When the two looked at the starry sky outside the window, Zheng Zha also woke up, followed by Zhan Lan.

In order to protect Zhan Lan’s safety, Su Ze directly gave her a devil fruit, although it was not natural, it was indeed a rare flying devil fruit egret fruit.

It’s just that this ability doesn’t seem to have any effect in the next world.

But how to say that it is also an animal line, as long as Zhan Lan can work hard to develop this devil fruit, or even awaken, he can also get the strong recovery ability of the animal line.

Then comes the normal panic part.

Except for Chu Xuan Overlord and Zero Point, the rest were ordinary people, and there were even three spirit guys with yellow hair, who took out a toy gun and wanted to threaten them, but they were recognized by a strong man.

Su Ze did not speak, but took out a special mask from the ring and put it on his face, the ability of white eyes, he did not want to expose it for the time being.

Anyway, real eyes don’t shine, so even if they look at each other, no one will be able to see the eyes under Su Ze’s mask.

Next, under Su Ze’s prompt, Zhan Lan began to introduce the situation and got 100 points by the way. 577

“Talk nonsense early in the morning, don’t talk to Lao Tzu! What the hell is this place? The three flowing spirit guys came to Zhan Lan with iron bars in their hands and scolded.

“These three are basically helpless, my suggestion is to break their legs and let them fend for themselves here, so as not to drag us back when the time comes.” Su Ze, who was wearing a mask, stood behind Zhan Lan and said lightly.

He has watched the anime, these three people belong to the delivery of vegetables, not long after the beginning of the game, they were captured by aliens, either for giving birth or for eating.

“Oh… You guys calm down! Think about it! The Lord God has transmitted what you need to know into your heads. Zheng Zha couldn’t see such a cruel picture, and quickly stood up to be a peacemaker.

Now Zheng Zhao has not experienced the misery of being pitted by newbies, nor has he seen his teammates brutally killed by newcomers, so he is still relatively friendly to these newcomers.

Unfortunately, the three of them were completely unappreciative, holding iron rods and began to threaten Zhan Lan and Zheng Zha in front of them.

“Shut up you three waste! Roll Lao Tzu!! Even Zhang Jie couldn’t stand it, and directly took out the sand eagle and aimed it at the three.

“Where are you?! Damn, to sell fakes, you also have to buy four or five types, Desert Eagle? What a tm! Do you think anyone can get the Desert Eagle? At a glance, you will know that it is a fake! The spirit guy came to Zhang Jie with an iron rod, and just about to make a move, Zhang Jie didn’t have any hesitation, and directly aimed a shot at the thigh of the spirit guy at the head.


It seemed that he hadn’t reacted yet, and the spirit guy looked at his bloody thigh and was stunned for a moment.



After the brain reacted, the spirit guy sat down directly and let out a harsh wail.

Seeing that Zhang Jie’s pistol was real, everyone except for Overlord Chu Xuan Zero suddenly changed their faces.

There was even a female white-collar worker who was so frightened that she screamed directly.

At this moment, the three spirit guys finally became honest.

Next, in order not to attract Chu Xuan’s attention, Su Ze did not steal Zheng Zha’s limelight again, and he gradually began to consciously lead everyone on tasks like in the anime.

However, although Su Ze didn’t want to be in the limelight, his dress was still too weird, after all, everyone here was wearing a mask on him.

So several people looked at Su Ze from time to time.

Su Ze, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and kept observing the situation around him.

There are two aliens around them, but since this low-end alien has no vision or hearing, they have not been found for the time being.

Su Ze planned to go up and solve them, after all, this alien seems to be five hundred pieces, and the queen alien is even more valuable, and several people can get a few thousand on average.

If you can kill alone (BGDI), I am afraid that it will be tens of thousands of points.

Looking at the hole above his head, Su Ze jumped lightly and came to the ceiling.

“Aze! What are you doing? Zhan Lan suddenly became a little nervous after seeing Su Ze jump up.

“You guys keep going, I’ll come later.” Su Ze’s voice came out from above.

Zhan Lan looked at Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie.

The two nodded, and Zhan Lan did not continue to ask, after all, she also knew her man’s strength, and Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha believed him.

“What did he go for?” Chu Xuan was a little curious, this situation broke away from the team, if it was not someone with extremely strong strength, it was simply looking for death.

“I don’t know, but don’t worry, he’s not the kind of person who can make stupid mistakes, and besides, his strength is the strongest among us.” Zhang Jie said lightly.

After hearing this, Chu Xuan bowed his head slightly, pushed his glasses, did not say anything more, and continued to set off with everyone.

On Su Ze’s side, two aliens have been found. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After easily killing the two aliens with the magic sword, Su Ze began to continue searching.

Judging from the anime, there seem to be only about five low-level aliens in this world.

Four of them had already appeared, the other had been met on the way to the Queen Alien, and one had just hatched.

“And two… Supercilious!! Su Ze rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere.

“Has Zheng Zha already met there…” Su Ze was not in a hurry to go over, because Zheng Zha would open the gene lock in this battle, and if Su Ze interfered with the battle, it would cause Zheng Zha to be unable to become stronger.

“Let this one be given to you…” In the anime, Zheng Zhao tore the alien with his hand and punched it with the last punch, so this alien is no longer saved.

Su Ze continued to roll his eyes, going deep into other places, wanting to see if he could find more aliens, but unfortunately, the number of aliens seemed to be as many as shown in the movie.

I don’t know if the controller of this reincarnation space simply copied the difficulty setting in the anime, if his strength is really in the main god space, this world is definitely a death copy of 20 people, and there must be dozens or even hundreds of aliens.

However, through these situations, Su Ze can roughly guess some situations, first of all, this reincarnation world is not as advanced as the main god space.

Whether it is a system bug, a difficulty setting, or a chat group that you can easily use, there is no hint or punishment for taking out or even sending away the things exchanged from the Lord God.

It can all be shown that the controller behind this reincarnation space is just a program without thinking.

This is very similar to the main god space, if the main god is a supercomputer without thinking, then the main god of reincarnation space is an ordinary computer without thinking, or a supercomputer that has been hit by a virus…

“Wait! In this way, if it is really a virus, then that virus… Am I not myself? Su Ze raised his eyebrows and thought with a strange face.


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