“It seems that it should be my appearance that affected this place…” Su Ze touched his chin.

However, this is also a good thing, if you really limit your chat group and the difficulty soars, then you will definitely not be so comfortable.

Don’t think about anything else, you can experience various worlds here, you can exchange anything you want, and you can also provide yourself with what you want from other worlds in the group.

That’s fine…

“Found you!” After finding the position of the alien queen, the corners of Su Ze’s mouth hooked~.

As long as you kill the alien queen alone, you can – exclusive economy.

“They are now… It’s almost time for the main control room, be sure to solve the alien queen before they investigate the return mission! After Su Ze checked Zhang Jie’s location with a blank eye, he quickly ran towards the position of the alien queen.

By simply changing the story, you can trigger the rewards of the side story, so kill the Alien Queen before they can investigate their mission, and the mission will definitely be changed.

This is Su Ze’s plan, after all, some good things on the main god’s side need to consume side plots, Su Ze does not lack points, but this is the thing.

Although I don’t know if the plot will become simpler or more difficult after killing the Alien Queen in advance, these have nothing to do with Su Ze.

According to the situation after this Lord God was hacked by himself, there is a high probability that there will be no more dangerous situation.

Coming to the room where the alien queen was, Su Ze directly stretched out his hand.

The technique of the water wave hand did not need to be sealed, and a large amount of water gushed out from Su Ze’s palm.

Watching the water gradually spread over the entire floor, Su Ze made a mark and put his hand on the ground.

“Chidori !!!”

Squeak Squeak!!

In an instant, thunder flashed, and all the alien eggs began to twitch with electricity.

After a while, a large number of alien eggs began to emit black smoke, and they were directly scorched by Lei Duan.

After sensing the death of a large number of her eggs, the sleeping alien queen finally woke up and let out a roar in front of Su Ze.

Lei Dun Fake Dark!!

The hand quickly froze, and after completion, a sharp thunder gun instantly flew out from Su Ze’s mouth.


The huge body of the Alien Empress did not have time to dodge, and was instantly penetrated by the thunder gun.

Looking at the fifteen thousand points lit up on the watch, as well as an A side plot, Su Ze grinned, and sure enough, there was a side story reward.

And because he directly killed the final boss, it was actually a side plot of A, after all, it requires everyone to work together to kill, Su Ze single kill, it is reasonable to give this reward.

The Queen of the Beasts is dead! Mission change: Clear the ship of all alien beasts!

After the Lord God finished reporting the new task, Su Ze looked at his watch and found that this task was still time-limited.

There are also two aliens on board, so it is only limited to an hour.

If you can’t kill the remaining two aliens in an hour, then the mission fails, everyone will die here, and the way to kill them… Most likely it is to detonate the entire spacecraft.

And how to detonate, probably Zhang Jie, some of their waste there was too excited to mistakenly operate and start the spacecraft’s self-detonation system.

“Exactly, borrow those two alien hands to clean up a few useless waste…” Although Su Ze didn’t know if the previous rush was the same as in the original book, useless people died.

But with Chu Xuan here, useless people will definitely be treated as cannon fodder, although it will leave them a glimmer of life, but ordinary people will definitely not be able to calm down when they encounter this kind of thing, and finally die because they are too excited.

Su Ze did not return to the main control room, but came to a certain place and stared at the situation over there with white eyes.

If the two aliens hadn’t been solved before the 5 minutes left in the countdown, he would take it personally.

In the end, Su Ze did not have a chance to make a move.

Because Chu Xuan made a move, he was similar to the original work, and fooling a few wastes became bait.

After finally killing the two aliens who blocked the door, the remaining few people successfully returned to the reincarnation space.

Unlike in the anime, there is an additional overlord.

After all, this time the alien queen killed herself.

“Aze!!” After returning to the main god space, Zhan Lan directly threw himself into Su Ze’s arms.

“I’m worried about death!” After Zhan Lan lightly punched Su Ze, she directly hugged him and gnawed it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“You killed the Queen of Beasts?” And Chu Xuan seemed to be unable to see the situation clearly, walked directly to the side of the two, and stared at Su Ze curiously and said.

“What do you think?” Su Ze smiled, didn’t say anything, and directly pulled Zhan Lan back to his room.

After a battle between the two, Su Ze put his arm around Zhan Lan, who had fallen asleep, and his consciousness entered the chat group.

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Everyone, I got an A side story, there are still 34,000 points, do you have anything you want, you can exchange it with me!

This time the world survived a thousand points, completed the main quest one thousand points, killed two aliens one thousand points, alien queen fifteen thousand, this is eighteen.

Add in the remaining sixteen thousand points from last time, for a total of thirty-four thousand.

Dopo-Xiao Ze: Are there any ice attribute items that can help subdue the alien fire?

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Are you going to take the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire?

Doupo-Xiao Ze: No, I didn’t go to the Gama Imperial Capital, I came directly to Canaan Academy, intending to pry Xiao Yan’s corner and take Kaoru’er down.

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Can you take Kaoru’er?

Dragon Ball – Son Goku: You haven’t woken up yet…

Dopo-Xiao Ze: It’s not up to you! Is there anything that can change people’s feelings? By the way, it’s better to find something that can subdue the alien fire and resist the high increase first, since I can only obtain one kind, then I definitely have to take down this cultivation cheater Fall Heart Yan!

Reincarnation Space – Suze: Eh… I’ll help you find it.

I didn’t expect myself to be so brave and dare to attack Kaoru’er.

Su Ze raised his eyebrows, to know that Kaoru’er during the Canaan Academy period, only Xiao Yan was alone in his heart, and to pry the corner at this time was simply …

“But since it’s yourself, let’s help!” Su Ze began to look in the list of exchanges.

“Huh! This thing! Su Ze raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Reincarnation Space – Suze: Anti-Fire Potion! What do you think? This thing is very cheap and can also ignore any heat for the duration of the potion.

Dopo-Xiao Ze: Oh yes!!!! I want me!!

Reincarnation Space – Su Ze: Eight-minute anti-gunpowder potion, 500 points a bottle, how many bottles do you want?

Dopo-Xiao Ze: Can I ask for ten bottles…

Reincarnation Space – Suze: ???

Reincarnation Space – Suze: Nima 5000 points! I can buy two semi-unlimited ammo RPGs! Isn’t this more real than a different fire?

… Mountain….

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