Chapter 125

“Haha, just understand.”

Jiang Nian, who took back the Ziyang flames, laughed and said, “A fire-type crystal nucleus is not enough for you to understand the mood. Then, you can get some fire-type crystal nuclei from me.”

With that said, Jiang Nian took a box from the shelf behind him and handed it over.

“Teacher Jiang, no need, I have already bought a fire-type crystal core.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly and said.

“Huh? Are you still seeing the teacher? The most common fire crystal core costs hundreds of thousands. How many can you buy by yourself?”

Jiang Nian pretended to be angry and said, “Teacher, I am a Tier 5 supernatural being. I just go to the Alien Beast World to hunt a high-level alien beast. It costs tens of millions of Chinese coins. Do you still care about this small amount of money?”

“Now is the critical period for you to improve your strength, even if you have the Fire Element Crystal Core yourself, you have to accept it.”

“If you really feel sorry for it, it won’t be too late to repay you as a teacher after you become a rank 9 ability person!”

Jiang Nian’s eyes widened and he put the box directly into Luo Heng’s arms.


Facing Jiang Nian’s kindness, Luo Heng couldn’t refuse, so he held the box containing the fire system crystal nucleus in a daze.

“Why are you still standing here, don’t hurry up to train.”

Jiang Nian asked Luo Heng who was standing there stupidly.

“Right, training.”

Luo Heng returned to his senses, scratched his head, and asked Teacher Jiang Nian:

“Mr. Jiang, can you let me enter the training building of the school without passing the student ID?”

Since he doesn’t have a student ID, he can’t even enter the training building of the school. If he wants to train, he can only come to Teacher Jiang.

Even if Jiang Nian is his teacher, he always feels a little embarrassed to come to other people’s villas to train like this every day.

“You kid, you’re still shy.”

Jiang Nian saw what Luo Heng was thinking at a glance, “If you feel that the training here is not good, you can go to the training building to train, and I can enter your information there.”

“Then thank you Mr. Jiang for helping me enter the information.”

Luo Heng looked happy, and after thanking him, he walked directly to the training room on the first floor with the box.

Seeing Luo Heng who turned to leave, Jiang Young nodded slightly: “Know how to take into account the feelings of others, and move forward and retreat properly. Luo Heng, this kid, is really good.”


In the villa training room, Luo Heng came here with a backpack.

“Teacher Jiang is true too, obviously I bought the Fire Element Crystal Core myself, and actually gave me another box.”

Looking at the box in his hand, Luo Heng shook his head, then opened the box.

As soon as the box was opened, a bright crimson light appeared in Luo Heng’s field of vision.

Along with the light appeared, there was also the unique warm feeling of the fire system crystal nucleus.

“These are all Tier 3 fire system nuclei?”

Looking at the fiery red crystal nucleus in the box that was obviously larger than the second-order high-position crystal nucleus, Luo Heng was surprised.

Tier 3 fire system crystal nuclei, but one million, and there are five in the box!

If he sells it directly, he can get 5 million China coins after changing hands!

Unlike the cheats, the fire element crystal core is a consumable item, and Teacher Jiang Nian himself also needs to use it, so he just gave it to himself.

“It seems that I really have to wait until I am strong before repaying Teacher Jiang.”

Sighing, Luo Heng didn’t think much about it, so he closed the box and put it in his backpack.

Teacher Jiang Nian had already given him the Tier 3 Fire Element crystal core, so even if he returned it to Teacher Jiang, he would not accept it, and it would still appear to be a good point.

If this is the case, then you can only use your strength to prove that Teacher Jiang gave him the crystal core.


With a soft sound, the golden-red sun fire appeared in the training room, looking extremely gorgeous and mysterious.

“The gold on the real fire of the sun is getting more and more.”

The original real fire of the sun is a mixture of gold and red. Red can be clearly found in gold, and gold can also be found in red.

With the improvement of Luo Heng’s strength, the proportion of gold in the real fire of the sun is getting higher and higher, while the proportion of red is getting less and less.

