Chapter 128

“The business is finished, let’s eat first, I’m all hungry.”

Yang Zhentian called the waiter: “I have a treat today, all the little heroes just order it.”

Because of what happened last night, he, the leader of the Snow Leopard team, was so busy to die.

It is necessary to deal with the aftermath of what happened in the city gymnasium, report the situation to the higher level, and summarize the reasons for the incident.

Therefore, he basically spent the whole night last night. He was busy until noon, and after most of the things were done, he took the time to come here.

Under Yang Zhentian’s warm greeting, Luo Heng and others were not polite, and ordered a table full of dishes.

Especially Luo Heng, who ordered several hard dishes, but there was no way. He trained for the whole morning, just when he needed to replenish his energy.

He also ate a lot when he ate in Teacher Jiang’s villa.

In the words of Teacher Jiang, appetite is energy, and the effect of training is better if you eat more!

Yang Zhentian can become the captain of the Snow Leopard team. At the same time he is strong, his emotional intelligence is also very high. At the dinner table, a few words will activate the atmosphere.

Even Luo Heng, a person who doesn’t like to talk very much, talks with great interest.

This meal took a total of one hour to end.

Since there were news conferences in the evening, everyone did not drink.

After the meal, Yang Zhentian didn’t stay much, and left with Yu Shuai and the others.

Therefore, Luo Heng, An Lingshuang, Lingling, and Xiao Lu were left at the entrance of the hotel.

“Luo Heng, I’m sorry, I called you a bun, and I misunderstood that you are a scumbag.”

Lingling sincerely apologized to Luo Heng.

After experiencing the events of last night, while Lingling matured a lot, she also felt that she was too naive before.

Therefore, she now apologizes to Luo Heng for what happened before.

“Luo Heng is the same with me. I’m really sorry for what happened before.”

Xiao Lu on the side clasped her hands together, and also sincerely apologized.

Xiao Lu and Lingling are both petite and cute. At this time, they both showed a pitiful look to Luo Heng, attracting the attention of many passing pedestrians.

I don’t know, I thought what happened to Luo Heng.

Facing the apology of the two, Luo Heng smiled slightly: “It’s okay, young man, if I can understand it naively, I didn’t take it to heart.”

Luo Heng’s indifferent smile matched his somewhat ridiculous tone, and for a while, he seemed to be very unbeatable.

But Lingling and Xiaolu also knew that they were at a disadvantage: “Yes, yes, we are young people, and we are naive. Thank you, your lord, for forgiving us a lot.”

The two resigned themselves to their fate, which caused An Lingshuang on the side to cover her mouth and chuckled: “Luo Heng, this is the first time I have seen someone who can make Lingling and Xiaolu apologize willingly.”

“That’s not because my personal charm is too strong.”

Luo Heng grinned, showing a proud expression.

“Tsk tsk, it turns out that you still have such a side. I always thought you were the unsmiling type.”

An Lingshuang on the side seemed to have discovered the new world in awe.

During the whole day spent with Luo Heng yesterday, he was quiet and calm. I didn’t expect such a person to have such a side.

But Luo Heng like this is more youthful.

An Lingshuang who was thinking this way stared at Luo Heng’s beautiful eyes with brilliant colors.

“I have always been like this.”

Luo Heng smiled slightly, and then waved his hand: “Okay, I won’t tell you more, I have to go to training, and see you next time.”

After speaking, Luo Heng left here without looking back.

He could have stayed for a while, but An Lingshuang’s scorching gaze couldn’t stand him, so he could only leave soon.

As an adult, Luo Heng certainly understood the admiration of her eyes, but he only regarded it as an ordinary girl’s admiration for the strong.

If he really took advantage of the girl’s friendship to make any promises or things he shouldn’t do, it would be really a sin.

“Ling Shuang, won’t you catch up?”

Looking at An Lingshuang staring at Luo Heng in a daze, Lingling couldn’t help but say.

I didn’t expect that the most beautiful girl around me was so attracted to others!

“No, they have girlfriends, and they are in good shape and good-looking. What’s the point of me catching up?”

An Lingshuang, a girl with moles of tears, said pretendingly.

“Hey, Xiaolingshuang, don’t be discouraged, if Luo Heng breaks up, don’t you have a chance?”

Xiao Lu stood on her toes and touched An Lingshuang’s head, and then she gave another smirk: “If you really can’t let go of him, then you can run over and ask if he minds one more. Girlfriend, if you don’t mind, you have a chance~”

“Xiao Lu! I think you owe you a beating!”

An Lingshuang yelled shyly, and immediately started laughing and arguing with Xiao Lu.


Luo Heng, who had left Jiangnan Xiaoju, returned to teacher Jiang Nian’s villa training room again and started training. It was not until nine o’clock in the evening before he walked to the boys’ dormitory.

The campus of Jiangnan University is still as peaceful and quiet as ever, and there are many students walking on the road.

There are couples walking together, and there are also girls and boys in groups of three, most of whom are smiling and walking while talking.

There is also a single person like Luo Heng, walking hurriedly by.

“Guess who I am~”

Suddenly, with a sweet voice, Luo Heng’s eyes were blindfolded by a pair of small hands.

“Xiao Xi, today’s training ended so early?”

Holding Qianqianyu’s hand on his eyes and putting it down, Luo Heng turned his head and saw Yao Muxi standing quietly.

At this time, she was wearing a black tight-fitting training suit, which outlined her perfect figure.

The breasts are much plumper than ordinary girls, the slender waist with a full grip, the perfect waist-to-hip ratio, plus those slender legs.

Suddenly, Luo Heng stared blankly again.

“Smelly Luo Heng, look at me like this again!”

Feeling Luo Heng’s hot gaze, Yao Muxi couldn’t help shouting shyly.

This smelly Luo Heng, that’s how he looked at me at the beginning!


With a dry cough, Luo Heng came back to his senses and said with a smile: “Sorry, I thought which fairy went down, so I was dumbfounded for a while, I’m sorry.”

“Huh, the stinky greasy mouth Luo Heng!”

Yao Muxi let out a soft snort, but still took Luo Heng’s hand and walked forward.

“By the way, Xiaoxi, I have applied to Teacher Jiang for the qualification to train in the training building, and we can go to train together in the future.”

Luo Heng, who had walked a bit with Yao Muxi, said suddenly.

“Really? That’s great.”

Yao Muxi’s voice of surprise sounded.

Like other girls, when she fell in love, she wanted to spend more time with Luo Heng, but because the two had different training locations.

Therefore, she can only stay with Luo Heng after training at night.

Now, if they are all in the training building, they can go together in the morning!

Seeing Yao Muxi’s surprised expression, Luo Heng couldn’t help but smiled: “Then we will see you downstairs at seven tomorrow morning.”


Yao Muxi nodded solemnly. .

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