Chapter 109

The strange beast with hundreds of heads in the background made An Lingshuang and Yu Shuai on the stage desperate.

And below the concert stage, after thousands of people experienced the initial panic, most of them, except those whose relatives died, were relieved and they were discussing:

“Fuck, I was just watching a concert, so ordinary people like us have seen a strange animal! It’s so exciting!”

“Sir, if it weren’t for the supernatural beings on the stage, we would have been torn to pieces by alien beasts and terrorist organizations!~”

“Hey, that’s what I said. I was in the last row of the audience just now. When the strange beast came out, I was scared to pee. Fortunately, there was a person with a golden and red sword who saved me. Come down.”

“Yes, yes, I also met that supernatural person. He looks very young, a little handsome, and there is still a golden-red flame around his body!”

“Fortunately, there is such a powerful ability, otherwise the audience in the last few rows of our final auditorium will not all be killed! But he just didn’t know where to go after sending us over.”

“Nuo, the strong man you mentioned is already on stage, and he killed five strange beasts in one breath just now.”

“Really? Let me see.”

“It’s really him!”


The crowd under the concert stage could not see the huge number of strange beasts in the background, they only saw Luo Heng killing five strange beasts in one go.

Therefore, in their opinion, with such a strong presence, this crisis should be able to pass smoothly.

“Woo, Ling Shuang, I don’t want to die, I haven’t lived enough yet.”

On the stage, Xiao Lu, who was leaning on An Lingshuang, began to cry. In front of the many ferocious beasts, she had collapsed.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we can all survive.”

An Lingshuang comforted, but her pale face also showed her lack of confidence.

“Don’t deceive yourself, there are hundreds of strange animals, we can’t survive.”

Yu Shuai in the front directly threw the long sword aside, and said with a broken jar.

An Lingshuang’s face turned pale when she heard this, and she did not refute it, because she knew it was a fact.

Yu Shuai’s words made everyone’s last trace of sanity disappear, and the girls broke down and burst into tears:

“Woo, why should I come here, how nice it is for me to stay in school.”

“That is, if Yu Shuai hadn’t called us over, we wouldn’t have come over at all!”

Kong Ting and Bai Ying cried first, and then Lingling, who had not collapsed, also cried:

“I, I just want to meet my friend, why is it so unlucky. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

After all, Yu Shuai, Xiao Lu Lingling and others are just students who have just entered university for a year, and they are simply incomparable with those with supernatural powers who have been fighting in the world of alien beasts for many years.

Whether it is fighting power or mental strength, it is far from it, so their collapse is not difficult to understand.

Among the girls present, except An Lingshuang, they were crying loudly, even Zhou Yun’s eyes were red.

At this time, An Lingshuang didn’t seem to feel the imminent danger, she was looking at Luo Heng earnestly, and she was fascinated.

This man, even at this moment, is so calm.

It’s a pity that he is a scumbag, otherwise, I feel pretty good.

An Lingshuang, who was staring at Luo Heng, thought this way, and then became a little shy again.

Everyone is dying, and I’m still thinking about these things!

What a shame!

An Lingshuang’s abnormality was quickly noticed by Xiao Lu and Lingling next to her.

Seeing An Lingshuang looking at Luo Heng shyly, the two of them looked at each other and forgot to cry:

“No way, Ling Shuang, you still think of him when it’s so dangerous!”

“That’s, Lingshuang, you don’t love us anymore, you actually like a scumbag!”

“Xiao Lu, I think, Ling Shuang still thinks of Luo Heng in this situation, so it doesn’t matter if he is a scumbag.”

“That’s also true, in that case, should we fulfill them both? After all, we are going to burp soon.”

“Okay, okay~~”

Xiaolu and Lingling sang and made a peace next to each other, talking about An Lingshuang shyly.

“What are you talking about! I just lost my mind.”

An Lingshuang rolled her eyes at the two of them, and said clearly.

“Haha, Lingshuang, if you really like him, you have to confess it quickly, otherwise it will be too late for you to say it when the strange beast rushes up.”

At this point, Zhou Yun had already looked away, and did not cry anymore, but laughed and joked.

“Yunyun, even you laugh at me.”

An Lingshuang said shyly.

Listening to the naked words, Luo Heng on the side couldn’t help touching his nose, and then said: “There are only more than a hundred alien beasts in the background. I can deal with it.”

“So you don’t need to be so pessimistic.”

Luo Heng’s words, although plain, fell in the ears of Shuai and others, as if they were thundering on the ground!

“Luo Heng, are you true?”

Seeing Luo Heng with a calm face, Zhou Yun said in surprise.

“Sister Yun, Teacher Jiang arranged for me to come here, and it must have been decided after careful consideration. Although the current situation is a little bit more than expected, I can still deal with the second-tier lower-ranking monster.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and said.

Although the alien beast in the city gym is very similar to the alien beast world, he can feel that the strength is obviously weaker than the alien beast in the alien beast world.

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

In the world of alien beasts, he is not afraid of hundreds of second-order lower-rank alien beasts, let alone these weak and superior alien beasts. It is a very simple thing for him to kill all of them.

“Luo Heng, the alien beasts are coming, if you can deal with them, you can solve them soon!”

Yu Shuai on the side said anxiously.

With hope of survival again, he held the cyan long sword tightly with his right hand!

“Don’t panic.”

Looking at the strange beasts in the background, Luo Heng said indifferently.

“Yang Yi!”

With a low sip, Luo Heng’s golden red sun fire was used with all his strength and began to gather on top of his head!


Strands of golden-red flames appeared out of thin air, condensed together.

In an instant, a golden-red fireball appeared in the air!

Moreover, it is still growing!

. ……… …….


The sun, formed by the real fire of the sun, started to boil because of the high temperature!

It was at 8:30 in the evening. Since many circuits of the concert were destroyed by alien animals, the interior of the city gymnasium was actually a little dim.

But now, a touch of golden red light radiated from the stage!

The light was so dazzling that the entire open space before the concert was directly illuminated.

Accompanied by the light, there is a scorching hot feeling!

“Wow, what is that? It looks so beautiful!”

“Mom, why is there a sun on the stage?”

“Did you feel that the surrounding temperature seems to have risen a little bit?”


The moment the golden and red fireball appeared, it attracted the attention of the ordinary people behind the concert stage, and everyone looked at it curiously.


On the stage of the concert, An Lingshuang and others, the closest to Luo Heng, felt the most intensely. The dazzling light and the hot temperature are really terrifying!



Under the shining light, the strange beasts in the background also spotted Luo Heng and others on the concert stage.

They became excited instantly, and rushed over here!



The sound of hundreds of strange beasts running at the same time is very messy and huge!

There was a distance of only 50 meters between the backstage and the concert stage. In the blink of an eye, this group of strange animals rushed out 20 meters!

“Good job!”

Seeing the alien beast rushing out, Luo Heng narrowed his eyes and waved his fingers. The golden red sun falling from the real fire of the sun in mid-air moved with his fingers!

In the end, smashed into the group of alien animals in front! ten.

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