“How can the special power refined by consuming physical strength and using various magical moves called ninjutsu through the seal is a bit like the ability of the little devil?” Zheng Zhao raised his eyebrows.

“Hmm… Indeed, although Chakra’s pressing grid is not as high as other power systems, and there is no way to live forever and strengthen physical fitness, some auxiliary abilities are still very useful, such as see-through eyes, and the ability to climb walls like spiders. ”

Su Ze didn’t explain much, since they didn’t know, then they didn’t have to explain too much, so as not to attract Zheng Zha, and change the plot when the time came.

He vaguely remembered that Zheng Zha seemed to have exchanged abilities such as blood clan and internal strength.

“Alright!” After Zheng Zha broke down his B-level side plot, he gave Su Ze a C-level side plot, and Su Ze also gave him two points.

After successfully redeeming the Kamui Writing Wheel Eye, Su Ze began to choose some “three-three-three” ninjutsu exchange.

Thanks to these ninjutsu, there is no need for side plots.

After buying a piece of chakra paper and testing his chakra attribute as feng shui mine.

Su Ze chose some more practical ninjutsu.

Shadow Doppelgänger Art 2000 points.

Feng Dun broke 200 points.

1000 points for the art of wind escape.

Mizudō Mizubō 100 points, this is a ninjutsu that does not have much power, similar to the flow of water sprayed from a water pipe, and can be used to make edible water or bathing.

1000 points for the art of waterfall.

Thunder Bird 1000 points.

Thunder Ball 500 points.

Lei Dun pseudo-darkness 2000 points.

A total of seven thousand eight points, as for the ninjutsu of Orochimaru, he was going to spend the next few days studying, climbing trees and treading water, and using shadow doppelgangers to practice.

With the remaining seventeen thousand points, Su Ze intends to buy some weapons with unlimited ammunition.

Machine gun with unlimited ammunition, 2700 points, caliber 0.25 mm, firing range 3000 meters, rate of fire of 3500 rounds per minute.

Very easy to use, at least very convenient to use against physical ghosts.

There is also an RPG with unlimited ammo for 2000 points.

With these two weapons, basically physical horror movies are not scared.

The rest is something that is used to deal with supernatural ghost films.

And the ability to deal with supernatural ghosts made Su Ze think of a magical exercise… Arrest the spirit!

This thing can forcibly subdue any spirit body, and it only takes one move.

Even with the help of spirit bodies to strengthen themselves, the family fairies who have survived for an unknown number of years in the anime can also be easily subdued by a sentence, completely ignoring the unsolvable ability of the levels of both sides.

“Let me be Kangkang…” Su Ze opened the Lord God, and then searched for the ability of the Spirit Commander.


“Hold the grass!! The Lord God also has a bug?! Seeing that the price behind was a question mark, he was immediately stunned.

“Could it be that the Lord God didn’t expect such a nonsense exercise?” Su Ze touched his chin, but what is the matter, obviously there is, but it cannot be exchanged.

Redemption list anomaly detected, repairing…

Repair complete!

Su Ze listened to the voice of the Lord God, and then opened the list again to search for the Spirit Commander, and the result…

Sorry, the item can’t be searched!

Suze: …

You’re an old six!!

Su Ze was directly stunned by the Lord God’s wave of extreme operations.

Because the ability was too incomprehensible, the Lord God actually deleted this ability directly.

“Hey!! Are you the Lord God, and such an outrageous operation can also be done?? Su Ze asked a little angrily.

However, the Lord God did not pay attention to him at all.

“Forget it!” Su Ze sighed and began to look for normal weapons to deal with supernatural ghosts.

After all, there are still more than 10,000 points, and you should be able to buy a good weapon.

“Storm Demon Vortex…” Limulu listened to Tolea’s report, touched her chin, and then looked at Miriam on the side.

In the original book, Fobio was fooled by the people of the Mean Clown Company, in order to find the decisive battle of Miriam to find the field, so he came here.

But now, Miriam should not have come forward, that… Forbio must have been beaten by Diablo…

Limulu remembered that there was indeed such an item in Red Pill’s report before, because of disobedience, Forbio was killed by Diablo in a second.

“It seems that this time I came for Diablo, but I’m not that pedantic.” Limulu touched his chin and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

With his current strength, it is actually difficult to cause damage to the Storm Demon Vortex, after all, the magic power of the Storm Demon Vortex prevents Limulu’s magic power from dropping even more.

And it also has the skill of super speed regeneration, no matter how to fight, there is nothing Limlu can do with it in a short time, after all, it is comparable to the existence of the awakened demon king, the wild son of Verudra…….

“Miriam, let me take you to an interesting place!” Limulu rubbed the head of Miriam, who was eating snacks on the side, and smiled slightly.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Miriam said excitedly.

In this way, Miriam was successfully fooled by Limulu to the place where the Storm Demon Vortex was.

“Keep a mercy under your hand!” Limulu pointed at the Storm Demon Vortex and said with a smile.

“No problem!” Miriam saluted, then flew straight up.

Miriam struck.

One move Dragon Star diffusion explosion!

Miriam finished fighting.

The Storm Demon Vortex is gone!

Lim showed his hand to save Forbio, and by the way, devoured the core of the Storm Demon Vortex. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That’s a good thing.

“Hmm…” Forbio struggled to get up from the ground, although he was saved, but Limulu did not use the recovery medicine for him, so there were still a lot of wounds on his body, and Miriam’s big move was very powerful.

“Lord Miriam! And…,” Forbio said in shock when he saw Miriam.

“My name is Limuru, master of Thurat Enpest, you have come to trouble my subordinates.” Limulu smiled and said.

“What’s wrong with me?” It didn’t seem to have fully recovered, Forbio asked suspiciously.

“The story you and the Storm Demon Vortex have to mention…”

“Eh!” Anyway, after 4.2 came, Forbio was stunned, but because he didn’t do anything disrespectful to Miriam, he just stayed in place.

“Okay, I won’t kill you, just let you go back and bring a word to Calion, he owes me once!” After Limulu finished speaking, he didn’t care about Forbio’s reaction, waved his hand, and went back directly with Miriam.

“Lord Rimlu!” Upon returning, everyone gathered together and looked at Limulu with a worried expression.

Because they have also heard about the Storm Demon Vortex, it is comparable to the existence of the Demon King.

“It’s okay, it’s been solved!”

“Hey, hey! I’m out of the horse! Easy to do! Miriam smiled and posed.

“Oh!! Worthy of Lord Limulu! ”

“Long live Lord Rimulu!! Long live Lord Miriam!! ”

Limurlu: ???

What does it have to do with me?


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