
Chapter 986

The long silence sank heavily. We did not open our mouth for a while. I needed time to calm down, and I needed time to regain my energy.

So static has lasted for a long time. I only heard the sound of water flowing from time to time.

“Mercenary Road. Sit first. please.”

Han So – young, who left his back on the stone wall, said carefully. It was a tone closer to begging than an order. I sat on the chair as it collapsed and only chewed on the tobacco.

After a while, when the filter was not able to chew, it disappeared.

“…Oh, did you ever see the message? ”


No. Not a character. ”

“……?”He said, “You have not seen it yet.” He said to check the user information. Although the reaction has not yet settled down, I have just opened the window. It was not difficult.

Soon when the familiar window came into the air, a strange part was touched. At the bottom, something seemed like a small dot.

I want to do something.Y / N) “A new window was suddenly output.

▣ Message

yeokshi Read it. ”

I hesitated because I was seeing it for the first time, but as soon as I pulled out, I was reaching out to touch Y.

– User Kim Soo Hyun.

I almost jumped out instantly. I expected a message window to pop up, but suddenly I heard a lively voice in my head. As the Hwajeong says.

– When you read this message, Suhyun will be very confused.
You probably know that the cause of the confusion is in me.
It is scary to think how much you are grumbling when you find out that Suhyeon is a surprise.
It’s what I fear most about you.
So I made this long excuse.
But first of all, it is true that I did something that was not clear.
Any excuse will not justify my mistake. …Would you mind if you could?

Seraph. It was seraph for many times. I immediately echoed the moment I was convinced that it was Seraf.

– The first thing I want to say is that you should not worry too much about the present situation.
As I am your assistant, the things that go against the users in terms of the terms are essentially blocked.
At least I would like to say that I did not do this with malice.

Yes, I guess. Seraf even lied in good faith, but he never led me in the wrong direction. Not to mention your brother.

I know, but this was a different matter.

– After the war with the devil, I felt a moment of choice.
I do not think so, but maybe Suhyun was a complicated mind.
I was waiting for a day in the summoning room, and after hearing the story I shared with user Yu-jeong, I realized the meaning of Suhyun.
Establish a channel connecting the two worlds.
After returning to Earth for a few years, he returns to Hall Planen.
It certainly was not a bad choice.
No, it’s rather reasonable.
But the moment I realized I was going back to Earth anyway, I could not help but worry … .

So what is the reason.

– As you may know, the users of Hall Plane are derived from human beings on Earth.
In other words, they are identically identifiable.
Therefore, when two are combined into one, in principle, it is correct for the derived beings to enter the body.
From this point of view, the return to Earth is done in the form of a ‘user’ on the Hall Plane superimposed on the ‘human’ of the Earth.
In other words, a vessel called ‘human’ is newly filled with ‘user’ water.

Seraf ‘s voice followed closely, as if to comfort a child.

– It’s easy to say, but it’s not really that simple.
In particular, there is inevitably a gap in the “human” situation.
It is very difficult to accept the experiences and memories of the world that I have been living in for decades and have never known for a moment.

It is not a mistake once. Actually Jo Seung-woo did not tell. Of the more than 40 returnees, only a few responded.

– The key is whether the ‘human’ Kim Soo-hyun of the Earth will be a vessel for Kim Soo-hyun, the ‘user’ of Hall Plane.
In fact, I was skeptical, but I started experimenting because it was meaningless to just expect.


– Kim Soo-hyun when he was summoned fifteen years ago.
Current user Kim Soo Hyun.
Based on these two materials, I used a kind of feedback simulation.
And the result is … .
Unfortunately, it was as expected.

As soon as I heard the result, my eyes became stronger.

– Not once or twice, but thousands of times.
If only one of them has the desired result.
If I did, I might have chosen that method.
However, the results of countless simulations were all the same without any exception.
Even though there is a difference of time, human being does not endure the experience and memory of user’s time, and it makes an extreme choice finally . …Soo-hyun
The process of forming human nature is similar to inertia.
If you repeat it for a long time like a habit or a habit, it is the same thing that you become familiar with your body without knowing yourself.
So the result of the experiment was telling one fact.
The nature of Kim Soo-hyun, the user with inertia, has gone too far to capture the humanity of the untimely times … .

I moaned without knowing the result of the simulation. I should feel that my head is dull.

I did not want to believe in it, but in fact I was part of what Seraf was worried about. So when I saw the reason I was going to change, I did not want to fix it until I broke Screwpef. I was already late, but I thought it was not too late.

– I was worried about several days.
Sometimes I stayed at night, and when I was in trouble, I watched Suhyeon in the name of watching trends.
I’ve rationalized that the reality is different because it is just a simulation anyway.
However, no matter how good you think it is, you have to think that you can not send without any action … .

