Chapter 130

Under the female dormitory of Jiangnan University, there are boys waiting for their girlfriends to go downstairs every day.

At this time, under the female voice dormitory, Luo Heng, wearing black casual clothes, was already waiting here.

Since he didn’t know whether the training building had the weapons he needed, he was also carrying a tactical backpack, and his alloy saber in the backpack.

At this time, there were some boys who were waiting here like him around the girls’ dormitory, and there were also some girls who came out of the goddess’ dormitory.

“Wow, look at that guy over there so handsome, and he has a special aura!”

“Hey, it’s really yeah, it’s a pity, standing downstairs in the girls’ dormitory, mostly waiting for my girlfriend.”


Luo Heng’s appearance is pretty good. With the addition of his muscular figure after exercise and the slightly oppressive aura on his body, it instantly attracted the attention of many girls who walked out of the girls’ dormitory.

But most of the girls left after a few glances.

So early, standing downstairs in the girls’ dormitory again, there must be a girlfriend, and they are not going to chat with a boy who has a girlfriend.

And the boys around, after seeing this scene, they cast a bit of hostility towards Luo Heng.

Why is everyone standing here, you attract the most attention?

Before long, another beautiful girl walked out of the female dormitory. The girl trot over and fell into the arms of a man with glasses next to Luo Heng.

The boy looked at Luo Heng provocatively, and seemed to say: “Have you seen, even if you are so popular, do you have such a beautiful girlfriend?”

At this moment, a tall and beautiful girl walked out of the female dormitory building. When she came out, she couldn’t help but attracted the attention of many boys waiting outside, including the man with glasses.

“Luo Heng~”

Ignoring the gazes of the people around him, Yao Muxi showed a sweet smile on his face and plunged directly into Luo Heng’s arms.

It’s really nice to be able to see Luo Heng soon after getting up!

When the man with glasses on the side saw a big beautiful woman leaping directly into Luo Heng’s arms, his eyes went straight, and he didn’t even hear his girlfriend calling him.

His funny scene happened to be seen by Luo Heng, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“What are you laughing at?”

Yao Muxi asked, with doubts in his beautiful big eyes.

“It’s nothing, just thought of some funny things just now.”

Luo Heng smiled and rubbed Yao Muxi’s small head, then took her hand, “Let’s go, go to the snack street for breakfast first.”

After a simple breakfast, Luo Heng and Yao Muxi left the snack street and walked straight to the training building of the school.

“The training building has fifteen floors, the lower eight floors are for students, and the upper seven floors are for teachers.”

While walking, Yao Muxi introduced Luo Heng to the situation in the training building: “The eight floors below are divided into public training areas and separate training areas.”

“There are a lot of training equipment in the public training area, which can be used for some physical training, while the separate training area is a small room where you can train your own abilities.”

“Because my teacher is on the twelfth floor, so I can go directly to my teacher’s training room later.”

Yao Muxi said with a smile.

Although she wanted Luo Heng to train with herself, she hadn’t told Aunt Wang about it yet, so she had to wait until she told Aunt Wang about it.

“Okay, here we are.”

Yao Muxi took Luo Heng into the training building.

“Hello classmates, please show your student ID.”

At the entrance of the training building, there is an intelligent machine that verifies the identity.



After passing the verification with their own ID cards, Luo Heng and Yao Muxi entered the training building one after another.

The first floor of the training building covers a large area. Looking at it, it is about 500 square meters. In this area, there are various training equipments. There are even a few that are used like the Beiting base. A machine for detecting the strength of powers.

There are some students from Jiangda University who are doing exercises there.

“Luo Heng, then I will go up.”

Loosing Luo Heng’s hand, Yao Muxi got on the elevator to the twelfth floor.

“This training building is quite big.”

Luo Heng, who watched Yao Muxi leave, began to look for a training venue on the first floor of the training building.


In the training room No. 9 on the twelfth floor of the training building, Yao Muxi’s coquettish voice came:

“Aunt Wang, you are the best, you see our training room is so big, even if one more person is added in.”

Yao Muxi blinked and said.

“Don’t you want to bring your little boyfriend here?”

Looking at Yao Muxi, who is trying to be cute, Wang Wei raised her brows and guessed who she was going to join.

“Hey, it’s him.”

Yao Muxi, who had found his purpose, stuck out his tongue and looked very cute.

“Hey, you little girl, you are completely planted in it.”

Wang Wei helped her forehead.

How could the shrewd and independent Yao Muxi before him become stupid after falling in love…

“You little boyfriend, does your dad know?”

Wang Wei said to Yao Muxi.

She wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but she never remembered it. Now that Yao Muxi mentioned her boyfriend again, she remembered it.

Mentioned his father, Yao Muxi’s tone was obviously lacking: “Yet…not yet.”

She knew her father’s temper, so she never dared to mention it to her father.

“Xiao Xi, you have to know that your Yao family is not an ordinary family, and ordinary people are not worthy of you at all.”

“Even on your mother’s side, our Wang family is not accessible to ordinary people.”

Wang Wei’s words slowly sounded, “Xiao Xi, do you think Luo Heng can really make the Yao family and the Wang family recognize him in the future?”


Yao Muxi said without hesitation.

For Luo Heng, she has strong confidence!

“Huh? So confident?”

Wang Wei was a little surprised.

This daughter of my sister, she grew up looking at it.

From small to large, she has been very outstanding, with top grades and abilities.

If it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t like to travel too far to study at a university, she would have gone to the No. 1 Magic City University in the country.

Such a smart girl should have a very clear understanding of the power of the Wang family and Yao family.

You should know what these two giants are.

Under such circumstances, Yao Muxi can still be so confident of her little boyfriend, or her little boyfriend is really good, or she is dazzled by love.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei said: “It’s okay if you want your little boyfriend to come here to train, but you must pass one of my tests.”

Although Luo Heng she saw at the city gymnasium the day before yesterday looked good.

But you don’t really have the strength and potential, you need to try it yourself before you know it.

“Huh? What test? Is it difficult?”

Before Yao Muxi had time to be happy, he quickly asked when he heard that there was a test.

“You little girl, it’s not a difficult test. Call your little boyfriend up.”

Wang Wei rolled her eyes.

It didn’t take long before this little Nizi turned her elbow out.

Sister, you are afraid it will be difficult to handle in the future.

Suddenly, Wang Wei thought of Yao Muxi’s mother, her very good sister.


ps: Aunt Yao Muxi’s name changed to Wang Wei.

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