In this way, Zhang Jie took his wife to play poker.

Only Su Ze and the three looked at each other.

“He said… Can women be made? Zheng Zha’s mind suddenly came alive.

Looking at Su Ze’s eyes shining.

“Oh… You two are disgusting!! Zhan Lan obviously understood what he meant, looked at the two with a look of disgust and said a word, directly turned back to find a room, held the doorknob for a moment, and then directly pushed the door into it.

Only Su Ze and Zheng Zha were left.

“Let’s redeem it tomorrow! As for women… Hehe! Su Ze was not in a hurry, the most important thing now was to discuss with himself in the group and which aspect he strengthened.

As for women, they are temporarily in second place.

Su Ze came to the room next to Zhan Lan, held his hand on the doorknob, and after fantasizing for a while, he directly opened the door, a very normal room, which is Su Ze ~ his own home.

But the basement … Suze changed slightly – a little.

“Hmm… A breath of nature! After opening the door of the basement and looking at the endless prairie in front of him, Su Ze took a deep breath-, and the corners of his mouth rose.

There is no upper limit to the space of the room, Zhang Jie has a basement of 10 square kilometers, so Su Ze in his imagination, set the room to a green mountain and green water, but there is the sea in the distance.

Su Ze lay directly on the ground, and then consciousness entered the chat group.

Reincarnation Space – Suze: The first world is over, 46800 points!

Moe King-Rimlu: Awesome! You can actually get so many points, is there any side story or something?

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: This is not true, because these points are all obtained by killing monsters, and I don’t know the plot, how to change the plot to get points?

Supernatural recovery – Su Ze: Don’t worry, I still have two days or so to go back, and I will show you the anime at that time, but the anime seems to be only a dozen episodes, and it is estimated that it will only go to the second world, so you have to plan well for the second world…

Hokage-Otsukisu-Shiki: I’ve already made a battle with a not very smart Otsuki, although he only has white eyes, but Otsuki’s white eyes also have pupil skills.

Reincarnation Space-Su Ze: Back I will go to Zheng Zha to see if he has a side plot, and when the time comes, I will borrow it with him, I estimate that the ability to write wheel eyes, which must have the bloodline of Uchiha, should also need a side story to redeem.

Hokage-Otsuki Musu Style: OJBK!


The next day, Su Ze was awakened by a knock on the door.

“Zhan Lan…” Su Ze rubbed his eyes, and then went back to wash.

“You… Didn’t create man? After Zhan Lan followed Su Ze into his room, he looked at the surrounding environment suspiciously, and there was no other person’s life.

“No, I fell asleep not long after I came back yesterday.” Su Ze mainly hasn’t thought about which one to make, after all, there are so many beautiful women in the heavens and realms.

And you can’t offend yourself in other worlds …

For example, Queen Medusa, Su Ze also likes it, but if he creates a Queen Medusa who has no strength, if this is known by Dou Poze, I am afraid that he will never get his elixir assistance in the future.

So, Su Ze had to think about it…

“Why, Zheng Zha?” Su Ze raised his eyebrows.

“Well, I ran to the Lord God early in the morning and asked him if that childhood sweetheart was real.” Zhan Lan said.

“What about you? You don’t make a big handsome guy? After Su Ze finished washing, he looked at Zhan Lan and raised his eyebrows.

“Hmph! I’m different from them, what I can’t get in reality can be obtained by crookedness, let me build a superb man, it’s too disgusting, it’s better to buy a ** stick directly from the Lord God! Zhan Lan said with a look of disgust.

“How about we just have a break?” Su Ze didn’t think about making anyone anyway, and Zhan Lan is also a big beauty, especially Zhang, at least there are 36 emperors.

“Don’t you men have anything else in your head but shivering?!”

“If you don’t agree, when I didn’t say it!” Su Ze smiled.

“Look at your performance!” Zhan Lan left this sentence and walked out directly.

Su Ze followed behind, and after walking out the door, he found that Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha were already waiting outside.

“Come on! Let’s discuss how to redeem it! Zhang Jie and the two beckoned.

“I have 6502 points, plus a B-level side story, how do you think I should redeem it?” Zheng Zhao asked.

“That… What does side story mean? What’s the use? Su Ze asked pretending not to understand.

“Similar to point points, it will be used when redeeming some special enhancements, such as blood clan, internal force, etc., a B level can be exchanged for 3 C levels, and a C level can be exchanged for 3 D levels.” Zhang Jie said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I’ll take a look later!” Su Ze communicated with the main god, and then searched for the kaleidoscope writing wheel with soil.

Chakra power system detected…

Required to redeem Uchiha bloodline: 500 points + one D-level side story.

“It’s really a little different from the main god space…” Su Ze remembered that the things in the main god space seemed to have a rating, but he didn’t see it.

It takes points to redeem Uchiha Bloodline + Gouyu Sharingan: 1000 points + one D-level side story.

Uchiha bloodline + Gouyu writing wheel eye requires points: 1500 points + one D-level side story.


Uchiha bloodline + Hengkaleidoscope chakra eye requires points: 20,000 points + one C-level side plot.

Points are required to designate Uchiha bloodlines: 1000 points + one D-level side story.

Designate Uchiha…

Specifying Uchiha Obito Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan requires points: 20,000 points + one C-level side story.

“Does the Shenwei with soil need 20,000 points plus a C-grade side plot…” Su Ze’s consciousness returned to his body.

Moreover, thanks to the power system of Chakra in his body, I am afraid that he will have to exchange Chakra first, so I am afraid that more points and side plots will be needed.

“How?” Everyone looked at Su Ze.

“Zheng Zha, can you give me a C-grade side plot? I can give you two thousand points! Su Ze looked at Zheng Zhao and said.

“Two thousand!” Zheng Zha said excitedly.

“Wait! Aze, what do you kid want to exchange? Zhang Jie looked at Su Ze and asked suspiciously.

“Hmm… Chakra. “I didn’t tell the truth, because there was no way to explain it, after all, if the things I exchanged were gone immediately, it would be even more strange.”

“Chakra? What is it? Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan and the others said suspiciously.

“Haven’t you seen Hokage?” Su Ze raised his eyebrows, is there no anime in this reincarnation world?

“Hokage… Is it a movie or anime? The puzzled looks of several people made Su Ze a little speechless.

Then he explained the role of Chakra to everyone.

… Earth….

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