“Alas… So much money, there is a fart use! Waving his hand to collect the gold coins all over the ground, Xiao Ze sighed helplessly.

Although with the help of the chat group, Xiao Ze can be regarded as having a little money, but the money does not help Xiao Ze’s current situation much.

What he needs now is to improve his strength.

“Go find Xiao Yan…” Xiao Ze pushed open the door and went to Xiao Yan’s residence.

During this time, Xiao Yan had been in retreat, probably cultivating using the Foundation Building Spirit Liquid.

Some time ago, Xiao Yan also borrowed money from him, after all, the healing medicine refined by Xiao Ze had already caught fire throughout Wutan City.

No matter what kind of injury, even if it is missing an arm and a broken leg, it can recover, and this medicine is surprised even if the medicine elder hears about it.

So Xiao Ze people also caught fire, and the gold coins earned have exceeded one million.

Although he also encountered some troubles because of this, such as the elders of the Xiao family forcing him to hand over the prescription for refining medicinal liquids, and people from other families came to assassinate him, they were all carried down by him in the end, of course, mainly because of the help of the other worlds.

Knock knock!!

“Little Yanzi! Come out and talk! “How can Xiao Ze say that he is also Xiao Yan’s creditor, it is still okay to see Xiao Yan’s side.

“Aze, you won’t come over at this time to ask for money…” Xiao Ze waited outside the door for a long time before Xiao Yan came over and opened the door, and said a little speechlessly.

“Of course not, I haven’t seen you buy so many medicinal herbs recently, huh! Your strength has broken through? Xiao Ze pretended to be surprised.

“Hey, hey! Fluke, fluke…” Xiao Yan scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

“What’s the luck, your fighting spirit has been maintained in the third stage for several years in a row, but now you suddenly break through, is it related to those medicinal materials you purchased recently?” Xiao Ze raised his eyebrows.

He can’t help it, the Douzhi Qi stage is originally a tendon forging body, and he can’t use any pills to assist cultivation at all, except for the foundation building spirit liquid refined by the medicine elder, so Su Ze can only ask Xiao Yan for help.


“Teacher! What am I going to do? Xiao Yan was a little embarrassed, and quickly communicated with the medicine elder.

“What can you do, who let him be your creditor, let you find your rich little girlfriend to help, and you can’t pull this face.” Yao Lao said helplessly.

“You can sell the Zhuji Spirit Liquid to him, so that he gets what he wants, and you can also get more money and buy more medicinal materials to refine the medicinal liquid!”

“Okay then…” Although Xiao Yan likes to hide his humble things, but now this situation, obviously can’t hide it.

“I worshiped an alchemist as a teacher, he refined a pill for me that can improve my strength, and my body was also cured by him, I can only tell you this, I hope you can keep it secret!”

Xiao Yan doesn’t want to expose this matter now, which is why he concealed his identity in the original work, but he was later seen through by Concubine Ya.

“Don’t worry! I will definitely help you keep it a secret! “Xiao Ze is happy, since Xiao Yan told him, it means that he can also use the foundation building spirit liquid for cultivation.

“Come to me in a week to get the medicine, by the way! Remember to bring money, this kind of elixir that can increase the speed of cultivation, the price is not low! Xiao Yan finally seized the opportunity and was able to slaughter Xiao Ze fiercely once.

“Don’t worry, don’t dare to say anything else, I can’t spend too much money!” Xiao Ze said with a smile.

Of course, it is only for him at this stage, it is only too much to spend, if one million is given to Xiao Yan, I am afraid that the pills of refining three or four grades several times will be used up.

However, fortunately, the foundation building spirit liquid is not expensive, and the starting price in the Mitre auction house is only eight thousand gold coins.

Su Ze spent 10,000 to buy one, and he didn’t suffer a loss.

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: I bought a few copies of the Foundation Building Spirit Liquid here, and it will arrive in a week, does anyone want to try it?”

It’s all himself, Xiao Ze will not be stingy, after all, he can make a fortune and rely on everyone.

“Pirate-Su Ze: That must be me, I’ll see if I can absorb the fighting qi of your world from the spirit liquid by taking a medicinal bath!”

“Ghost Annihilation-Suze: Give me a copy too, I just found Taki Zuoji now, and it’s time to improve my physical fitness!”

“Dopo-Xiao Ze: No problem!!”


“Sister Yan, I’ll go to Earth.” Night and Angel Yan, as well as the angel chasing the order, temporarily stay on Earth to observe the situation of the earth, that is, the super seminary, and search for Morgana’s location by the way.

“Spring heart is moving?” Hiko quipped.

“Of course not, Sister Hiko, you know, I only have feelings for you…” Yefei came to Hiko’s front and gently lifted Hiko’s chin.

“Go! My sexual orientation is normal! Hiko rolled his eyes wordlessly.

Ye is more than five thousand years old, and among the younger generation of angels, he can be regarded as having more than medium seniority.

It’s a pity that born in an angel, thousands of years in addition to fighting, is to carry out tasks, want to leave, can not do.

Of course, it is not that the angel will not let her go, but the night does not know where to go without the angel.

More than 5,000 years ago, there was not even a place of entertainment when I came to Earth, and I could only stay in the heavenly city at night.

Ye came to the sky above the Super Divine Academy, observed Ge Xiaolun and their situation with the eye of insight, and checked the backup of the Galactic Power by the way.

It was indeed there, but Night didn’t dare to go up now, because she couldn’t explain why she did it, and she couldn’t explain the complete recovery medicine, so she could only wait for Keisha to be blown up and then exchange with the Earth.

Everyone is helping each other in the group, and she naturally needs to play her role, but it may take some time.

“Supergod-Angel Night: Galactic Force gene backup has been found, but I’m afraid it won’t be available until Queen Kesha is blown up.”


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