
Chapter 982

“You… ”
“Seraph. Well met. Shadow Queen. ”
Nenê Oh, he is … ? ”
“User Kim Soo-hyun came back with Kim Yoo-hyun.”
“…Yes The rest would have gone too? ”
“We succeeded in entering the power safely. Thanks to that, I was able to minimize the confusion. ”
“Fuyu … . By the way, I’ve never seen a purple portal. Anyway, can you go in there? ”
Anneoyong haseyo
Agreed. Then I … ”
“…….”“…….”“…….”“…Hey, do not you have anything to say? ”
“Not to me, to Suhyun. At least I’m grateful to you, so if you have any words you like, do it now. I’ll give it to you. ”
Ah…Damn it! I was not saying that at the time!

What is it? Why? I’m curious. – Gehenna / Why is that? Do not you see him and Sarfran doing these days?
P.S. Wait a minute Who wanted to steal your memoirs? You made your name so honest.

+ Oh, was it a memoir? The diary and the narration are pretty detailed. By the way, who is Sekaraf? He is not … ? – Gxxxxxx / or not. Who is it? A day is long and he enjoys sex with his life. Short for sex.
P.S. By the way, do you think you know who you are? You told me not to see?

+ It is majestic. It’s a shitty angel. It is the freedom of the user and the performance to write a memoir, but I will demand a correction as soon as the title. – Seraph PS. I am grateful for the words you gave me at that time. Thanks to that, I was encouraged to say something I could not say in my message.

/ Who is it? Did you get it? What if you do not? On the subject of sex. If you are unhappy, call yours as you please.

+ Kok-kok-chu. – Seraph /?

+ Aha, please read it except for the hyphen (-) in the middle. I’ll read what you really like. – xxxxxxa / These guys are real! But no! I told you not to look like someone else’s memoir before!

– An excerpt from the “Shadow Queen Memoir” at the Atlanta Met.

* In the narrowed snow gap, the shaking pupil was blurred by the hazy light. The shivering eyelid slowly descended, and the head lengthened. Starting from that moment, the movement that has continued to be weak is stopped.

After a while, the slightly shaking white hand gently wrapped the face of the man who was not moving anymore.

She did not see her for a long time. He just gazes at the man who falls into a deep sleep, only touching the rough ball sometimes. I do not want to forget the warmth of the warm cheek that is passed down to my cold palm.

However, the more the woman aspires to the eternity of this moment, the more irrational time spurs to the speed that does not leave a gap in the moment … .

Suddenly a dark shadow cast the altar.

When did it come in? The man in the dark coat was staring at Kim Soo-hyun while standing on the stern. It is unusual for two users to be in the same room as the summon room, or Seraf has faced the man with unshakable eyes.

“I kept thinking about it.”

Kim Yi-hyun, who grinned his eyes gently, bent his knees slowly.

“I really can do this … . It would be better to say it rather … ”

Naji spoke and reached out to Kim Soo-hyun. It treats as beautifully handcrafted glass decoration as it is gently worn.

“If you let me know the whole thing, I will be very resentful.”

It was the tone of the regret of the end. Just as it is not too late, it can be turned back now.

“Maybe it is?”

But Seraf smiled and shook his head.

“But do not worry. When the message that I left is printed, the grudge will be poured into one. And…

When he stops speaking, he grabs Kim Suhyeon with both arms and hits his head on his head.

“Grudge, but you’ll understand … . I believe that when it comes, I will understand clearly. ”

The strong angel said to release his arm, but suddenly he heard a tingling sound in his arms. Seraf has been staring at Kim Soo-hyun, who is constantly digging in his chest. Kim Yoo Hyun laughed as if he was not going to dry.

“I was originally from Earth. I was a big boy, and I was kind of a jerky personality. ”

“…Is that so. Oh, the zero code is … ? ”

Kim Yu – hyun noticed that his voice was shaky, but quietly shook his head.

“I could not find it. Probably Suhyeon brought it. ”

Kim Yoo-hyun put his hand into Kim’s pocket and suddenly shook his body. I slowly pulled my hand away and moved my hand calmly to another place.

Touching the armor or cloaking the cloak, etc. While searching for the Zero Code at a very slow pace, Serap was able to loosen his arms as easily as a mother bird that forcibly hammered her cubs.

How much time has passed.

Thirty minutes. It simply took a lot of time to find a bead. Soon, when Kim Yoo-hyun pulled out the zero code from his first pocket, Serap was sitting on the altar as usual and still waiting.

For some time silence followed, but Seraf first opened his mouth.

“Thank you for waiting.”

Finally, the determined beauty of Seraf ‘s nature, which had finally settled the decision, filled the chamber of summons. It was an expression of strong willingness to not take time anymore.

“User Kim Yoo Hyun. Those who will go back together … ? ”

“Power is waiting outside the shrine. If you look at the signal, you’ll be right in. ”

“It is soon to have a channel open. Time to stay is not short, but … ”

“Yes. Actually, I did not see it myself, but it was the user performance. I finished farewell to each other and I’m ready. So there will not be a time delay. ”

Kim Yoo Hyun, who spoke up there, laughed at the smile.

“Some seem to want the invisible zero code not to play,” he said.

“Zero codes are unlikely to respond.”

“What is it? In fact, I was hoping not to play. ”

“Because the wind of Suhyeon and our wind match.”

Seraf spoke with a soft smile.

“As a helper, I can influence Kim Yoo-hyun indirectly as my successor.”

“…….””Above all, I told myself, whether it was a simple passage or not. I want to live a happy life as a human being. . That is why there is no reason why the zero code will not respond as long as our request is the same as Suhyon’s desire. ”

“…If it was a request to hurt Suhyun, I would not be able to do it in the first place. ”

Kim Yu-hyun laughed. It was then. Kim Soo-hyun, who was in the midst of a sweat, shed a low moan. The eyes of both men and women fluttered at the same time.

