Chapter 105

To the south of Jiangning City, there is an undeveloped desolate area, which is called the Southern Suburb by the citizens of Jiangning City.

At this time, on the overgrown yellow ground in the southern suburbs, a group of people wearing blue and black suits and carrying tactical backpacks were walking cautiously.

On the chest on the left side of the blue-black battle suit, there was a snow leopard logo, and around that logo, there were also the words ‘China Snow Leopard Forces’.

If Luo Heng were here, he would definitely find that the suits of this group of people were very similar to the wolf-tooth squad that was responsible for guarding the alien animal passage in the Beiting underground base!

“Team Yang, according to our intelligence, the base of the blood wheel organization should be nearby.”

A member of the team stepped forward and said to the tallest man in front.

The firm face, sturdy figure, and the occasional light flashing in his eyes all show that this person is definitely a strong man!

The most conspicuous thing is that behind him is still carrying a huge battle knife that is extremely inconsistent with his body shape!

“Okay, take out the equipment we prepared and probe the situation ahead.”

Yang Zhentian said to a team member carrying a huge backpack.


The team member put his backpack on the ground, opened the backpack, and a set of sophisticated instruments appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Under the control of the team member, a small detector protruded from the top of the instrument and moved forward to take pictures.

On the screen of the instrument, there was a wave of ripples in the previously deserted suburban area in front of him, and then a large villa slowly appeared!

On the side of the villa, there is a huge scarlet wheel printed on it!

And around the villa, there are some armored vehicles parked, armored vehicles are equipped with various weapons, and even the latest laser weapons!

“Team Yang, the opponent uses the latest phantom device developed by Country M, no wonder we can’t find them all this time!”

Said the player manipulating the instrument.

“Sure enough, there are foreign forces supporting them.”

Looking at the blood wheel organization base exposed on the screen, Yang Zhentian was a little angry.

Both the Snow Leopard Special Power Unit and the Spike Special Power Unit belong to the official team of China.

Among them, the Snow Leopard team is responsible for all cases related to supernaturalists in China, and the Wolfya team is responsible for exploring and monitoring the situation in the world of alien animals.

In the past month, the blood wheel terrorist organization in Jiangnan Province suddenly became active, carrying out activities everywhere.

Among them, there have been several extremely bad criminal cases caused by blood wheel organizations in Jiangning City!

The upper level was furious, and then ordered the Snow Leopard team in Jiangning City to eradicate all blood wheel organizations in Jiangning City!

Under such circumstances, the team of Snow Leopards in Jiangnan Province under his leadership was under great pressure.

Day and night, he can only search for the blood wheel organization’s nest in Jiangning City.

But it has not been found. It was not until yesterday that information was received that suspicious persons had disappeared in the southern suburbs.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Yang Zhentian applied for a detection device from the upper level, and led the team here.

Unexpectedly, I really found the nest of the blood wheel organization!

“Captain, what shall we do next? Do you want to ask for support?”

Asked a small team member behind him.

They came out in a hurry this time, and they didn’t bring many people, just like twenty people.

Looking at the huge villa of the Blood Wheel Organization opposite, it is not surprising that hundreds of terrorists burst out of it.

They are so few people, it seems that they are not enough to look at.

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding team members laughed as if they had heard the funniest joke:

“Wang Yuan, it has been less than two months since you entered the Snow Leopard squad from the ordinary ability team. There are some things that you don’t know and it’s normal. With our Yang team, we don’t need support.”

“Yes, the captain is the strongest support!”

“The strongest existence is already here, do we need any other support?”

The trust of the surrounding teammates in the captain’s words made Wang Yuan suddenly realize.

Yes, Yang Zhentian, the captain of their team, is a powerhouse of the fifth-order natural element!

Own the A-level ability Earth Grumpy Bear!

After using the power, you can instantly transform into a terrifying behemoth that can manipulate the earth element!

With such a strong presence, there is really no need for support.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense. We have stayed here for so long. The people of the blood wheel organization should have found us. If we ask for support, it may be too late. We must rush in first.”

Yang Zhentian looked at the lair of the blood wheel organization on the screen, and then smiled: “Of course, you don’t have to be afraid. With me, Yang Zhentian, it will be hard for the other party to hurt you!”

“Ability, beastization of the whole body!”

With a low drink, Yang Zhentian’s body swelled rapidly, one meter, two meters, three meters…

When his body swelled rapidly, his limbs began to change, brown hair began to grow, and his already strong arms and thighs swelled again!

In the end, what appeared in front of the other members of the team was a giant brown bear with a height of five meters and a dimension of about three meters!

Around him, there is a circle of earthy brown energy, which is the passive ability after transforming into a violent bear, the earth barrier!

As long as you stand on the earth, you can gain the power of the earth, so that you can manipulate the earth elements to form a protective barrier!

In his right hand, the big knife that was originally on his back has been held by him. The blade that looks very large, looks very harmonious in front of this huge bear body…

Looking at the giant bear in front of him, Wang Yuan swallowed subconsciously. This was the first time he faced the enemy with the captain, so it was also the first time he saw the captain use an ability.

Unexpectedly, it was so shocking!

With such a powerful momentum and a compelling sense of oppression, it is no wonder that the old players would say that the captain is the strongest support!

At this moment, Wang Yuan was full of confidence in this action.

After all, such a strong behemoth feels safe just standing next to him!

“As before, I will be responsible for the charge. You will hide behind me. When you enter the villa, you will work in groups of three to destroy everyone in the villa and find out where their leader is.”

“After you find the leader, don’t act rashly. Use your headset to notify me and let me deal with him.”

The deep voice rang from the huge bear’s head, which seemed very oppressive.


The rest of the Snow Leopard team responded, and immediately used their abilities.

Most of the members of the Snow Leopard squad have enhanced abilities, and most of the players’ bodies have changed significantly for a while, and they have become much stronger.

“Okay, all rush to me!”

With a loud shout, Yang Zhentian rushed forward with the Snow Leopard team members behind him.

A five-meter-high giant bear, with more than 20 sturdy humans, this combination looks very weird, but also has a sense of power and power!


In the villa of the Blood Wheel Organization, group after group of patrol personnel walked back and forth, wearing black blood wheel suits and holding firearms.

“Hey, it’s better to go out and take action. We stay patrolling in this place where the birds don’t shit. It’s really boring.”

“Haha, behind the back is the villa, you can go in and enjoy it.”

“You are going to go, our low-level team members don’t even have the qualifications to enter the villa. I am afraid that they were killed as soon as one foot stepped in.”

One of the members of the patrol team glanced at the door of the villa with lingering fear.

A few days ago, there was a member who had just entered the organization and wanted to enter the villa, but as soon as he walked to the door, his body was directly divided into two halves!

In that bloody scene, even those with escaped supernatural powers like them were shocked.

Therefore, even if they are very dissatisfied with the work of patrol, they can only hold back.

“Pay attention to the patrol team. Twenty suspicious persons appeared 100 meters away from the villa’s phantom device, preparing to fight.”

Suddenly, their headsets rang.

“I can finally have some fun.”

The man’s eyes lit up, he licked his tongue, and walked to the open space in front of the villa with the other members.

Suddenly, hundreds of such black-clothed supernatural persons walked out of the entire villa! .

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