Mermaid Effect

Chapter 111:


Munster felt like a fish that was grilled on a wire fence.

It used to watch that on TV, a terrible cooking show, a well-known Japanese chef put a raw octopus in soy sauce and mustard and put the poor gadget in a charcoal fire, the scene Let Munster do a long nightmare.

However, its situation is no better than that of the octopus.

Its body temperature is soaring, painful, and thinking becomes extremely difficult—perhaps because its brains shed halfway through the previous explosion—but at the same time, the only thing that feels better on him is its head. The mucus that wraps around its head brings some damp coolness, the same feeling that Rand brings it.


Its tail twitched hard and made a small embarrassment.


Rand slammed the brakes and brought a series of whistle behind the car.

His heart pounded and quickly parked the car on the emergency path, then he jumped directly into the back seat after pulling the handbrake and placed his hand next to Munster's face.

"Thank God... Munster..."

Rand's lips trembled, and there was some whimper in his throat.

He couldn't even say a complete sentence, only to gently call Munster's name.

From today's series of tragedies to the present, Rand only feels that his soul has fallen into a never-ending nightmare, suffering and afflicting him. The tremendous pressure is like a mountain pressing on his slender nerves and reason.

But in such a short moment, when Rand heard the illegible voice of "Rand", he felt redemption comfort.

Munster opened the only remaining eye and stared at Rand moistly.


Every opening and closing of his lips would bring great pain. Rand set his mind. He tried to maintain the fragile calm of "everything is good" in front of Munster, and then whispered in a voice: " Hey, baby, we can talk later, you need to rest now..."

Munster’s eyes licked.

"... looks beautiful."

It insisted on it.

Rand grabbed his face with his hand, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. Under such circumstances, Munster, as he remembered, took childlike simplicity and innocence.

Rand licked his stiff, cold cheek and barely smiled.

“Thank you,” he said, after a while he added, “But this is not the correct aesthetic. I wear it like this just because of the situation...”

Rand refers to his current black long curly hair and l red ladies shirt and **** lipstick on his lips.

He tried to touch Munster's face and gave it some little comfort. His movements were very cautious, but he still found Munster's face covered with a hard shell, its The skin is drying up due to lack of water.

When Rand touched it, a few scales fell off his eyes.

"Oh no……"

Rand bit his lip. He checked Munster's body. Sure enough, because of the lack of water, the scales became very dry and brittle.

Rand didn't know if it was because of the injury or for other reasons, but it now looks like a fish that died because of lack of water.

This discovery has made Rand overwhelmed.


"No, don't talk to Munster," Rand hurriedly interrupted it. "I have to take you to a place with water... I will think of a way..."

At the beginning, Rand first thought of the river, or the lake, and even the fountain on the square, but when his sight fell on the horrible wound on Munster’s head, he knew that it is now more What is needed is a truly clean water source, and for Rand himself, he also needs a sufficient * environment to deal with his **** leg.

Munster gradually calmed down, it didn't make any more noise, but it stretched out his claws and gently pulled Rand's hand.

It gently swiped on Rand's palm.

[I love you] It writes.

[Don't worry about me] (it misspelled the word "worry").

Rand went down and kissed his forehead gently.

"You know, I love you too... I will always be with you."

He said.


At three in the morning, Rand noticed that there were unusually more black vans on the highway in the opposite direction. They were the same as the one that Rand had seen before. The all black surface was covered. The license plates and the remodeled lights are also very conspicuous.

They came one after another, and the dazzling yellow light flashed close to Rand, and then whizzed past him. The red taillights were like the eyes of two ominous devils disappearing into the misty night.

The passing of every black van made Rand's nerves a little tighter. His palms were full of cold sweat and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

The only thing to be grateful for is that his grey dodge is as much as he thinks, ordinary, without personality, hidden in the scarce car in the night is not conspicuous - but who can guarantee that there will be no new level in front And checking is waiting for him?

When Rand noticed that the black vans began to move in the direction of Kansas in the form of a five-car squad, he knew he had to make a decision.

It was also at this time that he saw a green street sign.

[Sweet Bunny Mountain Villa 5km]

The place name made Rand feel familiar. He thought for a while, then remembered that when he was a librarian, he had seen a reporter interviewing the place in the newspaper.

It was a legal color and sentimental place that was very popular among certain special groups. Dozens of legal residences were located in the outer suburbs of Kansas, and eventually formed a small town. The "Sweet Bunny Mountain Villa" is one of the most famous.

After five kilometers, Rand drove off the ramp without deceleration and left the highway.

It didn't take long before he saw the "small town", and the pink neon and the vulgar giant signs were particularly conspicuous in the dark.

Rand slowed down the speed.

He found a car hospital. If you don't understand what it is, imagine it is the 餐厅·院版 of the car restaurant: you can sit in the car, open a room in a window, order a few girls or men, then They drove the car into the parking lot inside the building, and went directly to their room through a hidden elevator, enjoying the “big meal” that they had before.

It is safe, convenient and excellent to take care of the customers.

And this is what Rand needs now.


“A room with a bathtub.”

He stopped the car at the window, covered his face with a wig, and then said stiffly to the front desk (he didn't even know if the title was appropriate).

"Okay, first... madam."

Behind the counter, a lady with freckles and glasses, her headband behind her head made Rand inexplicably think of her middle school principal, and this made him feel the first time he entered this place. More nervous.

“Do you need a 'colored class' or a 'white type'?”

After a while she said to Rand.


Rand looked at her blankly, and after a moment he suddenly reacted. Almost all the blood poured into his cheek.

"No, I don't need a girl, I..." he stuttered.

"Hey, we usually call them staff here," the front desk was dissatisfied with a ballpoint pen on the desktop of the window. She looked slightly over Rand's car, and Munster's silver hair was in the dark carriage. Still very conspicuous, then she raised her eyebrows. "Well, I understand. You know that we don't support the takeaway here in principle... But who called the recent economic downturn?! The room rate is increased by one hundred, Ms. ”

She sighed and said.

After Rand gave the money, she tore off the documents for the reservation and picked up a parcel and handed it to him.

In the parcel, a strawberry-flavored condom and the same lubricating fluid were placed. Rand even saw a "safety note."

"Wait a minute, I don't need to..."

“Hey, listen, we are here to provide safe, clean service, even if you are a takeaway. This is our philosophy here, and we hope that all those who come here can better understand safety. The importance of **** and behavior, you know the incidence of AIDS..."

"Okay, ok! Stop, I understand!"

Rand raised his hand and interrupted the lady. He caught the parcel with awkwardness and gestured to indicate that he had truly accepted the "idea".

However, when he was about to start the car and leave the window, the lady knocked on his window again.

"Sorry, I almost forgot to ask..."

She apologized to Rand.

Then put a row of things that Rand had only seen in the picture before.

The mouth plug, the anus, the plug, the electric rod... The last is a forty centimeters long, and the black simulation of the arm thickness is based on a 1 bar (its model is called "nightmare").

"...Do you need these? New customer special offers, you can try it at half price!"

She is very eager to sell.


Rand sluggishly looked at the horrible stuff. After a few seconds, he opened his mind subconsciously: "No, I don't need... I will take the last thing, the black one."

He suddenly changed his mouth.

"Wow...oh... then I wish you and your ‘friend’ have fun tonight.”

The front desk blinked and gave a meaningful impression.

The author has something to say: So guess what Rand is doing with that impure thing~=v=


Here, Rand and Munster said "I love you" and love "I love you" is completely different... It is the family "I love you" Oh... Don't misunderstand... 2k

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