Chapter 129

At 9:30 in the evening, Luo Heng, who hadn’t been strolling with Yao Muxi for long, returned to the dormitory and sat on the sofa.

“Oh, rare, can you tell me something?”

Wei Qing, who was lying on the sofa in short-sleeved shorts, looked surprised at Luo Heng who was sitting over.

When Luo Heng sat down last time, he told him that he was leaving for more than ten days.

“Can’t I just relax and watch a TV-TV?”

Luo Heng said with a smile, and immediately took a bag of potato chips on the coffee table and ate it.

The press conference about last night’s events started at ten o’clock in the evening, and he sat over to see what the press conference would say.

“Yes, we live in our dormitory, and I am worried that no one will entertain with me.”

Wei Qing laughed and opened another bottle of soda: “Come on, drink this. It’s the best thing to eat potato chips with soda.”

“Well, it’s really good.”

Luo Heng’s eyes lit up after taking a sip of soda.

The taste of this soda is much better than the soda he had drunk in his previous life, and it is a perfect match with potato chips!

“Hey, right?”

Seeing the contented look on Luo Heng’s face, Wei Qing felt that his roommate was so approachable for the first time.

For the next half an hour, Luo Heng relaxed completely, drinking soda and eating potato chips with Wei Qing, indulging in the shocking naked-eye 3D movie.

When it was almost ten o’clock, when Luo Heng wanted to ask Wei Qing to switch to the channel of the press conference, Wei Qing actually switched by himself.

“Do you know the fire-type supernatural player video that went viral on the Internet today? I heard that you can see his true face on this channel at ten o’clock tonight.”

Wei Qing said excitedly.

As a heavy homeboy, except for training, he spends all his time on the Internet. Therefore, he has a clear understanding of the videos that suddenly went viral today.

Like many netizens, he was also very interested in the identity of that powerful fire superpower. He was already ready to switch to this channel at ten o’clock.

Hearing Wei Qing’s words, Luo Heng on the side touched his nose.

It’s a pity that you are destined not to see him in his true colors this time.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the press conference is ready to begin.

“Dear viewers and citizens, I believe you all know what happened in the Jiangning City Gymnasium.”

“All members of the blood wheel organization and alien beasts that sneaked into the gymnasium at that time have all been killed. The last hundred or so members of the blood wheel organization are also under trial. After the trial is over, the ruling will be made according to the trial result. .”

“The main reason for this terrorist attack is…”


“We will never tolerate the bad behavior of the blood chakra organization. We will unite our active forces in Jiangning City and the entire Jiangnan Province to sweep up the various urban areas of the entire Jiangnan Province and eliminate all blood chakra organizations to ensure such things. It won’t happen again!”


It was Kong Fang, the shi long of Jiangning City, who spoke smoothly and convincingly.

Yesterday, nearly 500 people died in the Jiangning City Gymnasium. Under such circumstances, only the appearance of Shi is the most convincing.

“In the terrorist attack that took place last night, eight supernaturalists came forward and saved more than 7,500 people! Next, we will invite these little heroes, and I will personally present them to them. Bravery for righteousness is a medal!”

“Finally I can see the true face of that fire-type supernatural power person!”

When Wei Qing’s eyes lit up, he looked at it intently.

Along with a burst of magnificent music, a total of four people, two men and two women, came forward, including Yu Shuai, Ma Jie, Kong Ting, and Bai Ying.

The effect of 3D projection is very powerful, even if the lens is far away from the press release platform, you can still see the excitement on the faces of Yu Shuai and others.

As soon as the four of them appeared on stage, Wei Qing took out his mobile phone, and the news conference was broadcast live on the mobile phone.

Wei Qing took out his mobile phone and hurriedly clicked into the live broadcast room. Unlike the 3D projection, the live broadcast room on the phone can send barrage.

So, at this moment, barrage is rolling on his phone screen:

“Blindly guess that the most handsome person is the fire superpower.”

“No, it’s not like, the temperament of a person who can cut such a fierce swordsmanship should not be like this.”

“Isn’t it said that there are eight people in total? Why are there only four people on the stage?”

“Where is it? Where is my beloved fire superpower?”


Looking at the barrage, Wei Qing also joined in: “Blindly guess that the person on the left is a fire superpower. If you don’t believe me, you can bet. I’ll bet on a bottle of soda!”

While Wei Qing was obsessed with communicating with the sand sculpture netizens on the barrage, Luo Heng was lost in thought.

Just now, when Shi Chang Kong Fang was speaking, he was very concerned about the mention of the province’s crackdown on blood wheel organizations.

“In this case, maybe Captain Yang will contact me to clean up together. If you can kill some biochemical beasts, it would be good.”

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

Although the biochemical beasts have fewer power points than the real beasts, they are not less.

·· ·········Find flowers· 0

If you find a sub-base of the blood wheel organization, even if there are only a hundred second-order biochemical beasts, you can get nearly 20,000 power points!

If you don’t find a biochemical animal, it’s okay. The person who destroys the blood wheel organization is also considered to be exterminated.

Thinking of this, Luo Heng looked at the TV again. At this time, the long words on the TV came again:

“Because the other four people with supernatural powers have things that can’t come, so this time only some people came.”

“Among them, the fire type supernatural powers you care about the most have also not come.”

“What? It’s a shame that the fire-type supernatural player didn’t come.”

Listening to the long sentence on TV, Wei Qing was taken aback, then sighed.

He knew what happened in the City Gymnasium, and he also admired the supernaturalists who had saved more than 7,500 people.

.. …. 0

However, he still felt a little regretful that the fire-type supernatural power he admired the most did not appear.

The barrage on his phone also exploded at this time:

“Uuuuu, my male god didn’t come, I was so uncomfortable.”

“Oh, it’s a pity, I still want to see what kind of person he is. His video has inspired me to strengthen my training!”

“These people must know that fire-type supernatural power person. If any netizens know these people, you can contact us and ask about the contact method of the fire-type supernatural power person!”


Although the fire-type supernatural powers did not appear, most netizens only felt a little regretful, and didn’t think much about the others.

After all, compared to the fire-type supernatural beings, the crazy actions of the terrorist organization and the nearly 500 people who died are more affecting their hearts.

The entire press conference lasted for more than half an hour. After awarding the medals to Yu Shuai and others, Shi Chang Kong Fang said some encouraging words, and then ended the press conference.

“Wei Qing, I’m going in.”

After greeted Wei Qing, Luo Heng returned to his room.

“Um~, it’s nice to relax occasionally.”

Luo Heng, who entered the room, took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

He and Wei Qing had been salting fish on the sofa for more than an hour. I have to say that they were really comfortable.

But this kind of relaxation is enough once in a while. If there is more, he is afraid that he will really become a salted fish like Wei Qing.

After taking a shower quickly, Luo Heng lay on the bed and fell asleep after a day of training fatigue. ten.

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