Chapter 111

Different from other blood chakra abilities in battle clothes, the man sitting in the seat is wearing a suit, his hair is very meticulous, and he wears a pair of leather shoes, his face is indifferent, as if he doesn’t care about the front. The terrifying bear resembles the twenty supernatural beings next to him.

“Who would have thought that the leader of the branch of the Blood Wheel Organization in Jiangning City was actually just a Tier 2 ability person.”

Feeling the breath of the man in the seat, Yang Zhentian said in surprise.

A deep voice came from the bear’s mouth and echoed in the empty villa hall.

“Hehe, as long as I can control my subordinates, what does it matter if the level is lower.”

The leader of the blood wheel organization smiled, like an elegant gentleman.

“Yes, the well-known Heart Control King, even if he controls an ordinary person, he can play these people between applause.”

Staring closely at the man in the seat, Yang Zhentian said word by word.

“Oh? You actually know me?”

The leader of the blood wheel organization raised his brows, and then said relievedly: “That’s right, you are already a Tier 5 ability person, and it’s okay to come into contact with a little bit more secretive news.”

“Since you know my identity, then I won’t hide it. After all, it’s really uncomfortable to live on a human body.”

Before the voice of 28 ended, a burst of blood red burst out around the leader of the blood wheel organization, and his body began to change!

His eyes changed from normal human pupils to vertical pupils. Two sharp horns appeared on the top of his head, and behind him, a long tail pierced the Chinese clothes and pierced out, constantly swinging.

The teeth in his mouth turned into fangs with cold light, and with his blood-red vertical pupils, his entire face was hideous.

“Well, it’s still comfortable in this form.”

The leader of the blood wheel organization let out a hoarse moan, and the voice matched his hideous appearance, which looked terrifying!

“Captain, is this…?”

The surrounding Snow Leopard team members were stunned by the scene before them. They didn’t understand why a living person turned into a monster!

“Don’t panic, you can just treat him as a strange beast.”

Yang Zhentian frowned, and then looked at the King of Heart Control: “King of Heart Control, you came to our human world so unscrupulously, aren’t you afraid that the strong from Juque City will find you?”

“Even Juque City knows that your status and status are not low.”

The husky voice of the King of Mind spit out from his mouth full of fangs, and then he said with some disdain: “Huh, the people of Juque City, will they let their powerhouse break into our territory because of such a small matter? That’s true, I welcome it.”

Yang Zhentian was slightly startled when he heard the words, and fell into silence.

Indeed, every strong man in Juque City has important responsibilities, and it is impossible for him to take action against the King of Heart Control for such a small matter and put himself in danger.

“Haha, dumb.”

The King of Heart Control smiled triumphantly, “If it weren’t for the powerful person in your world that had sealed the alien beast channel a hundred years ago, like you, I could crush a bunch to death with a single finger!”

“It’s really easy for a Tier 9 powerhouse to pinch me to death, but the dignified Tier 9 powerhouse is living on a Tier 2 human being, what do you really want to do?!!!”

Yang Zhentian’s tone was full of indignation.

The terrorist organization similar to the blood wheel is not only supported by foreign forces, but also mixed with high-level intelligent alien beasts in the world of alien beasts!

The King of Mind Control is a highly intelligent alien animal mixed in the blood wheel organization discovered by China.

And he has special abilities, able to control the spirit will of the supernatural person, and directly alienate into his own puppet!

Inside the blood wheel organization, his puppets don’t know how many!

According to the confidential documents he saw, many provinces and cities in China have found traces of the King of Heart Control. Unexpectedly, even Jiangnan Province has his puppet.

“Hmph, you still have the face to ask what we want to do?”

The Controlling King snorted coldly, “You supernatural beings wreak havoc in our world, killed our race, even built a city, and asked us what we want to do, don’t you think it is ridiculous?”

“It’s ridiculous! Hundreds of years ago, your alien beast channel appeared in our world, and then aggressively invaded and killed. Isn’t it normal for us to kill your world now?”

Yang Zhentian let out a sneer, the deafening voice seemed full of momentum!


The King of Mind Control let out a roar, and then his complexion suddenly calmed down: “Haha, you are indeed right. If it weren’t for the strong man in your world to seal the transmission channel a hundred years ago, my race would have occupied your world long ago. It’s not a big deal for you to kill us.”

“To be honest, those inferior species without wisdom will be killed if they are killed, and that’s nothing.”

Heart Control King showed a playful smile, and then asked: “Have you noticed that there are a few people in my branch?”


Yang Zhentian was shocked. He had felt that something was wrong before, but now that the other party said something, he found the abnormality.

With so many people missing, the other party definitely has a problem!

“Li Qiang, contact the headquarters quickly and tell them to pay attention to the places where the crowds gather. The blood wheel organization may take action!”

Yang Zhentian said anxiously, while the teammates on the side quickly took out the satellite phone they were carrying and started dialing.

“Haha, I just remember it now, it’s too late!”

The Heart Control King laughed loudly, “Eight thousand lives, even if it is a little interest that I retrieved for my race.”

“However, before leaving, I will give you another big gift!”

Mind Control King narrowed his eyes, and his whole body swelled directly as if being blown up!

“No, everyone pay attention to hide behind me!”

“Bear talent, earth formation!”

Before the words fell, with a bang, the King of Heart Controlling sitting in the chair exploded directly!

A strong wave of energy swept out!


The energy hit Yang Zhentian’s body, but it was blocked by the earth wall in front of him!


A strong energy wave hit the wall of the villa, and after a violent shaking, the villa began to collapse!

Facing the collapsed villa, Yang Zhentian’s eyes flashed and he shouted: “The talent of the violent bear, the shelter of the earth!”

Within 20 meters of him, a dirt-brown wall rose quickly, and finally, before the building collapsed, it closed into a hemispherical barrier, protecting all the players in it.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

A continuous dull voice sounded from the top of the head, which was made by the debris of the building hitting the shelter of the earth.

After a while, the sound gradually stopped.

The earth-brown hemispherical shelter also slowly disappeared, and the Snow Leopard team reappeared in the villa hall. Looking at it, the original gorgeous villa has been turned into ruins.

“Li Qiang, what was the reply you just contacted?”

Yang Zhentian’s eyes flashed and asked.

“They said that the number of people gathered was around 8,000, which was the singer’s concert at the City Gymnasium. There were indeed some abnormalities over there, and they had already sent supernaturalists to the past.”

“Well, let’s act right here too, hurry over!”


The people of the Snow Leopard team, led by Yang Zhentian after the ability was lifted, quickly left.


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