Chapter 127

The snack street of Jiangnan University, although it is called the snack street, there are also many restaurants.

In view of the spending power of Jiang University, most of the consumption of snack street restaurants are very approachable.

But in addition, there are also high-end restaurants with slightly higher consumption, Jiangnan Xiaoju is one of them.

At this time, Luo Heng and his party sat in a private room in Jiangnan Xiaoju.

“It is worthy of being the third-ranked Jiangnan University in the country. This random restaurant has a special flavor.”

Yang Zhentian, who looked around, said with emotion.

“It’s also the first time I know that there is such a place in Snack Street.”

Luo Heng next to Yang Zhentian said with a smile.

Snack Street, he basically comes every day, but every morning, he eats breakfast at a location close to the entrance of the Snack Street and leaves.

I really don’t know much about the restaurants in the snack street.

For example, this Jiangnan small residence, this kind of overall decoration tends to be quiet and quiet, and it is not clear to the hotel that has the regional characteristics of Jiangnan Province.

‘You can bring Xiaoxi to try it later. ’

Luo Heng secretly said in his heart.

“Lingling and I discovered this restaurant by chance last semester. The dishes are good and the prices are not very expensive.”

An Lingshuang explained with a smile.

Lingling is a snack food. Under her leadership, they have eaten almost all the restaurants in the snack street.


Lingling next to her smiled, and then she looked at Luo Heng: “Luo Da, you are so hot now. You must give me a signature later. I want to keep it as a collection. A hundred years later, maybe It becomes a rare treasure.”

Lingling looked at Luo Heng’s eyes full of small stars.

She had been at the front desk of the concert last night, so although she knew that Luo Heng had rescued many people, she really didn’t know how to do it.

However, the videos that broke out on the Internet this morning answered her doubts very well.

Looking at the gorgeous golden-red flame, and the sharp sword technique.

She suddenly realized that Xiao Yuan’s idol, who she had previously fanned, seemed to have lost her appeal, and she could no longer hold any interest.

As for Luo Heng, he appreciates and cares very much.

So, asking for an autograph from your idol is not too much, right?

It’s definitely not to sell money after getting more popular in the future, um, definitely not!

“Hmm? What do you mean? Does my signature do anything. `?”

Listening to Lingling’s slightly ridiculous words, Luo Heng was puzzled.

I am an ordinary ability person, what do I want my signature for?

“Haha, it seems that little brother Luo Heng still doesn’t know the videos on the Internet.”

Yang Zhentian laughed and said: “Now, there are videos of you killing alien animals everywhere on the Internet. It is very popular, even I have seen it many times.”


Luo Heng took out his phone and started searching.

He had been training in Teacher Jiang’s training room this morning, and he didn’t even have time to turn on his mobile phone, so he didn’t know that it was normal.

Just input the five words “fire type supernatural powers”, a video titled “fire type supernatural powers a knife and a strange beast” jumped out.

Click to enter, and it is surprisingly the video of him protecting the crowd in the back row and rushing to the front desk of the concert last night.

At the beginning of the video, a large number of bullet screens rolled in:

“After watching it ten times, I still feel so handsome and energetic, no, I have to watch it again!”

“Does anyone know what the name of this fire-type supernatural power is? It looks so gorgeous and amazing!”

“Woo, although I haven’t seen the appearance of this strong man, I can feel that he must be a handsome guy!”

“This fierce swing of the knife, I love it.”


A large number of barrage is praised by the figure in the video.

Luo Heng clicked on several other videos again, most of which were taken when he killed the alien beast last night, but the angle was different.

And most of the barrage and comments of those videos are feeling the power of his abilities and the sharpness of his swordsmanship.

“Captain Yang, didn’t you say that everything that happened last night must be kept secret? Why did the video appear on the Internet so soon?”

Turning off the phone, Luo Heng asked suspiciously.

“There were more than 7,500 people who survived last night. It is basically impossible to keep so many people secret.”

Yang Zhentian, who is holding the menu, said with a smile, “Moreover, the videos on the Internet are very positive now, even if it is leaked, it will be fine. Anyway, the upper level has arranged a press conference on this incident in the evening.”

“After the press conference begins, the public will know about these things.”

“There is a press conference tonight? Captain Yang, wouldn’t you come to us for this, right?”

Luo Heng frowned.

“It’s true that I came to you because of this.”

Yang Zhentian smiled slightly, put down the menu, and then said: “The city recognizes your actions to protect the masses, so I decided to promote you as a positive image.”

“Of course, it depends on your own wishes.”

As soon as Yang Zhentian’s voice fell, Luo Heng frowned.

Any image promotion sounds very troublesome.

Moreover, according to his current enthusiasm, if he is promoted, he may not be pointed out when he goes to the streets in the future.

“Captain Yang, I want to go!”

Yu Shuai on the side could not wait to speak.

He has always liked this kind of showy thing.

The eyes of Ma Jie and the other two girls beside him were also shining, and they were obviously a little excited.

“What about you guys?”

Yang Zhentian looked at Luo Heng, An Lingshuang, Lingling and Xiao Lu, waiting for their answers.

Lingling and Xiao Lu looked at An Lingshuang, and An Lingshuang looked at Luo Heng.

“Captain Yang, I won’t go, I’m afraid that my publicity will not even have a normal life.”

Luo Heng, who was staring at him, smiled bitterly.

“Haha, yes, you are very hot now, and it makes sense not to go.”

Looking at Luo Heng’s bitter face, Yang Zhentian laughed, and did not force him.

“¨” Captain Yang, I still have something to do tonight, and I can’t go. ”

An Lingshuang said immediately.

This kind of honor is of no use to her. Since Luo Heng is not going, she doesn’t want to go.

“We have the same idea as Ling Shuang.”

Lingling and Xiao Lu spoke at the same time.

Their thoughts were very simple. Since An Lingshuang was not going to go, the two of them had no interest in the past.

“Okay, then Yu Shuai, you can just go over.”

Yang Zhentian didn’t care much about Luo Heng’s rejection. As long as someone stood up and promoted it as a positive image, it didn’t matter who it was.

“By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you.”

Yang Zhentian patted his head, he almost forgot about it.

“In view of your bravery performance last night, the mayor of Jiangning City decided to give you some rewards.”

“Each of you can get one million China coins.”

“one million!”

Listening to Yang Zhentian’s words, all faces appeared except for joy.

“Among them, Luo Heng, who has contributed the most, will receive 10 million China coins and some military merits from supernatural powers.”

After a pause, Yang Zhentian continued to say (good).

“Ten million? Military merit?”

Everyone was shocked, this reward is too luxurious!

But while they were shocked, they did not show jealousy. After all, this was what Luo Heng deserved.

Without him, they might have all died in it last night!

“so much?”

Luo Heng was also a little surprised.

Not to mention military merits, ten million China coins is too much.

“Haha, in fact, the rewards given by the city are only two million, and the remaining eight million are actually some rewards.”

Yang Zhentian explained: “Most of the members of the blood wheel organization are fugitives with supernatural powers. In addition to the official rewards for them, some victims are also offering rewards for them.”

“Among them, for the Tier 3 ability person you killed, the victim has offered a reward of 5 million!”

“So, in the end, you have ten million.”

Yang Zhentian, who finished speaking in one breath, picked up the water glass and drank.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Everyone was relieved that even if they were given this kind of reward, they would not be able to get it!

Facing the third-order abilities, they only have to die! .

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