Perhaps when his strength becomes stronger, the real fire of the sun will turn golden!

Seeing the real fire of the sun in front of him, Luo Heng did not hesitate too much, took out a fire system crystal nucleus and threw it in.

Good steel is used for the blade, so he first used the second-order high-level fire system crystal nucleus he bought in the equipment building.


The golden red sun was really fire, and the fire system crystal nucleus was wrapped in mid-air, and it began to burn.


After a while, with a capital fluctuation, a crimson flame appeared in the air.

Luo Heng, who was already familiar with this, quickly realized this flame.

Comprehension is not to comprehend with the eyes, but to comprehend with the real fire of the sun.

With the real fire of the sun, enveloping the pool of red flames, you can feel the original fluctuations in the crimson flames, which is a very strange feeling.

“The magical fire element must understand that special fluctuation.”

In a short while, Luo Heng, who closed his eyes, was immersed in the original mood fluctuations of the scarlet flame.


“Huh? Nothing?”

Luo Heng, who couldn’t feel the original wave, opened his eyes and looked into the air. As expected, the scarlet flame had disappeared.

“So fast?”

Luo Heng frowned silently.

This is too fast, he felt that in just a moment, the scarlet flame was directly suppressed by Blue Star’s original law.

Glancing at the time on the wall, only six minutes have passed!

Although a little speechless at the speed at which the crimson flame disappeared, Luo Heng did not immediately take out the next fire system crystal nucleus to comprehend it.

Instead, I closed my eyes and simulated what I had just learned.

Luo Heng, sitting cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and looked extremely quiet…

However, in the sea of ​​his spirit, earth-shaking changes are taking place.

Everyone owns the spirit sea. Among them, the spirit sea of ​​the supernatural powers is stronger than that of ordinary people, and the supernatural powers of the spirit system are stronger than the spiritual seas of other departments!

And Luo Heng’s spirit sea, although not as good as the mental powers, it is still better than the ordinary powers.

At this time, within his spirit sea, one after another light spots were simulated by him.

These light spots, under Luo Heng’s control, were shaking and shaking at a strange frequency.

“No, it’s not right, it’s not like that, start over!”

Luo Heng frowned, and the light spot in the spirit sea stopped for a moment, and shook according to another pattern.

“No, it’s not right, it’s not like that!”

The light spot in the spirit sea was overthrown again.

In this way, an hour passed in Luo Heng’s constant overthrows.

“Huh, it still doesn’t work.”

Luo Heng opened his eyes, clearly feeling that he was only a little short of comprehending Huozhi, but at that point he couldn’t break through.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

“I don’t believe in comprehension, come again!”

Luo Heng showed a fierce look on his face, and directly took out two fire system crystal nuclei, threw them into the air, and let the sun’s real fire burn them.


The two light sounds sounded almost at the same time, and two groups of scarlet flames appeared in the air, and then merged into a larger group of scarlet flames!

Closing his eyes, Luo Heng once again wrapped the flames with the real fire of the sun, and began to realize.

Ten minutes later, the big red flame had disappeared in the air, but Luo Heng still closed his eyes tightly.

And in his spiritual sea, it seemed crazy.

One light spot after another, combined together, formed the appearance of a flame.

And those light spots are oscillating according to a certain regular trajectory.

“No, it’s not like that!”


“No, start over!”

“Still wrong, start over!”

Accompanied by Luo Heng’s silent shouts, the light spots in the spirit sea kept toppling and re-emergence, and every time it re-emerged, the frequency of shaking and vibration was different from the previous one!

In this way, half an hour passed.

At this time, within Luo Heng’s spiritual sea, one after another light spots, once again combined into a flame according to Luo Heng’s consciousness, began to tremble.


After the shaking started this time, a kind of strange fluctuations leaked out of Luo Heng’s spiritual sea and spread to the outside world.

“It’s done!”

Luo Heng opened his eyes, and the color of surprise appeared on his face.

Feeling the wave of the source of fire in the spirit sea, he knew that the artistic conception of fire had already been realized!


ps: The five changes are over, please ask for flowers~.

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