Mermaid Effect

Chapter 138:

Rand's frightened appearance made Munster very heartbroken.

It has heard the "beep" from the other side of the tunnel, which is the footsteps of the prince. There is no time to delay, and Munster knows this clearly.

Its tentacles begin to harden from the tail... Under normal conditions, the tentacles will lose their vitality after hardening and eventually fall off. The new touch of Samuel will only grow in the later stages of the break. After the tentacles hardened, Munster felt that his balance had some minor problems. His skin was very painful and the abdominal cavity was sunken because of self-digestion.

But on the surface, Munster remained calm.

I can't let the sick Rand feel worried... It thinks like this.

"Rand, you are sick, I want to send you to the hospital." It softened his voice, slowly approaching Rand, and opened his arm to hold the crying man into his arms. "You It will be fine, everything will be fine."

it says.

"Let me go... let go of me..."

After feeling that he was hugged, Rand hysterically yelled and began to beat Munster's body.

He was already scared to cry, and his voice became hoarse. And Munster wanted to pick up his ear for the first time after hearing his voice.

The voice was filled with disgust and fear that could not be ignored, and the heart of this little monster was crushed.

"Rand, Rand..."

Munster shouted his name and hoped that Rand would be a little more awake.

Rand patted it again and again, biting his neck and arms, his emotions were so excited that he looked like a seizure.

"Everything will be fine, you are sick, Rand, everything will be fine."

Munster forced Rand in his arms, "Prince" was chasing, Munster could even hear his little root, the woman's sobbing.

It comforted Rand over and over again and wanted to leave the place.

However, after a quick walk of a dozen meters, Munster's figure swayed and made a sigh.

Its hands were no longer able to hold on to the mad struggle, and the latter fell from its arms and squatted on the ground.

His pupil was like a stone without any luster, and his mouth was as low as a burnt throat.

"Let me go... let go..."

He is still repeating this sentence, and his hands are dripping down a lot of blood.

There are deep visible bone cuts on his palms and fingers, and blood is pouring from the wound, and these wounds are actually left by a long piece of glass shards - the glass is now trapped Munster's chest.

It didn't have much blood flowing out of the wound... At least, it didn't look as horrible as Rand's hands, and a deep blue blood line slowly flowed from the glass into the chest.

Munster looked down at the broken glass that Rand had pierced into his body, and looked up at the man who was twitching in front of fear and fear. The deep red eyes showed a deep sigh.


It shouted dryly.

"It hurts."

it says.

Munster's skin is preparing for phlegm, they become soft and slack, and it is precisely because of this that Rand is able to puncture the glass into its body... and Rand, who does all this, listens I don't know what Munster said, because he was too scared. He had been holding the piece of broken glass tightly. The sharp edge of the gadget almost cut his fingers.

The wound that hurt made his sobs louder.

"Bad man... you are a bad guy..."

Rand shouted at Munster.

"No, I am not, Rand, I am Munster..."

Munster carefully pumped his breath, and the glass came from a very bad time. It now feels weaker than before. In order to avoid excessive blood loss, Munster did not even dare to take the thing out.

At this time, Munster suddenly turned his head and turned his eyes to the darkness.

"Da da da--"

The fine and regular sounds of today can be heard even by humans.

A stench came.


Something slammed over and was hidden by Munster. Significant cracks appeared on the brick wall that was hit, and a large amount of gravel fell from the crack in the brick.


At the top of the tunnel, the first class of city irons started.

The dull sound of it started to spread to the location of Munster. Deep in the wall, the emergency lights that have been out of use for so many years have flashed in the current that comes from the top of the city rail.

A huge shadow is showing the true appearance of this Martian light.

Ugly shell, insect-like mouthparts and lots of tentacles.

In its abdomen, huge wounds are licking blood.

The only person who can connect this deformed monster with the "prince" is probably the human face surrounded by the carapace and the compound eyes... that is Vinson's face. He showed a mocking sneer at Munster.

“It seems that you have a conflict with your breeder?!”

He says.

At the same time as the opening smiled, his mouthpiece suddenly popped up to Munster, and finally his ear was inserted into the crack of the stone covered with moss. Munster angered the "Prince" with a high frequency of sound waves.

"Hey, you shouldn't think this is useful?!"

"Prince" began to laugh at it, and then hanged straight down from the ceiling and rushed to Munster.

But what he didn't think of was that it wasn't the face of Munster's fear that greeted him, but a few water arrows that exude a strong smell—the captain that opened from Munster spurted him.

"Prince" escaped the first few clusters of water arrows, but he is now too close to Munster, and the last two water arrows seem to be unable to escape.

Munster is already calculated, and the Prince has seen that it has lost its tentacles, but did not expect it to use its own digestive juice as a weapon... A woman's body was slammed by him and blocked.

Laisha, who had been stunned and stunned, was shot directly by water arrows, and the highly corrosive liquid wet her half body in an instant.

She screamed.

Hair, clothes, skin...

The part that was drenched by the digestive juice exudes a smell like something burnt out. The skin turns black and curls up to reveal the bright red muscles, but in a few seconds, the muscles begin to darken.

La Isa’s body became the most horrible thing in the world in just a few seconds. Her half body is like melting, and the stinky paste is peeling off her body.

"Hey, hey..."

Losing the complete tolerance of the abdominal cavity, her internal organs fell into the middle of the tunnel track full of sewage, shivering slightly, and finally turned into yellow water. Raisa was tortured for a long time (of course, for herself), and she struggled to look at the front before she finally lost consciousness. Through Munster’s shoulder, she saw that she had returned to that corner, Shivering, tears in the face of Rand.

Mr. Rand still laughs better.

This is the last sentence that La Isa thought before he really died.

Her body fell like dirty garbage in dirty sewage and mud, and soon the digestive juice corroded the remaining half of her body.

She silently turned into a pool of mucus in the sewage.


No one actually noticed her death.

Rand didn't even know what was going on... He buried his head in his lap and cried and trembled because of the barking in the throat of the Prince and Munster, but he didn't dare look up.

As for the Prince and Munster, they would not care more about how the young girl died.

After seeing that the digestive juice did not play its due role, Munster jerked his tail and bounced on the ground with the curvature of the tunnel wall. Then he jerked Rand in an attempt to storm into the darkness and prepare to escape. .

Its body is getting weaker and weaker. Obviously, in this case, there is no way to kill or defeat the prince.

It was at this time that Rand, who was hugged by him, saw the face of the "prince" in the dark.

"help me……"

Rand's eyes widened at that moment, and he strove to explore his body and reached out to the "prince."

"Vinson... Vincent saved me... I am so scared... there are bad people here to take me away... Vincent..."

The next second, Rand's shouts echoed in the dark tunnel.

He looked like he was alive again, with a pale face with trust and joy.

In his confused mind, everything in front of him completely overlaps with the tragedy many years ago.

He became a 12-year-old boy, shouting at the bottom of his heart many years ago against Wenson – although in the tragedy years ago, Vincent never rushed.

And Rand, instinctively under the intimidation of "Lilith" and Rogers at that time, instinctively suppressed the innermost fear in the depths of the soul.

He has never had, and never had the opportunity to ask for help from his most trusted brother, Vincent.

Until now.

" me..."

"Prince" that belongs to Vincent's face, let Rand finally rushed to peace of mind, he tried his best to break the Munster's imprisonment, to reach Vincent's hand.

In the struggle he waved his hands and broke the broken glass of Munster's chest.


A blood arrow slammed out of Munster's wound.

The author has something to say: How much do you make me to write a fight?...==2k

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