Mermaid Effect

Chapter 110:


For many people, that night was crazy and dark, and even after many years they remembered that night, they still felt that it was a nightmare.

No one thought about it at the time, the experimental bodies that escaped from the deep-skinned "Serb plan" would stop in Kansas, a city far from the sea, and the Alpha team - that is a complete team of 35 people, That night completely lost the trace.

Many people, until many years later, the file was still marked with a **** "missing" seal - until the end of their bodies still could not be found.

Of course, for Duran of the Zero team, he still has a relationship with this.

The moon is very bright.

There are a few thin clouds in the sky that are dyed silver by the moonlight that is too bright.

Next to him, a member of the team suddenly said.

"Oh, it's like a dead eye."

The man said that he pointed to the moon in the sky, then took out the smoke from his arms and lit it.


Duran clenched his gun in his hand, and he couldn't understand what the partner said. In fact, after joining "Poseidon", there are too many things here that he can't figure out. For example, he couldn’t think of the Alpha team led by "Squid" who would lose all his staff... He had seen "Squid" and worshipped him. He couldn’t imagine that someone like him would let his team go from all All of the communication tools disappeared, and he was so worried that he couldn’t even get up to cope with his partner’s words.

By the way, his partner is already the oldest group of "Poseidon" still alive. Like all the predecessors, they love to pretend to be a rookie who has just joined Poseidon for less than a year. Suspense.

"Hey, isn't it possible to smoke in the mission?" After a while, Duran asked in a less certain tone.

"Oh, what do you call us doing now called 'task'?"

His partner made a hoarse laughter, and the tone was full of irony, which made Duran feel a little angry.

Well, Duran admits that what they do may be difficult to describe with "tasks" - they are just at the highway.

Deep White managed to work with the government today, and they got permission to set up roadblocks on every road outside Kansas City and check the drivers of the vehicles.

Duran looked at the documents that were given to them, and Rand Sifus on it looked more like a librarian, a moderate community worker than the rumored rich second generation - - and dangerous pollutants that are now painted with a red warning sign.

For the young Duran, it is really hard to imagine that the weak and weak young man in the photo could destroy the "squid" group to the extent that there was no residue left. Even if he told him that Rand Sifus had already been shackled.

After hearing Duran's words, the ridicule on his partner's face became deeper.

"Oh, you just haven't seen those disgusting experiments, you don't know how much they are -"

What is it?

Duran didn't hear the partner finish the conversation.

Because the other side of the remote road they were observing suddenly lit up the lights of the vehicle.

"God, finally someone is coming..."

The partner stretched out and slid the guns behind his waist, then picked up the documents previously provided to them by the state government and went to the roadblock.

A gray Dodge car stopped in front of the roadblock.

Duran was right in his hat. He ran up and knocked on the window.

After a while, the window with the black sunscreen slowly shook, and a woman's face appeared behind the window.

"Safety check, madam, please show your driver's license..."

His partner said slowly, and then took the driver's license from the woman.

He glanced quickly (Duran was very suspicious that he didn't look at it at all) and handed the driver's license to her.

"Okay, you can go -"


Duran suddenly interrupted the partner. He squinted at the front passenger seat next to the woman. A man wrapped in a blanket and his head pulled on the window and looked like he was falling asleep.

"Who is that?"

He frowned and asked.

The woman’s mouth twitched tightly.

"My friend - what's wrong? Is it a hindrance to bring your friends into a city?"

Her voice is sharp and sharp.

"Let her show her face from the blanket."

Duran said that he always felt that something was not quite right. He took out a flashlight from behind his back and took it on the person who was wrapped in a blanket.

"What do you want to do with this group of bitches? She is not comfortable today, you are fucking-"

"Ms! Let her show her face!"

Duran’s partner suddenly said with sternness that he patted the hood of the car hard, but the move succeeded in screaming the woman.

"You **** the aging mother's hood?! I tell you this, you **** white dog, I will sue you, you are racist! You dare to move my car again. The little chicken and the **** raised by your **** are smashed down into your fart and eyes..."

The obese black woman in the driver's seat yelled, and a swearing swearing squirted out of her thick black lips like a fountain until a hoarse and weak cockroach came out from behind the blanket of the front passenger seat.

"Oh, God... what is going on here? Lena, you made my head hurt even more..."

A pale woman emerged from behind the blanket, and she pressed her hand to her temple, which was very painful and weak.

She had a very light moist smell, just like she had just showered... but the taste was quickly overshadowed by the strong wine after her opening.

"Ha? Who do you think is causing you a headache? I told you not to drink so much! You think that George is the chick that drunk you for what it is, just to let you open your legs and let him-"

"Oh, for God's sake, Lena, shut up."

That woman 吟·吟道.

She apparently didn't realize how her own appearance made Duran fall into a shackle—especially the woman named Lena, who looked like a female hyena like him, looking like he wanted it. Take a sip on his neck.

"Oh, sorry, your ID..."

In order to save a game, Duran said dryly.

He got the driver's license called the 珂兰达米切尔女.

The woman in the photo looks subtly inconsistent with her in reality, but after he turned his eyes back and forth between the photo and the real person, she gave him a blank eye.

"I don't have makeup, is this also a violation of the law?"


A burst of silence spread between Duran and her.

His partner yawned and then pulled out the driver's license from Duran and gave it to the Lanta Mitchell.

"You can……"

His partner said.

But before he finished, Duran and his communicator rang at the same time.

[Notice: completely block all roads, prohibiting all personnel from passing]

After that, there were dozens of pages of government documents.


Duran exchanged a look at the same time with his partner, and then looked at the "blockbuster" in front of their eyes that had apparently reached the edge of anger.

"you can go now."

His partner made a decision before Duran, he said.


The woman vomited rudely, and the window shook up to cover her face.

After the Dodge car slowly drove away, Duran relieved with relief.

"That's why I hate women."

His partner muttered, then slammed a handful of Duran's ass.

"Don't be in a daze, rookie, we have to make up the warning line."

He set up a red roadblock on the road and began to fill the water.

This road has been completely blocked from now on - just like all other roads into and out of Kansas City.


About ten kilometers after leaving the **** roadblock, the gray Dodge car slowly stopped at the side of the road.

Rand opened the blanket, and on his trousers, the part of the calf had been stained red by blood.

The smell of alcohol and blood in the air fermented into a dizzying taste. The black woman got out of the car in disgust, and then watched Rand limping back to the driver's seat.

Rand took two hundred dollars from the wallet and handed it to her. After thinking about it, he took another hundred pieces of money and put it on her hand.

She accepted it unceremoniously.

"Thank you, if it wasn't you..."

Rand said palely, but his words were interrupted by the other side.

"Shut up, I don't need to listen to the rest of your words. I don't know about you, and the guy in your back seat is really getting something. I only know that I didn't do anything this night. No one has. I met, I just dragged my drunk friend out of her **** boyfriend's house and sent her home - that's all! Do you understand?"

Rand closed his mouth and nodded.

“Very good,” the woman patted his hood heavily. “Forgot to say, your wig is good.”

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked in the opposite direction of the road.

Rand re-ignited the engine of the car and headed for the night. 2k novel reading network

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