
Chapter 985

At first glance, the landscape was sweeping fast in the field of vision.

A wind like a blade scratches my ear coldly. The head was as disturbed as the cars crossing the intersection, and the middle disturbance was disturbed, but there was no nervousness. I just ran out of my mind.

I do not know how long it has been. However, I was running on familiar streets at any moment as I never had a break. It was our neighborhood in 15 years.

If it were not strange, it would be a lie, but the speed of running was accelerating. I imagined going back home from the hall planes hundreds, thousands of times. Of course, the idea was not so sudden … .

It was not hard to find a town house that remembers as a house. I climbed up the stairs and stopped in front of the front door, I felt a throbbing heart. I entered the password and carefully opened the door to unlock it. I slowly breathed in as I watched the white wallpaper, which slowly emerged.

As I entered the entrance, my eyes were frowned upon me. The thieves heard it because it was messed up quite a mess.

The microwave oven in the kitchen is cracked and cracked, and the door knobs in the room are smashed or have holes. The kitchen was also upset. The sink was as if it were tugging roughly and the broken cup pieces were scattered on the floor.


At that time, a slight moaning sounded. Turning on the magic power and letting the toilet door slip, the stench pierced his nose.

The bathroom was much more spectacular than the room. The sink was in poor condition, and the tile was covered with vapors.

Above all, there was a brother in the space where this was the only reason. I was lying down on the toilet and laying down and moaning intermittently.


I approached him immediately and shook him up, but he was just stunned, and he could not keep up.

In fact, I was awakened by force, and the idea was to ask what happened. But at the bottom of my mind, I chose to relax in bed rather than shaking and waking.

After seeing his brother constantly distressed for a while, he returned to the bathroom as he was attracted to intangible energy. I turned the hot water regulator all the way and turned the shower. The cold water spouted a loud voice, and the spirit sparkled as it soaked the crown.

That was it. The third eye was triggering, and even if I chewed on my thighs, my mind became clear.

It did not happen in dreams.

Everything was messed up.

The day was dim when I opened my eyes. The head is too complicated and it looks like it has fallen asleep.

I looked around with my eyes and sighed. I was hoping it might be a Hall Plane, but my vision was showing my room. I finally came to the house I was looking at and I do not feel inspiration. There is a lot of doubt about it.

There are three possible cases.

The first one is a dream, but you’d better exclude it. It’s so clear and dreamy. The senses are alive and the response of the person is very realistic.

The second is the illusion, but the likelihood is also low. If it was really fantasy, it should be already released by the third eye. I took the EX rank, but I can not help it.

The third is … .

“I’m really back to earth.”

In fact, he was already shouting that it was. Only emotion is not accepting. But in many ways, the third one was certain.

When I returned to the earth, I understood the landscape I saw when I arrived home. Maybe it was hard to keep up with your experiences and memories. I could not overcome my spiritual turmoil, so I hit it.


I can not come out because I can not sigh.

Since when?

Since when did it become so strange.

From the moment I opened my eyes on the train … .
No, since I went to the summon room … .
No, no, from when I met the clan members in the restaurant … .

Suddenly I heard a beeping sound. The cell phone liquid crystal of the desk was glowing. I ignored it because I did not want to be disturbed.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

But after thirty minutes the beeping sounded in succession, it could not be ignored. When I brought the mobile phone with the empty air, I had three letters.

The sender of the first character was an unknown number.

“I’ll be waiting in the Tanchon staircase.”

Tancheon stairs? Oh, who is going to confess. I laughed at the thought that I had sent it wrong.

But the moment the second character was confirmed, laughter stopped automatically.

“Come to the Olympic Expressway and go down to Tancheon. I’ll be waiting. ”

Because the sender was brother.

The room was empty when I checked out the bed. It was obvious that I was out of consciousness while I was sleeping. I hurried to get dressed and walked out.

It took about thirty minutes to walk from the house to the Olympic Boulevard, but I was able to get there in less than five minutes because I ran to power.

“Thank you. Once you move to the hospital … ”

The third character was a map. Checking the location, I heard a rumbling voice as I was about to go down to Tancheon. I looked around the sounded place and found a darkish figure standing under the stairs. At last the man looked at me and shook his hand.

“Clan Road!”

“Cho Seung Woo?”

The company was Cho Seung-woo. I go down and say hello, and I make a good smile.

“Is your body okay? I thought I was really dead. ”

“User Cho Seung-woo.”

“Yes, yes. I am right. Mazayo

“Are you back together?”

Jo Seung-woo nodded and suddenly stared at me.

“Clan Road. Do you know why I came in? ”


“It is because I felt the least difference. I’ve been a non-combatant since I joined the Mercenary Clan. ”


“I have been struggling with the documents every day in the castle. So it was relatively quick to accept. ”


It was true. I was in charge of administration rather than war, combat, and expedition. There will be no gap, but it will be relatively less burdensome than combat users.

“Will you go this way?”

Cho Seung-woo pointed to the walkway to the left. It was the direction to go anyway. I do not think there is any reason to refuse.

“There are more than 40 users who have returned to Earth.”

After a while, as soon as I walked side by side, Cho Seung – woo opened a speech. I forgot about forty … .

“It sounds like you knew you’d come back.”

Right exactly.

I admit it with coolness, and I settled my complexion.