“Oh, you do not?”

“…It is much faster than expected. I was able to barely cry, but the user information of Suhyun was so powerful that I was … ”

Seraph smeared. If Kim Suhyeon breaks down here, it is obvious that the plan we have prepared at the moment will turn into a waste.

Kim Yu-hyun and Seraf’s eyes met. The preparation of the room was finished in the early evening. It was just aesthetic and aesthetics that remained miserable. “now… . That’s the end … ”

Kim muttered. It was like a long sigh.

But what more do you need to say?

Kim Yoo Hyun took care of Kim Su – hyun, who was lying down, and raised her hand holding the bead all the time. He opened his mouth quietly, looking at Seraf.

“With the authority of my successor … ”

The moment of the moment.

“…Request a zero code invocation. ”

The Zero Code, which was shining in the light, began to shine brilliantly.

Seraf confirmed the reaction of the zero code and said without hesitation.

“I confirmed the request of user Yoo Hyun Kim. 25%, 50%, 75%and 100%. Loading… Accept Your request has been passed. At this moment, Code Name, Zero is running. ”

While working on the job, Seraf’s gaze did not seem to fall from Kim Soo-hyun. Kim Yoo-hyun stare at the front of his brother more strongly and stare.

Stop it!

After a long time, the rusty machine began to sound.


At the same time, the zero code, which escaped the hands of Kim Yoo Hyun, went up into the air and exploded the explosion.

After a while, the room of the summons was filled with a crowd of pure white light.

* Flashing!

The light of a dark dawn burst. The mansion clan members who were waiting in front of the entrance were hesitantly jawed at the same time.

The deep purple light soars from the top of the temple. The crowd of light flashed into the sky at a tremendous speed, as if it were not left behind. Like a comet, I stretched my tail long, and it disappeared in the dim light before the blink of an eye.

“It must have been successful. Eventually.”

Going back, I looked at myself like I was talking to myself. Still, the crowd stood a little farther behind the users looking blankly in the sky. One of them, who stared at him, walked out.

“Do not go quickly and do what? The signal came? ”

The vulture shouted sharply. He played with his eyes rounded and crouched on his shoulders.

“Oh, go as soon as I see you. Please fidget. ”

“I’m playing. Would you like to cuddle and cry? ”

“Do you want to?”

I hate this. I do not know if it is Kim Soo-hyun. No, I do not think he will. Anyway, we are not so friendly. ”

I was sneering at him as if I had nothing to think about. However, he did not feel like he was buried so hard. Rather than turning it off, we were fine, so do not worry.

“Hahaha. Is not it bigger than those who are actually running around? ”

He laughed and laughed and said.

“Oh, are you going back to five years ago? After that, and the zero code is charged and the return passage opens. I mean, you have to wait for the whole year, but this, this year should be chewed up? ”

“…Shin Sang Yong. I know what you want to say, but it’s not convincing to say it when you cry like that. ”

Shin Jae – ryong, who has not been able to make a gigantic statement.

“But it’s not a story at all.”

Gehenna stepped forward.

“Does not the point fit in unanimously as the words of the man say? In our situation we may see the opening of the exit as soon as this situation is over. Dress

I gave strength to the argument of Shin Sang Yong, and I watched the performance by wearing my arms.

“Well, suffer. I feel like I’m going to have a hard time because I am a very difficult man. ”

“Do not worry. I’ll let you forget about you for five years. ”

“Hmm? If you do not stay in the world, you’d better be able to get it right. ”

“How are you worried about how much you’d like to have a cute daughter who is in trouble?”

The performance was received without blinking once in the eyes. Gehenna was sick. Soon the two women laughed at the same time. Gehenna, who pierced her head, said in a slightly subdued voice.

“You’d better do it here. Anyway, just let it come back. request.”

He did not say anything, but instead of answering the question with his eyes.

It was there. The farewell was finished and the signal came. Time is not lacking, but there is nothing good to do.

After all, one thing remains.

“Tell Kim Soo-hyun! If you do not keep your promise, you’ll die! ”

Forty forty users were left behind in the temple, leaving behind evil Vivian.

Thus, the Wang Jung Kyo performance, which ran like one, controlled the situation calmly in response to Kim Yu-hyun’s expectation. Arriving at the portal, I started to line up a line, at least once every minute.

The room of summoning is a space originally designed with both angels and users. It was a place where dozens could not be accommodated at once, but there was an intention to prevent congestion, because most of the clan members knew that they would not go straight into the aisle.

“Uh, sister. B.

“Why are you here so far? I’ll be back anyway. ”


“Would you like to stay? You can stay here if you do not want to wait. Will you do that? ”

Interrupted and hesitant to hesitate, the performer was able to get in and out after about an hour and a half. As the long hanging line disappeared, the corridor of the temple, which was surrounded by darkness, was nowhere to be found.

Before going into the last, the last woman left behind. I have already passed the long aisle, and I can not see anything. However, Koh played suddenly an impression.

“Anyway, he’s a lot of hands!”

I jumped into the light with only one word left.

One thing that I could see from the portal that came out of the portal is the first purple portal that occupies the center of the summon room. And he was a beautiful angel sitting alone on the altar.

The performance played open.

“You… ? ”

That night. The sky in Atlanta shot a total of forty times during the dawn. …No, exactly forty-three times. After the forty – two purple – colored crowns soared into the sky in succession, a blue – colored crowd fell to the top of the temple.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== After the epilogue is over, abduction is scheduled twice.
Abolition 1 is the diary of Ansol (which is a diary type of thing that happened in modern times), Aboard 2 is the content of the Hall Plane after 5 years. 🙂

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