“Pirate-Suze: Okay! Small talk is over! It’s time to open and hang!”

“Pirate-Suze: Ghost Annihilation Ze, did you just cross through or did you wear it?”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Wearing… Otherwise, I will directly find Taki Zuo to learn the breathing method recently, and I am afraid of a chicken feather!”

“Pirate-Suze: Hard brother and brother!!” Dude, I’m also wearing it, and I’m paddling on Luffy’s boat now, thanks to Luffy being a partner now, otherwise I guess I’ll definitely be disliked, after all, I’m a little better than Usopp…”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: So shhhh

“Pirate-Suze: Go learn the breathing method! Teach me after you learn it!”

“Ghost Annihilation-Su Ze: I don’t even know where I am now, if I want to learn the breathing method, I’m afraid you will have to wait some time, after all, I am not familiar with the place of the little devil.”

“Pirate-Suze: Then you hurry up, my side will go to war in two months…”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: This time is a bit tight.”

“Moe King-Limulu: Don’t talk about getting the breathing method in two months, you just let Ghost Annihilation learn it, it’s still a problem.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: You are honestly half a ship doctor, basically no problem, complete recovery medicine as long as there is still a breath, can be saved.”

“Ghost Destroy-Suze: Sparrow Food! You are responsible for healing, Qioba specializes in detoxification and healing, and I estimate that it will take some time just to find Taki Zuo, so let’s exercise honestly.”

“Pirate-Suze: How can it be repaired!!” I’m going to other worlds too! @萌王-Suze, what do I say when I went to you to learn magic?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Who to learn from?” I don’t know magic… All the skills I have mastered are developed by the Great Sages, and there are requirements for using them.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Anyway, Slimeze, where is the plot progressing over there? It stands to reason that if your Turnpest Federation develops, it should be regarded as the strongest force in the world where our people live.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Are you underestimating our Angel Legion?”

“Pirate-Suze: You can pull down, Keisha dies, the angel legion is defeated, the scum is back, and there is a fart god Karl who secretly looks at you, your angel legion is lucky if it is not destroyed by the group.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Is there a possibility that I am the most powerful when I develop?”

“Ghost Destroy-Suze: How many years will it take you to develop?”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I can’t get there…”

“Pirate-Suze: You first raise the strength.”

“Moe King-Rimlu: I should be able to kill all of you in an instant now.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: I’m not bad either.”

“Pirate-Suze: That’s right! Angel Ze, give me a few injection-type super genes!”

“Ghost Annihilation-Suze: I want me too!!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I want it too!!”

“Supergod-Angel Night: Where am I going to get it for you?”

“Pirate-Suze: Earth, galactic power backup, those black armored legions that leave the earth to fight aliens in the future, don’t all use galactic power backup genes? It shows that this thing does not pick people, and it can strengthen its strength for a generation or so, at least it is stronger than Solon Luffy.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: I’m going to steal!” All the angels’ backends can be connected to Queen Kesha’s server, and I am an angel to steal the super genes of the super-theological academy, are you sure I won’t be slaughtered by Queen Kesha first?”

“Moe King-Rimlu: Can it be exchanged?” For example, a complete recovery medicine, this kind of potion that can be restored in an instant, even if you only exchange a bottle of Galactic Power to back up genes, it is quite cost-effective.”

“Supergod-Angel Night: This… I really didn’t think about it.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: Na Ring is also a good thing! Space technology, I believe that the Super Theological Academy will not be hungry!”

“Ghost Destroyer-Suze: In other words, doesn’t the supergod universe have a dark plane that can store anything? As long as the super soldier masters the dark plane wormhole transportation, it is equivalent to having an infinite storage space, what is the use of the ring?”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: It seems to be too…”

“Moe King-Rimlu: You can try it, but I’m going to the dwarf kingdom in the next two days, so I won’t play with you.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Oh hoo! Miss Elf~”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: It’s useless, he didn’t!”

“Pirate-Suze: He has another chance to cross for free.”

“Moe King-Limuru: So you’d better think about it before you speak.”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I was wrong!”

“Super God-Angel Night: You can get points ranging from 1~10 a day of check-in, that is, the worst luck will take more than three months to get a crossing opportunity.”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: Yes, yes, yes! Sign in and check in!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I have 5 points! Decent!”

“Ghost Slayer-Suze: I’m 3 o’clock… I hit a ghost today, it’s really unlucky!”

“Moe King-Rimlu: 8 o’clock! Hey, hey!”

“Pirate-Suze: 10 o’clock!!!!”

“Supergod-Angel Night: 666!”


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