Mermaid Effect

Chapter 137:

Munster still has a feeling of weakness in his body. The tranquilizers that are injected into his body have great side effects. They make Munster's nerves in a paralyzed state. What's even worse is that these nerve-damping anesthetics have messed up Munster's homeostasis – another heat that is being fermented in the body of Munster.


This metamorphosis, which is very important for Samuel, comes at such an anachronistic time.

Munster's fingertips and tentacles began to become dull, and the pain after a while was like the rising tide, and Munster had encountered such a situation before, so it knew that in the next period of time. The pain will get stronger and stronger - it has to secrete a lot of mucus to build a strong enough nest, where it squats down the old skin that has been inactivated, and evolves...

Like all the scorpions, Munster before the transformation will usher in the weakest period of time. And now it's obviously not a good time - it's not only weak, but it hasn't been eaten for a long time.

The fats and energy that Rand cultivated with "venison" and gentle love have long been consumed. The sputum change requires a lot of energy. Under such circumstances, some parts of Munster's body have to be self-digested to provide basic energy for metamorphosis... and the pain is unimaginable.

"Rand... Rand..."

Munster called the name of the beloved in the dark, hoping that he could give it a little response.

In Munster's view, even Rand's shortest comfort can make it a bit better, but the stunned Rand never ignores it.

Munster could even see a marked trace of pain on his face, feeling that his breathing began to accelerate, and his hand waving weakly seemed to want to resist.

In the absence of consciousness, Rand still acts like a person who can't wake up in a nightmare. This made the uneasy uneasiness in Munster's heart, which was very scary, even more intense.

Rand is ill.

Munster stared at the other's pale face and his brows.

It should send Rand to the hospital...

The pain made Munster's movements a bit clumsy.

It casts a bloodthirsty glimpse in the direction of the "prince" in the dark. It has already remembered the smell of the "hybrid"...

Basically, in the company of Rand, Munster is a carefree and sunny mermaid. Even if it is eating, it has no maliciousness to its own food. It is annoying in this world. The individual may only have one Rogers - of course, it was before the "Prince" appeared.

Munster is profound and extremely hateful of "Prince."

It doesn't just want to kill him, it wants to torture him, in the most cruel way, this is a bit strange, and it is very rare to have "targeted" individuals in this way... but just think of "Prince." "The fierceness in Munster's body is about to boil."

The current situation has made Munster no way to think deeply. Although it wanted to kill the "prince", he almost went crazy, but the situation of Rand made Munster finally choose not to alarm "Prince", which sneaked into the dark subway tunnel with Rand quietly. in.

Rand is always the most important...

Hatred, physical pain, can't compare with the man who sobbed in his arms.

The abandoned subway tunnel is dark and deep, and it seems that there will never be an end. The old brick walls on both sides were plagued by water seepage, covered with moss, and there were occasional small creatures squeaking in the cracks of the masonry. Several mice smashed the rotten stray dog ​​alongside a railroad track. The corpses, when Munster climbed quickly from them, they dispersed, but soon the dragons were together.

The air is filled with the smell of sewage and mud, and if humans walk here, they may feel hypoxic.

Time gradually slipped into the early morning. There was a rumble in the top of Munster's head, which was the running test of the city track before the first shift.

It will not be long before the whole city becomes awake from sleep...

Perhaps Rand also felt this?

After sneaking in ten minutes, he gradually began to wake up... No, he shouldn’t be able to say “awake,” and Munster soon realized that he was not right. He seems to be simply out of the coma of worry-free coma, but the mind is still not clear. There was a vague and painful sputum between his lips, with a crying nasal sound, the pupils were very large in the dark, and there was no focal length in sight. After smelling Munster's breath, he began to struggle.


He shouted mechanically, but couldn't say a complete word. His hands and feet were softly pushing Munster.

"Rand, Rand, I am here... I will stay with you..."

Munster instinctively clasped Rand, and in the past, they always used this tight hug to give each other courage and stability. But this time, when Munster tightened his arm, Rand's reaction completely exceeded its expectations.

He is like a stimulus, and the struggle has become more intense in a flash.

"Put - put - put -"

A sharp and screaming scream from the throat of Rand.

In the quiet tunnel, his screams were exceptionally loud, and one response echoed back and forth in a narrow orbit, and finally passed to the far side...

"How dare you -"

"Prince" slammed his eyes open, and he jumped up and swiftly moved toward the position of the medical warehouse - the damaged medical compartment and the leaking medical fluid all over the floor... everything was so clear in the blink of an eye Clear.

Munster and Rand escaped!

The prince made an angry roar, his eyes turned red in a flash, and almost no thoughts, he forced to change from a human gesture to the ugly deformation of the shackles - even if it would make it The wound is exacerbated during the process of deformation.

A large amount of secretions and pus are ejected from its wounds and mixed with the medical fluid that has deteriorated and emits malodor. The whole scene looked so horrible that the awakened Laiza couldn’t help but open his mouth.

"His Royal Highness, please don't do this, your physical condition..."

She hadn't finished talking, and her throat was entangled in a tentacle-like thing with a knot.

Her whole person was lifted straight up and sent to the prince. Although she was busy struggling because of pain and lack of oxygen, her vague eyes could not see the prince's face that was extremely horrible because of fury and deformation.

"I will punish you! You damn... traitor!"

Said the prince.

Then it dragged Laisha behind him, and dozens of squat legs growing from his side (now more called "it") were deeply embedded in the brick wall, and it began to fly quickly. Climb in the direction of the sound.

At the other end, Munster is still trying to appease Rand, who is getting more and more excited.

He was struggling, his teeth and nails left a lot of scratches on Munster's body, but on the other hand, he looked scared like a nightmare child.

He trembled and cried, but the sound could not even come together.

"Put - put - let go - let go -"

Like a broken tape recorder, after facing the face of Munster, Rand will only keep repeating these words. In normal times, even if Rand struggles even more, and if his nails are sharper across his skin, Munster will not have any troubles or troubles.

But the pain before the degeneration has made it extraordinarily weak.

The waves of pain are rising, waves of waves...

Insufficient energy.




Moreover, Munster had to carefully converge his strength to avoid hurting the fragile Rand.

In the superposition of numerous bad situations, finally in a careless way, Munster let Rand break out of its arms. The latter fell directly to the ground after being free, but Rand could not even get up.

Like a puppies, he crawled on the ground and crawled forward with the ground, crying and mourning. The palms and knees were quickly drenched by the steel gaps and broken glass scattered on the ground... those tiny pains may be Once again, he was stimulated in some places.

He finally rolled over to a corner next to the railroad track where the gravel fell and the **** piled up, hugged his head with his hands, sobbing and curling together.

"Let's let go... let go..."

He shook like a newborn kitten, his eyes were dull, his mouth kept muttering, and his tears drenched his cheeks.

Regardless of the aspect, Rand’s mental condition is not healthy.

In fact, he looks more like now...

"Rand? What happened to you? Rand... It's me, I am Munster... I won't hurt you... you know..."

Munster stunned his hand to Rand.

It does not understand what it is all about.

That fear cast the sickle... The sickle is falling... 2k

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