“The first thing I came back to … . Of course I needed time to adapt. Anyway, I was contacting the returnees. We even had contacts and home addresses in advance. ”

She glances up and attaches horses.

“How many people did you think were contacted when you first dialed?”

Well… One half? ”

“It was eight people.”

“Eight people?”

“Yes. The time we returned was 45 minutes at 11 am. The time I started to call was after six o’clock in the afternoon. It means that there were eight people who were physically and mentally stable enough to receive calls over six hours. ”

“…….”I looked at the ground and walked. Impact was shock. Only eight of the forty … .

“Well, as a result, the power is safe. I got a family member or a friend, and some people got a call later. ”

“I do not know … ? ”

“Oh, did you hear? Actually, just one person could not get through to the end and I just got a call. Fortunately, it was not too late and I was able to secure it. ”

jamsimanyo Securing safety? I mean, did you mean suicide? ”

“Yes. I got an ominous thought and sent my staff to my home address … . Unfortunately, I was right. But do not worry too much. I’m going to the hospital by now. ”


Cho Seung-woo laughed and paused.

“Clan Road. I am sorry to break in the middle, but I will tell you the rest later. My guide is here. ”

And pointed to the distant light.

“You can go straight to the walkway. I’ll be waiting. ”

There was nothing but darkness in the front, but the vision was clear because the sight increased.

Where Joe Seung – woo points, two men and women were sitting on a long wooden chair and waiting for me. I was expecting you, but I was surprised to find Han So-young.

“…Clear right.

I hesitate for a while. I did not care who was making the extreme choices, but I decided to concentrate on what I was doing first.

The more you walk, the more certain the shapes become. He was sitting on an old wooden chair, gazing without a river flowing. I made a big pile on purpose, but I do not see any slight movement.

You do not know Han, but you know the whole thing. It was a close conjecture. Because there is only one user who has zero code authorization.

Soon he went up to the wooden chairs but did not sit down. I set my eyes on Han Seok-young, standing at an oblique expectation on the stone wall, and turned his gaze to Tancheon.

The river that sucked the night was creepy and calm. It was so colorful that it made me feel like I was going to get sucked in.

How much time has passed.

“You are here.”

His voice was restless. I wanted to say Mura, but I can not say anything.

I was able to barely open my mouth after I had touched my chest once.

“I think you know things you do not know.”

He was still staring at the river. I did not say anything, but I nodded slowly as I knew what I was seeing.

“I’ve been asking you to return to Earth, right?”

My brother again spoke his head silently.


And it was a voice that seemed to be heard.

“Maybe you’re right.”

When I heard a word of acknowledgment, my heart was stopping. Both hands began to shiver. He pushed him into his pocket and breathed in his breath. I expected it, but I still could not say it.

“What?” My brother used Zero code secretly? ”

I was speechless and speechless.

“I did not really know it. Since when? ”

However, it was not possible to stop the progress of the dialogue gradually.

He opened his forehead and opened his mouth.

Learn Know. It’s going to be very confusing right now. And… ”

“Okay, when has it been since?”

I broke my brother ‘s horse in a knife. It was also meant to say things quickly, but it also meant to blame.

“It was a long time ago. Of course I proceeded without you. ”

He said calmly. The calm voice was badly hurt without reason.

As I decided to return to Earth, I do not intend to book a return.

“I did it in the beginning, and I used the zero code.”

However, the fact that I did not do anything without saying anything is not understandable even if I swallow it and swallow it.

“But it was not me who made the plan. Seraph. ”


“Seraph built the plan and I ran the plan.”

“……!”Suddenly the throat flashed. It quickly became hot as if the barely submerged body would explode at once. The tortoises that I had tucked in from the restaurant and started to bite at once.

“So Seraph and your brother are in a hurry?”

That is why there is a tone of laughing naturally.

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

“Ah, yes. Of course you have a reason. ”

“…….”Tell me I do not know how scary this plan was. At least you can listen to it. ”

I do not want to do this in front of my brother.

“But you better explain it properly. I warned you in advance … ”

“It was for you.”

At that moment, I felt that the string of reason which I could barely hold was broken. The right hand that I put in my pocket when I was in the mood was on the verge of grabbing his brother’s neck.

At the moment of the moment, I barely turned and struck the stone wall behind.

Kung, the whole sound of the stone wall was voiced even though the last panel was off.

I almost punched him. It was something I could not believe myself.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at my brother.


Why. It is a simple but most fundamental question.

“Why did not you?”

My brother took his eyes off the river and looked at me.

“Why not … ! ”

“Let’s just ask one.”

This time my brother hung up without a word.

“Why did you save me?”


“You did it. I told him not to bring me back just before I die. But you saved me. Why did you do that? ”

“…….””I feel like you’re feeling right now.”

“…….”Suddenly the speech was blocked. Surely your brother said that and I did not follow the will. Strictly speaking, I also acted arbitrarily. If you ask why, there was only one answer. For me, for my brother.


Your brother continued.

“I did not mean to be good. Whatever the reason, whatever the excuse, it is true that you acted arbitrarily, and it is definitely wrong. Never deny it. ”

The low voice was full of fatigue. It was specky whether talking was also strong.

“Suh Hyun-ah. I promise. What happened and why. I’ll light up everything on the spot … ”

He could not speak, and closed his eyes.


And slowly he shook his head and grabbed his face.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry I’m late.

I will post it the next time.

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