushed the pedal firmly in the white breeze, and I turned around and looked back.

“Oh, where do we go?”

Karaoke box

“Hey you!”


“Think of the guy who comes slowly behind me. You just got caught by a guy who just finished a part time job in the karaoke room and you dragged him away. I do not want to go but I do not want to go to the karaoke I would like to go. ”


The young man who responded that he thought it was right was nodded. And he said.

“How about a light billboard?”

“I do not do that part-time job at the billiards room. Ya, I do not have a lot of time like this, but I want to be productive. ”

“What about the fish room?”

“There is no way. Maybe a nighttime part-time job? ”

What… No karaoke, no billiard room, no fish room. Then you tell me. ”


The leading young man could not open his mouth as easily as the honey dumb. Because I excluded the above three places, I realized the reality of a Korean man who can not remember the place to go. However, there are three bastards who can not go to a movie theater or an exhibition because they have a dreary smell.

“Would you just ask the chief yourself?”

In the end, when a young man who had spoken to his face braked his bike and turned around. Suddenly, the purple light reflected from the back lighted the streets, but the moment of the moment was gone, and the two young men did not feel any strange.

Only the young man felt strange was apart.

“Wherever you want to go … ? ”

It was unbearable, and the bike ran. The young man moved his gaze at his leisure, following a barely passing bicycle.

The bike that went straight in a straight line suddenly shook to the left and right. Suddenly, Ahn Hyun jumped out of his saddle and grabbed his head and moaned in India.

“Uh, huh, huh, huh, huh!”

“Hey, hey! Fine wae geurae

In fact, it is very common on the outside. Does not anyone experience the experience of falling over a bicycle once and for all? It was a testimony that the people around me, except the two boys, were staring at me, not looking at me.

It was not that there was no trouble at all. There was one.

On the other side of the street in India, where Ahn Hyun fell, she was screaming like a woman.

“AA AA AA… ! ”

“Jeong, Jung Hae Yeon?”

APA I think my head, my head … ! ”

“Stay awake! Oh, I can not. Call 119 right now! ”

The two men and women have in common that the purple light has appeared for a while and then disappeared. The fact that it happened at the same time is also marvelous if it is unexpected. But the problem is that things have not just happened on this street.

Teacher Teacher I do not like it! ”

“What?” Why else? ”

“I do not know. Suddenly it hurts … ”

“Hmm … ”

In school.

Ahh! “Aieeee!”

“Yoo, Yoo Jung-ah? That’s right! ”

APA Aha ah ah … ! ”

“how how! Who, please help me here! ”

In the library.

What… Why is there such a crowd of people? ”

“Oh, you know the cheapest thing? Suddenly, carefully he fell off the stairs. ”

“Wow? Kim Han-suk? Why

I didn’t Anyway, it’s cheeky. Giggle. ”

In college.

“One lady. Just report the settlement … . Hah, Han? ”

“끅 … ! ”

“My God, what a sweat so … ! Are you alright? Would I call an ambulance? ”

“……!”In the company.

In places where the purple light was revealed, the incident occurred regardless of any place.

Virtually any purple train struck immediately before arriving at the destination. The source of the light that bursts like a camera flash was the man who leaned against the window. Of course, none of the passengers on the train did not notice this.

After a while. The eyebrows of the man moved with a twitch. The eyes that were closed are opened gently. It seemed to me that I did not understand anything while I was blinking for a long time.

“……?”But that was it.

I was in a very puzzled look, and I was still calm.

I can not even hear the screams.

The headache did not appeal either.

Even the whole face looked so relaxed.

* Dream. I had a dream.

As dreams do, I do not remember when I break. I just feel like a reverberation. Well, dreams are good. The problem is that we are still dreaming. I remember cutting Seraph ‘s knees and sleeping in force, but I opened my eyes and was in the train. Exactly the whole day, the day I go, the train. It is definitely a dream.

But I could not panic. Because I had a similar dream a year ago. Maybe when I was dragged into hell? What was the contents like.

Reflectively, I looked into the next seat. But it looks like it is not exactly the same as the dream I used to see when I was empty. In that dream, Yu Hyun-a was sitting next to him.

Anyway, again … .

– Passengers. Our train arrives at Seoul station, Seoul station which is the end of this train.

Suddenly, the airing sound was heard.

Oh, right. There was a broadcast. Mentions seem to be slightly different.

The train will soon arrive at Seoul Station. When you get out of the train and stand at the station, rain pours from the sky. I woke up in a rain and dreams. I’m not sure, but it probably was this.

– Thank you for using our railroad today.


I can not say I will break the same again this time, but it would be nice to match it with a lucid dream.

It does not matter whether it is a dream or a welcome. With the third eye on, and dreams of knowing that it is soon to release. If you do not see the end of the spirit after waiting for a while, let’s use it.

He stood up from his seat, thinking so strongly. It was then.


At the moment I was about to leave the hall, a heavy roar sounded in my body. At the same time, several passengers were shivering at me. I looked down at the bottom of it, and I saw the armor of the king of Checheoncheon. …What was that? I thought I was going to be a military uniform.

Rubbing, rattling!

I suddenly felt the speed of the train slowed down. The sound of the wheel bumping into the rail is strangely clear.

“…….”Standing idly for a while, I slowly turned my eyes and stared at the windshield. Slightly stained windows projected into the scenery of Seoul Station and the appearance of me in transparent glass.

It is time to check the shape of the window before long.


I lost my words.

It is not long hair but rather long hair.
The armor of the king of Cheonwoo-cheon.
Red cloak.
And earrings that reflect the sun, the glory of Victoria.

So far I was sure.

The man who is standing here is not a soldier Kim Soo-hyun, but please go to the destination of your visit … .

It was Kim Soo-hyun, the Hall plane user.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Yeah.
I think readers commented that they were just going to go smoothly. ☞ ☜ ☜ ☜ ☜………………………………. ㅠ. ㅠ Now I have one epilogue, so I will proceed as planned.

In fact, I was intentionally twisted, but the primary goal is to make it harder to predict the ending. (Nevertheless, there is quite a bit of trappings …. I did not know that you could see through, even though I had memorized and deleted memories. ㅜ. ㅠ), the ending is not more complicated than you think.
You do not have to think too hard.

1. What did Seraf make up for Kim Soo-hyun’s humanity recovery?
2. Why did not you tell Kim Soo-hyun about the fact?
3. The number of seraphic wings from the tarot card of the melody.

Epilogue 4 will concentrate on 1 ~ 3 times.
Then, naturally, ‘new fire’ or ‘I may never see again.’ I think you’ll understand that.

I’ll write the latter part here.
Have a relaxing weekend for all of you. 🙂

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