Seraf’s worries empathize. I thought I knew what I was thinking and what I had planned. But the more they heard, the more doubts were amplified.

It is the thing that came back to this turn, and it is the one that obtained the zero code. Above all, is it a party?

I wonder why Seraf was suffering alone. No, why did not I give it to you?

– In the end, I had to admit it.
The man Kim Soo-hyun can not afford the user Kim Soo-hyun … .
But at that time, one thought came up like a thunderbolt.
The moment I admit the proposition I did not want to admit, it suddenly opened a new way … .

A new way?

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

Suddenly I heard his voice. I did not think that the voice was coming straight, so I turned my eyes to the side. He was staring at me.

“Do you regret?”


“I regret this situation now.”

“Do you say that?”

I did what I said. I do not feel like it. Do you regret it?


will regret. Of course I regret. I regret madly.

Obviously I decided to return to Earth, but I did not want to come back this way. When Gehenna took Sina away without saying anything, I had to suffer from a severe aftereffect. How much did you grumble and resent Gehenna? This is not the case, but I did the same thing this time.

I can understand that even if I open the door to talk about it, I can understand it. But I wanted to have at least a proper break-up time. If so, I would have been able to sort out my feelings to some degree, though I would have regretted it but I would not regret it.

“I feel like I want to go back to Hall Plane right now.”

Really? like that.”

As he growled, his brother slowly rose from his seat. He looked at me and knocked on his head.

“Ah, Suh Hyun-ah. As you can see, when I came back, I was in a terrible distance. I could not really express it. ”

I stared at him blankly.

I asked if I regret it, but now I turn to a topic.

What do you want to say now?

“…But then. ”

It was then.

“Did not you think it was strange to look at me like that?”

The moment that your brother continues to speak.

“lets think. Everyone who came back to me was distracted and struggled with pain. But you … . What was it like? ”

I suddenly felt a shock like hitting my head with a hammer.




Why have we missed it?

In retrospect, I should have noticed from the moment I saw my picture on the train.

Why not wear armor, not uniform. And why it did not matter.

I have come back to earth, and I must have felt the difference. ?

When I barely caught the line and looked at my brother, he was not looking at me anymore. I was looking up at the sky with a rather nervous face. And I quietly muttered like a private message.


It was a faint word.

My brother laughed.

“You can expect it. I will understand why you are in that state before. “- The new way is if it is impossible to put the user Kim Soo-hyun over the user Kim Soo-hyun.

The voice of his brother and seraf overlapped.

As soon as I looked up at it, I was touched by a single blue light that illuminated the sky beyond the translucent window.

The crowd of blue light was descending towards me exactly.

After a while. – On the contrary, it was a way to overwhelm the user Kim Soo-hyun to the user Kim Soo-hyun.

Seraf’s voice followed, and flashing!

It was almost simultaneous that the blue light was pinched down by the crown.

“People do not accept users … . User accepts human … ? ”

It happened because it was so wild, I was afraid of the brain.

– Suhyun was completely untouched as a user, but in other words, humanity was almost lost.

So, did Seraph send me and take me to Hall Planet on Earth? So I was wearing armor, not military?

– Therefore, I changed the proposition and the memory and experience that Suhyon felt in his human life … .

Seraf ‘s gentle voice rang in my ears.

And the gap that your brother warned.

– I hope that user Kim Soo-hyun will be able to revive the lost humanity and become a new incense.

More than I thought, I came slowly.


Without any notice, stabbing pain struck the temple. Instead of just disappearing immediately, the pain increased, and the head pressed. Like trying to force something into.

– I had this last expectation, but there was a blind spot in the plan.

When you see the pain and suffering, this time suddenly the view was divided into two and then combined. My legs were almost instantaneous, but I was able to balance myself.

– Even if the human nature is settled in the marshmallow safely, it should be kept in mind that even if it does, it is diluted by the overflowing user nature.

Shit, the focus will shake, but the intensity of the headache is getting stronger. Now it seems that the world rotates around the center of the day. Is this a different story?

– So, as a precaution, I wanted to feel the regret of regret and remorse whenever Suzie remembers Hall Plane, and the size if it could be that emotion.

But in the meantime, Seraf ‘s voice was clearly ringing in my head.

– Suhyun, who survived five years as a driving force to miss the people he wanted to see, opened the passage back five years later. I wanted Hall Plane to think of it as a home where we can unwind, rather than a place where we can fully resolve our slaughter and combat needs.

At that moment, I suddenly felt a sense of turning the center of gravity. It did not overcome the joint attack of pain and dizziness, and it finally knelt down. I felt hurriedly approaching from the left and right, but I fell down and fell.

– Because it would be the true humanity that Suhyun wanted … .

And I closed my eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry I’m late.

I will post it the next time.

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